9 research outputs found
Objective: Many cases of clinically suspected acute appendicitis show no microscopic signs of acute inflammation. Negative appendectomy rates differ greatly, partly due to various criteria used by different institutions to define acute appendicitis. In our practice, we have noticed that many of the negative appendectomy specimens contain prominent vascular clefts. The objective of this study was to determine the possible signifi cance of vascular clefts, which has not been investigated yet. Our hypothesis was that vascular clefts are early, as yet unrecognized signs of acute appendicitis. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study by searching for patients who had negative appendectomy at the Zagreb
Childrenās Hospital (2014-2019). There were 151 patients aged 1-18 years, 124 of which were included in the study group and 27 in the control group. Vascular clefts, if present, were measured microscopically. Statistical analysis was performed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Kruskal-Wallis, Mann Whitney, Ļ2 and Spearmanās rank correlation tests. The level of statistical signifi cance was set at p<0.05. Results: Out of the 124 patients included in the study group, 50.8% were female (n=63) and 49.2% were male (n=61). Mean age of the patients was 11.5 years and median 12 years. Negative appendectomy specimens showed prominent vascular clefts in 94 of 124 (75.8%) study group patients. Vascular cleft width varied between
140 and 1751 Ī¼m. Twelve (9.7%) specimens showed no signs of vascular clefts, and 18 specimens had partial vascular clefts that did not penetrate muscular wall of the appendix and consequently could not be measured. We also showed that there was a statistically signifi cant difference between the number of appendices that contained fecaliths in their lumina in the study group as compared to the control group (p<0.01). Discussion: Negative appendectomies are still a problem in the 21st century medical practice. Although many cases of clinically suspected acute appendicitis microscopically show no signs of inflammation, in some cases symptoms may regress after appendectomy has been performed, even if there are no histopathologic signs of inflammation. In everyday practice, we noticed that in cases of acute suppurative or phlegmonous appendicitis, a dense infl ammatory infi ltrate is often seen passing through prominent vascular clefts, which we defi ne as fi ssures of the muscular layer of the bowel (or in this case appendiceal) wall through which blood vessels and peripheral nerve branches pass on their way to and from the bowel. We tried to determine the possible signifi cance of these vascular clefts. We collected 124 negative appendectomy specimens from the archives of our Department of Pathology and Cytology, all of which were removed from pediatric patients at the Zagreb Childrenās Hospital due to clinically suspected acute appendicitis. None of the 124 appendices met our criteria for acute appendicitis. We found that 94 of 124 (75.8%) negative appendectomy specimens showed vascular clefts. We also calculated the Zagreb Childrenās Hospital negative appendectomy rate during the 5-year period, which was 9%. Conclusion: Our results show that prominent vascular clefts in the muscular layer of the appendiceal wall are frequently found in negative appendectomy specimens. These clefts could be implicated in the pathophysiology of acute appendicitis and might be one of the fi rst signs of acute appendicitis.Cilj: Mnogi sluÄajevi kliniÄki dijagnosticiranih akutnih apendicitisa ne pokazuju znakove akutne upale. Stopa negativnih apendektomija znatno varira, dijelom i zbog razliÄitih kriterija koje razne institucije primjenjuju u defi niciji akutnog apendicitisa. U naÅ”oj svakodnevnoj praksi primijetili smo da mnogi od uzoraka negativnih apendektomija sadrže izražene vaskularne kleftove. Cilj ove studije bio je odrediti moguÄe znaÄenje vaskularnih kleftova koje nitko dosad nije istražio. NaÅ”a hipoteza je bila da su vaskularni kleftovi rani, dosad neprepoznati znakovi akutnog apendicitisa. Metode: Proveli smo retrospektivnu studiju tražeÄi bolesnike s negativnom apendektomijom u Klinici za djeÄje bolesti Zagreb (2014.-2019.). PronaÅ”li smo 151 bolesnika u dobi 1-18 godina, od kojih smo 124 ukljuÄili u istraživanu, a 27 u kontrolnu skupinu. Vaskularne kleftove smo mjerili mikroskopski. UÄinjena je statistiÄka analiza pomoÄu Kolmogorov-Smirnovljeva, Kruskal-Wallisova,
