171 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja dan Disiplin terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan pada Pt.rigunas Agri Utama Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    This research aim to know how Work environment variable and discipline of work productivity PT. Rigunas Agri Utama Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu. As for becoming population in this reseacrh is counted 53 people employees PT. Rigunas agri utama kabupaten indragiri hulu. Used data by analisys is descriptive, despitefully also use quantitative analisys that is using double linear regression constructively SPSS version program 16. From result of examination which have been simultan regresi test (uji-F) indicate that work environment variable and discipline by simultan have an effect on signifikan to work productivity. Result of test parsial (T-Test) indicating that work environment and discpline by parsial have an effect on signifikan of work productivity to PT. Rigunas Agri Utama Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

    Pengembangan Suplemen Buku Ajar Berbasis Kearifan Lokal pada Materi Biosintesis Eikosanoid

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    : This research aimed to determine feasibility and reading level of supplement textbook based on local wisdom on eicosanoid biosynthesis material. It is developed based on test results the expert (expert judgment) and field trials. This research method was the research and development (R&D) which adopt a development model Borg & Gall. Subject of this research is a supplement textbook based on local wisdom that tested the students of Chemistry Education FKIP Untan in early trials and major field trials. The results of data analisis showed that supplement textbook based on local wisdom is very proper to use in learning of the content feasibility of 93.33%, linguistic feasibility of 70%, presentation feasibility of 90%, chart feasibility of 85%. The reading level initial field trials of 85.58%, and the main field trials of 77.18%

    Abdominaltyphoid Management in Women 22 Years with No Diet Regularly and Knowledge of the Less Phbs Especially Washing Hands Before Eating

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    Typhoid is a disease that can be potentially fatal multisystem which is caused by the bacterium Salmonella typi. These bacteria become pathogens that have existed since thousands of years ago, life thrives in areas with poor sanitation, solid, with a low socioeconomic level.Case. A woman complained of fever since 22 years ± 3 days before entering the health center. Fever perceived continuously, increasing in the afternoon and evening, accompanied by chills, patients also feel headaches and dizziness when standing long, taste in the mouth, nausea, and vomiting. Vomiting 4-5x / day, the amount of ½ to 1 cup starfruit, and vomit yellowish water only.During ill patients can not eat at all but can still drink water or tea. Patients also complain of abdominal pain and heartburn since 2 days ago, and yet CHAPTER since last 3 days.On physical examination found TD110 / 70mmHg, respiratory rate 21x / m, dawn 36,80C body, pulse 71x / m, the physical examination PAFA tongue tongue are dirty and the status of localist abdominal examination there is tenderness in the epigastric. Patients diagnosed with typhoid abdominalis irregular eating habits and lack of knowledge PHBSespecyally washing hands before eating and treated with antibiotics and Antipyretics and low-fiber diet. Conclusions. Patients with a diagnosis of typhoid abdominalis with irregular eating less knowledge of PHBSespecyally washing hands before eating

    Aplikasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Disertai Kamus

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    Mempelajari 16 Tenses bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu kegiatan pembelajaran bagi semua kalangan masyarakat. Saat ini penyampaian pembelajaran bahasa Inggris bagi pemula masih bersifat konvensional melalui media buku tanpa adanya media penyampaian yang menarik dan kurang interaktif. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, penulis membuat aplikasi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris disertai kamus dengan menggunakan metode aplikasi yang berbasis web yang bersifat menarik .Aplikasi pembelajaran ini dibuat karena masih banyak orang-orang yang kurang mengerti tentang pemahaman pembelajaran bahasa Inggris pemula, dimana ketika seseorang akan melakukan suatu kegiatan .Aplikasi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris disertai kamus, akan menampilkan materi pembelajaran, soal pembelajaran berupa soal pilihan ganda , dan kamus. Setelah user menyelesaikan soal-soal yang diberikan, user akan mendapatkan nilai yang sesuai dengan hasil penyelesaian soal-soal tersebut. Penelitian ini menghasilkan suatu aplikasi terutama yang dapat membuat masyarakat mempelajari bahasa Inggris pemula melalui user interface yang menarik, interaktif dan mudah digunakan dengan disertai soal latihan yang dibatasi oleh waktu pengerjaannya dan kamus. Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan menggunakan bahasa pemprograman PHP kemudian diintegrasikan menjadi sebuah aplikasi yang berbasis web, Aplikasi ini dijalankan pada sistem operasi komputer, mau pun smartphone

    Peran Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Riau dalam Pengelolaan DAS Siak: Studi Kasus Daerah Hilir DAS Siak Tahun 2010-2013

