16 research outputs found

    Karl von den Steinen’s Ethnographic Research among Indigenous Peoples in Brazil, 1884-1888

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    This article analyses and contextualizes the life and work of the German ethnologist Karl von den Steinen (1855-1929), who conducted ethnographic research in Brazil in 1884 and 1887-88. With a solid education in sciences and the humanities, von den Steinen, a physician and psychiatrist, set out to study social institutions, material and spiritual culture among “stone age” tribal societies along the Amazon. Arriving in Brazil in 1884 he studied the Upper Xingu and the Bororo Indians in the Mato Grosso province. In the Upper Xingu area he obtained a rich ethnographic collection and gathered detailed ethnographic data that continue to be useful for modern-day anthropologists. From a theoretical point of view, von den Steinen endorsed the theory of multilineal development proposed by his mentor Adolf Bastian (1826-1905). Despite many difficulties during his stay among the Bororo Indians, he was able to acquire valuable data to be used by those interested in Bororo social institutions and ceremonial life

    Bearded Indians of the tropical forest. The Asuriní of the Ipiaçaba

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    Adaptação de mitos indígenas na literatura infantil brasileira

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    La rage de Burekoibo. Un essai sur religion et mythologie des Indiens Bororo du Mato Grosso (Brésil)

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    Viertler Renate Brigitte. La rage de Burekoibo. Un essai sur religion et mythologie des Indiens Bororo du Mato Grosso (Brésil). In: La colère et le sacré. Recherches franco-brésiliennes. Besançon : Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l'Antiquité, 2000. pp. 49-70. (Collection « ISTA », 755

    Amazônia Brasileira Preâmbulo a uma discussão antropológica da questão Indígena

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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo elaborar um quadro panorâmico dos principais processos sociais que ocorrem na Amazônia Brasileira. Este referencial é de grande importância para os etnólogos que estudam os pequenos segmentos da sociedade amazônica, representados pelos remanescentes atuais de populações indígenas. Obrigadas a se adaptarem a profundas transformações das suas condições de sobrevivência, as tribos indígenas resistem, sem abrir mão de sua identidade étnica. Ao nível da consciência, os processos sociais emergem sob uma grande variedade de estereótipos que presidem o sentido das relações interétnicasThis article intends to present an overview of the main social processes going on in Brazilian Amazonia. These processes must not be neglected by the ethnologists studying partly integrated braziUan Indian populations. Indian tribes have been obliged to adapt to strong changes o f their general conditions of survival without giving up their ethnic identities. A t the conscious level, these macro and micro-social processes emerge as various stereotypes emerging from interethnic in ter-relationship

    La rage de Burekoibo. Un essai sur religion et mythologie des Indiens Bororo du Mato Grosso (Brésil)

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    Viertler Renate Brigitte. La rage de Burekoibo. Un essai sur religion et mythologie des Indiens Bororo du Mato Grosso (Brésil). In: La colère et le sacré. Recherches franco-brésiliennes. Besançon : Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l'Antiquité, 2000. pp. 49-70. (Collection « ISTA », 755

    Bibliografia crítica da Etnologia Brasileira

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    Wege dv Sinne: Wahrnehmung und Kunst beiden Kashinawa-Indianern Amazoniens

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    A experiência do"outro" na antropologia

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    This article intends, first, to present some basic ideas relating to the theories of"ethnic identity" developed by social anthropologists; second, to furnish some data about the theory of social identity among the Bororo Indians, from Mato Grosso (Brazil); and third, to describe how these field experiences made the author changes personal perspectives about what research priorities should be.Este artigo visa apresentar alguns subsídios teóricos relativos às teorias da identidade étnica, tal como ela tem sido elaborada pelos antropólogos sociais; em segundo lugar, visa fornecer algumas idéias sobre a teoria da identidade social de um"outro", no caso, os índios Bororo do Mato Grosso, e por último, visa descrever como tais referenciais teóricos pensados e vividos em experiências de campo afetaram a busca da própria identidade da autora enquanto ser humano