6 research outputs found

    Food IgE-Sensitization in Respiratory Allergic Patients in Jakarta

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    Food allergy and respiratory allergy may co-exist in atopic person. Although both conditions can worsen allergic symptoms, food allergen sensitization has not gain much attention in clinical studies. The aim of this study is to evaluate food IgE sensitization in respiratory allergic patients. This was a cross-sectional study in patients with a history of respiratory allergy in Jakarta, on September to December 2016. Adult asthmatic patients aged 19-60 years were invited to undergo serum specific IgE testing at the Allergy and Immunology Clinic, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta. Patients were included if they showed at least one positive skin prick test with environmental allergens. Quantitative determination of specific IgE in serum was carried out by multiple allergosorbent test. Serum specific IgE levels of more than 0.35 kU/L or Class 1 was considered positive. A total of 100 subjects were eligible for analysis; 76% were women. Patients mean age was 38.8+12.1 (range 19-59) years old; 62% of the patients have both asthma and allergic rhinitis. There are 46% patients with at least one positive food-IgE sensitization. The most common sensitization was to shrimp (17%), followed by fruit-mix (14%), goat milk (13%), crab (13%), potato (13%), soybean (11%), and strawberry (11%). Significant difference of IgE sensitization was found between house dust mites and crab or shrimp and between cockroach and crab or shrimp. In conclusion food-IgE sensitization in respiratory allergic patients is common. The most common allergens were shrimp, fruit-mix, goat milk, crab, and potato.&nbsp

    Proporsi Defisiensi Vitamin D pada Pasien Poliklinik Alergi dan Imunologi

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    Vitamin D juga memengaruhi dan meregulasi fungsi sistem imun tubuh. Tujuan: Mengetahui proporsi defisiensi vitamin D-25(OH) pasien poliklinik Alergi dan Imunologi, serta untuk meninjau tatalaksana defisiensi vitamin D-25(OH) di poliklinik Alergi dan imunologi. Metode: Penelitian retrospektif data rekam medis pasien Poliklinik Alergi dan Imunologi yang mendapat terapi vitamin D serta kadar vitamin D-25 (OH). Hasil: Sejumlah 97,1% pasien memiliki kadar vitamin D kurang dari normal (insufisiensi vitamin D dan defisiensi vitamin D). Setelah pemberian vitamin D dosis tinggi (1000 IU/hari atau lebih) selama 3 bulan, terjadi peningkatan bermakna status vitamin D. Simpulan: Proporsi defisiensi vitamin D tinggi pada pasien penyakit imunologi dan pemberian vitamin D dosis tinggi (1000 IU/hari atau lebih) dapat meningkatkan status vitamin D pasien dengan penyakit imunologi.Vitamin D also plays a role in influencing and regulating the function of the immune system in the body. Objective: To determine the proportion of vitamin D-25 (OH) deficiency in patients in the Allergy and Immunology Polyclinic, and to evaluate the management of vitamin D-25 (OH) deficiency in patients in the Allergy and Immunology Polyclinic. Methods: Retrospective study on medical records data from Allergy and Immunology Polyclinic patients with vitamin D-25 (OH) level data and with vitamin D therapy. Results: Vitamin D level less than normal in 97,1% patients. After administration of high dose vitamin D (1000 IU/day or more) for 3 months, a significant increase in the patient's vitamin D status was observed. Conclusion: The proportion of vitamin D deficiency in patients with immunological diseases is high and administration of high doses vitamin D (1000 IU/day or more) can improve the vitamin D status

    Efek Tetes Mata Kombinasi Sodium Hialuronat dan Hydroxypropyl-Guar terhadap Stabilitas Lapisan Air Mata pada Mata Kering Terkait Sindrom Sjögren

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai stabilitas lapisan air mata pada mata kering terkait sindrom Sjögren (SS) yang diberi terapi tetes mata kombinasi sodium hialuronat 0,1% (SH) dan hydroxypropyl (HP)-guar, atau monoterapi tetes mata sodium hialuronat (SH). Sebanyak 17 pasien SS dibagi dalam 2 kelompok. Kelompok pertama mendapat kombinasi SH dan HP-guar, kelompok kedua mendapat terapi SH. NIKBUT, Schirmer, skor pewarnaan okular, dan sitologi impresi, serta keluhan subjektif dinilai sebelum dan sesudah pemberian obat. Setelah terapi selama 28 hari, terdapat peningkatan median NIKBUT, Schirmer, skor pewarnaan okular, densitas sel Goblet, dan perbaikan keluhan subjektif pada mata kering terkait SS.The objectives of the study is to assess the stability of dry eye LAM associated with Sjögren syndrome (SS) during combination therapy of sodium hyaluronate 0.1% (SH) and hydroxypropyl (HP) -guar, or monotherapy sodium hyaluronic (SH). A total of 17 SS patients in this study were divided into 2 groups. The first group received a combination of SH and HP-guar while the second group received SH therapy. NIKBUT, Schirmer, ocular staining score, and impression cytology, as well as subjective complaints was assessed before and after drug administration. After 28 days of therapy, there was a median increase in NIKBUT, Schirmer, ocular staining scores, Goblet cell density, and subjective complaints on SS-related dry eyes