14 research outputs found

    Effects of juglone and lawsone on oxidative stress in maize coleoptile cells treated with IAA

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    Naphthoquinones are secondary metabolites widely distributed in nature and produced by bacteria, fungi and higher plants. Their biological activity may result from induction of oxidative stress, caused by redox cycling or direct interaction with cellular macromolecules, in which quinones act as electrophiles. The redox homeostasis is known as one of factors involved in auxin-mediated plant growth regulation. To date, however, little is known about the crosstalk between reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by quinones and the plant growth hormone auxin (IAA). In this study, redox cycling properties of two naphthoquinones, juglone (5-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone) and lawsone (2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone), were compared in experiments performed on maize coleoptile segments incubated with or without the addition of IAA. It was found that lawsone was much more effective than juglone in increasing both H2O2 production and the activity of antioxidative enzymes (SOD, POX and CAT) in coleoptile cells, regardless of the presence of IAA. An increase in the activity of Cu/Zn-SOD isoenzymes induced by both naphthoquinones suggests that juglone- and lawsone-generated H2O2 was primarily produced in the cytosolic and cell wall spaces. The cell potential to neutralize hydrogen peroxide, determined by POX and CAT activity, pointed to activity of catalase as the main enzymatic mechanism responsible for degradation of H2O2. Therefore, we assumed that generation of H2O2, induced more efficiently by LW than JG, was the major factor accounting for differences in the toxicity of naphthoquinones in maize coleoptiles. The role of auxin in the process appeared negligible. Moreover, the results suggested that oxidative stress imposed by JG and LW was one of mechanisms of allelopathic action of the studied quinones in plants

    Role of auxin (IAA) in the regulation of slow vacuolar (SV) channels and the volume of red beet taproot vacuoles

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    Background: Auxin (IAA) is a central player in plant cell growth. In contrast to the well-established function of the plasma membrane in plant cell expansion, little is known about the role of the vacuolar membrane (tonoplast) in this process. Results: It was found that under symmetrical 100 mM K+ and 100 μM cytoplasmic Ca2+ the macroscopic currents showed a typical slow activation and a strong outward rectification of the steady-state currents. The addition of IAA at a final concentration of 1 μM to the bath medium stimulated the SV currents, whereas at 0.1 and 10 μM slight inhibition of SV currents was observed. The time constant, decreased in the presence of this hormone. When single channels were analyzed, an increase in their activity was recorded with IAA compared to the control. The single-channel recordings that were obtained in the presence of IAA showed that auxin increased the amplitude of the single-channel currents. Interestingly, the addition of IAA to the bath medium with the same composition as the one that was used in the patch-clamp experiments showed that auxin decreased the volume of the vacuoles. Conclusions: It is suggested that the SV channels and the volume of red beet taproot vacuoles are modulated by auxin (IAA)

    Arbuscular mycorrhiza of Deschampsia cespitosa (Poaceae) at different soil depths in highly metal-contaminated site in southern Poland

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    This study presents root colonization of Deschampsia cespitosa growing in the immediate vicinity of a former Pb/Zn smelter by arbuscular mycorhizal fungi (AMF) and dark septated endophytes (DSE) at different soil depths. AMF spores and species distribution in soil profile were also assessed. Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) and DSE were found in D. cespitosa roots at all investigated soil levels. However, mycorrhizal colonization in topsoil was extremely low with sporadically occurring arbuscules. AM parameters: frequency of mycorrhization of root fragments (F%), intensity of root cortex colonization (M%), intensity of colonization within individual mycorrhizal roots (m%), and arbuscule abundance in the root system (A%) were markedly higher at 20-40, 40-60 cm soil levels and differed in a statistically significant manner from AM parameters from 0-10 and 10-20 cm layers. Mycorrhizal colonization was negatively correlated with bioavailable Cd, Pb and Zn concentrations. The number of AMF spores in topsoil was verlow and increased with soil depth (20-40 and 40-60 cm). At the study area spores of three morphologically distinctive AMF species were found: Archaeospora trappei, Funneliformis mosseae and Scutellospora dipurpurescens. The fourth species Glomus tenue colonized roots of D. cespitosa and was observed in the root cortex at 20-40 and 40-60 soil depth, however, its spores were not found at the site


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    The paper presents the results of investigations of the physicochemical and mechanical properties of the Crofer 22 APU steel designed for application in metallic interconnects forming the key components of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). Microstructural and hardness studies of non-metallic inclusions and the matrix were carried out. Based on compression tests of raw Crofer 22 APU and the steel after 600 hrs of cyclic oxidation in air at 800°C, the composition of non-metallic inclusions and their influence on the strength properties of the steel were determined

    Arbuscular mycorrhiza of Deschampsia cespitosa (Poaceae) at different soil depths in highly metal-contaminated site in southern Poland

