27 research outputs found

    Tax Avoidance and Corporate Governance Mechanisms: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange

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    This study aims to investigate the relationship between certain mechanisms of corporate governance and tax avoidance in companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange during the years 2011-2015. In this regard, the effect of some corporate governance indices (number of board members, non-duty members, managerial ownership and institutional ownership) on tax avoidance was investigated. The sample comprises 104 companies listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange. Eviews software was used for analyzing the data and multiple regression was used to test the hypotheses. Results indicated that there is no significant relationship between number of board members, proportion of non-duty members, institutional ownership and tax avoidance. Furthermore, there is no significant relationship between managerial ownership and tax avoidance. Keywords: Tax Avoidance, Anti-Tax, Income Tax Evasion, Tax Evasion. JEL Classification: H2

    Fatty acid compositions and nutritional value of six walnut (Juglans regia L.) cultivars grown in Iran

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    Background and aims: Walnuts are good sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and polyphenols which have beneficial effects such as proper growth, decreasing coronary heart disease, prevention of several kinds of cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-mutagenic activities. In this study, the fatty acid content and antiradical activity of different walnut (Juglans regia L.) genotypes grown in Kolyaei region located in Kermanshah Province (Iran) were investigated. Methods: In this experimental study, fatty acid compositions in different genotypes of Persian walnut were determined using a GC–FID coupled with a flame ionization detector. For antiradical activity, methanolic extracts of different genotypes affected on DPPH (2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical. BHA (2-tert-butyl-4-methoxyphenol) was used as the reference compound. Results: Total oil content of walnuts ranged from 63.3 to 78.5. Oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid contents ranged respectively from 17.9 to 28.6, 46.9 to 56.8, 10.8 to 13.9, 5.5 to 7.2 and 2.0 to 3.9, while trace amounts of other fatty acids (<0.1 each) were detected in the samples. The results demonstrated that fatty acid composition is genotype dependent and the highest amounts of PUFA (due to the high content of linoleic acid) were observed in B2 genotype. Among different studied genotypes, the extract of B2 had also the highest radical scavenging activity and therefore the lowest EC50. Conclusion: It was concluded that pellicle is a necessary protecting layer that can help to inhibit the oxidation of fatty acids

    Universal Aspects of Coulomb Frustrated Phase Separation

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    We study the consequences of Coulomb interactions on a system undergoing a putative first order phase transition. In two dimensions (2D), near the critical density, the system is universally unstable to the formation of new intermediate phases, which we call ``electronic microemulsion phases,'' which consist of an intermediate scale mixture of regions of the two competing phases. A correlary is that there can be no direct transition as a function of density from a 2D Wigner crystal to a uniform electron liquid. In 3D, %we find that if the strength of the Coulomb interactions exceeds a critical value, no phase separation occurs, while for weaker Coulomb strength, electronic microemulsions are inevitable. This tendency is considerably more pronounced in anisotropic (quasi 2D or quasi 1D) systems, where a devil's staircase of transitions is possible.Comment: 4 pg

    Determination of fatty acid compositions, and pellicle antioxidant properties of different Persian walnut genotypes

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    زمینه و هدف: گردوها منبع خوبی از اسیدهای چرب ضروری و توکوفرول ها می باشند. ترکیبات شیمیایی بویژه اسیدهای چرب و توکوفرول ها وابسته به نوع ژنوتیپ و شرایط محیطی مختلف هستند. این مطالعه با هدف بررسی ترکیبات اسیدهای چرب و همچنین خاصیت آنتی اکسیدانی پوسته محاط کننده مغز گردو (Pellicle) در ژنوتیپ های مختلف گردوی ایرانی (Juglans regia L.) طراحی و اجرا شده است. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه تجربی شش ژنوتیپ گردو (K1, G1, B1, K2, K3, B2) از نقاط مختلف منطقه کلیایی در استان کرمانشاه جمع آوری گردید. ترکیب اسیدهای چرب (9 ترکیب) با استفاده از کروماتوگرافی گازی کوپل شده با آشکارساز یونیزاسیون شعله ای آنالیز شد. برای بررسی خاصیت آنتی اکسیدانی از روش مهار فعالیت رادیکال DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) استفاده شد. یافته ها: روغن کل در دامنه ای از3/63 تا 5/78 قرار داشت. اسیدهای چرب دارای چند پیوند دوگانه (PUFA) مهمترین گروه اسیدهای چرب در روغن ژنوتیپ های مختلف مورد مطالعه را شامل می شدند که در دامنه ای از 6/57 تا 2/70 بودند. بالاترین میزان PUFA در ژنوتیپ کوره گردگان (B2) مشاهده شد. ژنوتیپ B2 نسبت به سایر ژنوتیپ ها فعالیت جمع آوری رادیکال بیشتری داشت (05/0>P). نتیجه گیری: نتایج این مطالعه نشان داد، ترکیب اسیدهای چرب وابسته به ژنوتیپ است. پوسته نازک دور مغز سرشار از ضد رادیکال می باشد و به عنوان یک لایه محافظت کننده، اسیدهای چرب به خصوص اسیدهای چرب PUFA را در برابر رادیکال ها محافظت می کند