Mann Whitneyeva, Ļ2 i Spearmanova rank korelacijskog testa. Razina statistiÄke znaÄajnosti utvrÄena je na p<0,05. Rezultati: Od 124 bolesnika u istraživanoj skupini 50,8 % je bilo ženskih (n=63) i 49,2 % muÅ”kih (n=61). Srednja dob bolesnika bila je 11,5 godina, a medijan 12 godina. Devedeset i Äetiri od 124 (75,8 %) uzorka negativnih apendektomija pokazivalo je izražene vaskularne kleftove. Å irina vaskularnih kleftova je varirala izmeÄu 140 i 1751 Ī¼m. Dvanaest uzoraka (9,7 %) nije pokazivalo znakove vaskularnih kleftova, a 18 uzoraka je imalo djelomiÄne vaskularne kleftove koji nisu penetrirali kroz Äitavu debljinu stijenke apendiksa i stoga se nisu mogli izmjeriti. TakoÄer smo pokazali statistiÄki znaÄajnu razliku u broju apendiksa koji su sadržavali fekolite u lumenu izmeÄu istraživane skupine i kontrolne skupine (p<0,01). Rasprava: Negativne apendektomije su i dalje problem u medicinskoj praksi 21. stoljeÄa. Iako mnogi sluÄajevi kliniÄke sumnje na akutni appendicitis mikroskopski ne pokazuju znakove upale, u nekim sluÄajevima simptomi se mogu povuÄi nakon provedene apendektomije, iako nema patohistoloÅ”kih znakova upale. U svakodnevnoj praksi primijetili smo da u sluÄajevima akutnog supurativnog i fl egmonoznog apendicitisa gusti upalni infi ltrat Äesto prolazi kroz izražene vaskularne kleftove, koje defi niramo kao procjepe miÅ”iÄnog sloja stijenke crijeva (u ovom sluÄaju apendiksa) kroz koji krvne žile i periferni ogranci živaca prolaze u crijevo. PokuÅ”ali smo odrediti znaÄenje ovih vaskularnih kleftova. Sakupili smo 124 uzorka iz arhive naÅ”eg Zavoda za patologiju i citologiju, od kojih su svi odstranjeni iz pedijatrijskih bolesnika zbog kliniÄke sumnje na akutni apendicitis. Nijedan od 124 apendiksa nije ispunjavao naÅ”e kriterije za akutni apendicitis. Utvrdili smo da su vaskularni kleftovi bili prisutni u 94 od 124 (75,8 %) uzorka negativnih apendektomija. TakoÄer smo izraÄunali stopu negativne apendektomije za Kliniku za djeÄje bolesti Zagreb u petogodiÅ”njem razdoblju koja iznosi 9 %. ZakljuÄak: NaÅ”i rezultati pokazuju da su izraženi vaskularni kleftovi u miÅ”iÄnom sloju stijenke apendiksa Äesto prisutni u uzorcima negativnih apendektomija. Ti kleftovi bi mogli biti ukljuÄeni u patofi ziologiju akutnog apendicitisa i mogli bi biti meÄu prvim znakovima akutnog apendicitisa
Objective: Many cases of clinically suspected acute appendicitis show no microscopic signs of acute inflammation. Negative appendectomy rates differ greatly, partly due to various criteria used by different institutions to define acute appendicitis. In our practice, we have noticed that many of the negative appendectomy specimens contain prominent vascular clefts. The objective of this study was to determine the possible signifi cance of vascular clefts, which has not been investigated yet. Our hypothesis was that vascular clefts are early, as yet unrecognized signs of acute appendicitis. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study by searching for patients who had negative appendectomy at the Zagreb
Childrenās Hospital (2014-2019). There were 151 patients aged 1-18 years, 124 of which were included in the study group and 27 in the control group. Vascular clefts, if present, were measured microscopically. Statistical analysis was performed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Kruskal-Wallis, Mann Whitney, Ļ2 and Spearmanās rank correlation tests. The level of statistical signifi cance was set at p<0.05. Results: Out of the 124 patients included in the study group, 50.8% were female (n=63) and 49.2% were male (n=61). Mean age of the patients was 11.5 years and median 12 years. Negative appendectomy specimens showed prominent vascular clefts in 94 of 124 (75.8%) study group patients. Vascular cleft width varied between
140 and 1751 Ī¼m. Twelve (9.7%) specimens showed no signs of vascular clefts, and 18 specimens had partial vascular clefts that did not penetrate muscular wall of the appendix and consequently could not be measured. We also showed that there was a statistically signifi cant difference between the number of appendices that contained fecaliths in their lumina in the study group as compared to the control group (p<0.01). Discussion: Negative appendectomies are still a problem in the 21st century medical practice. Although many cases of clinically suspected acute appendicitis microscopically show no signs of inflammation, in some cases symptoms may regress after appendectomy has been performed, even if there are no histopathologic signs of inflammation. In everyday practice, we noticed that in cases of acute suppurative or phlegmonous appendicitis, a dense infl ammatory infi ltrate is often seen passing through prominent vascular clefts, which we defi ne as fi ssures of the muscular layer of the bowel (or in this case appendiceal) wall through which blood vessels