515 research outputs found

    Follow-up study of over three years of patients with uveitis after cataract phacoemulsification: outcomes and complications

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    Purpose: To evaluate the rate and onset of intraoperative and postoperative complications post-phacoemulsification. Methods: One hundred sixty-two eyes of 145 patients with uveitis who underwent phacoemulsification between 2006 and 2009 were identified through surgical record review. Fifty-nine eyes of 46 patients met the inclusion criteria. Hazard ratio (HR) and Kaplan-Meier survival probability were calculated for each class of uveitis. Results: Macular edema (ME) resulted to be associated to chronic postoperative inflammation (r = 0.6; p = 0.00) and mostly related to patients who presented more than one postoperative relapse/year (r = 0.2; p = 0.02). Fuchs uveitis resulted to be a risk factor for posterior capsule opacification (PCO) (HR 3.36 IC95%1.0-10.5; p = 0.03). Hypotony and elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) were detected in the anterior uveitis group (0.02 EY). Conclusion: The HR to develop ME was significantly related to chronic anterior uveitis. PCO and elevated IOP are

    Mild behavioral impairment in Parkinson's disease: Data from the Parkinson's disease cognitive impairment study (PACOS)

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    Neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) have been frequently described in Parkinson's disease (PD), even in the earliest stages of the disease. Recently the construct of mild behavioral impairment (MBI) has been proposed as an at-risk state for incident cognitive decline and dementia. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the prevalence and associated factors of MBI in PD. Cross-sectional data from 429 consecutive PD patients enrolled in the PArkinson's disease COgnitive impairment Study (PACOS) were included in the study. All subjects underwent neuropsychological assessment, according to the MDS Level II criteria. NPS were evaluated with the Neuropsychiatric Inventory. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to evaluate clinical and behavioral characteristics, which are associated with PD-MBI. The latter was ascertained in 361 (84.1%) subjects of whom 155 (36.1%) were newly diagnosed patients (disease duration ≥1 year) and 206 (48.0%) had a disease duration <1 year. Furthermore, 68 (15.9%) out of 429 subjects were PDw (without MBI). Across the MBI domains, Impulse Dyscontrol was significantly more prevalent among PD-MBI with disease duration <1 year than newly diagnosed patients. The frequency of Social Inappropriateness and Abnormal Perception significantly increased throughout the entire PD-MBI sample with increasing Hoehn andYahr (H&Y) stages. PD-MBI in newly diagnosed PDwas significantly associated with H&Y stage (OR 2.35, 95% CI 1.05-5.24) and marginally with antidepressant drug use (OR 2.94, 95% CI 0.91-9.47), while in patients with a disease duration >1 year was associated with UPDRS-ME (OR 3.37, 95% CI 1.41-8.00). The overall MBI frequency in the PACOS sample was 84% and 36% among newly diagnosed patients. The presence of MBI mainly related to motor impairment and disability

    Incidence of mild cognitive impairment and dementia in Parkinson's disease: The Parkinson's disease cognitive impairment study

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    Background: Cognitive impairment in Parkinson's disease (PD) includes a spectrum varying from Mild Cognitive Impairment (PD-MCI) to PD Dementia (PDD). The main aim of the present study is to evaluate the incidence of PD-MCI, its rate of progression to dementia, and to identify demographic and clinical characteristics which predict cognitive impairment in PD patients. Methods: PD patients from a large hospital-based cohort who underwent at least two comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations were retrospectively enrolled in the study. PD-MCI and PDD were diagnosed according to the Movement Disorder Society criteria. Incidence rates of PD-MCI and PDD were estimated. Clinical and demographic factors predicting PD-MCI and dementia were evaluated using Cox proportional hazard model. Results: Out of 139 enrolled PD patients, 84 were classified with normal cognition (PD-NC), while 55 (39.6%) fulfilled the diagnosis of PD-MCI at baseline. At follow-up (mean follow-up 23.5 ± 10.3 months) 28 (33.3%) of the 84 PD-NC at baseline developed MCI and 4 (4.8%) converted to PDD. The incidence rate of PD-MCI was 184.0/1000 pyar (95% CI 124.7-262.3). At multivariate analysis a negative association between education and MCI development at follow-up was observed (HR 0.37, 95% CI 0.15-0.89; p = 0.03). The incidence rate of dementia was 24.3/1000 pyar (95% CI 7.7-58.5). Out of 55 PD-MCI patients at baseline, 14 (25.4%) converted to PDD, giving an incidence rate of 123.5/1000 pyar (95% CI 70.3-202.2). A five time increased risk of PDD was found in PD patients with MCI at baseline (RR 5.09, 95% CI 1.60-21.4). Conclusion: Our study supports the relevant role of PD-MCI in predicting PDD and underlines the importance of education in reducing the risk of cognitive impairment

