120 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Virtual Tour Guide Kabupaten Trenggalek Menggunakan Metode Tracing Map

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    Making of Trenggalek district Virtual Tour Guide Using Tracing Map Method is one of some solution to introduce tourism object and become guide for touristwho want to visit Trenggalek\u27s tourism place.Making of Trenggalek districtVirtual Tour Guide application integrating between adobe flash CS5.5\u27s design and action script 3 programming. Making of Trenggalek district Virtual Tour Guide application can use as one of some choice to get tourism information besides map and tourism\u27s coventional guide book.Based on a survey of 30 correspondents, the results showed that 55.33% of applications considered good, 32.67% stated that this application is quite good, 10% said very good and, 2% were less well expressed

    Penerapan Metode Gerakan Obyek Untuk Pengambilan Citra Digital Pada Obtion Remote Versi 1.0

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    Development of the world\u27s information and communication technology-based growing rapidly. The development of these technologies has given rise to another dimension in human life, namely the need for computer use. Application of machine vision applications where a computer has the ability to understand the data in the form of image and make decisions based on data obtained from a real object, in this case is generated through the capture image from webcam. The images (digital images) of a real object through a webcam can be done in many ways capture the object. In this research object retrieval using an object of activity is captured on the webcam through the motions of objects. Digital image acquisition is performed with the tool in the form of software (Obtion Remote Version 1.0). Obtion (Object Detection) method works with the system of comparison between that time frame the previous frame captured by the camera at the time of recording the object. Comparison of the difference in the frame will be accommodated in a place that will be used to support the execution of an object by counting the number of pixels that exceed the value of the difference in number of field values with regulator frame to frame changes in the location of the object motionObtion Remote Version 1.0 will take a digital image of the object with trigger object motion detection performed. Digital image acquisition (capture the object with a webcam) will be done automatically if the object has been successfully detected. The detected object will be stored automatically in the directory are executed as a digital image storage

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Perencanaan Akademik dengan Metode Best First Search ( Studi Kasus di Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto )

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    With the rapid growth in current technology, academic systems in higher education has been computerized. Academic who has a computerized system is considered more effective. The computerized system has can be used to plan the academic activities of students for taking Strata 1 at the College of Technology Adisutjipto. The system uses Decision Support System (DSS) to give some conditions on Best First Search (BFS) method so that the method can be used in a subsequent advisory list of the best courses in accordance with the terms that have been obtained, which will help students in making academic decisions. Of the BFS method, students are given a solution in the form of a list next semester of courses that can be taken in accordance with the terms obtained from the previous semester in the form of Performance Index and the solution was given until the end of the lecture the student and provides the calculation of the total cost of each semester

    Analisa Perbandingan Breadth-first Search dan Depthfirst Search pada Aplikasi Sistem Pakar Pengobatan Tradisional

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    This research was conducted based on the need for tools for parents who have had children in determining a traditional medicine to treat illnesses suffered by children, toddlers and babies. Aids in the fo rm o f an expert system of traditional medicine. This expert system application can be run in a way that the disease name input experienced by children, toddlersand babies, then the expert system will provide information prescription medications to treat the disease. Search method used is the method of Breadth-First Search and Depth-First Search. Results of comparative analysis o f Breadth-First Search and Depth-First Search was concluded that the analysis using the Depth-First Search more quickly provide information about traditional medicine in comparison with using the method of Breadth-First Search. However, the use of the method of Breadth-First Search is superior compared with Depth-FirstSearch. This is because the method of Breadth-First Search will not find a dead end or to find a solution although it has only one solution. And if you have two solutions, the method of Breadth-First Search will find them. The test results of the application of expert system of traditional medicine in the 30 responders was 72.67%. Thus, the application of expert systemof traditional medicine by using Breadth-First Search and Depth-First S earch good

    Pengaruh Jarak terhadap Kualitas Gambar dalam Pengiriman Citra Digital melalui Jaringan Wireless pada Kamera Ls Y201

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    Digital image was needed us a medium of information that can be transmitted by cable or wireless media. To obtain digital images must use a tool such as a camera. Users can use the camera to get a digital image with the remote sensing method on an object in a particular place. In the daily activities, users can take advantages of the digital image (pictures or video) that are useful for media documentation, monitoring system in somewhere and others. The design of this tool using LS_Y201camera to capture a digital image and wireless as a data transmission media. In this case a wireless media use Ultra High Frequency transmitter and receiver that support for remote sensing. Users run the tool through an application that is connected with a wireless media. This application is designed byDelphi7. Applications and wireless camera was made for simulation media of remote sensing and monitoring system in the blank spot area. The test result of applications and tools that use the Ultra High Frequency (wireless), can be viewed from a computer interface. In this case, the signal strength ofthe transmitter greatly affect the maximum distance that can be taken to make capture process. The test results are as follows: the best results at a distance of 10 meters = 011110102 (12210); distance of 20 meters = 011100112 (11510); distance of 30 meters = 011110102 (12210); distance of 40 meters =011011112 (11110); distance of 50 meters = 011100102 (11410). So the best distance to digital images transmission through a wireless networks are at a distance of 40 meters

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Otomatisasi Planning Wisata Berbasis Website dengan Menggunakan Metode Dijkstra

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    The application development of website that have a good progress from Website is very important in tourism field where website can promote the interesting and unique of tourism place for tourist. In tourism field website can be important if completed with superriority is tourism planning where tourist can plan their holidays effective and efficient. Dijkstra method is a graph search algorithm is used to solve the problem with a single source shortest path on a graph that produces a shortest path tree. The USAge of dijkstra method in decision the tourism planning base website is appropriate because used to plan the holidays based on the route or the sorthest way that has been found by latitude and longitude counting which is very important to decide range from each place, so it can help the tourist

    Implementasi Data Mining Untuk Meramalkan Penjualan Di Minimarket Idola Jl Pati-tambakromo Km 2 Desa Karangmulyo Rt 08 Rw 1 Dengan Metode TIME Series

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    Minimarket idola on a daily basis there are many sales transactions, so that the data stored in the database is very large. The data can be used as much useful information for the owner of a minimarket in policy making. To explore the data that is used a lot of data mining technique. Data mining uses data analysis to discover patterns and relationships in data that may be used to make accurate predictions.In this research, data mining is used to forecast the sales of goods in Minimarket Idoal. Forecasting the future based on measuring the value of the patterns in the data collection. To perform sales forecasting in the future to use the method of time series. Forecasting time series data to predict what will happen based on past historical data.Time series methods for forecasting sales in the calculation Minimarket Idola using exponential smoothing and moving average. Of the count sought the MAD (Mean Absolute Deviation) or forecasting errors. Where MAD is the smallest value of the calculation of exponential smoothing and moving average is the result of forecasting with a small error. Forecasting results will not always be appropriate because the market demand influenced by several factors. But it does not mean that the forecast is made useless

    Sistem Aplikasi Monitoring Ruangan Berbasis Webcam

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    Software design and hardware application system monitoring room webcam based aims to add value to the webcam to be used as part of the security system, implementing the work process of hardware and software monitoring system formed using delphi 7, analyzing the performance o f a stepper motor as the driving platform webcam and documenting object images and sounds in the room activities into a file format AVI (Audio Video Interleave). Webcams are used in this design is equipped with a standard webcam lighting lamps LED (Light Emitting Diode) with a USB data line, while the driver controls the webcam in the design o f this platform using unipolar type stepper motor controlled by a microcontroller, motor drivers and line interface RS232 to USB (Universal Serial Bus) converter. The installation o f the webcam to webcam platform play will lead to the right, left, stop rotating right and or to the left automatically. From the test results it can be concluded that the monitoring system and webcam based indoor stepper motor consists o f webcam applications and motor control applications platform which is separately because both applications use the USB and COM communication channels are opened simultaneously. As for the results o f the motion setting webcam platform proved to have a consistent degree of deviation for the wine and left turn kenanan but still require a series o f additional gears for smooth movement o f the platform and to reduce the effects o f shadow on motion pictures


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    Instrumentasi pengontrolan telah berkembang pesat, salah satu instrumentasi pengontrolan yang paling banyak digunakan dalam dunia industri ialah DCS (Distributed Control System). Teknik pengontrolan DCS mampu meningkatkan performasi dan mampu mengendalikan sistem dengan multi-input maupun multi–output. Penerapan aplikasi DCS dilakukan pada suatu pemanas (heater) dengan daya 190 watt, yaitu dengan melakukan pengontrolan multivariabel. Kontol multivariabel dilakukan pada dua variabel kontrol, antara lain variabel temperatur dan variabel level. Plant yang diatur berupa tangki heater. Temperatur air akan dikontol pada suhu 60° celcius, walaupun suhu pemanas mencapai titik maksimum 98,8° celcius. Level air akan dikontrol untuk menambahkan air dalam tangki sebagai media pendingin jika terjadi kenaikan suhu tidak sesuai setpoint dan agar air tidak melebihi tinggi tangki 12 cm. Analisis dilakukan untuk mengamati performasi yang diberikan sistem. Pengujian menunjukkan settling time sebesar 10 menit, 24 detik. Selama sampling data 18 menit, 04 detik, error kenaikan suhu pada range 4,00% – 4,17% dan error penurunan suhu pada range 2,67% – 4,67%. Dalam proses terjadi error akibat kenaikan suhu, namun error tersebut dapat dikendalikan oleh DCS. Pemprograman pengendalian menggunakan block control default PID DCS dengan Proporsional = 100, Integral = 20, dan Derivatif = 0.Kata kunci: Distributed Control System, pemanas, multivariabel, temperatur, level
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