and peripheral nerve branches pass on their way to and from the bowel. We tried to determine the possible signifi cance of these vascular clefts. We collected 124 negative appendectomy specimens from the archives of our Department of Pathology and Cytology, all of which were removed from pediatric patients at the Zagreb Childrenās Hospital due to clinically suspected acute appendicitis. None of the 124 appendices met our criteria for acute appendicitis. We found that 94 of 124 (75.8%) negative appendectomy specimens showed vascular clefts. We also calculated the Zagreb Childrenās Hospital negative appendectomy rate during the 5-year period, which was 9%. Conclusion: Our results show that prominent vascular clefts in the muscular layer of the appendiceal wall are frequently found in negative appendectomy specimens. These clefts could be implicated in the pathophysiology of acute appendicitis and might be one of the fi rst signs of acute appendicitis.Cilj: Mnogi sluÄajevi kliniÄki dijagnosticiranih akutnih apendicitisa ne pokazuju znakove akutne upale. Stopa negativnih apendektomija znatno varira, dijelom i zbog razliÄitih kriterija koje razne institucije primjenjuju u defi niciji akutnog apendicitisa. U naÅ”oj svakodnevnoj praksi primijetili smo da mnogi od uzoraka negativnih apendektomija sadrže izražene vaskularne kleftove. Cilj ove studije bio je odrediti moguÄe znaÄenje vaskularnih kleftova koje nitko dosad nije istražio. NaÅ”a hipoteza je bila da su vaskularni kleftovi rani, dosad neprepoznati znakovi akutnog apendicitisa. Metode: Proveli smo retrospektivnu studiju tražeÄi bolesnike s negativnom apendektomijom u Klinici za djeÄje bolesti Zagreb (2014.-2019.). PronaÅ”li smo 151 bolesnika u dobi 1-18 godina, od kojih smo 124 ukljuÄili u istraživanu, a 27 u kontrolnu skupinu. Vaskularne kleftove smo mjerili mikroskopski. UÄinjena je statistiÄka analiza pomoÄu Kolmogorov-Smirnovljeva, Kruskal-Wallisova,
Mann Whitneyeva, Ļ2 i Spearmanova rank korelacijskog testa. Razina statistiÄke znaÄajnosti utvrÄena je na p<0,05. Rezultati: Od 124 bolesnika u istraživanoj skupini 50,8 % je bilo ženskih (n=63) i 49,2 % muÅ”kih (n=61). Srednja dob bolesnika bila je 11,5 godina, a medijan 12 godina. Devedeset i Äetiri od 124 (75,8 %) uzorka negativnih apendektomija pokazivalo je izražene vaskularne kleftove. Å irina vaskularnih kleftova je varirala izmeÄu 140 i 1751 Ī¼m. Dvanaest uzoraka (9,7 %) nije pokazivalo znakove vaskularnih kleftova, a 18 uzoraka je imalo djelomiÄne vaskularne kleftove koji nisu penetrirali kroz Äitavu debljinu stijenke apendiksa i stoga se nisu mogli izmjeriti. TakoÄer smo pokazali statistiÄki znaÄajnu razliku u broju apendiksa koji su sadržavali fekolite u lumenu izmeÄu istraživane skupine i kontrolne skupine (p<0,01). Rasprava: Negativne apendektomije su i dalje problem u medicinskoj praksi 21. stoljeÄa. Iako mnogi sluÄajevi kliniÄke sumnje na akutni appendicitis mikroskopski ne pokazuju znakove upale, u nekim sluÄajevima simptomi se mogu povuÄi nakon provedene apendektomije, iako nema patohistoloÅ”kih znakova upale. U svakodnevnoj praksi primijetili smo da u sluÄajevima akutnog supurativnog i fl egmonoznog apendicitisa gusti upalni infi ltrat Äesto prolazi kroz izražene vaskularne kleftove, koje defi niramo kao procjepe miÅ”iÄnog sloja stijenke crijeva (u ovom sluÄaju apendiksa) kroz koji krvne žile i periferni ogranci živaca prolaze u crijevo. PokuÅ”ali smo odrediti znaÄenje ovih vaskularnih kleftova. Sakupili smo 124 uzorka iz arhive naÅ”eg Zavoda za patologiju i citologiju, od kojih su svi odstranjeni iz pedijatrijskih bolesnika zbog kliniÄke sumnje na akutni apendicitis. Nijedan od 124 apendiksa nije ispunjavao naÅ”e kriterije za akutni apendicitis. Utvrdili smo da su vaskularni kleftovi bili prisutni u 94 od 124 (75,8 %) uzorka negativnih apendektomija. TakoÄer smo izraÄunali stopu negativne apendektomije za Kliniku za djeÄje bolesti Zagreb u petogodiÅ”njem razdoblju koja iznosi 9 %. ZakljuÄak: NaÅ”i rezultati pokazuju da su izraženi vaskularni kleftovi u miÅ”iÄnom sloju stijenke apendiksa Äesto prisutni u uzorcima negativnih apendektomija. Ti kleftovi bi mogli biti ukljuÄeni u patofi ziologiju akutnog apendicitisa i mogli bi biti meÄu prvim znakovima akutnog apendicitisa
The limping child