    Multiple unite sustained released floating of sodium diclofenac: Formulation and evaluation using factorial design

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    The aim of this study was prepare and evaluate floating granules of sodium diclofenac with lipid excipient for prolonged gastric residence and reduced dose regimen. Floating granules prepared by extruder-spheronization technique. Compritol and gelucire as lipid excipient, HPMC as retardant and tween 80 as emulsifier were used. The effect of drug/lipid, drug/HPMC, drug amount, percentage of tween and type of lipid on floating ability, morphology and dissolution parameters were evaluated by factorial design. Results showed floating ability of granules was influenced by proportion of drug/lipid, drug/HPMC and percentage of tween. Floating property of Compritol was more than gelucire and provided good floating particles. Compritol granules provided suitable sustained release pattern in the manner that increase in D/L reduced D8 and MDT and increase in %T increased MDT. Higuchi model was the best fitted for dissolution data of granules prepared by Compritol and gelucire. In conclusion, Compritol provided more suitable floating ability and sustained release property.Keywords: Sodium diclofenac; Floating granules; Gastric residence time; Extruder-spheronizatio

    Effect of Testosterone Enanthate Modeling of Polycystic Ovary on Liver Irs-2 mRNA Expression in Rats: A Brief Report

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    هناك العديد من النماذج الحيوانية لتكيس المبايض (PCO). يعد استخدام إينونثات التستوستيرون الخارجي إحدى طرق تحريض هذه النماذج. ومع ذلك ، يجب أيضًا دراسة تحريض مقاومة الأنسولين في تقنيات النماذج. لذلك ، تهدف الدراسة الحالية إلى التحقق من تعبير ركيزة مستقبلات الأنسولين (Irs) -2 mRNA في أنسجة الكبد لنموذج PCO الفئران. تم تقسيم تسعة عشر من قئران ويستار إلى ثلاث مجموعات. (1) تلقت مجموعة نمذجة PCO (N = 7) يوميًا 1.0 مجم / 100 جرام من إينونثات التستوستيرون المذاب في زيت الزيتون جنبًا إلى جنب مع الوصول الحر الى ماء الدكستروز ذي  التركيز 5 ٪ ، (2) مجموعة المركبات (N = 6) ، والتي تم التعامل معها مثل مجموعة PCO ، لكنهم لم يتلقوا إينونثات التستوستيرون، (3) مجموعة التحكم (N = 6) مع الرعاية المنتظمة. تم حقن جميع الحيوانات داخل الصفاق لمدة 14 يومًا. تمت دراسة التعبير عن Irs-2 mRNA باستخدام PCR في الوقت الفعلي وتم الإبلاغ عن تغييرات الطي (FC). تم اعتبار متوسط التعبير في المجموعة الضابطة بمثابة المعيار. تم العثور على حوالي 13.4 ٪ تقليل التعبير في مجموعة PCO (FC = 0.874 ، قيمة P = 0.043). لم يتم العثور على انخفاض كبير في مجموعة المركبات (FC = 0.951 ، قيمة P = 0.076). ومع ذلك ، لم يُظهر تحليل التباين فرقًا معنويًا بين جميع مجموعات الدراسة (قيمة P = 0.085). قد يؤدي النموذج الحالي لـ PCO إلى مقاومة الأنسولين على مستوى الكبد بحجم تأثير منخفض عن طريق تقليل تعبير mRNA عن Irs-2. يُقترح دراسة الجينات والجزيئات المعنية في الأنسجة الأخرى لنماذج حيوانية PCO.There are many animal models for polycystic ovary (PCO); using exogenous testosterone enanthate is one of the methods of induction of these models. However, induction of insulin resistance should also be studied in the modeling technics. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the expression of insulin receptor substrate (Irs)-2 mRNA in the liver tissue of rat PCO model. Nineteen Wistar rats were divided into three groups; (1) PCO modeling group (N =7) received daily 1.0 mg/100g testosterone enanthate solved in olive oil along with free access dextrose water 5%, (2) vehicle group (N =6), which handled like the PCO group, but did not receive testosterone enanthate, (3) control group (N =6) with standard care. All the animals were administered via intra-peritoneal injection for 14 days. Expression of Irs-2 mRNA was studied with real-time PCR and fold changes (FC) were reported. The average of expression in the control group was considered as the calibrator. About 13.4% expression reduction was found in the PCO group (FC =0.874, P-value =0.043). No significant reduction was found in the vehicle group (FC =0.951, P-value =0.076). However, analysis of variance did not show a significant difference between all the groups of study (P-value =0.085). The present model of PCO might induce insulin resistance at liver level with a low effect size via reduction in the mRNA expression of Irs-2. Study of the involved genes and molecules in other tissues of PCO animal models is suggested

