24 research outputs found

    Prognostic protein markers for triple negative breast cancer

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    Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed malignancy in women in the Western world, with 13,000 new patients each year in the Netherlands alone. Extensive research on gene expression profiling has shown that breast cancer is a mixture of biologically different disease entities, referred to as molecular subtypes. Of all molecular subtypes, particularly the triple negative phenotype associates with poor prognosis and poor patient survival. Intriguingly, only a small subgroup of triple negative tumors (25%), which metastasize to distant organs within 3 years, accounts for this poor prognosis. Currently, no clinical markers are available to identify triple negative tumors based on positive expression, to predict disease prognosis, and to target therapy against. The aim of our project was to identify prognostic protein markers for triple negative breast cancer using a comparative tissue proteomics approach. We have subjected frozen breast cancer tissue sections to LCM and prepared tryptic digests for nLC-MS analysis. Peptide abundance levels from poor prognosis samples were compared to good prognosis samples to identify differentially abundant peptides and their corresponding proteins. A selection of 34 differentially abundant proteins appeared to significantly differentiate between the two groups. Careful validation of these proteins may lead to better prediction of disease prognosis of triple negative breast cancer patients. Furthermore, functional analysis of key proteins may help unravel the biology of triple negative breast cancer and may lead to the development of new therapies against target proteins

    Proteomic characterization of microdissected breast tissue environment provides a protein-level overview of malignant transformation

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    Both healthy and cancerous breast tissue is heterogeneous, which is a bottleneck for proteomics-based biomarker analysis, as it obscures the cellular origin of a measured protein. We therefore aimed at obtaining a protein-level interpretation of malignant transformation through global proteome analysis of a variety of laser capture microdissected cells originating from benign and malignant breast tissues. We compared proteomic differences between these tissues, both from cells of epithelial origin and the stromal environment, and performed string analysis. Differences in protein abundances corresponded with several hallmarks of cancer, including loss of cell adhesion, transformation to a migratory phenotype, and enhanced energy metabolism. Furthermore, despite enriching for (tumor) epithelial cells, many changes to the extracellular matrix were detected in microdissected cells of epithelial origin. The stromal compartment was heterogeneous and richer in the number of fibroblast and immune cells in malignant sections, compared to benign tissue sections. Furthermore, stroma could be clearly divided into reactive and nonreactive based on extracellular matrix disassembly proteins. We conclude that proteomics analysis of both microdissected epithelium and stroma gives an additional layer of information and more detailed insight into malignant transformation

    Global proteomic characterization of microdissected estrogen receptor positive breast tumors

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    We here describe two proteomic datasets deposited in ProteomeXchange via PRIDE partner repository [1] with dataset identifiers PXD000484 (defined as "training") and PXD000485 (defined as "test") that have been used for the development of a tamoxifen outcome predictive signature [2]. Both datasets comprised 56 fresh frozen estrogen receptor (ER) positive primary breast tumor specimens derived from patients who received tamoxifen as first line therapy for recurrent disease. Patient groups were defined based on time to progression (TTP) after start of tamoxifen therapy (6 months cutoff): 32 good and 24 poor treatment outcome patients were comprised in the training set, respectively. The test set included 41 good and 15 poor treatment outcome patients. All specimens were subjected to laser capture microdissection (LCM) to enrich for epithelial tumor cells prior to high resolution mass spectrometric (MS) analysis. Protein identificat

    Proteomics pipeline for biomarker discovery of laser capture microdissected breast cancer tissue

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    Mass spectrometry (MS)-based label-free proteomics offers an unbiased approach to screen biomarkers related to disease progression and therapy-resistance of breast cancer on the global scale. However, multi-step sample preparation can introduce large variation in generated data, while inappropriate statistical methods will lead to false positive hits. All these issues have hampered the identification of reliable protein markers. A workflow, which integrates reproducible and robust sample preparation and data handling methods, is highly desirable in clinical proteomics investigations. Here we describe a label-free tissue proteomics pipeline, which encompasses laser capture microdissection (LCM) followed by nanoscale liquid chromatography and high resolution MS. This pipeline routinely identifies on average ̃10,000 peptides corresponding to ̃1,800 proteins from sub-microgram amounts of protein extracted from ̃4,000 LCM breast cancer epithelial cells. Highly reproducible abundance data were generated from different technical and biological replicates. As a proof-of-principle, comparative proteome analysis was performed on estrogen receptor a positive or negative (ER+/-) samples, and commonly known differentially expressed proteins related to ER expression in breast cancer were identified. Therefore, we show that our tissue proteomics pipeline is robust and applicable for the identification of breast cancer specific protein markers

