8 research outputs found

    Institutional Arrangements For Articulating Land And Water Management In Peri-urban Catchment: Example Of The Metropolitan Region Of São Paulo, Brazil

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    The development of mega-cities exerts an increasing pressure on water resources in their peri-urban areas. Rapid changes in land use in these areas, characterised by the specific hydrologic functions they provide for the city, has resulted in increased pressures on water availability and quality. In the past, the traditional dual (urban/rural) focus of the institutions, their preference for sectorial legislation, and end-to-pipe technological responses have not been able to deal with these tensions in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, in the context of high social inequalities, uncoordinated metropolitan sectorial policies, and insufficient monitoring and control. New institutional arrangements based on democratic and territorial management of water resources are promoting a new vision on planning, and better integration on land and water management. Their efficient implementation may require a better definition of specific instruments to sustain economical compatible activities, facilitate metropolitan coordination and support the participation of the marginalised communities living on the edge of the city. Copyright © 2005 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.32186203Abdalla, C., Kelsey, T.W., Breaking the impasse: Helping communities cope with change at the rural-urban interface (1996) Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, pp. 462-464. , November-DecemberAllen, A., DaSilva, A., Corubolo, E., (1999) Environmental Problems and Opportunities of the Peri-urban Interface and Their Impact Upon the Poor, p. 43. , http://www.ucl.ac.uk/dpu/pui/docu.htm, University College LondonMananciais já tem 150 loteamentos irregulares (1998) Jornal Da Tarde, , Jornal da Tarde, 24 de Julho deBaykal, B.B., Tanik, A., Gonenc, I.E., Water quality in drinking water reservoirs of a megacity, Istanbul (2000) Environmental Management, 26, pp. 607-614Bellenzani, M.L.R., (2000) A APA Municipal Do Capivari-Monos Como Uma Estratégia de Proteção Aos Mananciais Da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, pp. 1-204. , Dissertação de Mestrado, PROCAM, USP, São PauloBouzid, M., Usages Multiples and Gestion Intégrée de l'eau dans un Bassin Versant Péri-urbain. Perspectives Agricoles. L'exemple du Bassin Versant de l'Alto-Tietê-Cabeiceras dans la Région Métropolitaine de São Paulo (2003) Mémoire de Master, p. 108. , CNEARC, MontpellierBraga Jr., B.P.F., The management of urban water conflicts in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (2000) Water International, 25, pp. 208-213Braga Jr., B.P.F., Integrated urban water resources management: A challenge into the 21st century (2001) Water Resources Development, 17, pp. 581-599Brennan, E.M., Mega-city management and innovation strategies: Regional views (1994) Mega-city Growth and the Future, pp. 233-255. , Fuch R.J. (Ed.): United Nations University, Tokyo, JapanDourojeanni, A., Jouralev, A., (1999) Gestion de Cuencas Y Rios Vinculados Com Centros Urbanos, p. 176. , CEPAL, SantiagoDourojeanni, A., Jouravlev, A., (2002) Evolucion de Politicas Hidricas en America Latina e El Caribe, Serie Recursos Naturales e Infraestructura, (51), p. 70. , ECLAC/CEPAL, Santiago de Chile, ChileEsteller, M.V., Diaz-Delgado, C., Environmental effects of aquifer overexploitation: A case study in the highlands of Mexico (2002) Environmental Management, 29, pp. 266-278(1997) Invasões Crescem 53% Na Bacia Do Guarapiranga, , São Paulo, 01 de Setembro(2001) Plano Da Bacia Hidrográfica Do Alto Tietê. Plano Zero, , FUSP, São Paulo(2002) Plano Da Bacia Hidrográfica Do Alto Tietê. Relatório Final, Versão 2.0, p. 281. , FUSP, São PauloGarcia-Quismondo, C.E., (2001) Dynamique de l'Agriculture Périurbaine Dans Le Bassin Versant Metropolitain de Guarapiranga, São Paulo, Bresil, p. 47. , DAA, AGER, INA-PG, Paris, annexesGondolo, G.C.F., (1996) Bacia Do Guarapiranga, Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. Desafios de Um Sistema Complexo à Gestão Ambiental, p. 176. , Dissertação de Mestrado, PROCAM, USP, São Paulo(1997) Uma Nova Políticá de Mananciais, pp. 1-23. , São PauloGuatelli, H., (2001) Para Um Novo Plano de Desenvolvimento e Proteção Ambiental e Um Novo Padrão de Desenvolvimento-o Caso Da