14 research outputs found


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    [[abstract]]本文研究目的在解釋:一、楷書形成的過程,以字形學與書法史的觀點討論。二、楷 書的形成與書法藝術的因果關係。三、中國文字何以發展楷書會成為定型文字。四、 楷書形成之後,在中國書法史以至整個中國文化史上的意義。 楷書形成的這段時期(魏晉南北朝至隋唐),中國文字的書寫,是由縑帛、簡牘發展 到紙的應用,文字的流傳,是由石刻、抄寫發展至印刷術的應用。故實物史料兼採 新出土的簡牘、寫卷和傳世的碑帖,文史亮則除了歷代書論以外,旁及文字學、文書 學等等相關資料。 在研究方法上,主要有兩個脈絡:一、章對書體演變和書法藝術的發展,提出簡化、 標準化和藝術化三個原理(Theroy)為基本架構。此外並提出典範(Paradigm)的概 念,討論楷書在藝術史和文化史上的特殊地位。二、針對文字發展的文化背景,對文 字學數、教育和印刷術的發展,也做歷史的考察,俾使前者的討論,落實於文化基礎 上。 楷書的形成,是集中國文字簡化、標準化和藝術化的大成;其定型則與中國特殊的文 字學傳統和印刷術的發明有關。它是中國書法藝術「古典主義」的完成,對中國文化 的傳承和開展,均扮演極重要的角色。


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    [[abstract]]本篇論文基於道德教育學術研究的反省及道德教育實施措施的檢視,以「威爾遜道德 教育思想研究」為題,針對威爾遜道德教育思想的理論內涵與實際措施的主張,先作 系統化的整理、分析與闡釋,後殿以綜括性的評論與結論,期能彰顯威爾遜道德教育 思想的真義,俾能有助於當前道德教育學術研究之發展及道德教育實際措施之辦理。 其次,本研究主要採用哲學探穹法,亦即透過哲學思索的方法,對於威爾遜的專著和 論文、與威爾遜同時之其他學者的專著和論文以及對威爾遜的評論文章,進行完整的 研討與評析。要言之,本研究係以下列六個主題為研究範圍:一、探討道德教育的基 本主張;二、剖析道德的構成要素;三、釋明道德教學的目標;四、闡明道德教學的 課程;五、研析道德教學的方法;六、探究道德教學的評量。 至於本研究之結構,前後共列五章十八章。第一章「緒論」:分為研究背景敘述、研 究動機與目的、研究方法與步驟及研究資料與範圍等四節;第二章「道德教育的基本 主張」:計分四組相對的論點之評析、意義與目的之闡釋和內容與方法之證成等三節 ;第三章「道德的構成要素」:分成PHIL:視人如人的態度、EMP :覺知人的情緒與 感受的能力、GIG :融攝事實之知與技能之知的識見、DIK & PHRON:建立待人的行 為原則與建立待己的行為原則、KRAT:圓熟的道德判斷與融通的道德行為等五節;第 四章「道德教育的實施」:共分道德教學的目標、道德教學的課程、道德教學的方法 、道德教學的評量等四節;第五章「評論與結論」:分列評論、結論等二節。 總結本篇論文的探討,雖係針對威爾遜道德教育思想的理論內涵和實際措施的主張, 進行系統的整理、分析與闡釋,然嚴格地說,此種探討袛能獲得一種暫時性的結論, 並未能達致一種永久性的定論。究其原因,固然由於威爾遜本身的學說思想現仍在繼 續開展之中,然亦歸於筆者學力限制所致。儘管如此,筆者仍然相信,如何有效地將 威爾遜的道德教育理論轉化為適切合宜的道德教育措施,誠屬當務之急.職是之故, 筆者認如何將威爾遜道德教學課程的觀點轉為具體的道德教學方案,以及將威爾遜道 德教學方法的見解化成可行的道德評量測驗,當為今後進一步研究的方向。


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    [[abstract]]紅樹林內之螃蟹經由一年調查所得,計有四科十屬、十五種,其中Uca formosensis 為台灣特有種,數量稀少而珍貴,分佈區土壤之分析,可分為二群Silt loam 及Sand y loam. Ocypodidae及Mictyridae較喜分佈在Silt loam.而Grapsidae 則喜歡在Silt loam. 所有之生態因子如溫度、有機質含量、含水量、導電度、植被之有無皆影響Cr abs 之分佈,由胃合物分析,知Portunidae是肉食性,Grapsidae 是雜食性,而Ocyp odidae及Mictyridae則是草食性。 Activity cycle因Crabs 之種類而異,一般而言,Grapsidae 比Ocypodidae早出現, 且活動時間較長Grabs population,經由統計分析,知名區Crabs ,大多呈Clumped distribution彼此間有重大差異,種與種之間,排斥性強,在同種之間,其♀♂混合 分佈,彼此數目成正相關。

