17 research outputs found

    Intermediate filament network perturbation in the C. elegans intestine causes systemic dysfunctions

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    Intermediate filaments (IFs) are major components of the metazoan cytoskeleton. A long-standing debate concerns the question whether IF network organization only reflects or also determines cell and tissue function. Using Caenorhabditis elegans, we have recently described mutants of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) SMA-5 which perturb the organization of the intestinal IF cytoskeleton resulting in luminal widening and cytoplasmic invaginations. Besides these structural phenotypes, systemic dysfunctions were also observed. We now identify the IF polypeptide IFB-2 as a highly efficient suppressor of both the structural and functional deficiencies of mutant sma-5 animals by removing the aberrant IF network. Mechanistically, perturbed IF network morphogenesis is linked to hyperphosphorylation of multiple sites throughout the entire IFB-2 molecule. The rescuing capability is IF isotype-specific and not restricted to sma-5 mutants but extends to mutants that disrupt the function of the cytoskeletal linker IFO-1 and the IF-associated protein BBLN-1. The findings provide strong evidence for adverse consequences of the deranged IF networks with implications for diseases that are characterized by altered IF network organization

    BBLN-1 is essential for intermediate filament organization and apical membrane morphology

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    Epithelial tubes are essential components of metazoan organ systems that control the flow of fluids and the exchange of materials between body compartments and the outside environment. The size and shape of the central lumen confer important characteristics to tubular organs and need to be carefully controlled. Here, we identify the small coiled-coil protein BBLN-1 as a regulator of lumen morphology in the C. elegans intestine. Loss of BBLN-1 causes the formation of bubble-shaped invaginations of the apical membrane into the cytoplasm of intestinal cells and abnormal aggregation of the subapical intermediate filament (IF) network. BBLN-1 interacts with IF proteins and localizes to the IF network in an IF-dependent manner. The appearance of invaginations is a result of the abnormal IF aggregation, indicating a direct role for the IF network in maintaining lumen homeostasis. Finally, we identify bublin (BBLN) as the mammalian ortholog of BBLN-1. When expressed in the C. elegans intestine, BBLN recapitulates the localization pattern of BBLN-1 and can compensate for the loss of BBLN-1 in early larvae. In mouse intestinal organoids, BBLN localizes subapically, together with the IF protein keratin 8. Our results therefore may have implications for understanding the role of IFs in regulating epithelial tube morphology in mammals

    Control of apico-basal epithelial polarity by the microtubule minus-end-binding protein CAMSAP3 and spectraplakin ACF7

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    The microtubule cytoskeleton regulates cell polarity by spatially organizing membrane trafficking and signaling processes. In epithelial cells, microtubules form parallel arrays aligned along the apico–basal axis, and recent work has demonstrated that the members of CAMSAP/Patronin family control apical tethering of microtubule minus ends. Here, we show that in mammalian intestinal epithelial cells, the spectraplakin ACF7 (also known as MACF1) specifically binds to CAMSAP3 and is required for the apical localization of CAMSAP3-decorated microtubule minus ends. Loss of ACF7 but not of CAMSAP3 or its homolog CAMSAP2 affected the formation of polarized epithelial cysts in three-dimensional cultures. In short-term epithelial polarization assays, knockout of CAMSAP3, but not of CAMSAP2, caused microtubule re-organization into a more radial centrosomal array, redistribution of Rab11-positive (also known as Rab11A) endosomes from the apical cell surface to the pericentrosomal region and inhibition of actin brush border formation at the apical side of the cell. We conclude that ACF7 is an important regulator of apico–basal polarity in mammalian intestinal cells and that a radial centrosome-centered microtubule organization can act as an inhibitor of epithelial polarity