Billings, pp. 1-18. , Mimeo, Material Didático do curso de extensão para gestores do Programa Guarapiranga, Convenio Secretaria de Obras do Estado de Sao Paulo e UNICAMP, Campinas, SP(1998) Diagnóstico Sócio Ambiental Participativo Preliminar Da Bacia de Guarapiranga, pp. 1-86. , Instituto Socioambiental (ISA), ECOSCAMBIO, Nucleo ProGuarapiranga, Sao Paulo, BrazilMarcondes, M.J.D.A., (1999) Cidade e Natureza: Proteção Dos Mananciais e Exclusão Social, p. 236. , Studio Nobel, Editora da USP: FAPESP, São PauloMaricato, E., Métropole, peroférica, desigualdade e meio ambiente (2001) O Desafio Da Sustentabilidade: Um Debate Socio-Ambiental No Brazil, pp. 215-232. , Viana G.D.N. (Ed.): Fundação Perseu Abramo, São Paulo, SP, BrazilMattingly, M., (1999) Institutional Structures and Progresses for Environmental Planning and Management of the Peri-urban Interface, p. 9. , http://ucl.ac.uk/dpu/pui, Draft, University College London, LondonNeder, R.T., (2000) Avaliação Da Capacidade Governativa de Comitê de Bacia Hidrográfica Metropolitana: Um Caso Exemplar Em São Paulo, p. 140. , USP/ESALQ, Piracicaba, BrazilPorto, M., Sustaining urban water supplies: The metropolitan region of São Paulo, Brazil. Keynote Lecture (1999) Urban Stability Through Integrated Water Related Issues Management: 9th Stockholm Water Symposium, pp. 107-112. , StockholmPrette, M.E.D., (2000) Apropriação de Recursos Hídricos e Conflitos Sociais: A Gestão Das Areas de Proteção Aos Mananciais Da Regiao Metropolitana de São Paulo, p. 192. , PhD thesis, Departamento de Geografia, FFLCH, Universidade de São Paulo, São PauloReydon, B., (1997) A Interseção Dos Mercados de Terras Rurais e Urbanos: Uma Proposta para Compreensão Da Dinâmica Econômica Da Bacia Do Guarapiranga, , Mimeo(2000) Águas de São Paulo: Passado e Presente, p. 47. , Ligação: Saneamento, Meio Ambiente e desenvolvimento sustentável, set/out 2000Uemura, M.M., (2000) Programa de Saneamento Ambiental Da Bacia de Guarapiranga. Alternativa para a Proteção Dos Manancias?, pp. 1-216. , Tese de Mestrado, FAU, PUC, Campinas, SP, BrazilVlachos, E., Braga, B., The challenge of urban water management (2001) Frontiers in Urban Water Management: Dreadlock or Hope, pp. 1-36. , Malsimovic, C. and Tejada-Guibert, J.A. (Eds.): IWA Publishing, Londo

    Integrating Land Tenure, Infrastructure And Water Catchment Management In Sã Paulo's Periphery: Lessons From A Gaming Approach

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    Much of Sã Paulo's urban expansion is driven by the development of informal settlements on its periphery, which includes the catchment areas that provide important environmental services such as open space and catchments for drinking water reservoirs. In such areas, governance of land, water services and water resources, traditionally administered separately, are in fact interdependent. A role-playing game was built to explore the interactions between different actors (mayor, water company, district representatives and landowners of different types) in land tenure insecurity, water and sanitation infrastructure and pollution in the periphery of SÃ Paulo. An assessment of the game sessions revealed the different points of view of local and institutional actors about the main issues and the possible negotiation arrangements. Institutional actors misunderstood the hierarchy and diversity of community actors' preoccupations, which were related more to land tenure, access to public transport and other aspects such as health and education rather than to water and sanitation infrastructure. Institutional actors also failed to recognize how access to infrastructure and land tenure is shaped by power-based relationships. While community actors appreciated the game and felt that they had learned from the experiment, institutional actors were more critical. These discrepancies call into question the potential effectiveness of the legal, technical and institutional solutions that the institutional actors are promoting to address the pollution issue. © 2010 International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED).222543560Adamatti, D.F., (2005) Jogoman: A Prototype Using Multi-Agent-Based Simulation and Role-Playing Games in Water Management, , France, CABM-HEMA-SMAGET, Bourg-Saint-Maurice, Les ArcsAllen, A., Dávila, J.D., Hofmann, P., Governance of Water and Sanitation Services for the Peri-Urban Poor: A Framework for Understanding and Action in Metropolitan Regions (2006), Development Planning Unit, University College London, 126 pagesBaross, P., van der Linden, J.J., Introduction (1990) The Transformation of Land Supply Systems in Third World Cities, pp. 57-82. , in P Baross and J J van der Linden (editors), pages, Aldershot, AveburyBarreteau, O., Our companion modelling (ComMod) approach (La modélisation comme outil d'accompagnement) (2003) Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 6 (1). , http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/6/2/1.html, Vol No available atBellenzani, M.L.R., (2000) A apa municipal do capivari-monos como uma estratégia de proteçã aos mananciais da regiã metropolitana de Sã Paulo, PROCAM-USP, Sã Paulo, p. 204. , PROCAM-USP, Sã PauloBueno, A.K.S., (2004) A Lei De ProteÇã Aos Mananciais E Mercado De Terras: Um Estudo Sobre Loteamentos Clandestinos, p. 151. , Masters' thesis, pages, Instituto de Economia Campinas, Universidade de Campinas, BrazilButterworth, J., Jeroen, W., Introduction (2007) Peri-Urban Water Conflicts: Supporting Dialogue and Negotiation, pp. 9-23. , in J Butterworth, R Ducrot, N Faysse and S Janakarajan (editors), the Netherlands pages, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, DelftDaré, W., Apprentissage des interdépendances et des dynamiques (2009) La Modélisation D'Accompagnement: Une Démarche Participative En Appui Au Développement Durable, p. 384. , in M Etienne (editor), pages, Quae Editions, ParisDaré, W., Barreteau, O., A role-playing game in irrigated system negotiation: between play and reality (2003) Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 6 (3). , http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/6/3/6.html, Vol No available atde Soto, H., (2000) The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else, p. 276. , pages, Bantam Press, Londonde Souza Flavio, A.M., The future of informal settlements: lessons from the legalization of disputed urban land in Recife, Brazil (2001) Geoforum, 32 (4), pp. 483-492. , Vol No pagesDouglass, M., The political economy of urban poverty and environmental management in Asia: access, empowerment and community-based alternatives (1992) Environment and Urbanization, 4 (2), pp. 9-32. , Vol No October, pagesDucrot, R., Gaming across scale in peri-urban water management: contribution from two experiences in Bolivia and Brazil (2009) International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 16 (1), pp. 240-252. , Vol No pagesDucrot, R., Barban, V., From re-vindication to proposition: capacity-building in negotiation about water management in peri-urban areas (2008), http://wwc2008.msem.univ-montp2.fr/index.php?page=proceedings&abstract_id=78, in Proceedings of the XIIIth World Water Congress 2008: Global Changes and Water Resources, Montpellier, France, 1-4 September, available atDucrot, R., ElaboraÇã multidisciplinar e participativa de jogos de papéis: uma experiência de modelagem de acompanhamento em torno da gestã dos mananciais da regiã metropolitana de Sã Paulo (2008) Ambiente E Sociedade, 11 (2), pp. 355-372. , Vol No pagesDurand-Lasserve, A., Informal settlements and the Millennium Development Goals: global policy debates on property ownership and security of tenure (2006) Global Urban Development, 2 (1), pp. 1-15. , Vol No pagesEtienne, M., (2009) La Modélisation D'Accompagnement: Une Démarche En Appui Au Développement Durable, p. 384. , pages, Quae Editions, ParisEtienne, M., Bourgeois, M., Souchére, V., Participatory modelling of fire prevention and urbanization in southern France: from co-constructing to playing with the model (2008), http://www.iemss.org/iemss2008/uploads/Main/S11-07-Etienne_et_al-IEMSS2008.pdf, in M Sánchez-Marré(editors), International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Barcelona, Catalonia, July 7-10, pages 972-979, available at(2000) Plano Da Bacia Hidrográfica Do Alto Tiete, , http://www.dq.ufscar.br/Labs/biogeoquimica/qualised/qualised-files/arquivos/Plano_Alto_Tiete.zip, Fusp, available at, FUSP, Sã PauloGreen, K.C., Embroiled in a conflict: who do you call? (2002) International Journal of Forecasting, 18 (3), pp. 389-395. , Vol No pagesGulyani, S., Talukdar, D., Slum real estate: the low quality, high price puzzle in Nairobi's slum rental market and its implications for theory and practice (2008) World Development, 36 (10), pp. 1916-1937. , Vol No pagesGutberlet, J., Hunter, A., Social and environmental exclusion at the edge of Sã Paulo, Brazil (2008) URBAN DESIGN International, 13 (1), pp. 3-20. , Vol No pagesLei específica da Guarapiranga: contribuiÇões para sua compreensã e implementaÇã (2008), www.mananciais.org.br/upload_/leiespecificaguarapiranga_isajul08.pdf, Instituto SocioambientalPrograma Mananciais da Regiã Metropolitana de Sã Paulo, available atJacobi, P.R., The challenges of multi-stakeholder management in the watersheds of Sã Paulo (2004) Environment and Urbanization, 16 (2), pp. 199-211. , Vol No October, pagesJacobi, P.R., Granja, S.I.B., (2006) Monitoramento E Análise Dos Jogos - Agualoca E Teráguas. 