43 research outputs found

    Study-related wellbeing, behavior, and attitudes of university students in the Netherlands during emergency remote teaching in the context of COVID-19: A longitudinal study

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    Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, emergency remote teaching was implemented at all conventional Dutch universities; however, the degree of limitations in on-campus teaching and learning varied during the pandemic dependent on the strictness of the measures. In the present study, it will be investigated how study-related experiences of university students changed in the face of varying limitations in on-campus teaching and learning. Methods: The study had a longitudinal natural experiment design with three points of measurement during the academic year 2020–2021: November–December 2020 (t1; campuses partially open), March 2021 (t2; campuses fully closed) and June–July 2021 (t3; campuses partially open). In total, 680 Dutch university students (65.9% female; age: M = 21 years, SD = 2.06) filled in online surveys measuring study-related wellbeing (academic burnout and study-engagement), study-related behavior (study effort), and study-related attitudes (education satisfaction, online self-efficacy, and attitudes toward online education). Results: Overall, students reported moderate levels of academic burnout, study engagement, study effort, education satisfaction, and online self-efficacy; their attitudes toward online education were rather negative. Students’ study-related wellbeing and education satisfaction decreased in the period when on-campus teaching and learning was impossible (t2) compared to periods in which on-campus teaching and learning was possible at a low level with several restrictions (t1 and t3). Students’ attitudes toward online education and online self-efficacy slightly increased at the end of the academic year (t3); however, the attitudes toward online education remained negative. Discussion: The findings indicate that students’ academic burnout, study engagement, and education satisfaction varied over the course of the academic year in the context of changing limitations in on-campus teaching and learning. To facilitate positive study-related experiences, universities are advised to offer as much on-campus education as possible in times of pandemics

    Het welzijn van zorgprofessionals onder druk

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    Stressful working conditions in health care put the well-being of healthcare professionals at risk. This well-being is increasingly being supported by diverse initiatives in the Netherlands. However, these initiatives are dispersed across micro-, meso- and macro-levels and not equally accessible to all health care professionals. A national, integral approach is lacking in which initiatives across levels are more effectively combined. Therefore, we suggest the initiation of a national program "Caring for Healthcare Professionals", which structurally supports the well-being of healthcare professionals. We reflect on science- and practice-based insights from interventions in three domains: (a) workplace management, (b) self-care, and (c) treatment and recovery. We propose to translate the lessons learned in these domains into a national program combining best practices, aiming to structurally support healthcare professionals' well-being

    The impact of mindfulness-based interventions on doctors’ well-being and performance: A systematic review

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    Objectives: The well-being of doctors is at risk, as evidenced by high burnout rates amongst doctors around the world. Alarmingly, burned-out doctors are more likely to exhibit low levels of professionalism and provide suboptimal patient care. Research suggests that burnout and the well-being of doctors can be improved by mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs). Furthermore, MBIs may improve doctors’ performance (eg in empathy). However, there are no published systematic reviews that clarify the effects of MBIs on doctor well-being or performance to inform future research and professional development programmes. We therefore systematically reviewed and narratively synthesised findings on the impacts of MBIs on doctors’ well-being and performance. Methods: We searched PubMed and PsycINFO from inception to 9 May 2018 and independently reviewed studies investigating the effects of MBIs on doctor well-being or performance. We systematically extracted data and assessed study quality according to the Medical Education Research Study Quality Instrument (MERSQI), and narratively reported study findings. Results: We retrieved a total of 934 articles, of which 24 studies met our criteria; these included randomised, (un)controlled or qualitative studies of average quality. Effects varied across MBIs with different training contents or formats: MBIs including essential mindfulness training elements, or employing group-based training, mostly showed positive effects on the well-being or performance of doctors across different educational and hospital settings. Doctors perceived both benefits (enhanced self- and other-understanding) and challenges (time limitations and feasibility) associated with MBIs. Findings were subject to the methodological limitations of studies (eg the use of self-selected participants, lack of placebo interventions, use of self-reported outcomes). Conclusions: This review indicates that doctors can perceive positive impacts of MBIs on their well-being and performance. However, the evidence was subject to methodological limitations and does not yet support the standardisation of MBIs in professional development programmes. Rather, health care organisations could consider including group-based MBIs as voluntary modules for doctors with specific well-being needs or ambitions regarding professional development