    4-protein signature predicting tamoxifen treatment outcome in recurrent breast cancer

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    Estrogen receptor (ER) positive tumors represent the majority of breast malignancies, and are effectively treated with hormonal therapies, such as tamoxifen. However, in the recurrent disease resistance to tamoxifen therapy is common and a major cause of death. In recent years, in-depth proteome analyses have enabled identification of clinically useful biomarkers, particularly, when heterogeneity in complex tumor tissue was reduced using laser capture microdissection (LCM). In the current study, we performed high resolution proteomic analysis on two cohorts of ER positive breast tumors derived from patients who either manifested good or poor outcome to tamoxifen treatment upon recurrence. A total of 112 fresh frozen tumors were collected from multiple medical centers and divided into two sets: an in-house training and a multi-center test set. Epithelial tumor cells were enriched with LCM and analyzed by nano-LC Orbitrap mass spectrometry (MS), which yielded >3000 and >4000 quantified proteins in the training and test sets, respectively. Raw data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifiers PXD000484 and PXD000485. Statistical analysis showed differential abundance of 99 proteins, of which a subset of 4 proteins was selected through a multivariate step-down to develop a predictor for tamoxifen treatment outcome. The 4-protein signature significantly predicted poor outcome patients in the test set, independent of predictive histopathological characteristics (hazard ratio [HR] = 2.17; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.15 to 4.17; multivariate Cox regression p value = 0.017). Immunohistochemical (IHC) staining of PDCD4, one of the signature proteins, on an independent set of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumor tissues provided and independent technical validation (HR = 0.72; 95% CI = 0.57 to 0.92; multivariate Cox regression p value = 0.009). We hereby report the first validated protein predictor for tamoxifen treatment outcome in recurrent ER-positive breast cancer. IHC further showed that PDCD4 is an independent marker

    Untargeted accurate identification of highly pathogenic bacteria directly from blood culture flasks

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    To improve the preparedness against exposure to highly pathogenic bacteria and to anticipate the wide variety of bacteria that can cause bloodstream infections (BSIs), a safe, unbiased and highly accurate identification method was developed. Our liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS)-based method can identify highly pathogenic bacteria, their near-neighbors and bacteria that are common causes of BSIs directly from positive blood culture flasks. The developed Peptide-Based Microbe Detection Engine (http://proteome2pathogen.com) relies on a two-step workflow: a genus-level search followed by a species-level search. This strategy enables the rapid identification of microorganisms based on the analyzed proteome. This method was successfully used to identify strains of Bacillus anthracis, Brucella abortus, Brucella melitensis, Brucella suis, Burkholderia pseudomallei, Burkholderia mallei, Francisella tularensis, Yersinia pestis and closely related species from simulated blood culture flasks. This newly developed LC–MS/MS method is a safe and rapid method for accurately identifying bacteria directly from positive blood culture flasks

    Global proteomic characterization of microdissected estrogen receptor positive breast tumors

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    We here describe two proteomic datasets deposited in ProteomeXchange via PRIDE partner repository [1] with dataset identifiers PXD000484 (defined as “training”) and PXD000485 (defined as “test”) that have been used for the development of a tamoxifen outcome predictive signature [2]. Both datasets comprised 56 fresh frozen estrogen receptor (ER) positive primary breast tumor specimens derived from patients who received tamoxifen as first line therapy for recurrent disease. Patient groups were defined based on time to progression (TTP) after start of tamoxifen therapy (6 months cutoff): 32 good and 24 poor treatment outcome patients were comprised in the training set, respectively. The test set included 41 good and 15 poor treatment outcome patients. All specimens were subjected to laser capture microdissection (LCM) to enrich for epithelial tumor cells prior to high resolution mass spectrometric (MS) analysis. Protein identification and label-free quantification (LFQ) were performed with MaxQuant software package [3]. A total of 3109 and 4061 proteins were identified and quantified in the training and test set, respectively. We here present the first public proteomic dataset analyzing ER positive recurrent breast cancer by LCM coupled to high resolution MS