36 research outputs found


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    Zlostavljanje djece prisutno je u svim sredinama. U javnosti se često iznose slučajevi zlostavljanja djece, no poznato je da je tek mali dio zlostavljane djece prepoznat i obuhvaćen odgovarajućim tretmanom. OVdje se navode četiri osnovna oblika zlostavljanja djece: fizičko zlostavljanje, emocionalno zlostavljanje, seksualno zlostavljanje i zanemarivanje (zapuštanje) djece te znakovi zlostavljanja. Prepoznavanje zlostavljanja i odgovarajući tretman žrtava ujedno je i preventivno djelovanje. Jedna od zajedničkih karakteristika napadača, bez obzira na to o kojem se obliku zlostavljanja radi, jest da su i sami bili žrtve zlostavljanja. To se primjećuje i u odraslih, ali i u djece napadača. S obzirom na složenost problema zlostavljanja, u njegovu rješavanju potrebna je suradnja stručnjaka različitih profila. Na žalost, u praksi ovaj problem još uvijek rješava vrlo mali broj stručnjaka.Child abuse is present in all societies. There are plenty of cases of child abuse reported in public, but the fact is that just a few of the abused children are recognized and properly treated. Four main types of abuse and symptoms of abuse are described: physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. If we recognize symptoms of abuse and give victims proper treatment, that is also preventive work. Most abusers, no matter what kind of abuse they have been involved in, have something in common: they have also been victims of abuse. It is obvious in adult abusers, but we can recognize it in child abusers, too. Since victlmlzation is a complex problem, it could be solved only through the cooperation of various experts. Unfortunately, the number of experts who are involved in solving this problem in practice, is still very low.Das Phanomen der KindesmiBhandlung ist in allen Gesellschatten gegenwartig. In der Offentlichkeit ertahrt man oft von solche n Fallen, doch weiB man, daB nur eine geringe Anzahl miBhandelter Kinder als solche erkannt werden und entsprechende FOrsorgemaBnahmen erfahren. Es werden hier vi er Grundtormen der KindesmiBhandlung angefOhrt: KorpermiBhandlung, seeIisches Qualen, sexueller MiBbrauch und Vernachlasslqunq sowie Anzeichen der vernacnlasslqunq, Die Autdeckung von Fallen der KindesmiBhandlung und entsprechende FOrsorgemaBnahmen tOr die Opter sind zu gleich die beste Vorsorge. Zu den gemeinsamen Charakteristiken der Tatar, egal von welcher MiBhandlungsart die Rede ist, geh6rt, daB sie selbst Opter von MiBhandlungen waren. Das gilt sowohl fOr Erwachsene als auch fOr Kinder. Da dieses Problem sehr komplex ist, bedarf es der Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Experten, um Abhilte zu schaffen. In der Praxis ist leider jedoch immer noch eine sehr kleine Zahl von Experten an der l.čsunq dieses Problems beteiligt

    Važnost socijalnog konteksta za kognitivni razvoj predškolske djece: usporedba kognitivne uspješnosti djece koja odrastaju u različitom obiteljskom i institucionalnom okruženju

