2 research outputs found

    Sozialraumorientierung: Neue Gemeindeformen und traditionelle Gemeinden in der EKD im Vergleich

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    Sozialraumorientierung und Kontextsensibilität sind zentrale Themen in der Diskussion um die Zukunft der Kirche. In den Diskussionen hierüber wird gern auf die Vorzüge von Fresh X verwiesen, die als neue Aufbrüche genau dies versprechen. Die Studie vergleicht die Sozialraumorientierung von Fresh X und Parochialgemeinden der evangelischen Kirche anhand ihrer Kontakte, ihrer Zielgruppenarbeit, ihrer inhaltlichen Schwerpunktsetzungen und stellt diese in einen Zusammenhang mit der Zufriedenheit, die die Gemeinden mit ihrer aktuellen Situation empfinden. Basis der Analyse sind die Daten des 2. Gemeindebarometers, einer Umfrage unter Fresh X sowie einer repräsentativen Stichprobe landeskirchlicher evangelischer Gemeinden.Social sphere orientation and context sensitivity are central themes in the discussion about the future of the Church. In this debate, reference is often made to the advantages of Fresh X, which promises a new approach to the Church's community relations involving exactly these two features. This study compares the social sphere orientation of Fresh X and parishes of the Protestant Church based on their contacts, their target groups and their main content orientation. These are related to communities' satisfaction with their current situation. The analysis is based on data from the 2nd congregations barometer, a survey of Fresh X and a representative sample of Protestant parishes

    Regional inequalities in self-reported conditions and non-communicable diseases in European countries: Findings from the European Social Survey (2014) special module on the social determinants of health

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    Background: Within the European Union (EU), substantial efforts are being made to achieve economic and social cohesion, and the reduction of health inequalities between EU regions is integral to this process. This paper is the first to examine how self-reported conditions and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) vary spatially between and within countries. Methods: Using 2014 European Social Survey (ESS) data from 20 countries, this paper examines how regional inequalities in self-reported conditions and NCDs vary for men and women in 174 regions (levels 1 and 2 Nomenclature of Statistical Territorial Units, ‘NUTS’). We document absolute and relative inequalities across Europe in the prevalence of eight conditions: general health, overweight/obesity, mental health, heart or circulation problems, high blood pressure, back, neck, muscular or joint pain, diabetes and cancer. Results: There is considerable inequality in self-reported conditions and NCDs between the regions of Europe, with rates highest in the regions of continental Europe, some Scandinavian regions and parts of the UK and lowest around regions bordering the Alps, in Ireland and France. However, for mental health and cancer, rates are highest in regions of Eastern European and lowest in some Nordic regions, Ireland and isolated regions in continental Europe. There are also widespread and consistent absolute and relative regional inequalities in all conditions within countries. These are largest in France, Germany and the UK, and smallest in Denmark, Sweden and Norway. There were higher inequalities amongst women. Conclusion: Using newly available harmonized morbidity data from across Europe, this paper shows that there are considerable regional inequalities within and between European countries in the distribution of self-reported conditions and NCDs