80 research outputs found

    Support for EU membership in Croatia has fallen dramatically since accession negotiations began in 2003

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    This summer, Croatia is due to become the 28th member state of the European Union. But how do Croatians feel about EU membership? Renata Franc, Vanja Medjugorac and the project MYPLACE team report that support for EU membership in Croatia has fallen dramatically since accession negotiations began in 2003. They attribute this fall in support to the lack of public debate about joining the EU, as well as poor information and stereotypes about how the EU functions

    Self-report measure of attitude functions: instrumental attitudes towards condom use and value-expressive attitudes towards voting?

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    This study presents an attempt to develop and validate a direct self-report measure of instrumental, value-expressive and social adjustive attitude function. Participants were two samples of university student (N = 442) and we used two specific attitude objects e.g. “voting” and “condom use”. Factor analyses conducted on two different samples and with two different attitude objects revealed congruent factor solutions, suggesting a reliable and replicable expected three-factor structure. In addition, resulted scales have satisfactory high reliability. A two multiple regression analyses with the general attitude score as the dependent variable and a three attitude functions scores as predictors, revealed that that instrumental function is only important predictor of attitude towards condom use, while value-expressive function is solely important predictor of attitude towards voting. More compelling evidence for the validity of the scales would be provided if it were shown that scales could differentiate between instrumental, value-expressive and social adjustive attitudes that were newly established with an experimental manipulation or are sensitive for attitude function salience manipulation related to existing attitudes

    Das Mehrkomponenten-Modell von Einstellungen gegenüber verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen und Begleitmaßnahmen des offenen Typs

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    Prema višekomponentnom modelu stavova, naši stavovi prema pripadnicima skupina temelje se na osjećajima koje doživljavamo prema pripadnicima tih skupina, vjerovanjima o obilježjima pripadnika skupine i vjerovanjima o tome koje vrednote pripadnici skupine promoviraju ili blokiraju. Prvi cilj ovog rada bio je provjera valjanosti i pouzdanosti mjera otvorenog tipa za zahvaćanje pretpostavljenih komponenata stava prema skupinama. Drugi cilj bio je provjera valjanosti višekomponentnog modela stavova prema skupinama. U ispitivanju su rabljena dva objekta stava; skupine "invalidi Domovinskog rata" i "ovisnici o drogama". Opći stav prema dvije skupine izmjeren je skalama semantičkog diferencijala. Na temelju provedenih analiza, s obzirom na sadržaj i samoprocijenjeni stupanj pozitivnosti slobodnih odgovora ispitanika (N=119), zaključeno je da mjere otvorenog tipa omogućuju valjano zahvaćanje tri komponente stava. Utvrđena split-half pouzdanost mjera otvorenog tipa je zadovoljavajuća, iako je niža od prosječne koja se navodi u literaturi. Kod oba objekta stava regresijskom analizom je utvrđeno da ostvarenom umjerenom objašnjenju općeg stava značajno samostalno pridonose stereotipi. Samostalan prinos osjećaja utvrđen je samo kod jednog objekta stava, dok u oba slučaja nije utvrđena prediktivna važnost simboličkih vjerovanja. Navedeni nalazi ne potvrđuju važnost simboličkih vjerovanja kao dijela kognitivne osnove stava, što je osnovna novost višekomponentnog modela stavova prema skupinama u odnosu na opći višekomponentni model stavova.According to the multicomponent model of intergroup attitudes our attitudes towards groups are based on emotions toward group members, beliefs about specific characteristics of members of the social group and beliefs about which values are promoted or blocked by the group members. The first aim of this study was to check the validity and reliability of the open-ended measures for assessing components of attitudes towards groups, and the second aim was to test the multicomponent model of intergroup attitudes. The study examined attitudes toward two groups as attitude objects. General attitude was assessed by semantic differential scales. On the bases of data analysis with regard to the content and favorability of subjects’ (N=119) free-responses it was concluded that open-ended measures are valid indicators of attitudinal components. The split-half reliability of open ended measures are satisfactory although lower than mean reliability indices found in literature. A multiple regression analysis revealed that stereotypes provided a significant contribution to the prediction of attitude towards both groups. Affective responses were a significant unique predictor for attitude towards only one group whereas symbolic beliefs in both cases were not predictive of the general attitude. The results do not support the importance of symbolic beliefs as a part of the cognitive basis of attitudes, which is the main new part of the multicomponent model of intergroup attitudes with regard to the general multicomponent model of attitudes.Gemäß dem Mehrkomponenten-Modell gründen sich unsere Einstellungen gegenüber verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen auf den Gefühlen, die wir ihnen gegenüber empfinden, auf den Überzeugungen, die wir in Bezug auf ihre (vermeintlichen) Eigenschaften hegen, sowie auf den Überzeugungen davon, welche Werte von diesen Bevölkerungsgruppen propagiert oder aber abgeblockt werden. Das erste Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Überprüfung der Gültigkeit und der Verlässlichkeit von Maßnahmen des offenen Typs zur Ermittlung vermuteter Einstellungen zu bestimmten Bevölkerungsgruppen. Das zweite Ziel war die Überprüfung der Gültigkeit des Mehrkomponenten-Modells von Einstellungen gegenüber verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen. Die Untersuchung bediente sich zweier Bevölkerungsgruppen: der Invaliden des serbischen Aggressionskriegs 1991–95 und der Drogenabhängigen. Die allgemeine Einstellung gegenüber diesen Gruppen wurde anhand zweier Skalen zur Ermittlung des semantischen Differentials gemessen. Die durchgeführten Analysen bezüglich Inhalt und Positivität der freien Antworten, wie sie von den Befragten (N = 119) selbst eingeschätzt wird, ermöglichen den Schluss, dass Maßnahmen des offenen Typs eine korrekte Ermittlung dreier Einstellungskomponenten ermöglichen. Die Split-half-Zuverlässigkeit von Maßnahmen des offenen Typs ist zufriedenstellend, auch wenn sie unter dem in der Fachliteratur angeführten Durchschnittswert liegt. Bei beiden angeführten Objekten ergab die Regressionsanalyse, dass Stereotypen wesentlich zur Meinungsbildung beitragen. Bei einem der Objekte trugen auch Gefühle zur Meinungsbildung bei, während in keinem der Fälle symbolische Auffassungen von Bedeutung waren. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung bestätigen in keiner Weise die Bedeutung symbolischer Auffassungen als eines Teils der kognitiven Meinungsgrundlage – dies ein Novum des Mehrkomponenten-Modells von Einstellungen gegenüber verschiedenen Bevölkerunsggruppen, im Vergleich zum allgemeinen Mehrkomponenten-Modell

