7 research outputs found

    Educación bilingüe en Argentina – Programas y docentes

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    Actualmente, existe una gran variedad de programas de educación bilingüe a nivel mundial y Argentina no es una excepción. Allí, la etiqueta “educación bilingüe” suele aplicarse a una amplia gama de programas que abarcan diversas poblaciones y necesidades específicas.El educador se presenta como elemento clave, así como la importancia de su formación docente que, en algunos casos, ha sufrido modificaciones en los últimos años. Estos cambios se han dado de forma paulatina y como consecuencia de políticas educativas que, además, asisten en la búsqueda de docentes con perfiles específicos.Este artículo presenta un estado de la cuestión actualizado en lo referido a los programas considerados “bilingües” en Argentina. Se detallaron los objetivos y alcances de cada uno de los programas. En segundo lugar, se describieron las características de los docentes que se desempeñan en estos contextos y el tipo de formación que reciben en la actualidad. Por último, se analizaron las posibles áreas de convergencia de los programas bilingües en Argentina, a saber, la relación de poder relativa de las lenguas involucradas y las áreas de base de conocimiento que resultan indispensables para enseñar en los diversos programas de educación bilingüe de Argentina.There is a wide variety of bilingual education programmes around the world and Argentina is no exception. In the latter, the label “bilingual education” is applied to a vast range of programmes that cater for diverse populations and specific needs.The teacher is the key constituent among these programmes as well as his/her teacher training programme, which has undergone changes in the last few years. These changes have been implemented in due time and as a consequence of educational policies which, in turn, assist in the search of educators with a specific profile.This article proposes a current state of the art on the situation of the vast range of programmes considered “bilingual” in Argentina. As a starting point, we presented the objectives and main features of the different bilingual programmes. In the second place, we described the characteristics of the teachers who belong in this context and the type of teacher education they receive. Finally, we looked at those areas that can help towards analysing possible points in common between minority and prestigious bilingual programmes, i.e. the power relations of the languages involved in the different programmes and the knowledge that teachers and other staff members on bilingual programmes require

    Modeling of Josephson Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers

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    The recent developments in quantum technologies, as well as advanced detection experiments, have raised the need to detect extremely weak signals in the microwave frequency spectrum. To this aim, the Josephson travelling wave parametric amplifier, a device capable of reaching the quantum noise limit while providing a wide bandwidth, has been proposed as a suitable cryogenic front-end amplifier. This work deals with the numerical study of a Josephson travelling wave parametric amplifier, without approximations regarding the nonlinearity of the key elements. In particular, we focus on the investigation of the system of coupled nonlinear differential equations representing all the cells of the Josephson travelling wave parametric amplifier, with proper input and output signals at the boundaries. The investigation of the output signals generated by the parametric amplification process explores the phase-space and the Fourier spectral analysis of the output voltage, as a function of the parameters describing the pump and signal tones that excite the device. Beside the expected behavior, i.e., the signal amplification, we show that, depending on the system operation, unwanted effects (such as pump tone harmonics, incommensurate frequency generation, and noise rise), which are not accounted for in simple linearized approaches, can be generated in the whole nonlinear system

    Superconducting high kinetic inductance films for quantum circuits

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    High-kinetic inductance disordered superconductors are gaining growing interest in the scientific community, especially for applications in the field of cQED and quantum sensing. Thin films offer the possibility to tune the inductance by optimising the chemical composition and the crystalline properties of the film, which depend on the deposition process. Tunable kinetic inductance values enable the exploration of a wide range of couplings between different elements in quantum circuits. Moreover, high-kinetic inductance resonators or artificial transmission lines can be exploited to achieve compact read-out devices and quantum circuits. In the framework of the DART WARS experiment, we have developed high-kinetic inductance thin NbTiN films for the microfabrication of low-noise and high dynamic range Kinetic Inductance Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers (KI-TWPAs). We present the optimisation of the deposition process via rf sputtering with a Nb80%Ti20% target, in order to reach high control on the film characteristics. The parameter landscape related to the different sputtering conditions, such as pressure, power and nitrogen flow has been explored and the thickness of the film has been exploited as fine-tuning parameter to adjust the kinetic inductance and critical temperature values. Besides the microfabrication of KI-TWPA devices, the optimised NbTiN films find direct applications for the development of a wide range of quantum technologies, such as Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs), high-kinetic inductance resonators and superconducting nanowires