Å epanje kod djece uvijek je patoloÅ”ki nalaz koji zahtijeva detaljnu evaluaciju. RazmatrajuÄi diferencijalnu dijagnozu Å”epanja, kliniÄar se susreÄe sa Å”irokom paletom moguÄih uzroka kao Å”to su trauma, infekcija, novotvorina te inflamatorne, kongenitalne, neuromuskularne i razvojne bolesti. U veÄini sluÄajeva detaljna anamneza i kliniÄki pregled uputit Äe nas na ispravnu dijagnozu. Potreba za dodatnom obradom mora se temeljiti na kliniÄkom nalazu i izraženoj sumnji da je rijeÄ o potencijalno ozbiljnoj patologiji. Nužno je razumijevanje normalnog hoda, kako bismo prepoznali i ispravno interpretirali onaj poremeÄeni. Postoji viÅ”e dijagnostiÄkih modaliteta koji se primjenjuju pri evaluaciji Å”epanja kod djece. Primjereno znanje o prednostima i nedostatcima dostupnih dijagnostiÄkih modaliteta te njihovim ograniÄenjima, pomaže nam u postavljanju brze i toÄne dijagnoze.Limping in children is never normal and it deserves a full evaluation. The causes of limping are extensive and very often age-specific. In considering the differential diagnosis the clinician faces a rather broad category of possible etiologies and concomitant diseases, such as traumatic, infectious, neoplastic, inflammatory, congenital, neuromuscular or developmental. It is necessary to understand the normal gait cycle in order to recognize and correctly interpret the pathological one. A systematic approach should include a thorough history and physical examination combined with appropriate imaging studies and laboratory testing. There are several diagnostic modalities that are available in the evaluation of a child with a limp. A thorough understanding of the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of these modalities will help in identifying those children who require urgent diagnostic and therapeutic interventions in the emergency department
LijeÄenje prijeloma bedrene kosti kod djece u Gradu Zagrebu
Femur fractures in children can be treated with a number of operative and conservative
methods. Numerous factors determine which method is optimal for a specific fracture. The aim
of this research was to analyze distribution of femur fractures in children living in the urban communities
of Zagreb and Zagreb County by localization, type and frequency of treatment methods used
according to age and fracture mechanism. The research included 103 children aged up to 18 years,
treated for femur fractures at the Zagreb University Hospital Centre and Zagreb Childrenās Hospital.
Data were collected from these institutions and a retrospective study covered the 2010-2015 period.
The cause of fracture and diagnosis were coded with the help of the International Statistical Classification
of Diseases and Related Health Problems. Operative treatment was applied in 55% of cases,
which is contrary to previous researches. The highest incidence of femur fractures was recorded in the
0- to 4-year age groups, accounting for 49.1% of all fractures. These fractures mostly occurred due to
falls and were more often treated with non-operative methods. All other age groups were mostly
treated with operative methods. Coxofemoral immobilization and traction were used as non-operative
methods, whereas flexible intramedullary nailing was the most frequently used operative method. The
treatment depended on age, complexity of the fracture, fracture type, fragment displacement, and
associated injuries. The cause was also an important factor on choosing the treatment method. Nonoperative
treatment was mostly used for fractures caused by falls (64.71% of cases due to falls) and
operative treatment was mostly used for fractures caused by traffic accidents (79.4% of cases due to
traffic accidents). It is a wide-known opinion that the best treatment for femur fractures in children is
non-operative treatment. However, recent studies have shown that the use of operative methods in
femur fracture treatment is growing. Our cohort of children treated during a five-year period (2010-
2015) also underwent operative treatment more often than non-operative one. Two non-operative and
eight operative methods were used. With such a large number of methods, it is clear that there is no
unique method for all fractures. However, it is clear that the trend of using operative treatment is connected
to the perennial trend of considerable sociodemographic and socioeconomic changes in urban
settings such as Zagreb. Lifestyle changes directly affect the prevalence of femur fractures among
children, as well as approach to treatment choice. General opinion is that most of fractures that occur
at an early age can be treated with non-operative methods. Our research on femur fractures in children
confirmed this rule. The youngest age group that had the highest incidence of fractures (49.1% of all
fractures) was treated with non-operative methods in 75% of cases. Operative methods prevailed in
other age groups. Similar results have been published by other authors. In conclusion, nearly half of all
femur fractures (49.1%) occurred at a young age (0-4 years). Diaphysis fractures were most common.
