57 research outputs found

    Iktiofauna di Kawasan Karst Menoreh, Jawa Tengah dan Upaya Konservasinya [Ichthyofauna Of Menoreh Karst Area, Jawa Tengah And The Conservations Efforts]

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    Penelitian iktiofauna di wilayah Karst Menoreh telah dilakukan di 11 perairan, tiga diantaranya terdapat di gua dan delapan di sungai. Penelitian mendapatkan 9 jenis ikan yaitu Barbodes binotatus, Kalimantania lawak, Rasbora lateristriata, Nemacheilus fasciatus, Poecilia reticulata, Sicyopterus hageni, Stiphodon atratus, Sicyopus rubicundus, dan Chan- na gachua. Hal yang menggembirakan, setelah 30 tahun bekerja sebagai peneliti ikan air tawar, untuk pertama kali ditemukannya K. lawak. Jenis ini hanya dijumpai di Pulau Kalimantan dan Pulau Jawa. Struktur sisik merupakan satu karakter kunci dalam identifikasi, sehingga dapat digunakan untuk membedakan K. lawak, B. binotatus, dan Barbonymus gonionotus. Upaya untuk melakukan konservasi keanekaragaman hayati telah diupayakan khususnya di Desa Kaligono, Kecamatan Kaligesing, Kabupaten Purworejo yang telah dituangkan dalam bentuk Peraturan Desa (Perdes). Pada Per- des tersebut tercantum larangan penggunaan electric fishing atau racun/bahan kimia untuk menangkap ikan. Larangan ini efektif dalam mempertahankan keanekaragaman jenis ikan di wilayah perairan di desa tersebut. Hal tersebut dapat dibuktikan dengan perolehan jenis dan jumlahnya tertinggi dibandingkan dari wilayah lainnya

    KAJIAN ILMIAH IKAN PELANGI {Marosatherina Ladigesi (Ahl 1936)} FAUNA ENDEMIK SULAWESI [Scientific Review of a Rainbow Fish {Marosatherina Ladigesi (Ahl 1936)} an Endemic Fauna of Sulawesi]

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    Marosatherina ladigesi is one of the famous rainbow fish species from Sulawesi.This endemic fish species from Sulawesi is one of the Indonesian export commodity since more than 30 years ago.All of the export specimens come from the wild habitat.The anxiousness of the extinction of this species stated in the redlist of IUCN since 1994. Two field work of Maros Karst Project conducted in 2006, 2007 and an International expedition in 2007 showed the decreasing population of this species.The results of the three field trips showed the difficulties to get M. ladigesi in the streams.Taxonomical status and classification, coloration, sex dimorphism and distribution discussed

    Diversitas dan Kehilangan Jenis Ikan di Danau-danau Aliran Sungai Cisadane [Diversity And The Fish Species Lost At The Lakes Of Cisadane River Basin]

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    Penelitian diversitas dan kehilangan spesies ikan di danau-danau dari daerah aliran Sungai Cisadane dilakukan pada tahun 2010. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran keragaman jenis ikan di danau-danau pada daerah aliran Sungai Cisadane saat ini. Hasil ini kemudian dibandingkan dengan jumlah spesies ikan yang pernah hidup di wilayah perairan ini berdasarkan data pustaka. Selisih jumlah antara kedua data tersebut menunjukkan kehilangan spesies. Hasil penelitian di 34 stasiun mendapatkan 32 spesies ikan dari 19 famili dan lima ordo. Dua puluh empat jenis atau 75% diantaranya merupakan spesies asli, sedangkan delapan jenis atau 25% merupakan ikan introduksi. Studi pustaka menunjukkan ada 86 spesies ikan yang dulu hidup di danau-danau daerah aliran Sungai Cisadane, namun saat ini hanya dijumpai 24 spesies, dengan demikian laju kehilangan spesiesnya sekitar 72,1%

    Diversitas Dan Hilangnya Jenis-jenis Ikan Disungai Ciliwung Dan Sungai Cisadane [Study of Fish Diversity and the Lost of Fish Species of River Ciliwung and R. Cisadane]

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    The fish research in Indonesian waters has been begun since 16 century ago. Most of the research collected fish around Batavia.Many new species was described and the type specimens deposited at the museums in Europe or America.The study of fish diversity and the lost of fish species was conducted at River Ciliwung and R. Cisadane in 2009. The aim of this study is to describe the recent fish diversity in both river drainages, then make a comparison with the number of species recorded based on the references data.The differences between the two datas show the number of species lost. The result of the study showed a total of 20 species of 13 families were collected in R. Ciliwung, while from the references data there were about 187 species, so the fish diversity lost in the Ciliwung river about 92.5%. The fish research in R. Cisadane were collected 39 fish species of 24 families. There were 135 species of 38 families of the references data, so the fish diversity lost in R. Cisadane is about 75.6%


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    The scales of Latimeria menadoensis has a variety of the shape of the scales from oval, rectangular, footprint, elongated-pointed edge etc. The comparison in the portion of the exposed and embedded part of the total length of the scales of Latimeria menadoensis and Latimeria chalurnnae at the approximately similar part of the body i.e. scale on the dorsal region and scales located on the region extending lateral posteriorly until caudal, indicated that this portion is different. In L. chalumnae the exposed part are one third and the embedded part are two third of the total length of the scale. The exposed part in the L. menadoensis are more than one third (average 35.9% of total length), while the embedded part are less than tioo third, but 011 the other part of the body i.e. dorsal lobe fin, the embedded part was 73.9% or approximately three [ourth of the total lellgth of tile scale. The 175 loose scales were also examined and discussed.Some of the loose scales ioere examined 1111del' the scanning electron microscope (SEM) by using two kinds of preparations. It showed the apex region, the annular ridges, the radiating ridges and the denticles.Key words: Coelacanth, Latimeria menadoensis, morphology and structure of scales, microradiography, histological technique, exposed part, ernbeded par
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