    Evaluation of the burden of HPV-related hospitalizations as a useful tool to increase awareness: 2007–2017 data from the sicilian hospital discharge records

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    In light of the implementation of human papillomavirus (HPV) prevention strategies, epidemiological studies in different geographical areas are required in order to assess the impact of HPV-related diseases. The purpose of the present study was to describe the burden of HPV-related hospitalizations in Sicily. A retrospective observational study estimated 43,531 hospitalizations attributable to HPV from 2007 to 2017. During the observed period, there was a decrease for all HPV-related conditions with a higher reduction, among neoplasms, for cervical cancer (annual percent change (APC) = −9.9%, p < 0.001). The median age for cervical cancer was 45 years old, with an increasing value from 43 to 47 years (p < 0.001). The age classes with greater decreases in hospital admissions for invasive cancers were women aged 35 years or more (APC range from −5.5 to −9.86) and 25–34 years old (APC = −11.87, p < 0.001) for women with cervical carcinoma in situ. After ten years for vaccine introduction and sixteen years for cervical cancer screening availability, a relatively large decrease in hospital admissions for cervical cancer and other HPV-related diseases in Sicily was observed. Some clinical characteristics of hospitalization, such as increasing age, are suggestive clues for the impact of preventive strategies, but further research is needed to confirm this relationship

    Accuracy of Siri and Brozek equations in the percent body fat estimation in older adults

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    To identify which equation, Siri or Brozek, based on the two compartment model, provides a more accurate conversion of body density (BD) in percent body fat (%BF) in a group of older adults. Cross-sectional study. Research Centre in Physical Activity, Health and Leisure, Faculty of Sport, University of Porto. 60 older adults, aged 60-92 years. Skinfold thickness was used to estimate BD through Visser et al. prediction equation. The conversion of BD to %BF was done with Siri (%BF-Siri) and Brozek (%BF-Brozek) formulas and these determined values were both compared to Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (%BF-DXA) evaluations. A strong correlation between the %BF-DXA value and %BF-Siri (r=0.91, p < 0.001) and %BF-Brozek (r=0.91, p < 0.001) was found, although %BF-Siri and %BF-Brozek overestimated %BF-DXA (p < 0.001). The comparison of the %BF-Siri and %BF-Brozek mean values also revealed significant differences (p < 0.001). The %BF-Brozek reflects a better agreement than the %BF-Siri with %BF-DXA with respectively a mean difference of -4.0%BF (limits of agreement = -10.9 to 2.9%) and -5.7%BF (-12.6 to 1.2). The Bland and Altman plots confirmed that %BF-Brozek reflects a better agreement with %BF-DXA. The results of the present study show that the use of Brozek equation may correspond to a more accurate alternative than Siri equation for the conversion of BD in %BF in older adults

    Urban sprawl and health: a review of the scientific literature

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    Urban sprawl is the development of sparse suburban areas with low population density, limited land use diversity, and poor street connectivity. Numerous studies demonstrated that urban form settings influence indoor and outdoor environments and, consequently, public health in diverse ways. This review aims to assess the association between sprawl and each health outcome evaluated in the literature to better define urban sprawl and its effects on human health. Using the PRISMA statement, this narrative review evaluates the associations between urban sprawl and any health outcome analyzed by researchers seeking to assess a possible relationship. A total of 826 records were identified via PubMed/MEDLINE (227) and Scopus (599) and 36 studies were deemed suitable for inclusion: 21/36 studies (58%) focused on obesity as the primary health outcome, 4/36 (11%) on life expectancy and/or mortality, 7/36 (19%) on accidents or emergency medical service response, and 4/36 (11%) on the self-reported psychological distress and/or physical health conditions associated with urban sprawl. In most studies, there is a general lack of uniformity and urban sprawl is loosely defined, with urban sprawl definitions frequently corresponding to different combinations of items within sprawl indexes. Nonetheless, urban sprawl appeared to be a determinant of health in many of the examined outcomes; therefore, it is necessary to promote alternatives to sprawling patterns when developing urban settings

