37 research outputs found

    Application of Ayurvedic Principles in Prevention and Management of Behavioural Problems in Children

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    Introduction: Behavioral problems are commonly prevalent worldwide. It is important to diagnose and treat timely as if untreated, increase the risk of getting psychiatric illnesses. Present review is aimed at providing Ayurvedic guidelines in the form of Sadvritta (Code of conduct), Achar rasayan-AR (ethical principles) and few Ayurveda interventions corelating with recently developed interventions of Psychology which may prove helpful in prevention and management of behavioral problems in children. Material and Methods: This review is based on data collected from classical Ayurvedic literature, published research works in various journals and counseling experiences. Observations and Results: Behavioral problems are generally multi-factorial in origin and arise as a result of conflict between the children’s personality, attitudes of parents, teacher or peers. Counseling with family and adoption of Ayurveda principles can manage and prevent further progress of behavioral problems in children. Satvavjay Chikitsa-SC (non-drug psychotherapy), Achar Rasayana and Sadvritta, Yog are Ayurvedic ways to balance Satva (good qualities of mind), (Passionate, agitated), Tama (Laziness, lack of concentration) applicable in prevention of behavioral problems. Conclusion: Ayurvedic principles such as AR, Sadvritta and SC are best non-pharmacological modalities required for early detection and prevention of behavioral problems. Knowledge, education and proper expressions of code, conduct or etiquettes along with Ayurveda interventions such as use of Medhya (nervine tonic/nootropic) drugs, Panchkarma pre-procedures can prove to be a significant therapeutic way to combat behavioral disorders

    Quantitative Analysis of Medicinal plants used by the Traditional healers of Karanja block of Wardha district for treating Musculoskeletal disorders

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    Background: 20% to30 % elderly population suffers with Musculoskeletal disorders such as Multiple joint pains, Low back pain, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis. Multiple treatment modalities are in vogue to treat MSDs all over the world but neither provides adequate pain relief nor modifies the disease process. Hence majority of the tribal population prefer traditional healers for treating MSDs as they are safe, effective, inexpensive and easily available. Aim & Objectives: Quantitative analysis of Medicinal plants used by the traditional healers of Karanja block of Wardha district for treating musculoskeletal disorders. Material & Methods: The survey study was carried out through field visits. Questionnaire, personal interviews and discussions with the traditional healers were used for data collection. Specific pharmacological properties of herbal drugs used by the traditional healers to treat MSDs were authenticated by taxonomist and forest range officer and verified through Nighantus and Samhitas. Observations & results: Total 17 traditional healers were interviewed for data collection. Total 23 plant species belonging to 20 families were indentified and documented for the treatment of MSDs.  Tribal utilized 9 varieties of plant parts from 4 types of habitat and treat the patients of MSDs with 5 types of medicinal preparations through external and internal applications

    Pharmaceutico analytical study of Guduchyadi Avaleha - Modified form of Guduchyadi Ghrita

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    Introduction- Stuttering (Gadgada) word itself indicates the disease in which fluency of speech is impaired. It denotes the un-cleared speech (Avyakta Vak or Shabdha). In Vangsen Samhita, the group of 8 drugs with honey is cited for the treatment of stuttering entitled as Guduchyadi Ghrita. Palatability of Guduchyadi Ghrita is the major concern in the treatment of children to administer as most of children unlike it, so by keeping this in mind Avaleha formulation is prepared which is easily administrable. Guduchyadi Avaleha is a herbo-mineral confection which is prepared by using sugar as a base. This herbal compound is formulated by experienced Aacharya of Ayurved and is used in practice for stuttering. Though it’s a potent formulation; but no standardized reports are available for the manufacturing process of the Guduchyadi Avaleha or its preliminary physico-chemical profiles. Therefore, manufacturing standardize process of preparation and preliminary physic-chemical profiles of Guduchyadi leha was planned. Methods- The prepared lickable formulation was lay open for the analysis of pharmacognostical and pharmaceutical properties like as pH value, Microscopic analysis, loss on drying the sample, reading of  ash value, etc. Results – After analysis of Pharmacognostical organoleptic study, loss on drying value, pH, Ash value, Water soluble extract, the result was shown. Conclusion –All the characteristic of formulation sample was observed and the result can be taken as standard value for guduchyadi avaleha

    A Study on the Efficacy of Shwasa Kasadi Gutika in the Management of Kasa

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    Kasa (Cough) is one of the most frequent symptoms in pediatric age group for which parents look for medical care. It indicates that even after advancements in current medical science, cough is not being effectively controlled in children. With the above background, the present trial was aimed to study the efficacy of herbal tablet named as Shwasa Kasadi gutika in the management of Kasa. The objectives of the study were to assess the efficacy of trial drug on Kasa and its subjective and objective parameters.The study was a single group, single centre, fixed dose, interventional study. The subjective parameters were as per the clinical features of Kasa. Their grading was done as per their intensity. School going age group was more likely to suffer from the cough and male children were more in the study. There was significant improvement in all subjective criteria where as significant changes were noted in adventitious sounds and total leukocyte count. However, as it was conducted in limited samples, further large sample multi-centre studies would be preferable. Developing pharmaceutical standards of the tablet would also be a newer area of research.&nbsp

    A Comparative Study on the efficacy of Tryushanadi Vati with and without Pathya in children suffering from Pratishyaya (~Allergic Rhinitis)

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    Background: Pratishyaya is one of the most common disorders in the pediatric age group. The accumulated Vatadi doshas get to reside in the nose and produce various types of discharges from it which is called Pratishyaya. Pratishyaya is discussed under the 31 Nasagataroga by Acharya Sushruta. It is a disease of KaphaVata dominance characterized by Nasasrava (Nasal discharge), Nasanaha (Nasal Congestion), Shirogourava (Heaviness), Anadhvapihita Nasa (Intermittent nasal Obstruction) and is difficult to cure. Aim: To study the effect of Tryushanadi vati in Pratishyaya. Material & Method: 30 children were randomly selected according to a computer-generated randomized chart and assigned to two groups. In which Tryushanadi Vati and Tryushanadi Vati with Pathya were given according to the age group of 7 days. The results are then interpreted and analyzed statistically. Results: There was a significant improvement in Nasasrava, Nasanaha, Kshwathu (sneezing), and Klama (fatigue). It is the treatment principle that is effective in the Sampraptivighatan (breaking the pathogenesis) of Pratishyaya resulting in the alleviation of features. The overall result after treatment by statistical analysis was 46.87 % in the group of T vati and 57.51% in T vati+P. Statistically, both the groups T vati and T vati +P have shown significant results as per subjective and objective criteria but T vati+P has more efficacy owing to the synergistic effect of Pathya.

    A Holistic Approach on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy by Ayurvedic Treatment Modalities along with Traction: A Case Report

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    Background & Objectives- Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is individual and one of the most communal and serious condition come under childhood muscular dystrophies. The incidence of DMD is 1:3500 births of males. It is an X-linked recessive disorder that occurs due to deletion or alteration of dystrophin protein, which is encoded by DMD Gene on Xp21 chromosome. As per the view of Ayurveda, we can consider this disorder as chromosomal hereditary anomalies (Bheejabhagahaavyava dushti janya Adibalapravtrutta vyadhi). Main objective of this case report was reduce the complaints of patient and improve the quality of life. Method and Material- The present study is about the management of DMD as per Ayurveda perspective. An 11 years old male child, has complaints of difficulty in walking, frequent falls while walking, difficulty in sitting or squatting. On Ayurvedic management principles, the present case was managed with palliative care (Shaman) and bio-cleansing therapy (ShodhanChiktsa). Result- After treatment, there was a significant improvement in complaints with signs and symptoms. Interpretation and conclusion- Though we are unable to rule out the disposition of genes through Ayurveda treatment modalities such as internal medicines, 5 detoxification procedures (Panchakarma) procedures, traction etc. we can effectively prolong the deterioration and improve the quality of life with correction in diet and lifestyle as per Ayurveda principles

    Role of Prakruti (Constitution)-wise Pathya (Wholesome) in Disease Prevention for Children: A Narrative Review

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    Ayurveda, the Science of Life, not only utilises medications to cure diseases but also employs Anupana, Ahara (diet), and other techniques to preserve a person’s health and manage diseases. Ayurveda places strong emphasis on fundamental dietary principles such as suitable food, combinations of food, cooking techniques, storage, dining environment, hygiene, and manners. Pathya Ahara (Wholesome diet) Kalpana (Ayurvedic Dietetics) is a unique concept. Pathya (Wholesome) refers to that which provides relief to individuals through the use of diet and regimen. The primary goal of discussing Pathya (Wholesome) Ahara Kalpana (Ayurvedic Dietetics) is to highlight the importance of providing proper nutrition based on one’s constitution in preserving physical health and in balancing Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, and Agni to aid in curing various ailments. The term “Pathya” (Wholesome) refers to the diet and lifestyle that are compatible with a person’s channels, constitution, and strength, respectively. The key idea behind Pathya (Wholesome) Ahara (diet) serves as the foundation for both the preventive and therapeutic components of Ayurveda. According to Ashtavidha Ahara Vidhi Visesha Ayatana (Rules regarding Diet), there are various methods for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of paediatric disorders as described in Ayurveda. Therefore, utilising preventive measures can help in maintaining a disciplined lifestyle and promoting a healthy existence

    Stress management by women entrepreneurs

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    Stress is the dynamic state of a person who faces opportunities, restrictions, or demands associated with what he or she wants and whose consequences are professed as indeterminate and important. In the complex and dynamic business environment there are infinite variety of pressures and demands that can cause stress. Women also face serious conflicts between their married life and workplace demands. High work pressure, long working hours, role conflicts, etc. expose entrepreneurs to stress situations. Considering the above, this research work aims to identify the main causes of stress among female entrepreneurs and suggest ways to deal with this stress

    A study on the role of matravasti in Hirschsprung disease in children

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    Hirschsprung disease (HSCR), or congenital intestinal aganglionosis, is a birth defect characterized by the complete absence of neuronal ganglion cells from a portion of the intestinal tract. Symptoms include constipation, bloating of the belly, and loss of energy and appetite. Diagnosis of the disease includes an abdominal x-ray which shows a bulge in the large intestine caused by stool, barium enema, anorectal manometry, or biopsy of the rectum.  In Ayurveda, congenital diseases come under janmabala pravritta vyadhi. It leads to vitiation of the rasavaha, annavaha and malavaha srothas of the fetus, later leading to dusti of vata in pakwashaya and guda. The treatment involves normalization of Vata in the body using a protocol that pacifies the Vata, including Vasti. Considering the age of the patient, Matravasti was done using Sukumaraerandam and a few internal medicines for the mother. It consists of drugs that pacify Vata as well as those which improve digestion.

    A case study on the ayurvedic management of Autism spectrum disorder (ASD - Vatapaitika unmada) using medhogulika and bhunana taila

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition characterized by qualitative abnormalities in social interactions, reduced communication skills, and restricted repetitive behaviors and activities. There is no direct reference to ASD in Samhitas and it can be considered as an Anukta vyadhi. Unmada, a disease that afflicts manovaha srothas, is characterized by the perversion of intellect, mind, and memory.ASD can be correlated to Vatika unmada. The treatment of unmada involves various Ayurvedic formulations. Medha gulika is a polyherbal formulation indicated in anxiety and mental depression, dementia and it improves memory, concentration, and brain functioning (medhya). Bhunaga Talia is an anubhootayoga indicated in treatment of apasmara, bhootonmada, vaksanga etc.Nasya and shiroshirodhara are effective in treating manovaha srothovikaras. Bhunaga taila and Medha gulika can be combined to develop an effective treatment protocol for ASD. The main aim of this study is to develop a protocol of treatment for a patient suffering from ASD, which helps manage the symptoms and make behavioral improvement. A 5-year-old female child who was brought to the OPD with the diagnosis of ASD was treated with both these medicines and the changes before and after the treatment was noted based on the Trivandrum Autism Behavioral Checklist (TABC). Minimal improvement was noted in the behavior of the child following treatment of 90 days.