    Characterization of Traveling-Wave Josephson Parametric Amplifiers at T = 0.3 K

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    The growing interest in quantum technologies, from fundamental physics experiments to quantum computing, demands for extremely performing electronics only adding the minimum amount of noise admitted by quantum mechanics to the input signal (i.e., quantum-limited electronics). Superconducting microwave amplifiers, due to their dissipationless nature, exhibit outstanding performances in terms of noise (quantum limited), and gain. However, bandwidth and saturation power still show space for substantial improvement. Within the DARTWARS 1 1 DARTWARS (Detector Array Readout with Traveling Wave AmplifieRS), funded by Italian National Nuclear Institute (INFN), is a quantum technologies project targeted at the development of wideband superconducting amplifiers with noise at the quantum limit and the implementation of a quantum-limited readout in different types of superconducting detectors and qubit. We are developing state-of-the-art microwave superconducting amplifiers based on Josephson junction arrays and on distributed kinetic inductance transmission lines. Here we report the realization of a setup for the characterization of the performances of Josephson traveling-wave parametric amplifiers at a temperature of 300 mK. Although in the final experimental setup, these amplifiers will operate at a base temperature of about 20 mK, their characterization at 300 mK allows to evidence the main aspects of their performances, but the ultimate noise level. This represents a quick and relatively inexpensive way to test these superconductive devices that can be of help to improve their design and fabrication

    Nonlinear Behavior of Josephson Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers

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    Recent advancements in quantum technologies and advanced detection experiments have underscored the pressing need for the detection of exceedingly weak signals within the microwave frequency spectrum. Addressing this challenge, the Josephson Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifier (JTWPA) has been proposed as a cryogenic front-end amplifier capable of approaching the quantum noise limit while providing a relevant bandwidth. This research is centered on a comprehensive numerical investigation of the JTWPA, without resorting to simplifications regarding the nonlinearity of the essential components. Specifically, this study focuses on a thorough examination of the system, characterized by coupled nonlinear differential equations representing all components of the device. Proper input and output signals at the device's boundaries are considered. The analysis of the output signals undergoing the parametric amplification process involves a detailed exploration of phase-space dynamics and Fourier spectral analysis of the output voltage. This study is conducted while considering the parameters ruling the response of the device under pump and signal excitations. In addition to the expected signal amplification, the findings reveal that the nonlinear nature of the system can give rise to unforeseen phenomena, depending on the system's operational conditions, which include: the generation of pump tone harmonics, modulation of the signal gain, and incommensurate frequency generation—effects that are not easily accommodated by simplistic linearized approaches

    Primeras Jornadas de Investigación Encuentro y Reflexión

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    Acta de congresoPrimeras Jornadas de investigación organizadas por la Secretaría de Investigación de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño durante el año 2002

    I Jornadas de transferencia Investigación y Sociedad

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    Actas de congresoEn estas Jornadas se pone el acento en los aportes de las investigaciones que se realizan en la FAUD tanto a la docencia de grado y posgrado como a la sociedad en su conjunto. Las universidades nacionales son las responsables de avizorar la necesidad creciente de buscar nuevos vínculos con impacto social, diferenciados de las nrmas del mercado, de tal manera que las reposiciones en relación a sus labores prioritarias. La búsqueda de soluciones concretas por las instituciones de estudios superiores a las problemáticas urgentes de todos los sectores sociales se convierte en la clave para la formulación de alternativas de respuesta. La democratización del conocimiento a través de la divulgación y valoración de las actividades científicas, tecnológicas y artísticas de la Universidad traslada a la sociedad y a su dirigencia la materialización, la ideología y el proyecto de país que se construye. Cada trabajo recogido en esta obra nos sirve para contextualizar el quehacer en las aulas de grado y posgrado, los cursos y conferencias de actualización, profundización y perfeccionamiento, y la transferencia al medio. Los textos están marcados por la heterogeneidad de los temas materia de investigación de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño