10 research outputs found

    Spaces of Yoga – Towards a Non-Essentialist Understanding of Yoga

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    This chapter will examine some of the spaces that yoga occupies in the contemporary world, both physical and social. By looking at yoga through the focus of particular, contested spaces and locations, it will be argued that overarching essentialist definitions of yoga are impossible, although individuals and social groups can and do create essentialist definitions that are more or less useful for particular purposes. By exploring these narratives and boundaries in the context of specific locations, we can better understand what people are doing with the collection of beliefs and practices known as yoga

    Chlorosplenium aeruginosum

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    Atravesando fronteras. Voces desde Haití hacia Sudamérica : libertad, igualdad y fraternidad

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    Atravesando fronteras. Voces desde Haití hacia Sudamérica: Libertad, Igualdad y Fraternidad, es una invitación a poder quitarse el velo colonial, poder ver a Haití en sus orígenes como Ayiti. Es conocer y leer, de la mano de pensadores haitianos, el legado de la revolución negra que puso a temblar al mundo occidental, revolución que se oyó a partir de la mano de una mujer negra quien hizo sonar la campana de la libertad