30 research outputs found

    Physicochemical and geotechnical properties of an ash-slag mixture deposited on a landfill in terms of its use in engineering

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    Coal combustion ash-slag mixtures have been deposited in landfills in Poland for decades. At the same time, there is a shortfall in the amount of available materials related to the construction and modernisation of transportation infrastructure. Thus, a typical landfill of a power station was chosen and the aim of the study was to assess the suitability of an ash-slag landfill mixture for construction engineering purposes. The following physicochemical analyses were conducted: pH, specific electrical conductivity and determination of the leachability of basic (Ca, Na, K and Mg) and trace elements (Cd, Pb, Cr, Zn and Cu). The content of selected basic and trace elements were determined in the eluates by FAAS and standard methods were applied for geotechnical analyses. The most likely conditions were assumed to the model. The mixture will not jeopardize surface water quality in terms of the concentrations of basic, hazardous or priority elements. The content of these elements also does not exceed permissible concentrations for groundwater. The conductance and pH of the eluates are in compliance with current laws. The solid mixture has favourable geotechnical parameters which are significantly dependent on moisture content. The slope stability calculations for embankments created from the mixture at optimum moisture content and high compaction (Is≥ 0.95) indicate that they will be stable even in the case of high gradients (1:1.5). The slopes will be unstable in conditions of submersion, which should not occur if we assume the embankment will be used for passive flood protection. The mixture is particularly suitable for the purposes of earth structures, provided that they are isolated from water

    The impact of the combustion waste landfill of the Skawina Power Plant on selected elements of the agricultural production area

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    Field observations and interviews with residents of Kopanka, Ochodza and Borek Szlachecki villages indicate that the agricultural production area located near the combustion waste landfill is negatively affected. Two distinct phenomena are observed: increased dust concentration in the air and excessive soil moisture or even flooding. The aim of the study was to assess whether and to what degree the landfill affects the content of the trace elements Cd(II), Pb(II), Zn(II) and Cu in the soil and plants of the adjoining agricultural production areas. The content of Cd(II), Pb(II), Zn(II) and Cu in the soil of the studied area was within the acceptable norms specified in the regulation of the Ministry of the Environment (Dz. U. 2002 nr 165, poz. 1359). In the herbaceous vegetation growing at sampling points W150, E150, E100 and N100, the acceptable level of Cd(II) specified in the regulation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development exceeded the norms (Dz. U. 2012 poz. 203). In turn, all the plant samples Pb(II) showed acceptable levels. The content of Zn(II) and Cu in the plant material meets the criteria for fodder proposed by IUNG (Kabata-Pendias et al. 1993). The high phytoaccumulation indices for Cd(II) and Zn(II) in the plant material may be due to dust fall containing metals. However, without precise quantitative and qualitative measurements of dust fall, it is difficult to ascertain to what extent this is caused by migration from the landfill and to what extent it is a result of deposits of pollutants from other sources

    Lead and iron contents in parsley being cultivated in the area of Chrzanów geochemical anomaly

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    Selected research polygon is both a geochemical anomaly and suburban area (Krakow City & Upper Silesia agglomeration). The inhabitants here have detached houses with gardens of one or two acres size, where “home-made”, fresh, low-processed food could be produced. The anomaly is reflected in high values of heavy metals contents, especially cadmium, lead and zinc, in the soils of the region. This is the result of both natural and anthropogenic factors. The purpose of the paper was to evaluate lead and iron contents in roots and leaves of parsley being cultivated in Trzebinia Commune, which is located in the area. Considering , there is a positive geochemical anomaly, the lead contents in soil were low – the average value was 88.67 mg*kg-1 d.m. and only two contents – 218.98 and 119.35 exceeded 100 mg*kg-1d.m. From the other hand the lead contents in parsley roots were high, many times higher than the allowable values. The lead contents in parsley leaves were also high. Phytoaccumulation indices were low, only one had the average value, but at their minimal range (1.02 and 10.3 adequately for leaves and roots). Translocation index of lead was close to one. The iron contents in soils were not high and they fell within the scope of low and average ranges that occur in Polish soils. The iron contents in leaves were high, attractive from nutrition point of view

    Ground beetle (Coleoptera; Carabidae) assemblages structure in riverine hatitats of mountain rivers