Most of the fractures that occurred during the 2010-2015 period were treated with operative methods,
mostly in children aged 5-9 years. Out of eight different operative methods, elastic stable intramedullary
osteosynthesis was most frequently used (60%). Coxofemoral immobilization and traction were
used as non-operative methods.Prijelomi bedrene kosti u djece mogu se lijeÄiti operativno ili konzervativno. ViÅ”e Äimbenika utjeÄe na izbor najbolje
metode lijeÄenja ovisno o vrsti prijeloma. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi uÄestalost prijeloma bedrene kosti u djece na
podruÄju Grada Zagreba i ZagrebaÄke županije i raspodjelu uÄestalosti prema mjestu nastanka, dobi djeteta te vrsti, naÄinu
nastanka i naÄinu lijeÄenja prijeloma. Istraživanje je ukljuÄilo 103 djece u dobi do 18 godina lijeÄene zbog prijeloma bedrene
kosti u KliniÄkom bolniÄkom centru Zagreb i Klinici za djeÄje bolesti Zagreb. Podaci za ovu retrospektivnu analizu su prikupljeni
iz navedenih ustanova za razdoblje od 2010. do 2015. godine. Uzroci nastanka prijeloma su Å”ifrirani prema MeÄunarodnoj
klasifikaciji bolesti. KirurÅ”ko lijeÄenje je bilo potrebno u 55% bolesnika, Å”to nije u skladu s podacima iz prethodnih
analiza. NajveÄa uÄestalost prijeloma bedrene kosti bila je u dobnoj skupini od 0 do 4 godine, koja Äini 49,1% svih bolesnika.
U toj skupini su prijelomi najÄeÅ”Äe nastali prilikom pada i veÄinom su lijeÄeni konzervativno. U svim ostalim dobnim skupinama
prevladavalo je operativno lijeÄenje. NajÄeÅ”Äe primijenjeni konzervativni naÄin lijeÄenja je bila kokso-femoralna imobilizacija,
a najÄeÅ”Äi operativni naÄin stabilna elastiÄna osteosinteza titanskim Äavlima. NaÄin lijeÄenja je ovisio o dobi, vrsti i
složenosti prijeloma, pomaku ulomaka i udruženim ozljedama. Uzrok nastanka prijeloma je takoÄer bio važan Äimbenik u
odabiru naÄina lijeÄenja. Konzervativno lijeÄenje je veÄinom primijenjeno kod prijeloma koji su nastali padom (u 64,7%
prijeloma nastalih padom), a operativno lijeÄenje veÄinom kod prijeloma nastalih u prometnim nezgodama (79,4% tako
nastalih prijeloma je lijeÄeno operativno). OpÄe prihvaÄeno je stajaliÅ”te da je konzervativno lijeÄenje najbolje za dijete. Ipak,
u novijim radovima je poveÄana uÄestalost operativnog lijeÄenja prijeloma bedrene kosti u djece. U naÅ”oj skupini bolesnika
lijeÄenih u razdoblju od 2010. do 2015. godine operativno lijeÄenje takoÄer je bilo ÄeÅ”Äe nego konzervativno. Primijenjena su
dva naÄina konzervativnog lijeÄenja i osam naÄina operativnog lijeÄenja. Tako velik broj razliÄitih naÄina lijeÄenja pokazuje
