458 research outputs found

    Hair Follicle and Fiber Reconstruction

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    Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of Electron-Phonon Interactions in Correlated Systems: Application to Isotope Effects on Electronic Properties

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    We use a recently developed formalism (combining an adiabatic expansion and dynamical mean-field theory) to obtain expressions for isotope effects on electronic properties in correlated systems. As an example we calculate the isotope effect on electron effective mass for the Holstein model as a function of electron-phonon interaction strength and doping. Our systematic expansion generates diagrams neglected in previous studies, which turn out to give the dominant contributions. The isotope effect is small unless the system is near a lattice instability. We compare this to experiment.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; added discussion of isotope effect away from half fillin

    Nuclear Shadowing in DIS: Numerical Solution of the Evolution Equation for the Green Function

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    Within a light-cone QCD formalism based on the Green function technique incorporating color transparency and coherence length effects we study nuclear shadowing in deep-inelastic scattering at moderately small Bjorken x_{Bj}. Calculations performed so far were based only on approximations leading to an analytical harmonic oscillatory form of the Green function. We present for the first time an exact numerical solution of the evolution equation for the Green function using realistic form of the dipole cross section and nuclear density function. We compare numerical results for nuclear shadowing with previous predictions and discuss differences.Comment: 21 pages including 3 figures; a small revision of the tex

    Stellar structure and compact objects before 1940: Towards relativistic astrophysics

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    Since the mid-1920s, different strands of research used stars as "physics laboratories" for investigating the nature of matter under extreme densities and pressures, impossible to realize on Earth. To trace this process this paper is following the evolution of the concept of a dense core in stars, which was important both for an understanding of stellar evolution and as a testing ground for the fast-evolving field of nuclear physics. In spite of the divide between physicists and astrophysicists, some key actors working in the cross-fertilized soil of overlapping but different scientific cultures formulated models and tentative theories that gradually evolved into more realistic and structured astrophysical objects. These investigations culminated in the first contact with general relativity in 1939, when J. Robert Oppenheimer and his students George Volkoff and Hartland Snyder systematically applied the theory to the dense core of a collapsing neutron star. This pioneering application of Einstein's theory to an astrophysical compact object can be regarded as a milestone in the path eventually leading to the emergence of relativistic astrophysics in the early 1960s.Comment: 83 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the European Physical Journal

    Dairy foods, calcium, and risk of breast cancer overall and for subtypes defined by estrogen receptor status: a pooled analysis of 21 cohort studies

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    Background: Epidemiologic studies examining the relations between dairy product and calcium intakes and breast cancer have been inconclusive, especially for tumor subtypes. Objective: To evaluate the associations between intakes of specific dairy products and calcium and risk of breast cancer overall and for subtypes defined by estrogen receptor (ER) status. Method: We pooled the individual-level data of over 1 million women who were followed for a maximum of 8-20 years across studies. Associations were evaluated for dairy product and calcium intakes and risk of incident invasive breast cancer overall (n = 37,861 cases) and by subtypes defined by ER status. Study-specific multivariable hazard ratios (HRs) were estimated and then combined using random-effects models. Results: Overall, no clear association was observed between the consumption of specific dairy foods, dietary (from foods only) calcium, and total (from foods and supplements) calcium, and risk of overall breast cancer. Although each dairy product showed a null or very weak inverse association with risk of overall breast cancer (P, test for trend >0.05 for all), differences by ER status were suggested for yogurt and cottage/ricotta cheese with associations observed for ER-negative tumors only (pooled HR = 0.90, 95% CI: 0.83, 0.98 comparing >= 60 g/d with = 25 g/d with Conclusion: Our study shows that adult dairy or calcium consumption is unlikely to associate with a higher risk of breast cancer and that higher yogurt and cottage/ricotta cheese intakes were inversely associated with the risk of ER-negative breast cancer, a less hormonally dependent subtype with poor prognosis. Future studies on fermented dairy products, earlier life exposures, ER-negative breast cancer, and different racial/ethnic populations may further elucidate the relation

    Full reduction of large finite random Ising systems by RSRG

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    We describe how to evaluate approximately various physical interesting quantities in random Ising systems by direct renormalization of a finite system. The renormalization procedure is used to reduce the number of degrees of freedom to a number that is small enough, enabling direct summing over the surviving spins. This procedure can be used to obtain averages of functions of the surviving spins. We show how to evaluate averages that involve spins that do not survive the renormalization procedure. We show, for the random field Ising model, how to obtain the "connected" 2-spin correlation function and the "disconnected" 2-spin correlation function. Consequently, we show how to obtain the average susceptibility and the average energy. For an Ising system with random bonds and random fields we show how to obtain the average specific heat. We conclude by presenting our numerical results for the average susceptibility and the "connected" 2-spin correlation function along one of the principal axes. (We believe this to be the first time, where the full three dimensional correlation is calculated and not just parameters like Nu or Eta.) The results for the average susceptibility are used to extract the critical temperature and critical exponents of the 3D random field Ising system.Comment: 30 pages, 17 figure

    Obesity, Ethnicity, and Risk of Critical Care, Mechanical Ventilation, and Mortality in Patients Admitted to Hospital with COVID-19: Analysis of the ISARIC CCP-UK Cohort

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