59 research outputs found

    Tailoring electrostatic surface potential and adsorption capacity of porous ceramics by silica-assisted sintering

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    In this study, we apply silica-assisted sintering to develop porous yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) ceramics with tailored electrostatic surface potential and adsorption capacity as a promising alternative to chemical functionalization. The porous bodies were formed by partial sintering at 1050 °C and were investigated regarding the influence of admixtures of silica particles on sintering behavior, microstructural evolution and the resulting mechanical and surface properties of the material, particularly the surface potential. With increasing silica concentration, the sintering mechanism was gradually changed from solid state to liquid phase sintering, due to the wetting of YSZ by liquid silica and a resulting inhibition of mass transport, particle growth and diffusion-induced densification. Most importantly, due to the silica layer development, the isoelectric point (IEP) of the YSZ/silica material surfaces was systematically shifted towards the IEP of silica from pH 9.4 to 1.2 resulting in a more pronounced negative surface potential at neutral pH. The relationship between surface IEP and silica concentration was mathematically described using the IEPs of the starting materials, the YSZ particle radius and the glass layer thickness. This estimation allows us to tailor the surface coverage of the YSZ matrix with silica as well as the resulting electrostatic surface potential. We further demonstrate how the applied processing route can be effectively used to develop ceramics with specified adsorption capacities for protein immobilization for use in filtration, bioprocessing or biomaterial applications. © 202

    Silver nanoparticle-doped zirconia capillaries for enhanced bacterial filtration

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    Membrane clogging and biofilm formation are the most serious problems during water filtration. Silver nanoparticle (Agnano) coatings on filtration membranes can prevent bacterial adhesion and the initiation of biofilm formation. In this study, Agnano are immobilized via direct reduction on porous zirconia capillary membranes to generate a nanocomposite material combining the advantages of ceramics being chemically, thermally and mechanically stable with nanosilver, an efficient broadband bactericide for water decontamination. The filtration of bacterial suspensions of the fecal contaminant Escherichia coli reveals highly efficient bacterial retention capacities of the capillaries of 8 log reduction values, fulfilling the requirements on safe drinking water according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Maximum bacterial loading capacities of the capillary membranes are determined to be 3 × 109 bacterial cells/750 mm2 capillary surface until back flushing is recommendable. The immobilized Agnano remain accessible and exhibit strong bactericidal properties by killing retained bacteria up to maximum bacterial loads of 6 × 108 bacterial cells/750 mm2 capillary surface and the regenerated membranes regain filtration efficiencies of 95–100%. Silver release is moderate as only 0.8% of the initial silver loading is leached during a three-day filtration experiment leading to average silver contaminant levels of 100 ÎŒg/L

    Ceramic Open Cell Foams Featuring Plasmonic Hybrid Metal Nanoparticles for In Situ SERS Monitoring of Catalytic Reactions

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    Abstract This work presents porous zirconia‐toughened alumina ceramics functionalized with Au@Pd/Au@Pt core–shell nanoparticle (NP) for in situ monitoring of catalytic reactions via surface‐enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) which is augmented by the open cell foam structure of the ceramic support. In this respect, the porous ceramic enables efficient light trapping and propagation onto the coated surface, which provides good accessibility of the catalyst, while the core–shell particles are equipped with a catalytically active shell and a plasmonic core which enables SERS sensing. The metallic hybrid core–shell NPs are synthesized by the Au‐seed mediated method and colloidally deposited onto the open porous ceramic matrix prepared via the polymer replica method. The Au@Pt NP functionalized porous ceramic show a Raman enhancement factor up to 106, which is significantly higher than that of non‐porous samples. In situ reaction monitoring via SERS is demonstrated by the Pt‐catalyzed reduction of 4‐nitrothiophenol to 4‐aminothiophenol, showing high specificity for analysis of reactants and products. This multifunctional material concept featuring ceramics‐augmented SERS and catalytic activity could be extended beyond real‐time, sensitive reaction monitoring toward high temperature reactions, photothermal catalysis, bioprocessing and ‐sensing, green energy conversion, and related applications


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    L’Etudiant: - Bonjour, j’espĂšre que vous allez passĂ© de bonnes vacances. Le Professeur: - Oui, trĂšs bien et vous? E:- TrĂšs bien aussi, j’ai pu suivre une formation intensive du chinois langue Ă©trangĂšre Ă  l’UniversitĂ© des langues et des cultures de PĂ©kin, c’était trĂšs enrichissante. P: - Voulez-vous aussi devenir l’enseignant du chinois langue Ă©trangĂšre? E: - Oui, c’est ce que j’essaie de faire. P: - C’est tout Ă  fait envisageable. Je suppose que vous ĂȘtes venue me voir aujourd’hui pour discut..

    Data of one-dimensional polymer-derived ceramic nanowires with electrocatalytically active metallic silicide tips as cathode catalysts for Zn–air batteries

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    This dataset contains the data presented in the figures of pulbished paper "One-dimensional polymer-derived ceramic nanowires with electrocatalytically active metallic silicide tips as cathode catalysts for Zn–air batteries" RSC Advances 11 39707 (https://doi.org/10.1039/D1RA05688C) The electrochemical characterisation data, which was measured in University of Tartu Institute of Chemistry, is for Figures 5, 7, S5-S7 and the nomenclature of the catalysts is the same as in the mentioned article
