47 research outputs found

    Reaction times during triple-pulse rTMS for the three conditions

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    <p>No significant differences were observed between fronto-parietal operculum (FPO) and anterior superior temporal gyrus (aSTG) with regard to reaction times. Reaction times on POz were significantly different from both FPO and aSTG. Reaction times after triple-pulse rTMS at 1300ms after onset of the sentence were significantly higher than at all other time-points.</p

    Emotion identified correctly (%) during triple-pulse rTMS for the three conditions

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    <p>No significant differences were found on percentages correct between the three sites, fronto-parietal operculum (FPO), anterior superior temporal gyrus (aSTG) and POz (EEG electrode site).</p

    This figure shows the two TMS locations that are targeted in the present study drawn in MRIcro, the fronto-parietal operculum and the anterior superior temporal gyrus.

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    <p>This figure shows the two TMS locations that are targeted in the present study drawn in MRIcro, the fronto-parietal operculum and the anterior superior temporal gyrus.</p

    fMRI data of PTSD patients with and without comorbid Major Depressive Disorder

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    <p>Patients were male veterans recruited from the Military Mental Health Care Center, the Netherlands. MDD_diagnosis = current depressive episode (1=yes, 0=no), CAPS_TOTAL_B = total scores from CAPS cluster B symptoms, CAPS_TOTAL_C = total scores from CAPS cluster C symptoms, CAPS_TOTAL_D = total scores from CAPS cluster D symptoms, MASQ_NA = negative affect scores, MASQ_PA = positive affect scores, MASQ_SA = somatic anxiety scores, RSFC=resting state functional connectivity, Hip = hippocampus, ACC= anterior cingulate cortex, sg= subgenual, Thal = thalamus, SSRI = current use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (0=no, 1=yes), BENZO = current use of benzodiazepines (0=no, 1=yes), SARI = current use of serotonin antagonist and reuptake inhibitor (0=no, 1=yes), ISCED = international standard classification of education. Handedness presents right-handedness as 0, left-handedness as 2 and ambidexterity as 3. The code 9999 represents a missing value.</p

    Response to social cues.

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    <p>Top panel: Left to right: increasing strength of social cues leading to the response: ‘Cartoons Closer’. Bottom panel: Example of a single trial.</p

    Linear increase in response 1 (“Cartoons Closer”) consistent with social cue strength in healthy control men, but not in Klinefelter men.

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    <p>Linear increase in response 1 (“Cartoons Closer”) consistent with social cue strength in healthy control men, but not in Klinefelter men.</p

    Demographic data (mean (SD)) of participants included in the Social Distance Judgment Task analysis.

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    <p>P<sup>1</sup>: Between-group comparisons of patients with schizophrenia, siblings of patients and control participants with ANOVA, except male∶female ratio is analyzed with non-parametric Kruskal Wallis test, df = 100; P<sup>2</sup>: Between-group comparisons of Klinefelter men and male controls with Student's t-test, df = 52; NA = Not available.</p

    Phantom heritability , narrow-sense heritability and percentage of common variance for three traits assuming varying number of pathways and pathway correlations .

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    <p>Illustrated for observed values of the estimated heritability and underlying and , assuming a larger number of pathways implies higher phantom heritability, lower narrow-sense heritability, but also a larger contribution of common variance. Higher pathway correlations reduce these effects.</p