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    Niz teorija kognitivnog razvoja naglašava utjecaj ranog socijalnog konteksta na različite aspekte dječjeg razvoja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati utječe li specifični socijalni kontekst (jednoroditeljska obitelj ili život bez roditelja) na kognitivni razvoj djeteta te postoje li, u kognitivnom razvoju djeteta, spolne razlike u dječjim reakcijama na nedostatak jednog ili oba roditelja. Istraživanje smo proveli na djeci predškolske dobi, stare između 6 i 7 godina, ukupno 147 ispitanika. Izabrali smo tu dob da bismo što kompletnije obuhvatili kognitivni status djece: uz mjerenje inteligencije (test neverbalnog tipa i verbalni test), ispitali smo i spremnost za školu (poznavanje činjenica, percepciju, grafomotoriku i numeričko rezoniranje). Uzorak je podijeljen u tri kategorije: djeca koja žive s oba roditelja (od rođenja), djeca koja žive s jednim roditeljem (najmanje tri godine) te djeca koja žive bez roditelja - institucionalni smještaj. Rezultati dobiveni u ovom istraživanju upućuju na to kako djeca koja odrastaju u domovima postižu sustavno lošije rezultate na svim ispitanim mjerama kognitivnog statusa u usporedbi s djecom koja odrastaju s oba roditelja. Na pojedinim mjerama domska djeca također postižu lošije rezultate i od djece koja rastu s jednim roditeljem. Značajnih razlika između djece koja odrastaju s jednim i oba roditelja nema. Također se pokazalo da postoje spolne razlike u dječjim reakcijama na odrastanje bez roditelja. Može se uočiti trend sustavnog opadanja uratka djevojčica koje odrastaju u institucionalnom smještaju (kako u odnosu na dječake iz te kategorije, tako i u usporedbi s rezultatima djece iz druge dvije kategorije). Navedeni podatak trebalo bi uključiti u planiranje pomoći i pripremu za školu djece koja odrastaju bez roditelja. (IN ENGLISH: Developmental theories emphasize the importance of early social context on various developmental aspects. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of specific social context (single-parent family or growing up without parents) on children’s cognitive development. In addition, gender differences regarding different family context were also examined. 147 pre-school children aged 6 to 7 years participated in this study. The sample was divided into three categories: children living with both parents (from birth), children living with a single-parent (mother) for at least three years, and children in institutional placement. Children’s cognitive status was measured by a verbal and non-verbal intelligence test. Readiness for school, as an additional aspect of cognitive status, was also examined (including factual knowledge, perception, numerical reasoning and graphomotorics). The results indicate that children who grow up without parents, compared to those growing up with both parents, have systematically lower results on all measures of cognitive status. Some differences were also obtained in comparison to children growing up in single-parent families. There are no significant differences in cognitive outcomes of children growing up with both parents and single-parents. With regard to gender differences, the results revealed that girls in institutional placement have significantly lower results in comparison to boys from the same social context, but also in comparison to the other two categories of children. These results should be taken into consideration when planning activities aimed at helping children who grow up without parents to prepare and successfully adjust to school context.

    Prediktori samopoimanja učenika osnovne škole

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    Research consistently shows the connection between self-concept in children and young people and their social relations, which is also reflected in pupils’ attitudes towards education. This paper analyses how family relations, peer relations and attitudes towards education contribute to the global self-concept of male and female pupils of 8 to 14 years of age. The research was conducted by using an extended version of the Questionnaire for Planning Social-pedagogic Interventions. The research sample consisted of 3,335 pupils from 43 Croatian elementary schools. This study examines the hypothesis on differences in self-concept predictors between male and female elementary school pupils, suggesting that in comparison with male pupils, the self-concept of female pupils is more dependent on social relations and the level of engagement in education. It was established that self-concept is relatively stable for boys of 8-14 years of age while it becomes weaker among girls of 8 -14 years of age. Statistically, for both male and female pupils, self-concept significantly depends on the assessment of the quality of family relations, peer relations, and the attitude of pupils towards education. The most important self-concept predictor among male pupils is their relationship with their peers, and among female pupils it is family relations. In addition, relationships with significant others and attitudes towards education contribute more strongly to the self-concept of female pupils than it does with their male peers.Istraživanja dosljedno pokazuju neospornu povezanost samopoimanja djece i mladih s njihovim socijalnim odnosima, što se odražava i na odnos učenika prema obrazovanju. U ovom se radu analiziraju načini na koje obiteljski odnosi, odnos s vršnjacima i odnos učenika prema obrazovanju doprinose globalnom samopoimanju učenika i učenica u dobi od 8 do 14 godina. U istraživanju je korištena proširena verzija Upitnika za planiranje socijalnopedagoških intervencija. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 3335 učenika iz 43 hrvatske osnovne škole. Provjerava se hipoteza da postoje razlike u prediktorima samopoimanja učenika i učenica osnovne škole, pri čemu je samopoimanje učenica u odnosu na učenike u većoj mjeri ovisno o socijalnim odnosima i angažiranosti u obrazovanju. Utvrđeno je da je samopoimanje dječaka u dobi od 8 do 14 godina stabilno, dok samopoimanje djevojčica od 8. do 14. godine života slabi. Pokazalo se da su obiteljski odnosi, vršnjački odnosi i odnos učenika prema obrazovanju značajni prediktori samopoimanja dječaka i djevojčica. Međutim, među učenicima je najznačajniji prediktor samopoimanja odnos s vršnjacima, dok među učenicama taj status imaju obiteljski odnosi. Uz to, odnosi sa „značajnim drugima” i odnos prema obrazovanju snažnije pridonose samopoimanju učenica no što je to slučaj s njihovim muškim vršnjacima

