1,318 research outputs found

    Comparison Between Image Correlation and Projection Correlation in CT Image Reconstruction with Limited Data

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    Since the improvement in radiotherapy impacts on cancers at their most curable stages, radiotherapy-related research has a high strategic priority and a great capacity for improving the overall cure rates of the disease. However, some of the treatments involve the delivery of relatively high radiation dose to patients. Thus, it is important to be able to verify the success of the treatment by determining the dose deposited in the patient at each fraction. One possibility to achieve this would be to obtain an image while the patient is on the treatment couch. The aim of this study was to develop an image reconstruction algorithm by collecting limited information while the patient is on the treatment couch. Two methods, image correlation and projection correlation, were developed and compared here. The effectiveness and practicality of each of these methods were compared. The results showed that the projection correlation presents several advantages. It can be applied without any interations, and it produces a fast algorithm. With more advanced image reconstruction software, this method could potentially be used in a clinical environment

    Menggugat Pemenuhan Hak Korban Pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia Masa Lalu

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    Pelanggaran hak asasi manusia tidak saja meninggalkan permasalahan proses penegakan hukum, tetapi juga menyisakan masalah perlindungan hukum bagi korban pelanggaran hak asasi manusia itu sendiri. Tulisan ini akan mengkaji perlindungan hukum bagi korban pelanggaran hak asasi manusia tidak saja dari proses penegakan hukum melainkan pemulihan kerugian korban pelanggaran hakim asasi manusia di masa lalu

    Mengkaji Kembali Posisi Korban Kejahatan dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana

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    Victims of crime is the one suffer either a bodily injury or a mental injury, or both of them in a crime. At the moment, the legal tratment of the victims of crime is not worth the legal treatment of the offender. The victims tend to be left behind in the law enforcement process as the victims cannot be directly involved in the judicial process to defent their rights. The state through the general prosecutor, took charge of such rights. The prosecution to represent the victims in the judicial process and provide protection interests of the victim. Korban kejahatan merupakan pihak yang menderita kerugian baik secara fisik, psikis maupun materiil ketika terjadi sebuah kejahatan. Namun perlindungan hukum terhadap korban kejahatan tidak sebanding dengan perlindungan terhadap pelaku. Bahkan korban cenderung menjadi pihak yang terabaikan dalam proses penegakan hukum. Korban tidak dapat menjadi pihak sebagaimana pelaku. Korban tidak terlibat langsung dalam proses peradilan untuk membela hak-haknya. Negara mengambil sebagian hak korban untuk melakukan penuntutan, kemudian menugaskan jaksa penuntut umum untuk melakukan penuntutan. Dengan diserahkannya hak-hak korban dalam penuntutan maka penuntutan yang dilakukan harus melindungi kepentingan korban

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Pembelahan Sel Dengan Menggunakan Macromedia Flash Untuk Kelas XII SMA

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    This research was conducted to developing Biology media-learning by employing macromedia flash in studying cell division for X grade high school students based on the result of validation by the expert team and the students responses. This research used a developing research based on Dick and Carey model which were modified.Data collection was be conducted by providing questionnaires. In analyzing the data by descriptive analysis. The results of this research shows that: (1) the test by Biology experts in light of evaluating content appropriateness is on very good criteria (84%); (2) the test by media-learning experts is on very good criteria (88%); (3) the individual test is on very good criteria (83%); (4) the group test is on very good criteria (81%); (5) the field test is on very good criteria (85%)

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengunci Otomatis dengan Kendali Akses Menggunakan Rfid Card dan Password Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega 16

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    Technological sophistication is growing in many areas of life. It is characterized by many emerging electronic equipment that a variety of forms and functions. Advances of technology electronics helped in the development of better security systems. One of application is the security system used for safety locker locks using RFID card and password. The safety lock on the locker door is designed by using a dual system that aims the doors of locker which can only be opened by using RFID card and password. RFID card locker serves as the identity and password as the electronic lock. Each RFID card have different id chips, so it is not easy to duplicate. The purpose of making this tool is to design and make a locker lock open or closes the door of locker automatically with access control using RFID card and password

    Early Retirement and Public Disability Insurance Applications: Exploring the Impact of Depression

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    This paper investigates the impact of depression on labor force participation among older workers. Empirically, we use two analytic strategies and rely on a sample drawn from the Health and Retirement Survey. Depression directly and indirectly increases individuals%u2019 probability of retiring early and applying for DI benefits, after accounting for other predictors of labor force exit. Accounting for the independent effects of depression, disability associated with physical illness may be smaller than the official statistics suggest. There may be great economic gains in increasing depression treatment awareness and access to treatment for individuals, employers and society.

    Pengaruh Karakteristik Pemerintah Daerah Terhadap Kepatuhan Pengungkapan Wajib Dalam Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah (Studi Empiris Pada Kabupaten/kota Di Indonesia)

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of local government characteristicstowards mandatory disclosure compliance of financial statement. Local governmentcharacteristics used in this research are size, the number of Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah(SKPD), type of local government. This research also used control variable such as the totalnumber of Parliament members and location of local government. This research focuses onthe disclosure compliance of balance sheet stated in SAP. 100 financial statements ofmunicipalities are chosen as samples, but there are only 51 samples that can be used in thisresearch. The results of descriptive statistic show that the average level of mandatorydisclosure compliance in Indonesian municipalities is 30.85%. The maximum level ofmandatory disclosure compliance in Indonesian municipalities is 50.88% (Kabupaten Sinjai),while the minimum level is 14.70% (Kota Sukabumi). The results of regression analysis showthat the number of parliament members as control variable (β = 0.090 and p-value of 0.049)are significant predictor for the level of mandatory disclosure compliance towards SAP, whilesize, the number of SKPD, and type of local government as local government characteristicsdoesn\u27t influence mandatory disclosure compliance of financial statement. The finding isexpected to have some contributions for local government\u27s, especially for policy makers andregulators. The implications of this study are the regents need to encourage the disclosurecompliance with SAP, and apply reward and punishment system regarding mandatorydisclosure