    Comparative growth and physiological responses of tetraploid and hexaploid species of wheat to flooding stress

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    Present study is aimed to comparatively investigate the response of two ploidy levels of wheat including a tetraploid (Triticum turgidum L.) and a hexaploid (Triticum aestivum L.) wheat to different durations of flooding stress. Wheat seedlings were exposed to flooding stress for 0, 3, 6 and 9 days. Results showed that all flooding treatments significantly decreased the shoot and root length, and chlorophyll content of both species of wheat. The decrease in chlorophyll content of tetraploid wheat was more than that of hexaploid one. In both species, ADH activity of root was significantly increased under flooding stress, where the increase was more in hexaploid wheat. Flooding stress did not significantly affect root and shoot water content, root porosity, and shoot protein content of any wheat species. Tetraploid and hexaploid wheat used different mechanisms for better tolerance of flooding condition, where tetraploid wheat increased the proline content but in hexaploid wheat, an increase in soluble sugar content was observed.</p

    The Effect of Agency costs on tax gap in the Companies Listed in tehran stock exchange

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    This research investigates the effect of agency costs on tax gap with structural equation modeling approach. To do this, the information has been collected from audited financial statements of firms listed in Tehran stock exchange for a seven-year period from 2006 to 2014. In order to measure agency costs (latent variable) as the independent variable, observable variables have been used like: asset utilization ratio, discretionary expenses, company size, tobins q ratio and free cash flow ratio. Tax gap as dependent variable is calculated using the different of determined tax and declared tax. Profitability and financial leverage ratio are the control variables. After ensuring that measurement patterns and structure of research are acceptable, the results show that agency costs have a negative effect on tax gap, although its intensity is not statistically significant. Also, there is no significant relationship between the control variables (profitability and financial leverage) and the tax ga

    The Impact of CEO Narcissism on Tax Avoidance with an Emphasis on Internal Control Systems

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of the system's independence on tax decision-making with regard to the role of internal regulatory institutions. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlation in terms of month. Classification For the purpose of the research, 125 companies from among the companies admitted to the Tehran Stock Exchange during the years 1390 to 1400 (11 years) were selected by systematic elimination sampling method and a total of 1375 (year-company) were considered for analysis. In order to investigate the relationships between multivariate regression and in the sense of fitting the regression model, the generalized least squares method is used and to test the hypotheses, the panel data method is used. In the accounting literature, the subject of narcissism and tax avoidance has been examined, but the effect of internal regulatory institutions such as the audit committee and the quality of internal controls have not been investigated, so this issue is the main innovation and motivation of the present research. Research studies show that it has a positive and significant effect on taxes. Also, the audit committee and the quality of the internal control system weakens the effect of the manager's positivity on tax relief.Keywords: CEO's narcissism, tax avoidance, Internal Control Quality, Audit Committe

    The Role of Information Technology (IT) in Promotion of Accrual Accounting System in the Medical Science Universities in Iran (Case Study: Kermanshah Medical Science University)

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    Providing information to promote managers' decision making level is one of the main tasks of accountants. So IT is a basis of accounting information, such as accrual accounting system. The method used is survey and the questionnaire- made by the researcher- is distributed among accounting staff employed at main headquarters of university, all faculties, and assistants of Kermanshah Medical Science University. The research sample consists of 75 people and Partial Regression is used to test research hypothesis. The results show that IT plays an important role in manager's planning and decision making, data and information managing, assessment of the performance of organizations and employees, increase of data security and using better methods of financial reporting and human resource management. Thus, since the factors mentioned above are effective on developing an accrual accounting system, it can be said that an appropriate information technology is the most essential factor in developing an accrual accounting system