23,571 research outputs found

    Adsorption/desorption and electrically controlled flipping of ammonia molecules on graphene

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    In this paper, we evaluate of the adsorption/ desorption of ammonia molecules on a graphene surface by studying the Fermi level shift. Based on a physically plausible model, the adsorption and desorption rates of ammonia molecules on graphene have been extracted from the measured Fermi level shift as a function of exposure time. An electric field-induced flipping behavior of ammonia molecules on graphene is suggested, based on field effect transistor (FET) measurements

    Nuclear Polarization in Quantum Point Contacts in an In-Plane Magnetic Field

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    Nuclear spin polarization is typically generated in GaAs quantum point contacts (QPCs) when an out-of-plane magnetic field gives rise to spin-polarized quantum Hall edge states, and a voltage bias drives transitions between the edge states via electron-nuclear flip-flop scattering. Here, we report a similar effect for QPCs in an in-plane magnetic field, where currents are spin polarized but edge states are not formed. The nuclear polarization gives rise to hysteresis in the d.c. transport characteristics, with relaxation timescales around 100 seconds. The dependence of anomalous QPC conductance features on nuclear polarization provides a useful test of their spin-sensitivity.Comment: 5 page

    Recurrence interval analysis of high-frequency financial returns and its application to risk estimation

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    We investigate the probability distributions of the recurrence intervals τ\tau between consecutive 1-min returns above a positive threshold q>0q>0 or below a negative threshold q<0q<0 of two indices and 20 individual stocks in China's stock market. The distributions of recurrence intervals for positive and negative thresholds are symmetric, and display power-law tails tested by three goodness-of-fit measures including the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) statistic, the weighted KS statistic and the Cram\'er-von Mises criterion. Both long-term and shot-term memory effects are observed in the recurrence intervals for positive and negative thresholds qq. We further apply the recurrence interval analysis to the risk estimation for the Chinese stock markets based on the probability Wq(Δt,t)W_q(\Delta{t},t), Value-at-Risk (VaR) analysis and VaR analysis conditioned on preceding recurrence intervals.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, 1 tabl

    Strongly-coupled quantum critical point in an all-in-all-out antiferromagnet

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    Dimensionality and symmetry play deterministic roles in the laws of Nature. They are important tools to characterize and understand quantum phase transitions, especially in the limit of strong correlations between spin, orbit, charge, and structural degrees of freedom. Using newly-developed, high-pressure resonant x-ray magnetic and charge diffraction techniques, we have discovered a quantum critical point in Cd2Os2O7 as the all-in-all-out (AIAO) antiferromagnetic order is continuously suppressed to zero temperature and, concomitantly, the cubic lattice structure continuously changes from space group Fd-3m to F-43m. Surrounded by three phases of different time reversal and spatial inversion symmetries, the quantum critical region anchors two phase lines of opposite curvature, with striking departures from a mean-field form at high pressure. As spin fluctuations, lattice breathing modes, and quasiparticle excitations interact in the quantum critical region, we argue that they present the necessary components for strongly-coupled quantum criticality in this three-dimensional compound

    Noise bridges dynamical correlation and topology in coupled oscillator networks

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    We study the relationship between dynamical properties and interaction patterns in complex oscillator networks in the presence of noise. A striking finding is that noise leads to a general, one-to-one correspondence between the dynamical correlation and the connections among oscillators for a variety of node dynamics and network structures. The universal finding enables an accurate prediction of the full network topology based solely on measuring the dynamical correlation. The power of the method for network inference is demonstrated by the high success rate in identifying links for distinct dynamics on both model and real-life networks. The method can have potential applications in various fields due to its generality, high accuracy and efficiency.Comment: 2 figures, 2 tables. Accepted by Physical Review Letter

    Measurement of spin-dependent conductivities in a two-dimensional electron gas

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    Spin accumulation is generated by injecting an unpolarized charge current into a channel of GaAs two-dimensional electron gas subject to an in-plane magnetic field, then measured in a non-local geometry. Unlike previous measurements that have used spin-polarized nanostructures, here the spin accumulation arises simply from the difference in bulk conductivities for spin-up and spin-down carriers. Comparison to a diffusive model that includes spin subband splitting in magnetic field suggests a significantly enhanced electron spin susceptibility in the 2D electron gas