    Stability and Change of Personal and (Post)materialist Values among Croatian Citizens

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    Cilj je rada provjera stabilnosti temeljnih vrijednosti hrvatskih građana od 2008./2009. do 2011. godine u sklopu Schwartzove teorije te od 1999. do 2017./2018. godine u sklopu Inglehartove teorije. Pritom se provjerava je li eventualna promjena univerzalna ili ovisi o sociodemografskim obilježjima (spol, dob i obrazovanje). Rad se temelji na nacionalno reprezentativnim podacima za Hrvatsku iz dva vala Europskoga društvenog istraživanja te tri vala Europske studije vrednota. Rezultati u pogledu osobnih vrijednosti upućuju više na univerzalnu stabilnost nego na promjene od 2008./2009. do 2011. godine (te mogućnost da promjena ovisi o pojedinim sociodemografskim obilježjima). Za razliku od toga, 2008. godine u odnosu na 1999. i 2017./2018. godinu zabilježena je privremena i univerzalna (neovisna o sociodemografskim obilježjima) manja zastupljenost postmaterijalističkih vrijednosti. Nalazi o sociodemografskim obilježjima kao izvorima varijacija u vrijednostima potvrđuju dob kao bitan izvor varijacija u osobnim vrijednostima, dok su dobivene vrlo male razlike u osobnim i postmaterijalističkim vrijednostima s obzirom na spol i naobrazbu.The aim was to determine the stability of human values among Croatian citizens within Schwartz\u27s theory of basic human values (Schwartz, 1992) in the period between 2008/09 and 2011, and Inglehart’s theory of postmaterialism (Inglehart, 1977) in the period between 1999 and 2017/2018. It was checked whether the eventual change was universal, or whether it depended on sociodemographic characteristics (gender, age and education). The research is based on representative data collected in two waves of European Social Survey and three waves of European Value Study. In terms of personal values, the results suggest universal stability over change in the period from 2008/09 to 2011 (there is a possibility that change depends on individual sociodemographic characteristics). In contrast, in 2008 compared to 1999 and 2017/18, postmaterialist values are given temporary and universal (independent of sociodemographic characteristics) lower priority. Findings on sociodemographic characteristics as sources of variation in values confirm age as an important source of variation in personal values, while with respect to gender and education, very small differences in personal and postmaterialist values have been obtained

