160 research outputs found

    \delta N versus covariant perturbative approach to non-Gaussianity outside the horizon in multifield inflation

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    We compute the super-Hubble evolution of non-Gaussianity of primordial curvature perturbations in two-field inflation models by employing two formalisms: delta N and covariant formalisms. Although two formalisms treat the evolution of fluctuations radically different, we show that the formulas of f_{NL} parameter agree quantitatively with each other within 1 % accuracy. We analytically find that the amplitude of f_{NL} decays no faster than a^{-3} as the inflationary trajectory reaches to the adiabatic limit for generic potentials.Comment: v4: minor changes, version accepted for PRD; v3: 10 pages, 14 figures, added two examples that produce relatively large non-Gaussianity in Appendix to support the results; v2: 8 pages, 10 figures, added reference

    On the redundancy of operators and the bispectrum in the most general second-order scalar-tensor theory

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    In this short note we explain how to use the linear equation of motions to simplify the third-order action for the cosmological fluctuations. No field redefinition is needed in this exact procedure which considerably limits the range of independent cubic operators, and hence of possible shapes of the primordial bispectrum. We demonstrate this in the context of the most general single-field scalar-tensor theory with second-order equations of motion, whose third-order action has been calculated recently in arXiv:1107.2642 and 1107.3917. In particular, we show that the three cubic operators initially pointed out in these works as new compared to k-inflation can actually be expressed in terms of standard k-inflationary operators.Comment: 9 pages. Wordings changed; matches version published in JCA

    A Statistical Approach to Multifield Inflation: Many-field Perturbations Beyond Slow Roll

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    We study multifield contributions to the scalar power spectrum in an ensemble of six-field inflationary models obtained in string theory. We identify examples in which inflation occurs by chance, near an approximate inflection point, and we compute the primordial perturbations numerically, both exactly and using an array of truncated models. The scalar mass spectrum and the number of fluctuating fields are accurately described by a simple random matrix model. During the approach to the inflection point, bending trajectories and violations of slow roll are commonplace, and 'many-field' effects, in which three or more fields influence the perturbations, are often important. However, in a large fraction of models consistent with constraints on the tilt the signatures of multifield evolution occur on unobservably large scales. Our scenario is a concrete microphysical realization of quasi-single-field inflation, with scalar masses of order HH, but the cubic and quartic couplings are typically too small to produce detectable non-Gaussianity. We argue that our results are characteristic of a broader class of models arising from multifield potentials that are natural in the Wilsonian sense.Comment: 39 pages, 17 figures. References added. Matches version published in JCA

    Fully non-linear equivalence of delta N and covariant formalisms

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    We explicitly show the fully non-linear equivalence of the δ\deltaN and the covariant formalisms for the superhorizon curvature perturbations, which enables us to safely evaluate the non-Gaussian quantities of the curvature perturbation in either formalism. We also discuss isocurvature perturbations in the covariant formalism and clarify the relation between the fully non-linear evolution of the curvature covector and that of the curvature perturbation for multiple interacting fluids.Comment: 11 pages, minor changes, version accepted by PR

    A general proof of the equivalence between the \delta N and covariant formalisms

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    Recently, the equivalence between the \delta N and covariant formalisms has been shown (Suyama et al. 2012), but they essentially assumed Einstein gravity in their proof. They showed that the evolution equation of the curvature covector in the covariant formalism on uniform energy density slicings coincides with that of the curvature perturbation in the \delta N formalism assuming the coincidence of uniform energy and uniform expansion (Hubble) slicings, which is the case on superhorizon scales in Einstein gravity. In this short note, we explicitly show the equivalence between the \delta N and covariant formalisms without specifying the slicing condition and the associated slicing coincidence, in other words, regardless of the gravity theory.Comment: 7 pages,a reference added, to be published in EP

    Constraining Galileon inflation

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    In this short paper, we present constraints on the Galileon inflationary model from the CMB bispectrum. We employ a principal-component analysis of the independent degrees of freedom constrained by data and apply this to the WMAP 9-year data to constrain the free parameters of the model. A simple Bayesian comparison establishes that support for the Galileon model from bispectrum data is at best weak

    Primordial fluctuations and non-Gaussianities from multifield DBI Galileon inflation

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    We study a cosmological scenario in which the DBI action governing the motion of a D3-brane in a higher-dimensional spacetime is supplemented with an induced gravity term. The latter reduces to the quartic Galileon Lagrangian when the motion of the brane is non-relativistic and we show that it tends to violate the null energy condition and to render cosmological fluctuations ghosts. There nonetheless exists an interesting parameter space in which a stable phase of quasi-exponential expansion can be achieved while the induced gravity leaves non trivial imprints. We derive the exact second-order action governing the dynamics of linear perturbations and we show that it can be simply understood through a bimetric perspective. In the relativistic regime, we also calculate the dominant contribution to the primordial bispectrum and demonstrate that large non-Gaussianities of orthogonal shape can be generated, for the first time in a concrete model. More generally, we find that the sign and the shape of the bispectrum offer powerful diagnostics of the precise strength of the induced gravity.Comment: 34 pages including 9 figures, plus appendices and bibliography. Wordings changed and references added; matches version published in JCA

    Decoding the bispectrum of single-field inflation

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    Galileon fields arise naturally from the decoupling limit of massive gravities, and possess special self-interactions which are protected by a spacetime generalization of Galilean symmetry. We briefly revisit the inflationary phenomenology of Galileon theories. Working from recent computations of the fluctuation Lagrangian to cubic order in the most general model with second-order equations of motion, we show that a distinct shape is present but with suppressed amplitude. A similar shape has been found in other higher-derivative models. It may be visible in a theory tuned to suppress the leading-order shapes, or if the overall bispectrum has large amplitude. Using a partial-wave expansion of the bispectrum, we suggest a possible origin for the frequent appearance of this shape. It follows that models with very disparate microphysics can produce very similar bispectra. We argue that it may be more profitable to distinguish these models by searching for relations between the amplitudes of these common shapes. We illustrate this method using the example of DBI and k-inflation.Comment: v1: 25 pages, including tables, an appendix and references. v2: minor clarifications about the lowest-order consistency relations; matches version published in JCA

    Inflationary signatures of single-field models beyond slow-roll

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    If the expansion of the early Universe was not close to de Sitter, the statistical imprints of the primordial density perturbation on the cosmic microwave background can be quite different from those derived in slow-roll inflation. In this paper we study the inflationary signatures of all single-field models which are free of ghost-like instabilities. We allow for a rapid change of the Hubble parameter and the speed of sound of scalar fluctuations, in a way that is compatible with a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of perturbations, as supported by current cosmological observations. Our results rely on the scale-invariant approximation, which is different from the standard slow-roll approximation. We obtain the propagator of scalar fluctuations and compute the bispectrum, keeping next-order corrections proportional to the deviation of the spectral index from unity. These theories offer an explicit example where the shape and scale-dependences of the bispectrum are highly non-trivial whenever slow-roll is not a good approximation.Comment: v1: 36 pages, including tables, appendices and references. v2: abstract improved, references added, minor clarifications throughout the text; matches version published in JCA

    Potential-driven Galileon inflation

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    For the models of inflation driven by the potential energy of an inflaton field ϕ\phi, the covariant Galileon Lagrangian (∂ϕ)2□ϕ(\partial\phi)^2\Box \phi generally works to slow down the evolution of the field. On the other hand, if the Galileon self-interaction is dominant relative to the standard kinetic term, we show that there is no oscillatory regime of inflaton after the end of inflation. This is typically accompanied by the appearance of the negative propagation speed squared cs2c_s^2 of a scalar mode, which leads to the instability of small-scale perturbations. For chaotic inflation and natural inflation we clarify the parameter space in which inflaton oscillates coherently during reheating. Using the WMAP constraints of the scalar spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio as well, we find that the self coupling λ\lambda of the potential V(ϕ)=λϕ4/4V(\phi)=\lambda \phi^4/4 is constrained to be very much smaller than 1 and that the symmetry breaking scale ff of natural inflation cannot be less than the reduced Planck mass MplM_{\rm pl}. We also show that, in the presence of other covariant Galileon Lagrangians, there are some cases in which inflaton oscillates coherently even for the self coupling λ\lambda of the order of 0.1, but still the instability associated with negative cs2c_s^2 is generally present.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figure
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