    CeLINC, a fluorescence-based protein-protein interaction assay in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Interactions among proteins are fundamental for life and determining whether two particular proteins physically interact can be essential for fully understanding a protein's function. We present Caenorhabditis elegans light-induced coclustering (CeLINC), an optical binary protein-protein interaction assay to determine whether two proteins interact in vivo. Based on CRY2/CIB1 light-dependent oligomerization, CeLINC can rapidly and unambiguously identify protein-protein interactions between pairs of fluorescently tagged proteins. A fluorescently tagged bait protein is captured using a nanobody directed against the fluorescent protein (GFP or mCherry) and brought into artificial clusters within the cell. Colocalization of a fluorescently tagged prey protein in the cluster indicates a protein interaction. We tested the system with an array of positive and negative reference protein pairs. Assay performance was extremely robust with no false positives detected in the negative reference pairs. We then used the system to test for interactions among apical and basolateral polarity regulators. We confirmed interactions seen between PAR-6, PKC-3, and PAR-3, but observed no physical interactions among the basolateral Scribble module proteins LET-413, DLG-1, and LGL-1. We have generated a plasmid toolkit that allows use of custom promoters or CRY2 variants to promote flexibility of the system. The CeLINC assay is a powerful and rapid technique that can be widely applied in C. elegans due to the universal plasmids that can be used with existing fluorescently tagged strains without need for additional cloning or genetic modification of the genome

    Facilitating identification of minimal protein binding domains by cross-linking mass spectrometry

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    Characterization of protein interaction domains is crucial for understanding protein functions. Here we combine cross-linking mass spectrometry (XL-MS) with deletion analysis to accurately locate minimal protein interaction domains. As a proof of concept, we investigated in detail the binding interfaces of two protein assemblies: the complex formed by MICAL3, ELKS and Rab8A, which is involved in exocytosis, and the complex of SLAIN2, CLASP2 and ch-TOG, which controls microtubule dynamics. We found that XL-MS provides valuable information to efficiently guide the design of protein fragments that are essential for protein interaction. However, we also observed a number of cross-links between polypeptide regions that were dispensable for complex formation, especially among intrinsically disordered sequences. Collectively, our results indicate that XL-MS, which renders distance restrains of linked residue pairs, accelerates the characterization of protein binding regions in combination with other biochemical approaches

    CeLINC, a fluorescence-based protein-protein interaction assay in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Interactions among proteins are fundamental for life and determining whether two particular proteins physically interact can be essential for fully understanding a protein's function. We present Caenorhabditis elegans light-induced coclustering (CeLINC), an optical binary protein-protein interaction assay to determine whether two proteins interact in vivo. Based on CRY2/CIB1 light-dependent oligomerization, CeLINC can rapidly and unambiguously identify protein-protein interactions between pairs of fluorescently tagged proteins. A fluorescently tagged bait protein is captured using a nanobody directed against the fluorescent protein (GFP or mCherry) and brought into artificial clusters within the cell. Colocalization of a fluorescently tagged prey protein in the cluster indicates a protein interaction. We tested the system with an array of positive and negative reference protein pairs. Assay performance was extremely robust with no false positives detected in the negative reference pairs. We then used the system to test for interactions among apical and basolateral polarity regulators. We confirmed interactions seen between PAR-6, PKC-3, and PAR-3, but observed no physical interactions among the basolateral Scribble module proteins LET-413, DLG-1, and LGL-1. We have generated a plasmid toolkit that allows use of custom promoters or CRY2 variants to promote flexibility of the system. The CeLINC assay is a powerful and rapid technique that can be widely applied in C. elegans due to the universal plasmids that can be used with existing fluorescently tagged strains without need for additional cloning or genetic modification of the genome

    Targeted analysis of lysosomal directed proteins and their sites of mannose-6-phosphate modification

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    Mannose-6-phosphate (M6P) is a distinctive post-translational modification critical for trafficking of lysosomal acid hydrolases into the lysosome. Improper trafficking into the lysosome, and/or lack of certain hydrolases, results in a toxic accumulation of their substrates within the lysosomes. To gain insight into the enzymes destined to the lysosome these glycoproteins can be distinctively enriched and studied using their unique M6P tag. Here we demonstrate, by adapting a protocol optimized for the enrichment of phosphopeptides using Fe3+-IMAC chromatography, that proteome-wide M6P glycopeptides can be selectively enriched and subsequently analyzed by mass spectrometry, taking advantage of exclusive phosphomannose oxonium fragment marker ions. As proof-of-concept of this protocol, applying it to HeLa cells, we identified hundreds of M6P-modified glycopeptides on 35 M6P-modified glycoproteins. We next targeted CHO cells, either wild-type or cells deficient in Acp2 and Acp5, which are acid phosphatases targeting M6P. In the KO CHO cells we observed a 20-fold increase of the abundance of the M6P-modification on endogenous CHO glycoproteins but also on the recombinantly over-expressed lysosomal human alpha-galactosidase. We conclude that our approach could thus be of general interest for characterization of M6P glycoproteomes as well as characterization of lysosomal enzymes used as treatment in enzyme replacement therapies targeting lysosomal storage diseases