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    This reseacrh is aimed to figure out how is the role of Riau Province Local Governmenton Siak Watershed Management (known as Daerah Aliran Sungai, DAS). It is focused to thedownstream watershed of Siak River area considering to the most complex problem exists on it.Those problems consist of domestic waste, industry waste, residential issue. The role of localgovernment on DAS management especially for downstream area is based on main duty and thefunction of each related government Departement. On this management there are no specificregulation in DAS management area. Based on this background, the research is aimed toanalyze the role of Local Government in the Province of Riau on DAS management that isfocused on the downstream of DAS.The type of this reseacrh is description, which means the researcher gives a descriptionor illustration about related phenomenon or social symptom which is analyzed by describingindependent variable systematicly and accurately. Data collection method is done by IndepthInterview and documnetation study.The result of analysis shows that the role of local government on DAS management ofdownstream is based on TUPOKSI (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) of each Departement.Departement of Living Environment (known as Badan Lingkungan Hidup, BLH) has a role onmanaging industry waste, domestic waste, Departement of Public Project (known as DinasPekerja Umum, PU) Riau Province Resicence Division has a role on resident management.While cooperation of each Departement is needed on DAS management.Keywords: Role, Local Government, River Stream Distric

    The Relationship Between Emotional Violence and Learning Achievement of Female Students

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    Violence is a phenomenon social happened and inclined for women as a sacrifice. There are still a few people who know the violence that is happened in relationship. It is because they assume that relationship is amazing time in young age. It is one of ignorance from citizens that they are less of information and data report of violence victim in the relationship. Learning achievement is measured of the success of students in learning activities. Influence factors achievement of study can be classified into two groups, namely the internal self sourced from students and external factors included factors of family, school and community environment factors. The aim of the research was to investigate the relationship between emotional violence and learning achievement of female students in SMK Negeri 6 Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This study was observational analytic employing cross sectional design. The subject of research was 85 students of SMK Negeri 6 Yogyakarta. The results showed that there was no relationship between emotional violence with learning achievement

    The Use of Personal Photograph in Teaching Descriptive Text Writing to Mtsn

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    The purpose of conducting this research is to know whether or not the use of personal photograph is effective to teach students\u27 ability in descriptive text writing and how effective the use of personal photograph to teach students\u27 ability in descriptive text writing at the seventh grade students of MTsN Jongkong in academic year 2015/2016. This research was done by conducting a pre- experimental study which consists of pretest, two times of treatments and posttest. The sample of this research is class VII Aand consists of 40 students.The data had been collected by measurement technique with pre-test and post-test. The tool of data collecting is written test.The result of the mean score in pre-test is 33.91 and the students mean score in post-test is 56.52. The interval score from pre-test and post-test is 22.61. It means that the students\u27 score increased from pre-test to post-test. Based on the computation of t-test it showed that t-test was higher that t-table (3.29>2.074).Besides that, based on the computation of the effect size, it showed that the effect of the treatment is 0.658 this score categorized as moderate. It means that personal photograph is average for teaching descriptive text writing of MTsN Jongkong in academic year 2015/2016

    Studi Legislasi Desa: Penyerapan Aspirasi Masyarakat dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa di Desa Air Terjur Kecamatan Bandar Petalangan Kabupaten Pelalawan Tahun 2016

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    Villages that have such a condition are called having their own households, that is, having a territory that only the village community concerned can organize and manage its affairs. Outsiders who are not interested can not intervene to organize and manage the interests of the village community concerned. Taking care of his own household affairs is called village autonomy. With the existence of legal tools has opened the opportunity for the realization of democratization to the village level through changes in village governance configuration by presenting the Village Consultative Board (BPD) as a representative institution of the people at the village level who have equal status and become partners of the village government This research uses qualitative approach. Qualitative approach is an approach that is used to obtain the information needed in order to deepen about the problems to be discussed in this study. The qualitative approach emphasizes the human element as a research instrument will make it easier to adjust to the reality that happened in the field. The type of research used is descriptive that is collecting, compiling and interpreting existing data then analyze the data, examine it, describe and examine more clearly from various factors related to condition, situation and phenomenon investigated. Collection techniques by interview and documentation. The results of the research indicate that the village government of Waterfall, especially the Village Consultative Board (BPD) of Waterfall village has not been maximally involved in performing its duties and functions, especially in the process of formulating village regulations on the Village Expenditure Budget (APBDes) in 2016, which is one of the important elements In the administration of village governance in creating a village government that is advanced, effective, directed in accordance with the goals of community welfare. The obstacles and obstacles BPD in the process of formulating, discussing, and determining the draft village regulations on APBDes is still the low level of ability and expertise and understanding of board BPD village Waterfall
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