7,731 research outputs found

    "Effective Demand in the Recent Evolution of the US Economy"

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    We present strong empirical evidence favoring the role of effective demand in the US economy, in the spirit of Keynes and Kalecki. Our inference comes from a statistically well-specified VAR model constructed on a quarterly basis from 1980 to 2008. US output is our variable of interest, and it depends (in our specification) on (1) the wage share, (2) OECD GDP, (3) taxes on corporate income, (4) other budget revenues, (5) credit, and the (6) interest rate. The first variable was included in order to know whether the economy under study is wage led or profit led. The second represents demand from abroad. The third and fourth make up total government expenditure and our arguments regarding these are based on Kalecki's analysis of fiscal policy. The last two variables are analyzed in the context of Keynes's monetary economics. Our results indicate that expansionary monetary, fiscal, and income policies favor higher aggregate demand in the United States.Effective Demand; Wage Shares; Monetary Policy; Fiscal Policy; Model Evaluation

    Social Mobility Attributions in East Asian and Pacific Cultures: Power Distance and Individualism as Moderators of Self-Attribution Bias

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    Self-attribution bias operates in social mobility attributions, with positive circumstances triggering individualist attributions (attributed to one's merits) and negative circumstances triggering structural attributions (attributed to one's race, religion, sex, social connections). Analyses of East Asian and Pacific data of the International Social Survey Programme's Social Inequality Module show that perceived social inequality (PSI) leads to structural attributions, while high subjective social position (SSP) leads to individualist attributions. Cultural contexts, however, support or temper self-attribution bias, thus modifying the effects of PSI and SSP. Cross-level interactions show that the effect of PSI on structural attributions is larger in small power-distance countries, while the effect of SSP on individualist attributions is larger in countries with small power distance, high individualism, and low country average for SSP. That a small power distance strengthens the effects of PSI on structural attributions and of SSP on individualist attributions suggests contrasting scenarios, where disadvantaged groups devalue their competencies for mobility, while privileged groups believe themselves deserving of better outcomes. The context-dependency of the SSP effect suggests the modifiability of individualist attributions. These results help explain why mobility attribution profiles of Australia and New Zealand differ from those of China, Japan, the Philippines, South Korea, and Taiwan

    Analysis of the proteasome-autophagy crosstalk under proteotoxic stress conditions in acute myeloid leukemia