    Intermediate filament network perturbation in the C. elegans intestine causes systemic dysfunctions

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    Intermediate filaments (IFs) are major components of the metazoan cytoskeleton. A long-standing debate concerns the question whether IF network organization only reflects or also determines cell and tissue function. Using Caenorhabditis elegans, we have recently described mutants of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) SMA-5 which perturb the organization of the intestinal IF cytoskeleton resulting in luminal widening and cytoplasmic invaginations. Besides these structural phenotypes, systemic dysfunctions were also observed. We now identify the IF polypeptide IFB-2 as a highly efficient suppressor of both the structural and functional deficiencies of mutant sma-5 animals by removing the aberrant IF network. Mechanistically, perturbed IF network morphogenesis is linked to hyperphosphorylation of multiple sites throughout the entire IFB-2 molecule. The rescuing capability is IF isotype-specific and not restricted to sma-5 mutants but extends to mutants that disrupt the function of the cytoskeletal linker IFO-1 and the IF-associated protein BBLN-1. The findings provide strong evidence for adverse consequences of the deranged IF networks with implications for diseases that are characterized by altered IF network organization

    Facilitating identification of minimal protein binding domains by cross-linking mass spectrometry

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    Characterization of protein interaction domains is crucial for understanding protein functions. Here we combine cross-linking mass spectrometry (XL-MS) with deletion analysis to accurately locate minimal protein interaction domains. As a proof of concept, we investigated in detail the binding interfaces of two protein assemblies: the complex formed by MICAL3, ELKS and Rab8A, which is involved in exocytosis, and the complex of SLAIN2, CLASP2 and ch-TOG, which controls microtubule dynamics. We found that XL-MS provides valuable information to efficiently guide the design of protein fragments that are essential for protein interaction. However, we also observed a number of cross-links between polypeptide regions that were dispensable for complex formation, especially among intrinsically disordered sequences. Collectively, our results indicate that XL-MS, which renders distance restrains of linked residue pairs, accelerates the characterization of protein binding regions in combination with other biochemical approaches

    Targeted analysis of lysosomal directed proteins and their sites of mannose-6-phosphate modification

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    Mannose-6-phosphate (M6P) is a distinctive post-translational modification critical for trafficking of lysosomal acid hydrolases into the lysosome. Improper trafficking into the lysosome, and/or lack of certain hydrolases, results in a toxic accumulation of their substrates within the lysosomes. To gain insight into the enzymes destined to the lysosome these glycoproteins can be distinctively enriched and studied using their unique M6P tag. Here we demonstrate, by adapting a protocol optimized for the enrichment of phosphopeptides using Fe3+-IMAC chromatography, that proteome-wide M6P glycopeptides can be selectively enriched and subsequently analyzed by mass spectrometry, taking advantage of exclusive phosphomannose oxonium fragment marker ions. As proof-of-concept of this protocol, applying it to HeLa cells, we identified hundreds of M6P-modified glycopeptides on 35 M6P-modified glycoproteins. We next targeted CHO cells, either wild-type or cells deficient in Acp2 and Acp5, which are acid phosphatases targeting M6P. In the KO CHO cells we observed a 20-fold increase of the abundance of the M6P-modification on endogenous CHO glycoproteins but also on the recombinantly over-expressed lysosomal human alpha-galactosidase. We conclude that our approach could thus be of general interest for characterization of M6P glycoproteomes as well as characterization of lysosomal enzymes used as treatment in enzyme replacement therapies targeting lysosomal storage diseases