    Psychological resilience and quality of life: Differences between primary school and music school students

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    Ovim se istraživanjem provjerilo razlikuju li se prema psihološkoj otpornosti i kvaliteti života učenici osnovne škole koji dodatno pohađaju i glazbenu školu, od onih koji nisu uključeni u dodatnu glazbenu izobrazbu. Usto, s obzirom na školu koju učenici pohađaju, provjereno je postoje li razlike u promatranim varijablama prema spolu. U istraživanju su sudjelovali učenici usporedivog uzrasta – završnih razreda osnovne škole te završnih razreda osnovne glazbene škole. Uzorak je bio prigodni, ukupno 218 učenika (112 polaznika osnovne škole i 106 učenika koji uz osnovnu pohađaju i osnovnu glazbenu školu). Korišten je Ungarov upitnik otpornosti (CYRM-28) i Upitnik kvalitete života (Kidscreen Questionaire-52). Rezultati su prikazani putem deskriptivnih statističkih pokazatelja i obrađeni dvosmjernom analizom varijance. Učenici koji uz općeobrazovnu dodatno pohađaju i osnovnu glazbenu školu iskazali su veću otpornost i kvalitetu života. Statistički značajna razlika njihovih iskaza prema spolu – interakcija spola i škole – nije se pokazala. Istraživanje je ukazalo na bavljenje glazbom kao potencijalni zaštitni faktor u razvoju psihološke otpornosti i kvalitete života kod djece.The aim of this research was to see if there is a difference in the psychological resilience and quality of life of pupils attending elementary school and pupils attending both elementary school and elementary music school. The research also examined the potential gender differences in the results with respect to the school the pupils attended. The research included pupils of comparable age – those in the final years of elementary school and in the final years of elementary music school. The convenience sample consisted of a total of 218 pupils (112 elementary school pupils and 106 pupils who attend both elementary school and elementary music school). Ungar’s Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM-28) was used, as well as the Croatian version of the Kidscreen Questionaire-52 (KIDS). The results are presented through descriptive statistics and processed by a two-way analysis of variance. The results show that pupils who attend both elementary school and elementary music school are more resilient with better life adjustment than pupils who attend only elementary school. There were no gender differences with respect to the school that the pupils attended. The results of the research show engagement in music as a potential protective factor in the development of psychological resilience and life adjustment in children

    Portreti majki i očeva u hrvatskim dnevnim novinama i časopisu za roditelje: danas i prije dvadeset godina

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    The aim of the present study was to examine whether there has been a change in the representation of fathers and mothers in the Croatian press over the last twenty years. In particular, we wanted to examine how mothers and fathers have been presented in daily newspapers and a magazine for parents, and whether the current trend towards a greater involvement of fathers in raising children is noticeable in the Croatian press. In order to answer the research question we conducted a content analysis of two daily newspapers, and one magazine for parents. The obtained results show that the public image of the roles of mother and father has somewhat changed in the last twenty years. Although fathers have increasingly been shown as co-parents, it is obvious that we are still in a transition period with a number of ambivalences and contradictions regarding the role of the fathers.Cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je ispitati je li, u proteklih dvadeset godina, došlo do promjene načina prikazivanja majki i očeva u hrvatskom tisku. Osobito nas je zanimalo kako roditelje prikazuju dnevne novine i časopisi za roditelje, kao i je li u novinama primjetan trend većeg uključenja očeva u odgoj djece. Kako bismo odgovorili na istraživačka pitanja, provedena je analiza sadržaja dvoje dnevnih novina i jednog časopisa za roditelje. Rezultati pokazuju da se javna slika majčinske i očinske uloge ponešto promijenila u odnosu na stanje prije dvadeset godina. Međutim, premda novine sve češće prikazuju očeve kao skrbnike djece, još smo uvijek u tranzicijskom razdoblju u kojem postoje mnoge nedoumice i neslaganja u pogledu uloge oca