    Unterschiede zwischen Blutspendern und Nichtspendern: Intensität und Dimensionalität von Einstellungen, voraussichtlicher Spendebereitschaft und tatsächlichem Spendeverhalten

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    Cilj istra`ivanja bio je provjeriti dimenzionalnost stava prema davanju krvi i ispitati eventualne razlike u strukturi stava izme|u davatelja i nedavatelja krvi. Nadalje, `eljeli smo ustanoviti postoje li razlike izme|u davatelja i nedavatelja s obzirom na pojedine aspekte stava prema davanju krvi te razlike u predvi|anju namjere i pona{anja. Istra`ivanje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku od 417 zaposlenih osoba (158 davatelja i 259 nedavatelja), a mjereni su stavovi prema darivanju krvi (Likertova skala i skala bipolarnih pridjeva) i namjera. Stvarno pona{anje pra}eno je tri mjeseca nakon primjene upitnika. Skala stavova faktorizirala se u 4 faktora, od kojih su dva pozitivna – obaveza i opravdanost – a dva negativna – direktna opasnost i banalni razlozi. Ako broj faktora ograni~imo na dva, potvr|ujemo hipotezu o pozitivnoj i negativnoj dimenziji stava. Izme|u davatelja i nedavatelja nije na|ena razlika u faktorskoj strukturi. Utvr|ena je niska i zna~ajna povezanost stava i namjere. Op}i stav i davateljsko iskustvo zna~ajni su prediktori namjere. Povezanost namjere i pona{anja tako|er je niska, a, o~ekivano, ekstremni stupnjevi namjere (pozitivni i negativni) bolje diferenciraju pona{anje od blago pozitivnih ili blago negativnih.The aim of this study was to explore the dimensionality of the attitudes towards blood donation and to examine possible differences in attitude structure between donors and nondonors. Furthermore, we intended to test the differences between donors and non-donors regarding certain aspects of the attitudes towards blood donation, and the differences in predicting intention and behavior. A total sample of 417 persons participated in this research (158 donors and 259 non-donors). Attitudes towards blood donation (Likert scale and bipolar adjectives scale) and intention to donate were assessed. Actual behavior was observed in the period of 3 months after the administration of the questionnaires. Factor analysis showed 4 significant factors, two of them positive (obligation, justification) and two negative (direct threat and common reasons). When the number of factors was limited to two, the hypothesis of positive and negative component of attitudes was confirmed. There was no difference between donors and non-donors in attitude structure. Low and significant correlation was found between attitudes and intention. The correlation between intention and behavior is also low and significant, and, as expected, extreme degrees (either positive or negative) of intention are better in behavior differentiation, compared to the moderate ones.Mit der vorliegenden Untersuchung sollten die Dimensionalität der Einstellung zur Praxis des Blutspendens ermittelt und eventuelle Strukturunterschiede zwischen den Einstellungen von Spendern und Nichtspendern herausgearbeitet werden. Ferner gingen die Autorinnen der Frage nach, ob es auch in Bezug auf einzelne Aspekte in der Einstellung zum Blutspenden sowie bezüglich der voraussichtlichen Spendebereitschaft und dem tatsächlichen Spendeverhalten Unterschiede zwischen Spendern und Nichtspendern gibt. Es wurde eine Untersuchung durchgeführt, an der 417 berufstätige Personen teilnahmen (darunter 158 Blutspender und 259 Nichtspender). Ermittelt wurden die Einstellungen zum Blutspenden (anhand der Likert-Skala sowie der Befindlichkeitsskala bipolarer Adjektivpaare) und das Vorhandensein einer diesbezüglichen Absicht. Das tatsächliche Verhalten der Befragten wurde über den Zeitraum der nachfolgenden drei Monate mitverfolgt. Die Skala der Einstellungen umfasste vier Faktoren. Die positiven Faktoren lauteten Pflicht und Angemessenheit, die negativen direkte Gefahr und banale Gründe. Reduziert man die Faktorenzahl auf zwei, wird dadurch die Hypothese vom Bestehen einer positiven und einer negativen Dimension der bestehenden Einstellungen bestätigt. Hinsichtlich der Faktorenstruktur konnten keinerlei Unterschiede zwischen Blutspendern und Nichtspendern gefunden werden. Jedoch konnte ein zwar nicht stark ausgeprägter, dafür aber relevanter Bezug zwischen Einstellung und Spendebereitschaft ermittelt werden. Die allgemeine Einstellung und die Spendeerfahrung sind bedeutende Prädiktoren einer Spendebereitschaft. Zwischen Spendebereitschaft und tatsächlichem Verhalten besteht ebenfalls ein schwach ausgeprägter Bezug, während extrem positive bzw. extrem negative Bekundungen hinsichtlich der Spendebereitschaft von einem differenzierteren Verhalten begleitet sind als gemäßigte positive bzw. gemäßigte negative, was ja auch zu erwarten war

