3 research outputs found

    Humanization of Relationships between Teachers and Students in Educational Work

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    Studying tendencies in the transformation of the educational system, which are currently taking place in both primary and secondary schools around the world, revealed an urgent need for the further development of the humanization of education. The humanization of personally oriented relationships between teachers and students in the educational process of primary and secondary schools as the fundamental of the national education system and the environment for developing the younger generation is the most efficient way to strengthen the humanitarian component in the educational process, as shown by the evaluation of the current educational system. The purpose of the academic paper is to highlight the concept, components and main features of the process of humanizing the relationship between teachers and students in the process of educational activities, as well as clarifying the most effective directions for optimizing the humanization of relations between teachers and education seekers. Methodology. While conducting the research, the analytical and bibliographic method was used to study the scientific literature on humanizing relations in the learning process. At the same time, analysis, synthesis and generalization of information were applied to study and process data. By the way, the research authors also conducted a questionnaire in online mode to practically clarify the most important issues related to organizing educational work on the basis of its humanization. Results. Based on the research results, the primary and most significant theoretical aspects of the issue of the humanitarian approach to relations in the learning process were established. The standpoints of scientists, teachers and educational methodologists regarding the key aspects of this issue were investigated

    Benchmarking of the European and Ukrainian Practice of Applying a Personalised Approach to Learning

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    The Report is prepared on the basis of the information received from three European universities – the Project’s partners (including information from the universities’ websites) about the practices of personalised learning (PL); and the information from six Ukrainian universities – the Project’s partners (including surveys of staff and students) to describe the current state/situation, to understand the existing gaps and to define the tasks for the process of implementing the Project. Information about the European universities presents their achievements in the realisation of PL in higher education, including the following directions: PL model; Institutional policies and PL; Infrastructure, environment, tools etc. for PL; QA system and PL; Students and PL; University teachers and PL; Management and PL; Inclusion in the education process. Information on Ukrainian universities has two parts: the 1st – General questions about implementing PL in the university; the 2nd – Questionnaire for surveying staff and students. The Conclusions that are finalising the publication have a practical orientation

    Модуляція властивостей мезенхімальних стромальних клітин мікрооточенням у 3D культурі

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    The aim of the research was to compare the shape, viability, metabolic and proliferative activity of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) during cultivation in hydrogels and macroporous scaffolds. Materials and methods. Human adipose tissue MSCs were isolated from lipoaspirates of healthy adult donors after obtaining informed consent. Hydrogels were obtained from platelet-poor human blood plasma and alginate polymer, cross-linked with calcium ions in microspheres. Macroporous scaffolds were prepared from plasma by the cryotropic gelation method. Morphology and viability of cells within carriers were assessed using vital dyes. Metabolic and proliferative activity of MSCs was studied by the Alamar Blue test on the 1st, 3rd and 7th day of 3D culturing. Results. Three-dimensional blood plasma scaffolds had a branched pore structure with a size sufficient for cell proliferation and migration. When plasma proteins were cross-linked with L-cysteine, almost all MSCs were viable, attached to the pore surface, spread and proliferated, filling carrier cavities. In plasma hydrogels, MSCs occupied spaces and acquired a fibroblast-like morphology, maintaining viability. In alginate microspheres, MSCs were uniform distributed throughout the gel volume, kept their spherical shape, but had high viability. The highest metabolic activity of MSCs was observed in macroporous scaffolds, the lowest one in alginate microspheres. During cultivation, the activity of cells in macroporous scaffolds and plasma hydrogels increased significantly, which indirectly indicated the proliferation processes. Conclusions. Properties of MSCs during 3D cultivation significantly depend on the microenvironment: in blood plasma carriers, cells acquire a fibroblast-like morphology and proliferate, while in alginate microspheres, they remain spherical and do not proliferate.Мета – порівняння форми, життєздатності, метаболічної та проліферативної активності мезенхімальних стромальних клітин (МСК) за культивування у складі гідрогелів та макропористих скафолдів. Матеріали та методи. МСК жирової тканини людини виділяли з ліпоаспіратів дорослих здорових донорів після отримання інформованої згоди. Гідрогелі отримували зі збідненої на тромбоцити плазми крові людини та полімеру альгінату, зшитого іонами кальцію у мікросфери. Макропористі скафолди створювали з плазми методом кріотропного гелеутворення. Морфологію та життєздатність клітин у складі носіїв оцінювали, використовуючи вітальні барвники. Метаболічну та проліферативну активність МСК вивчали за допомогою Alamar Blue тесту на 1, 3 і 7-му добу 3D культивування. Результати. Тривимірні скафолди з плазми крові мали розгалужену структуру пор з розміром, достатнім для проліферації та міграції клітин. Коли білки плазми зшивали L-цистеїном, майже всі МСК були життєздатні, прикріплювались до поверхні пор, розпластувались та проліферували, заповнюючи порожнечі носія. У гідрогелях з плазми МСК заповнювали носій та набували фібробластоподібну морфологію, зберігаючи життєздатність. У альгінатних мікросферах МСК були рівномірно розподілені по всьому об’єму гелю, зберігали сферичну форму, але високу життєздатність. Найвища метаболічна активність МСК спостерігалась у макропористих скафолдах, найнижча – в альгінатних мікросферах. За культивування активність клітин у макропористих скафолдах та гідрогелях з плазми суттєво зростала, що опосередковано свідчило про процеси проліферації. Висновки. За 3D культивування властивості МСК суттєво залежать від мікрооточення: у складі носіїв, створених з плазми крові, клітини набувають фібробластоподібну морфологію та проліферують, а в альгінатних мікросфери залишаються сферичними та не проліферуют