    Die Arbeitsmotivation der Lehrer in den vom Krieg betroffenen Landesteilen Kroatiens vor und nach dem Krieg

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    The aim of this study was to: a) determine factors that motivate and demotivate elementary school teachers in areas directly affected by war, b) to compare them to motivators and demotivators in pre-war period and c) to compare teachers\u27 self-ratings of motivators and demotivators with their perception of their colleagues\u27 motivators and demotivators both in pre- and post-war period. The questionnaire was designed in order to assess motivators and demotivators in the work of elementary school teachers in war affected areas of Croatia. 135 teachers participated in the study. Four different categories of motivators and demotivators were identified. Motivators included Self-fulfillment and achievement, Working conditions (including salary), Patriotism and socially valuable work and Peace (Peace only for post-war period). Demotivators comprised Social status, Unsupportive environment, Personal problems and Lack of support from school authorities. These categories roughly correspond to the motivation- hygiene theory proposed by Herzberg. The main difference between teachers\u27 responses for pre-war and post-war period is Peace emerging as motivator in post-war period. with highest rating. Apart from peace, in post-war period teachers reported to be motivated mainly by Self-fulfillment and achievement and Patriotism and socially valuable work, while Working conditions (including salary) had the lowest rating. The same order of motivators was found for pre-war period. When their colleagues were concerned, teachers rated them as less motivated by Self-fulfillment and achievement and Patriotism and socially valuable work and more affected by demotivators than themselves.Cilj ove studije bio je: a) odrediti čimbenike koji motiviraju i demotiviraju učitelje osnovnih škola u područjima zahvaćenima ratom, b) usporediti ih s motivatorima i demotivatorima u prijeratnom razdoblju i c) usporediti učiteljsko samoocjenjivanje motivatora i demotivatora s njihovom percepcijom motivatora i demotivatora koji djeluju na njihove kolege u prije i poslijeratnom razdoblju. Upitnik je sastavljen kako bi se procijenili motivatori i demotivatori u radu osnovnoškolskih učitelja u ratom pogođenim područjima Hrvatske. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 135 učitelja. Otkrivene su četiri različite kategorije motivatora i demotivatora. Motivatori su Samoispunjenje i postignuće, Radni uvjeti (uključujući plaću), Domoljublje i društveno vrijedan rad i Mir (Mir samo u poslijeratnom razdoblju). Demotivatori su uključivali Socijalni status, Nerazumijevanje okoline, Osobne probleme i Nedostatak podrške od strane školskih vlasti. Ove kategorije uglavnom odgovaraju motivacijskohigijenskoj teoriji koju je izložio Herzberg. Osnovna razlika između odgovora učitelja za prijeratno i poslijeratno razdoblje je Mir koji se pojavljuje kao motivator iz poslijeratnog doba s najvišom ocjenom. Osim mira, u poslijeratnom vremenu učitelji su potvrdili svoju motiviranost uglavnom Samoispunjenjem i postignućem te Domoljubljem i društveno vrijednim radom, dok su Radni uvjeti (uključujući plaću) imali najniži rang. Isti je redoslijed motivatora iskazan i u prijeratnom razdoblju. Kad je riječ o njihovim kolegama, učitelji su ih ocijenili manje motiviranima Samoispunjenjem i postignućem i Domoljubljem i društveno vrijednim radom, a više pod utjecajem demotivatora od njih samih.Die Ziele dieser Studie waren: a) die Faktoren zu bestimmen, die auf die Grundschullehrer* in den vom serbischen Aggressionskrieg 1991–95 betroffenen Landesteilen Kroatiens motivierend und demotivierend wirken; b) die ermittelten Faktoren mit den Motivatoren und Demotivatoren in der Vorkriegszeit zu vergleichen und c) die von den Lehrern selbst bewerteten motivierenden und demotivierenden Faktoren mit jenen zu vergleichen, die ihrer Beobachtung nach auf ihre Kollegen wirken, und dies in der Zeit vor und nach dem Krieg. Die Umfrage sollte Motivatoren und Demotivatoren unter Grundschullehrern ermitteln, die in den kriegsbetroffenen Landesteilen Kroatiens unterrichten. An der Umfrage nahmen 135 Lehrer teil. Die Untersuchung ergab vier verschiedene Kategorien von Motivatoren und Demotivatoren. Motivatoren sind: Selbstverwirklichung und Erfolg, Arbeitsbedingungen (Gehalt mit eingerechnet), Vaterlandsliebe und gesellschaftlich wertvolle Arbeit sowie Frieden (Letzteres nur in der Nachkriegszeit). Demotivatoren sind: gesellschaftlicher Status, Verständnislosigkeit der Umwelt, persönliche Probleme, ungenügende Unterstützung vonseiten der Schulbehörden. Diese Kategorien entsprechen im Großen und Ganzen der sog. motivationshygienischen Theorie von Herzberg. Der Hauptunterschied zwischen den Antworten der Lehrer bezüglich der Vor- und der Nachkriegszeit offenbart sich in der angeführten Kategorie des Friedens, die nach dem Krieg 1991–95 als wichtigster Motivator bewertet wird. Weitere wichtige Motivatoren in der Nachkriegszeit sind Selbstverwirklichung und Erfolg sowie Vaterlandsliebe und gesellschaftlich wertvolle Arbeit, während die Arbeitsbedingungen (Gehalt mit eingerechnet) am niedrigsten bewertet wurden. Dieselbe Reihenfolge der Motivatoren galt auch in der Zeit vor dem Krieg. Untereinander bewerteten sich die Lehrer als weniger motiviert durch die Kategorien Selbstverwirklichung und Erfolg, Vaterlandsliebe und gesellschaftlich wertvolle Arbeit. Vielmehr schien es den Befragten, als seien die anderen eher unter dem Einfluss von Demotivatoren als sie selbst. *Die Grundschule umfasst in Kroatien 8 Klassen. (Anm. d. Übers.