    Physical Attractiveness Stereotype \u27Beautiful is Good\u27 in the Context of The Big Five Personality Theory

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    Cilj je rada bio provjeriti postojanje stereotipa fizičke privlačnosti te ispitati sadržaj tog stereotipa u okviru petofaktorske teorije ličnosti. Točnije, u radu se provjerava postoje li razlike u procjeni podražajnih osoba (osoba koje se procjenjuju) različitog spola i različitog stupnja privlačnosti (jako privlačna lica, prosječno privlačna lica i neprivlačna lica) na pet osnovnih dimenzija ličnosti: ekstraverziji, ugodnosti, emocionalnoj stabilnosti, savjesnosti i otvorenosti. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 106 studentica čiji je zadatak bio procijeniti osobine ličnosti nepoznatih osoba s fotografija. U istraživanju je utvrđen značajan efekt stupnja privlačnosti i spola podražajnih osoba na procjenu većine obuhvaćenih dimenzija ličnosti, kao i interakcijski efekt spola i privlačnosti. Za razliku od dosadašnjih nalaza prema kojima se privlačnim osobama pridaju relativno pozitivnije osobine, u ovom je istraživanju utvrđeno da se osobe prosječne privlačnosti procjenjuju relativno najugodnijima, emocionalno najstabilnijima i najekstravertiranijima, neovisno o njihovu spolu. Neprivlačne se podražajne osobe procjenjuju najintrovertiranijima i najmanje emocionalno stabilnima te najmanje otvorenima. Interakcijski su efekti privlačnosti i spola podražajne osobe utvrđeni kod procjena ekstraverzije, emocionalne stabilnosti, savjesnosti i otvorenosti. U radu se raspravlja o složenom međuodnosu ispitanih varijabli, evolucijskim čimbenicima, kao i o drugim mogućim uzrocima ovog stereotipa.The aim of this research was to check the existence of the physical attractiveness stereotype and to examine the content of this stereotype in the context of the Big Five personality theory. Specifically, the study examined whether different levels of the physical attractiveness (very attractive faces, attractive faces and unattractive faces) and sex of target affect people’s judgment of five personality traits: extroversion, emotional stability, conscientiousness, openness and agreeableness. Participants (106 female students) judged personality traits of target faces from the photos. Results revealed that judgments of almost all investigated personality dimensions are affected by the attractiveness and sex of the target person, as well as their interaction. Contrary to previous finding on this stereotype which showed that the most positive traits were ascribed to the attractive targets, this study showed that targets of average physical attractiveness were judged as the most agreeable, emotionally stable and extraverted, regardless of their sex. Unattractive targets were assessed as the most introverted, emotionally unstable and low on openness dimension. Interactive effects of targets\u27 physical attractiveness and gender were confirmed on the judgments of extraversion, emotional stability, conscientiousness and openness. Results are discussed in the context of complex relationships between investigated variables, evolutionary factors and other possible causes of this stereotype