    Multiscale mechanical analysis of the elastic modulus of skin

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    The mechanical properties of the skin determine tissue function and regulate dermal cell behavior. Yet measuring these properties remains challenging, as evidenced by the large range of elastic moduli reported in the literature-from below one kPa to hundreds of MPa. Here, we reconcile these disparate results by dedicated experiments at both tissue and cellular length scales and by computational models considering the multiscale and multiphasic tissue structure. At the macroscopic tissue length scale, the collective behavior of the collagen fiber network under tension provides functional tissue stiffness, and its properties determine the corresponding elastic modulus (100-200 kPa). The compliant microscale environment (0.1-10 kPa), probed by atomic force microscopy, arises from the ground matrix without engaging the collagen fiber network. Our analysis indicates that indentation-based elasticity measurements, although probing tissue properties at the cell-relevant length scale, do not assess the deformation mechanisms activated by dermal cells when exerting traction forces on the extracellular matrix. Using dermal-equivalent collagen hydrogels, we demonstrate that indentation measurements of tissue stiffness do not correlate with the behavior of embedded dermal fibroblasts. These results provide a deeper understanding of tissue mechanics across length scales with important implications for skin mechanobiology and tissue engineering. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: Measuring the mechanical properties of the skin is essential for understanding dermal cell mechanobiology and designing tissue-engineered skin substitutes. However, previous results reported for the elastic modulus of skin vary by six orders of magnitude. We show that two distinct deformation mechanisms, related to the tension-compression nonlinearity of the collagen fiber network, can explain the large variations in elastic moduli. Furthermore, we show that microscale indentation, which is frequently used to assess the stiffness perceived by cells, fails to engage the fiber network, and therefore cannot predict the behavior of dermal fibroblasts in stiffness-tunable fibrous hydrogels. This has important implications for how to measure and interpret the mechanical properties of soft tissues across length scales

    Allergy to polyethilenglicole of anti-sars cov2 vaccine recipient: A case report of young adult recipient and the management of future exposure to sars-cov2

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    The main contraindication to the anti-SARS CoV2 vaccine is an anaphylactic reaction to a vaccine component. The need to vaccinate allergic people who are at higher risk can be of public health interest and this report shows a case of an allergic reaction to PEG of a HCW who had received the first dose of anti-SARS CoV2 vaccine. For 5 h after the administration of the vaccine, she had the appearance of erythematous spots on the face and neck, and a feeling of a slurred mouth and hoarseness. In order to treat the event, she was administered 8 mg intravenous dexamethasone, 1 vial intravenous chlorphenamine maleate, 250 mL intravenous 0.9% NaCl, and conventional oxygen therapy (2 L/min) with complete resolution of the suspected adverse drug reaction. According to the contraindication to the cutaneous test for this patient, BAT was used for further investigations. The patient who suffered the adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine and other five allergic patients who did not report any adverse reaction after the vaccination were tested. There was a significant activation of the vaccine-reactive patient’s basophils with 14.79 CD203chigh% at the concentration of 0.2 mg/mL, while other patients were negative. People who have a confirmed reaction to a vaccine component should undergo further investigation to discover other possible cross-reactions and select the right vaccine to immunize them

    Enhancement of the Biological and Mechanical Performances of Sintered Hydroxyapatite by Multiple Ions Doping

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    In the present work, hydroxyapatite (HA) nanoparticles doped with Mg2+, Sr2+, and Zn2+ ions are developed by wet neutralization method and then sintered at 1,250°C to obtain bulk consolidated materials. Physicochemical and microstructural analyses show that the presence of doping ions in the HA structure induced the formation of βTCP as secondary phase, during the sintering process, and we found that this effect is depending on the stability of the various doping ions in the hydroxyapatite lattice itself. We also found that the formation of βTCP as secondary phase, in turn, confines the grain growth of HA induced by the high-temperature sintering process, thus leading to a strong increase of the flexural strength of the bulk materials, according to Hall-Petch-like law. Furthermore, we found that the doping ions enter also in the structure of the βTCP phase; besides the grain growth confinement, also the solubility and ion release ability of the final materials were enhanced. In addition to ameliorate the mechanical performance, the described phenomena also activate multiple biofunctionalities: (i) ability to upregulate various genes involved in the osteogenesis, as obtained by human adipose stem cells culture and evaluated by array technology; (ii) enhanced resistance to the adhesion and proliferation of Gram+ and Gram– bacterial strains. Hence, our results open a perspective for the use of sintered multiple ion-doped HA to develop ceramic biodevices, such as plates, screws, or other osteosynthesis media, with enhanced strength, osteointegrability, and the ability to prevent post-surgical infections
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