    Väter - früher und heute

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    Tema je ovoga rada promjena uloge oca u obitelji u posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća. Pozitivni stavovi modernoga društva o suvremenim očevima i njihovom sve većem sudjelovanju u odgoju svoje djece te istraživanja o ulozi oca u razvoju djeteta ponudili su neka nova spoznaje o važnosti očinske figure u obitelji. Novija istraživanja ukazuju da, naročito kod mlađih muškaraca, postoji trend većega uključivanja u život obitelji i bavljenje djecom. Većina mladih muškaraca u svoje životne planove uključuje očinstvo. U prilogu rada nalaze se rezultati intervjua koji je proveden na uzorku od dvadeseti dvoje djece predškolske dobi koja pohađaju vrtić, a čiji su odgovori analizirani kako bi se utvrdilo je li zaista vidljiv pomak u odnosu na ulogu oca nekad i sad. Dobiveni podatci pokazuju da se očevi uključuju u niz aktivnosti sa svojom djecom. Možemo zaključiti da se uloga oca mijenja – od tradicionalnoga oca koji se uglavnom brinuo za materijalnu sigurnost obitelji do suvremenoga oca uključenoga u odgoj i brigu o djetetu.This paper deals with the changing role of a father in family life during the several past decades. There are positive attitudes about the modern fathers and their increased involvement in raising their own children in contemporary society. In addition, the research studies on a father’s role in child’s development have provided some new insights into the importance of a father figure. The results of recent studies show that there is a growing trend of younger men’s in particularly greater involvement in family life and taking care of children. A majority of young men includes fatherhood in their life plans. To check whether the notable shift in the father’s role between the past and present has happened, we have interviewed 22 kindergarten children. The analysis of the responses has shown the fathers’ greater involvement in the activities with their children. This indicates that the father’s role is changing – from the traditional “bread and butter” provider to the modern father involved in the process of upbringing.Das Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Veränderung der Vaterrolle in der Familie in den letzten Jahrzehnten. Die Untersuchungen über die Vaterrolle in der Entwicklung des Kindes, positive Einstellungen der modernen Gesellschaft zu den modernen Vätern und ihrer zunehmenden Teilnahme an der Erziehung der Kinder ergaben neue Erkenntnisse über die Wichtigkeit der Vaterrolle in der Familie. Neuere Untersuchungen weisen darauf hin, dass sich besonders jüngere Männer immer mehr in ihren Familien engagieren. Die meisten jungen Männer sehen die Vaterschaft als einen wichtigen Teil ihrer Lebensplanung an. In der Anlage befinden sich die Ergebnisse der Umfrage, die unter 22 Kindern im Alter von 4 bis 6,5 Jahren durchgeführt wurde. Ihre Antworten wurden analysiert, um festzustellen, ob es tatsächlich sichtbare Veränderungen in der Vaterrolle früher und heute gibt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Väter an vielen Aktivitäten mit ihren Kindern beteiligen. Wir können konstatieren, dass sich die Vaterrolle verändert – vom traditionellen Vater, der sich meistens um materielle Sicherheit der Familie kümmerte, bis zum modernen engagierten Vater