    Gravity center change of carbon emissions in Chinese residential building sector: Differences between urban and rural area

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    In China, dynamic spatial–temporal evolution and urban–rural gap in carbon emissions of residential building sector are crucial for understanding the current state, which is faced with great challenges related to emission mitigation. To overcome the challenge, this study employed the gravity center model to explore spatial–temporal evolution of carbon emissions and analyzed the driving factories leading the differences between urban residential buildings and rural residential buildings via decomposition analysis. Meanwhile, Tapio decoupling index is used to predict the future movement of the gravity center. Our results indicated that: (i) the carbon emissions gravity center of both residential building types tends to move south; (ii) the northeast and northwest regions play the largest role in driving the gravity center movement of urban residential buildings and rural residential buildings, respectively; (iii) per capita disposable income is the primary factors affecting the gravity center movement. (iv) the gravity center of both residential building types might tend to move westward in the future. Overall, this study attempts to remedy the current lack of research pertaining to spatial–temporal evolution laws governing carbon emissions in the Chinese residential building sector and provides a reference point for the implementation of targeted urban and rural emission reduction policies.Design & Construction Managemen

    Identification of driving factors for green building development in China

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    Green building (GB) has been actively promoted in many countries, but it has not become the mainstream in Chinese construction industry due to various reasons. This paper aims to investigate the major driving factors for the development of GB with reference of the Chinese construction market. Twenty-one factors influencing the development of GB were identified through a literature review, questionnaire survey, and face-to-face interview with professionals in the construction industry. Structural equation model was established to identify the critical driving path and three critical factors hierarchies. The result of model analysis also verifies the theoretical hypotheses that government body is the biggest motivation for the development of GB, and the path coefficient is high. The results demonstrate the necessity for the formulation of incentive policies and power of GB propaganda. We identify distinct government and market effects and then induce a government-led GB development path. These findings provide a valuable reference for government body aiming at promoting GB in the construction industry to put forward relevant policies and incentives and for the market body to understand the major driving factors and path when making decisions.Integral Design and Managemen

    Identifying the key risk factors of mega infrastructure projects from an extended sustainable development perspective

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    Mega infrastructure projects (MIPs) have become increasingly important to the realization of sustainable development in China. Sustainable development is a process of dynamic balance, and coordinating the triple bottom line (the environmental, social, and economic dimensions) will enable more sustainable development of MIPs. However, previous studies have lacked consideration of coordination when applying sustainable development principles to the systematic identification of risks to MIPs. The goals of this study were to clarify the definition and dimensions of the sustainable development of MIPs and to identify the key risks of MIPs. A literature review was performed to extend the definition of sustainable development of MIPs by combining the triple bottom line with a fourth coordination dimension. A conceptual model of MIP risk identification was then proposed from an extended sustainable development perspective, 22 sustainability elements and 75 risk factors were identified, and the key risk factors were determined based on the interview responses and fuzzy set theory. The results show that economic risks have a high probability, social risks have a high loss, environmental risks have an intermediate probability and loss, and coordination risks have the greatest impact. In addition, the three most important key risk factors were found to be construction and installation cost overruns, land acquisition and resettling cost overruns, and information sharing with the public. Identifying key risk factors can provide information to help stakeholders understand the risk factors associated with MIPs and formulate reasonable risk response strategies.Integral Design and Managemen

    Preparation and Characterization of an Ultrahydrophobic Surface Based on a Stearic Acid Self-Assembled Monolayer Over Polyethyleneimine Thin Films

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    A novel ultrahydrophobic ultrathin film was prepared by stearic acid (STA) chemically adsorbed onto the polyethyleneimine (PEI) coated aluminum wafer. The formation and the structure of the films have been characterized by means of water contact angle measurement, ellipsometry, Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The static contact angle for water on the surface of this ultrathin organic film was measured to be as high as 166166^\circ. Apart from the hydrophobic STA monolayer, the needle-like surface nanostructures with enough roughness was found to be essential for the generation of ultrahydrophobicity. We suggest that a composite interface formed by the needle-like surface nanostructures, water droplet, and air trapped in the crevices is responsible for the superior water-repellent property

    Morphology Correlation To the Superhydrophobicity in AN Organic Thin Film on Rough Al

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    A novel superhydrophobic ultra-thin film with contact angle of 166degrees was prepared by stearic acid (STA) chemically adsorbed onto the polyethyleneimine (PEI) coated aluminum wafer. Composite interface between the water droplet and the rough needle-like surface was attributed to responsible for the super water-repellent property. It was found that close relationship existed between the surface morphology and the contact angle. The ultra-thin film has weak contact angle hysteresis with the advancing and receding contact angle about 168degrees and 156degrees, respectively. However, if the water droplet was placed onto the surface keeping static for a long times, the contact mode might be changed from composite interface into noncomposite interface, and then generate large angle hysteresis