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    Celem niniejszej pracy było ukazanie jak kształtuje się struktura zgrupowań chrząszczy z rodziny biegaczowatych (Coleoptera, Carabidae) zamieszkujących brzegi rzek o różnym stopniu przekształcenia. Badania prowadzono na brzegu potoku górskiego Porębianka oraz trzech rzek Kotliny Nowotarskiej: Czarnego Dunajca, Białego Dunajca i Białki. W trakcie dwóch sezonów wegetacyjnych 2007 i 2008 roku zebrano i oznaczono w sumie 10421 chrząszczy należących do 106 gatunków. Do określenia wpływu typu regulacji rzecznej na strukturę zgrupowań chrząszczy z rodziny Carabidae użyto metod wieloczynnikowych: beztrendowej analizy korespondencji (DCA) oraz kanonicznej analizy korespondencji (CCA) oraz analizy redundancji (RDA). Natomiast w celu wykazania czy gatunki rozmieszczone są przypadkowo czy też istnieje gradient kształtujący ich rozkład zastosowano analizę współwystępowania i zagnieżdżania (Co-occurence i Nestendness). Na podstawie analizy DCA wyróżniono grupy zgrupowań biegaczowatych korelujących z typem regulacji rzecznej i biomasą gatunków biegaczowatych. Natomiast analiza CCA wykazała grupy zgrupowań biegaczowatych korelujące z obecnością poszczególnych teras zalewowych i typem budowli geotechnicznych na brzegach. Analiza RDA wyróżniła parametry struktury zgrupowań biegaczowatych korelujące z typem regulacji i geomorfologią brzegu. Analiza współwystępowania wykazała iż rozkład biegaczowatych na badanych brzegach nie jest przypadkowy oraz że istnieją czynniki, które go determinują. Jedynie na brzegach silnie uregulowanych rozkład zgrupowań biegaczowatych jest przypadkowy. Analizy statystyczne wykazały że biomasa gatunków jest głównym parametrem struktury zgrupowań, który kształtuje rozkład biegaczowatych na brzegach rzek oraz koreluje z obecnością poszczególnych teras zalewowych. Zatem gatunki mniejsze, z dużą siłą dyspersji posiadają większy sukces reprodukcyjny w tych dynamicznych systemach. Również regulacje korytowe a w szczególności wzmocnienia betonowe mają wpływ na skład i strukturę chrząszczy z rodziny biegaczowatych i są zagrożeniem dla gatunków mieszczących się w najmniejszych klasach wielkości ciała. Przedyskutowano możliwe strategie ochrony dla bardzo rzadkich, najmniejszych nadbrzeżnych gatunków chrząszczy z rodziny Carabidae. Jedną z najlepszych wydaje się być utrzymywanie naturalnych odcinków biegu rzeki, które stanowią środowisko życia dla często bardzo rzadkich i zagrożonych gatunków chrząszczy z rodziny Carabidae.The aim of this research was to indicate how the structure of riparian carabidae assemblages was shaped according to different kind of river bank regulations. Researches were conducted on bank of Porębianka mountain stream and on banks of three mountain rivers: the Czarny Dunjajec, the Biały Dunajec and the Białka. During the whole two vegetation seasons 2007 and 2008, 10421 ground beetles belonging to 106 species were collected and identified. The multivariante analysis (Detrendent Correspondence Analysis-DCA, Canonical Correspondence Analysis-CCA and Redundancy Analysis-RDA) were used to show the influence of different type of river regulation on the structure of graund beetles assemblages. However the Co-occurrence and Nestedness analysis were used to indicate if the species were distributed accidentally or if there were some gradients shaping species distribution on river banks. According to the DCA analysis the gropus of carabid beetles assemblages correlated with type of river bank regulation and biomass of carabid species were isolated. While the CCA analysis ordered particular species into groups characteristic for different benches and different kind of geotechnical regulation of river banks. The RDA analysis separated this kind of parameters of carabid beetles assemblages which were correlated with different type of river regulation and geomorphology of the river bank. The Cooccurence and Nestedness analysis showed that distribution of carabid beetles were not accidentally and there were some factors determining them . Only on river banks, which were strongly regulated, the distribution of carabid beetles assemblages was accidentally. Statistical analysis showed that biomass of carabid beetles species was the main parameter of the structure of carabid assemblages, which shaped the carabid beetles distribution on the river banks and also correlate with presence of benches. So, the smallest species with high dispersal power have higher reproductive power in such dynamic and disturbance environment. Moreover the river bank regulation especially the concrete regulation have the influence on composition and structure of carabid beetles assemblage and they are threaten for the smallest once. The strategy of very rare species protection and the smallest species of riparian carabid beetles were discussed. The most sufficient strategy for their protection is maintaining the natural section with down the river, which are necessery factors of occurrence and of very rare and threaten species of riparian carabid beetles


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    The aim of the investigation was to estimate factors responsible for sustaining riverine communities in stream sections with various bank regulation systems. The research were conducted on Porebianka stream in the Polish Western Carpathians, where 10 different types of river regulations were chosen for the analysis (strong incision without alluvial deposits, redeposition with sand and gravel banks, concrete revetment walls along the banks, channel with banks lined with rip-rap and reference unmanaged cross- section). We conclude that the carabid beetles assemblages of the studied river sections respond mainly to hydraulic parameters of the stream. Elimination of frequent natural bank inundation (due to the regulations of the banks) is the main factor responsible for the impoverishment and extinction of riverine communities