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    La leucĂ©mie myĂ©loĂŻde aiguĂ« (LAM) reprĂ©sente un groupe hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne d'hĂ©matopathies malignes caractĂ©risĂ©es par une prolifĂ©ration clonale de progĂ©niteurs hĂ©matopoĂŻĂ©tiques bloquĂ©s dans leur diffĂ©renciation (blastes), qui s'accumulent dans la moelle osseuse, le sang et d'autres organes. Le LAM fait chaque annĂ©e plus de 3000 morts en France. DiffĂ©rentes mutations gĂ©nĂ©tiques se trouvent dans le LAM, parmi lesquelles celles affectant l'activitĂ© des rĂ©cepteurs de kinase : KIT et FLT3-ITD. La duplication interne en tandem dans le rĂ©cepteur FLT3 (FLT3-ITD), reprĂ©sente 30% des cas de LAM, et a un mauvais pronostic, par rapport aux patients exprimant le rĂ©cepteur de type sauvage. Les patientes atteintes de leucĂ©mie aiguĂ« myĂ©loĂŻde prĂ©sentant une duplication interne en tandem dans le rĂ©cepteur FLT3 (FLT3-ITD), les patients atteints de FLT3-ITD reprĂ©sentent 30% des cas de leucĂ©mie aiguĂ« myĂ©loĂŻde (LAM), et ont un mauvais pronostic de survie par rapport aux patients exprimant le rĂ©cepteur de sauvage. Des Ă©tudes antĂ©rieures ont dĂ©montrĂ© que l'autophagie rĂ©gule la cytotoxicitĂ© induite par l'inhibition du protĂ©asome dans les cellules de LAM FLT3-ITD. Dans cette Ă©tude, les conditions de stress protĂ©otoxique gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es par le bortĂ©zomib (Bz) ont entraĂźnĂ© la dĂ©gradation des sous-unitĂ©s du protĂ©asome dans les cellules FLT3-ITD MOLM-14 mais pas dans les cellules FLT3-WT OCI-AML3, ce qui suggĂšre que la mutation ITD contribue Ă  activer la protĂ©olyse par autophagie du protĂ©asome, connue sous le nom de proteaphagie. L'inhibition chimique de l'autophagie avec la bafilomycine A (BafA) a bloquĂ© la protaphagie et favorisĂ© l'accumulation des sous-unitĂ©s centrales du protĂ©asome accumulĂ©es dans les autophagosomes des cellules MOLM-14 traitĂ©es au Bz. Pour Ă©tudier le rĂŽle de l'ubiquitylation des protĂ©ines dans la protaphagie, nous avons utilisĂ© des TUBE distincts (Tandem Ubiquitin Binding Entities). Alors que TUBE-HHR23 capture p62, les sous-unitĂ©s de protĂ©asome et les formes ubiquitylĂ©es de FLT3, TUBE-p62 ne le fait pas. NĂ©anmoins, TUBE-p62 a protĂ©gĂ© la forme non modifiĂ©e de FLT3-ITD de la dĂ©gradation provoquĂ©e par Bz. Selon nos rĂ©sultats, l'inhibiteur de la p62 Verteporfin (VT) a bloquĂ© la protaphagie et a rĂ©duit la colocalisation de la sous-unitĂ© centrale p62 avec alpha2 mais n'a pas affectĂ© celle de p62 avec Rpn1. VT a Ă©galement protĂ©gĂ© FLT3-ITD de la dĂ©gradation induite par Bz et augmentĂ© la colocalisation de p62 dans les cellules MOLM-14. Les deux inhibiteurs de l'autophagie ont augmentĂ© l'apoptose induite par le Bz dans les cellules MOLM-14, suggĂ©rant que ces traitements combinatoires pourraient ĂȘtre une stratĂ©gie thĂ©rapeutique pour cibler les cellules positives FLT3-ITD. Ainsi, la protĂ©olyse mĂ©diĂ©e par le protĂ©asome et l'autophagie est trĂšs probablement dans un Ă©quilibre dynamique et joue un rĂŽle important lorsque l'une ou l'autre voie est altĂ©rĂ©e.Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) represents a heterogeneous group of malignant hematopathies characterized by a clonal proliferation of hematopoietic progenitors blocked in their differentiation (blasts), which accumulate in the bone marrow, blood, and other organs. The AML causes more than 3000 death every year in France. Different genetic mutations are found in the AML, among them the ones affecting the kinase receptor activity: KIT and FLT3-ITD. The internal tandem duplication in the FLT3 receptor (FLT3-ITD), represents 30% of cases of AML, and has a poor prognosis, compared to patients expressing the wild-type receptor. Previous studies have demonstrated that autophagy regulates cytotoxicity in FLT3-ITD AML cells after proteasome inhibition. In this study proteotoxic stress conditions generated by Bortezomib (Bz) resulted in the degradation of proteasome subunits in FLT3-ITD MOLM-14 cells but not in FLT3-WT OCI-AML3 cells, suggesting ITD mutation contributes to activate autophagy-mediated proteolysis of the proteasome, known as proteaphagy. In this study, using chemical inhibition of autophagy with Bafilomycin A (BafA) we blocked proteaphagy and accumulated proteasome core subunits into autophagosomes of Bz-treated MOLM-14 cells. To investigate the role of protein ubiquitylation in proteaphagy, we used distinct TUBEs (Tandem Ubiquitin Binding Entities). While TUBE-HHR23 captures p62, proteasome subunits and ubiquitylated forms of FLT3, TUBE-p62 does not. Nevertheless, TUBE-p62 protected the unmodified form of FLT3-ITD from degradation driven by Bz. According to our results, the p62 inhibitor Verteporfin (VT) blocked proteaphagy and reduced the colocalization of p62/alpha2 core subunit but did not affected the one of p62/Rpn1. VT also protected FLT3-ITD from Bz-induced degradation and colocalized within p62 in MOLM-14 cells. Both autophagy inhibitors enhanced Bz-induced apoptosis in MOLM-14 cells suggesting that these combinatorial treatments could be a therapeutic strategy to sensitize FLT3-ITD positive cells. This study allowed us to understand that the proteasome- and autophagy-mediated proteolysis are most likely in a dynamic equilibrium and play an important role when one or the other pathway is impaired


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    Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study is to capture the lived experiences of Filipino College Students excessively immersed in online gaming for a year or more with five or more symptoms of Internet Gaming Disorder (I.G.D.). Methodology: This is a qualitative research using the phenomenological approach. Internet Gaming Disorder Scale – Short form (IGD9-SF) was used to identify participants. Using Paul Colaizzi’s Procedure, field text was carefully transcribed and analyzed to determine the statement verbalizations and musings, which collectively described the phenomenon. Main Findings: The conceptual model “E-Loop of I.G.D.” or the “Entertain-Engulfed-Entangle-Escape” has emerged. The findings of this study established the severity of the adverse effects of I.G.D. To students and the severe gaming dysregulation, this resulted in a vacuum in their personal development. Applications of this study: This model provided a clear picture of a vicious cycle of dysregulated internet gaming behaviour which would equip mental health experts’ richer understanding and analysis of action related to gaming. Ultimately, this inference offers an appropriate basis for intervention or treatment programs in assisting students with I.G.D. symptoms. Novelty/Originality of this study: This study provided a novel conceptual framework of internet gaming disorder based on the lived experiences of the symptomatic gamers. Further, it offered more definite conceptions on the vicious cycle of I.G.D

    Myers-Pospelov Model as an Ensemble of Pais-Uhlenbeck Oscillators: Unitarity and Lorentz Invariance Violation

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    We study a generalization of a Pais-Uhlenbeck oscillator for fermionic variables. Next, we consider an ensemble of these oscillators and we identify a particular case of the Myers-Pospelov model which is relevant for effective theories of quantum gravity. Finally, by taking the advantage of this connection, we analyze, for this model, the unitarity at one loop order in the low energy regime where no ghost states can be created on-shell. This energy regime is the relevant one when we consider the Myers-Pospelov model as a true effective theory coming from new space-time structure.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Eur.Phys.Jour.
