1 research outputs found

    Vulneraci贸n al derecho al libre desarrollo de la personalidad en el r茅gimen disciplinario de las Fuerzas Armadas del Per煤

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    The objective of the investigation is to establish how the prohibition of maintaining sentimental relations between personnel of different military classification in the Armed Forces of Peru, violates the fundamental right to the free development of personality recognized by the Political Constitution of the State. For this, a non-experimental investigation of a descriptive cross-sectional design was carried out. The instrument that was used was of our own elaboration and has had the validation of the military authorities where the investigation was carried out. The data collection allows us to affirm that 65% of those surveyed have had this constitutional right violated. In detail, it is stated that 2.5% of the sample were forced to resign to maintain their sentimental relationship with the benefits that the Armed Forces grant to the conjugal union. Likewise, the investigation has allowed us to collect data that shows us that 25% of the respondents maintain sentimental relationships with personnel of different military categories in a hidden way from their institution; causing, that in many cases they have not recognized their children and that for this reason they are not offered the benefits that by conjugal union are granted in the Armed Forces.La investigaci贸n tiene por objetivo establecer de qu茅 manera la prohibici贸n de mantener relaciones sentimentales entre personal de distinta clasificaci贸n militar en las Fuerzas Armadas del Per煤, vulnera el derecho fundamental al libre desarrollo de la personalidad reconocido por la Constituci贸n Pol铆tica del Estado. Para ello se realiz贸 una investigaci贸n no experimental de dise帽o transversal de tipo descriptivo. El instrumento que se utiliz贸 fue de elaboraci贸n propia y ha contado con la validaci贸n de las autoridades militares donde se realiz贸 la investigaci贸n. El levantamiento de datos permite afirmar que al 65 % de los encuestados se les ha vulnerado este derecho constitucional. De manera detallada se afirma que al 2.5 % de la muestra se les oblig贸 a renunciar para mantener su relaci贸n sentimental con los beneficios que otorgan las Fuerzas Armadas a la uni贸n conyugal. As铆 mismo, la investigaci贸n ha permitido recopilar datos que nos demuestra que el 25 % de los encuestados mantiene relaciones sentimentales con personal de distinta categor铆a militar de manera oculta a su instituci贸n; ocasionando, que en muchos casos no hayan reconocido a sus hijos y que por ello no se les brinde los beneficios que por uni贸n conyugal se otorga en las Fuerzas Armadas