39 research outputs found

    The Technology Case of Shrimp Trawl in Raja Bejamu Village, Sinaboi District, Rokan Hilir, Riau Province.

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    This research was conducted on August 2014, in Raja Bejamu Village, Sinaboi District, Rokan Hilir, Riau Province. The purpose of this study was to determine the friendly environmental level and the feasibility of shrimp trawl fishing gear.This research used a survey method, which is do a directly observation of shrimp trawl fishing gear by measuring the dimensions and the amount of catches.The catches of shrimp trawl consists of red shrimp species 35 Kg, Swallow shrimp 29 Kg and by catches are namely flounder 13 Kg, ikan gulamah 18 Kg , shrimp centipede size A 1 and crab 2 crabs.From the results of the feasibility calculations showed that the shrimp trawl gear is profitable and feasible to be continued and from the calculation of friendly environmental showed that shrimp trawl gear isn't a friendly environmental gear

    Study on Fishing Technology of the Scraping Net at Tanjung Pasir Village, Tanah Merah District, Indragiri Hilir Regency, Riau Province

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    A series survey activities was conducted on April 2014 at the Tanjung Pasir Village, Tanah Merah District, Indragiri Hilir Regency, Riau Province. The purpose of this study is to know operation technique, profitability fishing effort, and environmentally of the scraping net which used by fishermen at the Tanjung Pasir Village. The result shows that scraping net is lees be environmentally fishing technology, its based to the 9 creteria of FAO (1995). Based on the profitability analysis show that the Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) was 1,9, Financial Rate or Raturn (FRR) was 23,2% and Payback Period of Capital (PPC) was 4 months. From the Profitability fishing effort analyzed of scraping net is giving profitable and properly to be continued

    The Compotition of Long Line Catches in the Morning and in the Afternoon at Fish Aggregating Device (Fad) in North Rupat Rhu, Bengkalis District, Riau Province.

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    [email protected] research was conducted on 18th to 27th September 2014 in the waters of Rhu Bay Village, North Rupat District, Bengkalis, Riau Province. The purpose oh this research was to determine the longline catches (kg), the type and amount of catches in the morning and afternoon in the Fish Aggregating Device (FADs) in the waters of Bay Village, North Rupat Rhu, Bengkalis District, Riau Province. The method that is used in this research was a survey method, which is taking the catch area Fish Aggregating Device in the morning and evening for 10 days. The catches during the research were 14.8 kg (35 fishes). The types of longline catches of the highest and the lowest in the morning and afternoon of the fish aggregating Device as a whole is composed of fish species Polynemus tectraductylus was 6.84 Kg (17 fishes) which is the highest number of catches, Chirocentrus Dorab was 4.87 Kg (7 animals), Arius sp was 1.62 Kg (4 fishes), Diodon holocanthus was 0.72 Kg (4 fishes), and the lowest longline catches Pristigasteride was 0.75 kg (3 fishes). From the Ttest showed that the entire weight of longline catches in the morning and afternoon showed Thit value = 3.41, while Ttab = 2.22814, it is means that H0 is rejected. This is means that there are differences in longline catches the morning and afternoon Fish Aggregating Device. From the calculation of Ttest showed that there is no differences composition of longline catches in the morning and afternoon at Fish Aggregating Device

    The Composition of Purse Seine During the Day and at Night in the Sasak Jorong Pasa Lamo Ranah Pasisie, District West Pasaman, West Sumatera Province

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    This research was conducted on March 17th to July 21th 2014, in the Sasak Jorong Pasa Lamo Ranah Pasisie, District West Pasaman, West Sumatera Province. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in the composition of purse seine during the day and at night.This research used a survey method. The operation of purse seine fishing gear held on over 5 days of arrest.The Purse seine catches consist of 10 species, either in the day or at night with the weight was 620 kg at noon (1,625 fishes) and at night was 4.813kg (6,390 fishes), overall the weight were 5433 kg (8,015 fishes). The species of fish which were caught consist of Acanthocybium solandri, Auxis thazard, Stromsteus Niger, Selaroides leptolepis, Caranax melampygus, Leioghnathus equulus, Rastrelliger faughni, Scilla serrate,Chrysaora quinquecirrha, Lolygo sp.T-test and Chi-square test showed that there is no differences in the average and composition of catches during the day and at night

    The Management Operations of Fishing and Economic Feasibility Gillnet Fishermen in the Village of Pambang Bay, District of Bantan, Regency of Bengkalis, Province of Riau

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    This study was conducted in July 2012 that took place in the Village District ofBantan Pambang Gulf Bengkalis Riau Province. The method used in this study is asurvey method. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of gillnetfishermen in the village this Pambang bay from the aspects of management of fishingoperations and also from the financial aspect. From the research, that the net operatingmanagement gutters Pambang Bay Village consists of planning, organizing, actuatingand controlling. With the value of Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) with a value of 1.4. Thissuggests that these efforts be continued. Financial Rate of Return (FRR) is obtainedfrom net fisheries chamfer is 34%. Should be invested into the business. Payback Periodof Cafital (PPC) is 2.9 years, meaning that within a period of 2.9 years net fisheriesgutters able to restore its investment

    Studi Teknologi Pukat Teri (Purse Seine) di Desa Kwala Gebang Kecamatan Gebang Kabupaten Langkat Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    This research was conducted on January 2016 at Kwala Gebang village, Gebang sub district, Langkat district, Sumatera Utara province with the aim to know general construction, environmentally friendly, and business profitability of pukat teri. This research is survey methods. The results showed that pukat teri construction same with purse seine and included in environmentally friendly fishing gear. Pukat teri of financially suitability developing which is BCR value is 1,14 with the value of FRR (31,97 %) higher than the bank rate (6,50 %). The value of PPC (payback period of capital) is 3,1