da ne postoji jedinstvena metoda za lijeÄenje svih prijeloma. S druge strane, porast uÄestalosti operativnog lijeÄenja je oÄito
posljedica trajnih socio-demografskih i socio-ekonomkih promjena u urbanim podruÄjima poput Zagreba. Promjena naÄina
života izravno utjeÄe na uÄestalost prijeloma bedrene kosti, kao i na naÄin njihovog lijeÄenja. MiÅ”ljenje veÄine je da se prijelomi
nastali u ranoj dobi uglavnom mogu lijeÄiti konzervativno. NaÅ”e istraživanje to potvrÄuje: 75% bolesnika u najmlaÄoj
dobnoj skupini, koji su Äinili veÄinu ozljeÄenika (49,1%), lijeÄeni su konzervativno. Operativno lijeÄenje je prevladavalo u
drugim dobnim skupinama, a drugi autori su objavili sliÄne rezultate. ZakljuÄno, najmlaÄi bolesnici (u dobi od 0 do 4 godine)
Äine gotovo polovicu (49,1%) svih bolesnika s prijelomom bedrene kosti. NajÄeÅ”Äe mjesto prijeloma je bila dijafiza. VeÄina
prijeloma u razdoblju od 2010. do 2015. godine lijeÄena je operativno, veÄinom u djece u dobi od 5 do 9 godina. Od osam
razliÄitih operativnih naÄina lijeÄenja, stabilna elastiÄna osteosinteza bila je najÄeÅ”Äa (60%). Kokso-femoralna imobilizacija ili
trakcija bile su najÄeÅ”Äi konzervativni naÄini lijeÄenja
Djeca su zbog hiperaktivnosti Äesto izložena ozljedama. Visoka pojavnost prijeloma i moguÄa invalidnost unatoÄ
primjerenom lijeÄenju opravdavaju istraživanja u podruÄju prevencije nastanka prijeloma. Preventivni postupci moguÄi su
jedino uz poznavanje uzroka i okolnosti nastanka prijeloma. Cilj je ovog rada analizirati okolnosti i mjesta nastanka prijeloma
bedrene kosti po dobnim skupinama djece. U ovu retrospektivnu studiju ukljuÄeno je 103-je djece u dobi do 18 godina,
lijeÄene u KliniÄkome bolniÄkom centru Zagreb ili Klinici za djeÄje bolesti Zagreb u razdoblju 2012. ā 2016. Analizirano
je 35 djevojÄica (33%) i 71 djeÄak (67%) s prijelomom femura. ProsjeÄna dob djece iznosila je pet godina. NajveÄi
broj ozlijeÄene djece, 52 (55,2%) bio je u najmlaÄoj dobnoj skupini, od 0 do 4 godine života. NajÄeÅ”Äi su bili prijelomi
dijafi ze ā 66 (62%), a najrjeÄi distalne metafi ze ā 14 (13%). Kod kuÄe je nastao 41 (38%), na ulici ili cesti 38 (36%), na
rekreacijskome mjestu 22 (21%), a 3 (3%) prijeloma nastala su u Å”koli ili vrtiÄu. NajÄeÅ”Äi uzroci nastanka prijeloma bili su
padovi ā 38 (57,5%), nezgode s motornim vozilima ā 35 (33,0%) te sudaranja ili izravni udarci ā 10 (9,5%). Oko treÄine
djece s prijelomom femura imalo je pridružene ozljede, a Äetiri petine uzrokovane su nezgodama s motornim vozilima.
Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da su prijelomi bedrene kosti najuÄestaliji u najmlaÄim dobnim skupinama, a najÄeÅ”Äe
nastaju kao posljedica nezgoda kod kuÄe, i to padovima, rjeÄe na ulici i rekreacijskim mjestima. Roditelje predÅ”kolske
djece treba pouÄiti o prevenciji padova kod kuÄe, a djecu Å”kolske dobi o opasnostima od prijeloma na rekreacijskim
mjestima i u cestovnom prometu.Children are often exposed to injuries due to their hyperactivity. Femur fractures can however leave permanent
consequences despite adequate treatment. The high prevalence and possible invalidity justify research in the fi eld of
prevention of this injury. But prevention is possible only by knowing the causes and circumstances of the fractures. The aim
of this research is to analyze the circumstances and places of occurrence in femur fractures according to children age
groups. This retrospective study includes 103 children up to the age of 18 years treated at the University Hospital Center of
Medicine Zagreb, or at the Clinic for children diseases Zagreb in the period from 2012 to 2016. The study includes 35 (33
%) girls and 71 (67 %) boys, a total of 106 children with femur fractures. The average age was fi ve years. The majority of
the injured children, 52 children (55,2 %), belonged to the youngest age group from 0 to 4 years of age. Diaphysis fractures
were the most common with 66 fractures (62 %), and the rarest were fractures of the distal metaphysis with 15 fractures (13
%). The fractures occurred at home in 41 cases (38 %), in the street in 38 cases (36 %), at recreation in 22 cases (21 5), and
at school or kindergarten in 3 cases (3 %). The most common causes of femur fractures were falls in 38 cases (57,5 %),
motor vehicle accidents in 35 cases (33 %), and crashes and blows in 10 cases (9,5 %). One third of the children with femur
fractures had associated injuries, and four fi fths of them were caused by motor vehicle accidents. The results of this study
show that femur fractures are most frequent in the youngest age groups, and are generally a consequence of accidents at
home (mostly falls), seldom in the streets or recreational places. Parents of preschool children should be educated about
prevention of falling at their homes, and parents of school children should be educated about the dangers of fractures at
recreational places and traffi
Prijelomi bedrene kosti u djece ā okolnosti i uzroci nastanka [Femur fractures in children ā causes and mechanisms of injury]
Children are often exposed to injuries due to their hyperactivity. Femur fractures can however leave permanent consequences despite adequate treatment. The high prevalence and possible invalidity justify research in the field of prevention of this injury. But prevention is possible only by knowing the causes and circumstances of the fractures. The aim of this research is to analyze the circumstances and places of occurrence in femur fractures according to children age groups. This retrospective study includes 103 children up to the age of 18 years treated at the University Hospital Center of Medicine Zagreb, or at the Clinic for children diseases Zagreb in the period from 2012 to 2016. The study includes 35 (33 %) girls and 71 (67 %) boys, a total of 106 children with femur fractures. The average age was five years. The majority of the injured children, 52 children (55,2 %), belonged to the youngest age group from 0 to 4 years of age. Diaphysis fractures were the most common with 66 fractures (62 %), and the rarest were fractures of the distal metaphysis with 15 fractures (13 %). The fractures occurred at home in 41 cases (38 %), in the street in 38 cases (36 %), at recreation in 22 cases (21 5), and at school or kindergarten in 3 cases (3 %). The most common causes of femur fractures were falls in 38 cases (57,5 %), motor vehicle accidents in 35 cases (33 %), and crashes and blows in 10 cases (9,5 %). One third of the children with femur fractures had associated injuries, and four fifths of them were caused by motor vehicle accidents. The results of this study show that femur fractures are most frequent in the youngest age groups, and are generally a consequence of accidents at home (mostly falls), seldom in the streets or recreational places. Parents of preschool children should be educated about prevention of falling at their homes, and parents of school children should be educated about the dangers of fractures at recreational places and traffic
The limping child
Å epanje kod djece uvijek je patoloÅ”ki nalaz koji zahtijeva detaljnu evaluaciju. RazmatrajuÄi diferencijalnu dijagnozu Å”epanja, kliniÄar se susreÄe sa Å”irokom paletom moguÄih uzroka kao Å”to su trauma, infekcija, novotvorina te inflamatorne, kongenitalne, neuromuskularne i razvojne bolesti. U veÄini sluÄajeva detaljna anamneza i kliniÄki pregled uputit Äe nas na ispravnu dijagnozu. Potreba za dodatnom obradom mora se temeljiti na kliniÄkom nalazu i izraženoj sumnji da je rijeÄ o potencijalno ozbiljnoj patologiji. Nužno je razumijevanje normalnog hoda, kako bismo prepoznali i ispravno interpretirali onaj poremeÄeni. Postoji viÅ”e dijagnostiÄkih modaliteta koji se primjenjuju pri evaluaciji Å”epanja kod djece. Primjereno znanje o prednostima i nedostatcima dostupnih dijagnostiÄkih modaliteta te njihovim ograniÄenjima, pomaže nam u postavljanju brze i toÄne dijagnoze.Limping in children is never normal and it deserves a full evaluation. The causes of limping are extensive and very often age-specific. In considering the differential diagnosis the clinician faces a rather broad category of possible etiologies and concomitant diseases, such as traumatic, infectious, neoplastic, inflammatory, congenital, neuromuscular or developmental. It is necessary to understand the normal gait cycle in order to recognize and correctly interpret the pathological one. A systematic approach should include a thorough history and physical examination combined with appropriate imaging studies and laboratory testing. There are several diagnostic modalities that are available in the evaluation of a child with a limp. A thorough understanding of the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of these modalities will help in identifying those children who require urgent diagnostic and therapeutic interventions in the emergency department