    Influences of low-head dams on the fish assemblages in the headwater streams of the Qingyi watershed, China

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    The influences of low-head dams on the fish assemblages were examined in this study, using fish data collected in six treatment and five reference sites at three low-head dams in the headwater streams of the Qingyi watershed, China. Comparing with those in the reference sites, local habitat variables were significantly altered by low-head dams in the treatment sites, involving wider channel (only in the impoundment area), deeper water and slower flow. Fish species richness varied significantly across seasons, not across site categories, suggesting that these low-head dams did not alter species richness. However, significant decreases in fish abundance and density were observed in the impoundment areas immediately upstream of dams, but not in the plunge areas downstream. Fish assemblage structures kept relative stability across seasons, and their significant difference between-site was only observed between the impoundment areas and the sites far from dams upstream. This variation in assemblage structures was due to the differing relative abundance of some co-occurring species; more lentic but less lotic fish was observed in the impoundment areas. The spatial and temporal patterns of fish assemblages were correlated with local habitat in this study area. Wetted width had negative correlation with fish species richness, abundance and density, respectively. Water temperature also positively affected species richness. In addition, wetted width, water depth, current velocity and substrate were the important habitat variables influencing assemblage structures. Our results suggested that, by modifying local habitat characteristics, low-head dams altered fish abundance and density in the impoundment areas immediately upstream of dam, not in the plunge areas immediately downstream, and thereby influenced fish assemblage structures in these stream segments.The influences of low-head dams on the fish assemblages were examined in this study, using fish data collected in six treatment and five reference sites at three low-head dams in the headwater streams of the Qingyi watershed, China. Comparing with those in the reference sites, local habitat variables were significantly altered by low-head dams in the treatment sites, involving wider channel (only in the impoundment area), deeper water and slower flow. Fish species richness varied significantly across seasons, not across site categories, suggesting that these low-head dams did not alter species richness. However, significant decreases in fish abundance and density were observed in the impoundment areas immediately upstream of dams, but not in the plunge areas downstream. Fish assemblage structures kept relative stability across seasons, and their significant difference between-site was only observed between the impoundment areas and the sites far from dams upstream. This variation in assemblage structures was due to the differing relative abundance of some co-occurring species; more lentic but less lotic fish was observed in the impoundment areas. The spatial and temporal patterns of fish assemblages were correlated with local habitat in this study area. Wetted width had negative correlation with fish species richness, abundance and density, respectively. Water temperature also positively affected species richness. In addition, wetted width, water depth, current velocity and substrate were the important habitat variables influencing assemblage structures. Our results suggested that, by modifying local habitat characteristics, low-head dams altered fish abundance and density in the impoundment areas immediately upstream of dam, not in the plunge areas immediately downstream, and thereby influenced fish assemblage structures in these stream segments

    Synergistic Interactions Between Salt-tolerant Rhizobia and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Salinity Tolerance of Sesbania cannabina Plants

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    Legumes can host rhizobia and mycorrhizal fungi, and this triple symbiosis might be exploited to improve saline soil fertility. Therefore, a greater understanding of the interaction of rhizobia and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus during legume growth in saline soil is required. We investigated the efficiency of salt tolerance conferred by rhizobia in mycorrhizal Sesbania cannabina. Greenhouse experiments were conducted in which S. cannabina plants inoculated with Glomus mosseae BGC NM03D (GM), and two rhizobia strains Agrobacterium pusense YIC4105 (4105) and Neorhizobium huautlense YIC4083 (4083), were exposed to 100 and 200 mM NaCl. Under 200 mM NaCl stress, plants inoculated with 4105, rather than 4083, showed significant increases in shoot and root dry mass compared with non-inoculated plants. Simultaneously, a significant increase over GM-inoculated plants in mycorrhizal colonization and dependency was recorded for 4105 + GM-inoculated plants compared with 4083 + GM-inoculated plants. In addition, under NaCl stress, significant increases in the number and mass of nodules, nitrogenase activity, and leghemoglobin content of nodules occurred in 4105 + GM-inoculated plants compared with 4083 + GM-inoculated plants. Furthermore, the activities of antioxidant enzymes in rhizobia-inoculated plants were significantly higher in the GM + 4105 group than the 4083 + GM group. The malondialdehyde content of plants from the 4105 + GM group was significantly lower than in the 4083 + GM group. Thus, the results revealed a synergistic relationship among the 4105 and GM in alleviating salt stress in S. cannabina. Salt-tolerant rhizobia might improve the salinity tolerance of S. cannabina by enhancing the antioxidant system