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    This study presents root colonization of Deschampsia cespitosa growing in the immediate vicinity of a former Pb/Zn smelter by arbuscular mycorhizal fungi (AMF) and dark septated endophytes (DSE) at different soil depths. AMF spores and species distribution in soil profile were also assessed. Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) and DSE were found in D. cespitosa roots at all investigated soil levels. However, mycorrhizal colonization in topsoil was extremely low with sporadically occurring arbuscules. AM parameters: frequency of mycorrhization of root fragments (F%), intensity of root cortex colonization (M%), intensity of colonization within individual mycorrhizal roots (m%), and arbuscule abundance in the root system (A%) were markedly higher at 20–40, 40–60 cm soil levels and differed in a statistically significant manner from AM parameters from 0–10 and 10–20 cm layers. Mycorrhizal colonization was negatively correlated with bioavailable Cd, Pb and Zn concentrations. The number of AMF spores in topsoil was very low and increased with soil depth (20–40 and 40–60 cm). At the study area spores of three morphologically distinctive AMF species were found: Archaeospora trappei, Funneliformis mosseae and Scutellospora dipurpurescens. The fourth species Glomus tenue colonized roots of D. cespitosa and was observed in the root cortex at 20–40 and 40–60 soil depth, however, its spores were not found at the site

    Fusicoccin Counteracts the Toxic Effect of Cadmium on the Growth of Maize Coleoptile Segments

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    The effects of cadmium (Cd; 0.1–1000 μM) and fusicoccin (FC) on growth, Cd2+ content, and membrane potential (Em) in maize coleoptile segments were studied. In addition, the Em changes and accumulation of Cd and calcium (Ca) in coleoptile segments treated with Cd2+ combined with 1 μM FC or 30 mM tetraethylammonium (TEA) chloride (K+-channel blocker) were also determined. In this study, the effects of Ca2+-channel blockers [lanthanum (La) and verapamil (Ver)] on growth and content of Cd2+ and Ca2+ in coleoptile segments were also investigated. It was found that Cd at high concentrations (100 and 1000 μM) significantly inhibited endogenous growth of coleoptile segments and simultaneously measured proton extrusion. FC combined with Cd2+ counteracted the toxic effect of Cd2+ on endogenous growth and significantly decreased Cd2+ content (not the case for Cd2+ at the highest concentration) in coleoptile segments. Addition of Cd to the control medium caused depolarization of Em, the extent of which was dependent on Cd concentration and time of treatment with Cd2+. Hyperpolarization of Em induced by FC was suppressed in the presence of Cd2+ at 1000 μM but not Cd2+ at 100 μM. It was also found that treatment of maize coleoptile segments with 30 mM TEA chloride caused hyperpolarization of Em and decreased Cd2+ content in coleoptile segments, suggesting that, in the same way as for FC, accumulation of Cd2+ was dependent on plasma membrane (PM) hyperpolarization. Similar to FC, TEA chloride also decreased Ca2+ content in coleoptile segments. La and Ver combined with Cd2+ (100 μM) significantly decreased Cd content in maize coleoptile segments, but only La completely abolished the toxic effect of Cd2+ on endogenous growth and growth in the presence of FC. Taken together, these results suggest that the mechanism by which FC counteracts the toxic effect of Cd2+ (except at 1000 μM Cd2+) on the growth of maize coleoptile segments involves both stimulation of PM H+-ATPase activity by FC as well as Cd2+-permeable, voltage-dependent Ca channels, which are blocked by FC and TEA chloride-induced PM hyperpolarization

    Sekcja Fizjologii i Biochemii Roślin (1954)

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    "Sekcja została utworzona 19 września 1954 roku na Walnym Zgromadzeniu 28. Zjazdu Polskiego Towarzystwa Botanicznego w Lublinie pod nazwą Sekcja Fizjologii Roślin. Dzień później wybrano jej Zarząd, na czele którego stanął prof. Franciszek Górski, fizjolog z Krakowa (Tab. 11.3.1). Od momentu powołania Sekcji do sierpnia 1955 r. na zorganizowanych zebraniach naukowych wygłoszono 13 referatów (Michniewicz 1972). Po roku działalności, na kilka kolejnych kadencji przewodniczenie Sekcji przypadło prężnie rozwijającemu się Uniwersytetowi Poznańskiemu, z prof. Jerzym Czosnowskim na czele i prof. Alicją Szweykowską jako sekretarzem. Sekcja liczyła wówczas 44 członków. W czasie 39. Zjazdu PTB w Gdańsku, na posiedzeniu w dniu 5 września 1969 r., uchwalono zmianę nazwy Sekcji na Sekcja Fizjologii i Biochemii Roślin." [...] (fragm.