U posljednje vrijeme svjedoci smo sve veÄeg ukljuÄivanja djece u organizirane Å”portske aktivnosti i natjecateljski Å”port. To znatno pridonosi kvalitetnijem tjelesnom a isto tako i psihiÄkom razvoju djeteta. Osim pozitivnih uÄinaka bavljenja natjecateljskim Å”portom, masovnije sudjelovanje djece u takvoj organizaciji Å”portske aktivnosti neminovno dovodi i do porasta uÄestalosti akutnih Å”portskih ozljeda kao i onih koje svrstavamo u sindrome prenaprezanja. Brojni dodatni Äimbenici koji potpomažu nastanku ozljede isti su kod djece i adolescenata kao i kod odraslih. MeÄutim, neki su od uzroka ozljeÄivanja u djece specifiÄni, a to su prvenstveno Äimbenici vezani za trenutni tjelesni rast. Ti Äimbenici utjeÄu na osjetljivost tih struktura za vrijeme brzog rasta. RadioloÅ”ko oslikavanje ima važnu ulogu u dijagnozi i zbrinjavanju Å”portskih ozljeda u djetinjstvu i adolescenciji. Å iroki raspon radioloÅ”kih dijagnostiÄkih metoda danas je dostupan: konvencionalna radiografija, ultrazvuk, raÄunalna tomografija i magnetska rezonancija. Svaka od tih metoda ima svoje toÄno odreÄeno mjesto u algoritmu dijagnostiÄkih pretraga, a neke od njih se i nadopunjuju. Radiolog treba biti sastavni dio medicinskog tima Å”to brine o ozlijeÄenom mladom Å”portaÅ”u, a koji Äine specijalisti s potrebnim znanjem i koji su senzibilizirani za probleme djece Å”portaÅ”a. Radiolog mora biti sposoban primijeniti sve potrebno od dijagnostike, ali u uskoj suradnji s kliniÄarom.The number of children and adolescents involved in organized sports has increased dramatically over recent decades. The benefits to health and social development of youth participation in sports are generally accepted. However, more participation has led to more sports-related injuries. The increase has been in both acute injuries and, even more, in overuse injuries. Many contributory factors (training errors, anatomic variants and abnormalities, environmental factors) are the same in children and adolescents as in adults. Certain causative factors are unique to young athletes: bone often grows faster then the surrounding muscle-tendon unit, relative weakness of cartilage at physes, apophyses and over epiphyseal surfaces. These factors render immature structures vulnerabile, especially during the period of rapid gorwth. Imaging plays an important role in the diagnosis and menagement of sports injuries of childhood and adolescence. Wideband of radiological diagnostic modalities are available now: conventional radiography, ultrasound, computet tomography and magnetic resonance. Each modality has its owen place in diagnostic algorithm, some of them are compatibile. Radiologist have to be part of medical team of specialists who has appropriate knowledge and appreciation for young athletes. Radiologist must be able to applay the full range of imaging modalities when evaluating the injured young athlete, but in close cooperation with clinitian
Epifizeoliza distalne tibije u zagrebaÄke djece [Distal tibial epiphyseal fractures]
Distal tibial epiphyseal fractures are significant because they often cause tibial growth disturbance. Distal tibial epiphyseal fractures are the second most common epiphyseal fractures, after distal radial epiphysis. Despite prompt diagnosis and correct treatment, serious complications, such as progressive deformation and permanent disability, are possible. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent these injuries. Prevention is possible only by studying injury pattern, mechanism and locations where fractures occur. In total, medical records of 197 children treated for distal tibia epiphyseal fracture in the period from January 1st , 2010 to January 1st , 2017 were analyzed. Due to insufficient data, 80 of them were excluded from the study. Thirty-seven children were treated in Clinical Hospital Center Zagreb and eighty in the Childrenās Hospital Zagreb. In the studied group of children, there were 81 (69.2%) boys and 36 (30.8%) girls. The average age at the time of injury was 12.3 years, with boys being on average 17 months older than girls. ICD 10 classification was used. The most common mechanism of injury was falling, in 90 cases (76.9%). Sport grounds were the most common location where injuries occurred, in 36 cases (30.8%), while the household was the second most common, 27 (23.1%) cases. The most common activities during which injuries occurred were leisure activities, in 52 (44.4%) patients, and sports in 47 (40.2%) patients. The most common activity during which distal tibial epiphyseal fractures occurred was football and leisure activities on inadequate sport grounds. Prevention measures should mainly focus on the sports activities in children aged between 10 and 16 years