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    Estimation Of Resources Allocation For A System Of Environmental Services Payment In The Brazilian Amazon Rainforest [estimativa De Aporte De Recursos Para Um Sistema De Pagamento Por Serviços Ambientais Na Floresta Amazônica Brasileira]

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    This paper offers an appraisal of a mechanism of Payments for Environmental Services (PES) in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest. The estimates were performed for two regions: the Arc of Deforestation and the Legal Amazon. The estimates were based on a cost of opportunity of R$ 123.00 per hectare and the definition of the eligible public was based on the area and the income generated by the farms in these two areas.122223239+405Araújo, L.M., Silva, T.M., Nascimento, E.R., Análise dos focos de calor em áreas florestais ao longo do Arco do Desmatamento (2007) Anais, , In: Simpósio Brasileiro De Sensoriamento Remoto, 13, 2007 Florianópolis, SC Florianópolis, SC: INPE(1965) Lei n°4.771 de 15 de setembro de 1965, , Brasil, Institui o novo Código Florestal. 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    Paying For Environmental Services: A Proposal For The Chico Mendes Extractivist Reserve [pagando Pelos Serviços Ambientais: Uma Proposta Para A Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes]

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    It is known that the process of economical occupation, in the last forty years, it was extremely harmful to the environment and the traditional populations of the Amazon region, still persisting today the immense difficulties of reproduction of the families inside the forest. One of the principal challenges in the search of a Sustainable Development is the promotion of the economical development of the productive units, starting from the non timber forest products (NTFP), and, consequently, of the social reproduction of that population. It is aimed at in the present study to propose a feasible alternative of payment for the environmental services (PSA) promoted by the communities extrativistas, there is more than one century. For so much, it is looked for, initially, to accomplish a socioeconomic evaluation of the rural family production in Extractive Reserve (RESEX) Chico Mendes, in Xapuri-AC, in the sense of offering a coherent proposal with the needs of the studied families. It is used for so much own and specific methodology, for intermissions of measures and indicators of resulted economical, evaluating the evolution of the economical development of the last nine years in the area. The results indicate the decrease of the generation of income of products originating from of the NTFPs, demonstrating the difficulties of reproduction of that system and of the families, besides enhancing the invigoration of activities predatory of the forest, as it is the case of the extensive livestock, still accomplished in a rudimentary way. In the face of the levels of family reproduction, is calculated that the necessary minimum value for PSA would be US13/ha,evidencinganecessaryvalueand,atthesametime,moreappropriatefronttothepropositionsoftheaverageliterature,thatesteemsvaluesforthesameservicesaroundUS 13/ha, evidencing a necessary value and, at the same time, more appropriate front to the propositions of the average literature, that esteems values for the same services around US 50/ha.403489498Aaker, D.A., Managing Assets And Skills: The key to a sustainable competitive advantage (1989) California Management Review, 31 (2), pp. 91-106. , http://www.periodicos.capes.gov.br, winter. Disponível emAllegretti, M.H., Extractive Reserves: A proposal for forest development Amazon (1989) Pará Desenvolvimento, 25, pp. 3-29. , Extrativismo vegetal e reservas extrativistas, Belém, jan./dez. 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