    The importance of social context for the cognitive development of preschool children - comparison of cognitive outcomes of children growing up in different family and institutional environments

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    Niz teorija kognitivnog razvoja naglašava utjecaj ranog socijalnog konteksta na različite aspekte dječjeg razvoja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati utječe li specifični socijalni kontekst (jednoroditeljska obitelj ili život bez roditelja) na kognitivni razvoj djeteta te postoje li, u kognitivnom razvoju djeteta, spolne razlike u dječjim reakcijama na nedostatak jednog ili oba roditelja. Istraživanje smo proveli na djeci predškolske dobi, stare između 6 i 7 godina, ukupno 147 ispitanika. Izabrali smo tu dob da bismo što kompletnije obuhvatili kognitivni status djece: uz mjerenje inteligencije (test neverbalnog tipa i verbalni test), ispitali smo i spremnost za školu (poznavanje činjenica, percepciju, grafomotoriku i numeričko rezoniranje). Uzorak je podijeljen u tri kategorije: djeca koja žive s oba roditelja (od rođenja), djeca koja žive s jednim roditeljem (najmanje tri godine) te djeca koja žive bez roditelja - institucionalni smještaj. Rezultati dobiveni u ovom istraživanju upućuju na to kako djeca koja odrastaju u domovima postižu sustavno lošije rezultate na svim ispitanim mjerama kognitivnog statusa u usporedbi s djecom koja odrastaju s oba roditelja. Na pojedinim mjerama domska djeca također postižu lošije rezultate i od djece koja rastu s jednim roditeljem. Značajnih razlika između djece koja odrastaju s jednim i oba roditelja nema. Također se pokazalo da postoje spolne razlike u dječjim reakcijama na odrastanje bez roditelja. Može se uočiti trend sustavnog opadanja uratka djevojčica koje odrastaju u institucionalnom smještaju (kako u odnosu na dječake iz te kategorije, tako i u usporedbi s rezultatima djece iz druge dvije kategorije). Navedeni podatak trebalo bi uključiti u planiranje pomoći i pripremu za školu djece koja odrastaju bez roditelja.Developmental theories emphasize the importance of early social context on various developmental aspects. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of specific social context (single-parent family or growing up without parents) on children’s cognitive development. In addition, gender differences regarding different family context were also examined. 147 pre-school children aged 6 to 7 years participated in this study. The sample was divided into three categories: children living with both parents (from birth), children living with a single-parent (mother) for at least three years, and children in institutional placement. Children’s cognitive status was measured by a verbal and non-verbal intelligence test. Readiness for school, as an additional aspect of cognitive status, was also examined (including factual knowledge, perception, numerical reasoning and graphomotorics). The results indicate that children who grow up without parents, compared to those growing up with both parents, have systematically lower results on all measures of cognitive status. Some differences were also obtained in comparison to children growing up in single-parent families. There are no significant differences in cognitive outcomes of children growing up with both parents and single-parents. With regard to gender differences, the results revealed that girls in institutional placement have significantly lower results in comparison to boys from the same social context, but also in comparison to the other two categories of children. These results should be taken into consideration when planning activities aimed at helping children who grow up without parents to prepare and successfully adjust to school context