3,486 research outputs found

    Representations of reductive normal algebraic monoids

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    The rational representation theory of a reductive normal algebraic monoid (with one-dimensional center) forms a highest weight category, in the sense of Cline, Parshall, and Scott. This is a fundamental fact about the representation theory of reductive normal algebraic monoids. We survey how this result was obtained, and treat some natural examples coming from classical groups.Comment: 10 pages. To appear in a volume of the Fields Communications Series: "Algebraic Monoids, Group Embeddings, and Algebraic Combinatorics," edited by Mahir Can, Zhenheng Li, Benjamin Steinberg, and Qiang Wan

    Tunneling Study of the Charge-Ordering Gap on the Surface of La0.350_{0.350}Pr0.275_{0.275}Ca0.375_{0.375}MnO3_3 Thin Films

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    Variable temperature scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy studies on (110) oriented epitaxial thin films of La0.350_{0.350}Pr0.275_{0.275}Ca0.375_{0.375}MnO3_3 are reported in the temperature range of 77 to 340 K. The films, grown on lattice matched NdGaO3_3 substrates, show a hysteretic metal-insulator transition in resistivity at 170 K. The topographic STM images show step-terrace morphology while the conductance images display a nearly homogeneous surface. The normalized conductance spectra at low temperatures (T<<150 K) show an energy gap of 0.5 eV while for T\geq180 K a gap of 0.16 eV is found from the activated behavior of the zero bias conductance. The presence of energy gap and the absence of phase separation on the surface over more than 2 μ\mum×\times2 μ\mum area contradicts the metallic behavior seen in resistivity measurements at low temperatures. We discuss the measured energy gap in terms of the stabilization of the insulating CO phase at the film surface.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures To appear in Phys. Rev.

    The locality of the fourth root of staggered fermion determinant in the interacting case

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    The fourth root approximation in LQCD simulations with dynamical staggered fermions requires justification. We test its validity numerically in the interacting theory in a renormalization group framework.Comment: 6 pages, Talk presented at Lattice 2005 (Machines and Algorithms

    The QCD equation of state with asqtad staggered fermions

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    We report on our result for the equation of state (EOS) with a Symanzik improved gauge action and the asqtad improved staggered fermion action at Nt=4N_t=4 and 6. In our dynamical simulations with 2+1 flavors we use the inexact R algorithm and here we estimate the finite step-size systematic error on the EOS. Finally we discuss the non-zero chemical potential extension of the EOS and give some preliminary results.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, presented at Lattice2006(High Temperature and Density), to appear in Proceedings of Scienc

    Barriers to Physical Activity: Physical Activity in Military Employees; Barrier impact on Perceived Health

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    Much of the world faces a growing obesity epidemic. (pp92-97) The consequences of this serious problem are well established and potentially devastating. Conditions associated with an elevated body mass include diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, and certain malignancies.(pp97-100), For many, obesity and elevated body mass are a consequence of decreased physical activity; industrial advancements (eg, convenient transportation, technological advancements, and decreased need for manual labor) have contributed to an overall decrease in physical activity worldwide

    Baryon masses with improved staggered quarks

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    The MILC collaboration's simulations with improved staggered quarks are being extended with runs at a lattice spacing of 0.06 fm with quark masses down to one tenth the strange quark mass. We give a brief introduction to these new simulations and the determination of the lattice spacing. Then we combine these new runs with older results to study the masses of the nucleon and the Omega minus in the continuum and chiral limits.Comment: 7 pages, proceedings from Lattice 2007 conferenc

    Update on the physics of light pseudoscalar mesons

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    We present an update of the MILC investigation of the properties of light pseudoscalar mesons using three flavors of improved staggered quarks. Results are presented for the π\pi and KK leptonic decay constants, the CKM matrix element VusV_{us}, the up, down and strange quark masses, and the coefficients of the O(p4)O(p^4) chiral lagrangian. We have new data for lattice spacing a0.15a \approx 0.15 fm with several values of the light quark mass down to one-tenth the strange quark mass, higher statistics for a0.09a \approx 0.09 fm with the light quark mass equal to one-tenth the strange quark mass, and initial results for our smallest lattice spacing, a0.06a \approx 0.06 fm with light quark mass two-fifths of the strange quark mass.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. To be published in Proceedings of Science (Lattice 2006) 163 (2006

    The Equation of State for QCD with 2+1 Flavors of Quarks

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    We report results for the interaction measure, pressure and energy density for nonzero temperature QCD with 2+1 flavors of improved staggered quarks. In our simulations we use a Symanzik improved gauge action and the Asqtad O(a2)O(a^2) improved staggered quark action for lattices with temporal extent Nt=4N_t=4 and 6. The heavy quark mass msm_s is fixed at approximately the physical strange quark mass and the two degenerate light quarks have masses mud=0.1msm_{ud} =0.1m_s or 0.2ms0.2m_s. The calculation of the thermodynamic observables employs the integral method where energy density and pressure are obtained by integration over the interaction measure.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables, contribution to the XXIIIrd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 25-30 July 2005, Trinity College, Dublin, Irelan

    The 2+1 flavor topological susceptibility from the asqtad action at 0.06 fm

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    We report new data for the topological susceptibility computed on 2+1 flavor dynamical configurations with lattice spacing 0.06 fm, generated with the asqtad action. The topological susceptibility is computed by HYP smearing and compared with rooted staggered chiral perturbation theory as the pion mass goes to zero. At 0.06 fm, the raw data is already quite close to the continuum extrapolated values obtained from coarser lattices. These results provide a further test of the asqtad action with rooted staggered flavors.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, talk presented at the XXV International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, July 30 - August 4, 2007, Regensburg, German

    Polaronic state and nanometer-scale phase separation in colossal magnetoresistive manganites

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    High resolution topographic images obtained by scanning tunneling microscope in the insulating state of Pr0.68Pb0.32MnO3 single crystals showed regular stripe-like or zigzag patterns on a width scale of 0.4 - 0.5 nm confirming a high temperature polaronic state. Spectroscopic studies revealed inhomogeneous maps of zero-bias conductance with small patches of metallic clusters on length scale of 2 - 3 nm only within a narrow temperature range close to the metal-insulator transition. The results give a direct observation of polarons in the insulating state, phase separation of nanometer-scale metallic clusters in the paramagnetic metallic state, and a homogeneous ferromagnetic state