10 research outputs found

    Metabolic and neurohumoral aspects of acute myocardial ischemia in man

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    This thesis aims at defining the relevance and applicability of some metabolic aspects of acute myocardial ischemia to delineate occurrence and extent of the latter in man. Studies focus on myocardial lactate metabolism and adenine nucleotide catabolism, correlate changes with other markers of ischemia and attempt to define a temporal relation with regional changes in coronary flow. Next, the acute antiischemic properties of different vasoactive compounds are outlined using these metabolites in a properly defined study model. Studies also attempt to differentiate the usefulness of various vasodilator compounds as antiischemic therapy in relation to the underlying cardiac function. In the second part of this thesis the impact of myocardial ischemia on systemic and cardiac neurohormones, i.e. catecholamines and renin-angiotensin system(s), are discussed. The relation between degree of ischemia and neurohumoral activation will be emphasized, potential subsequent systemic and coronary vasoconstrictor effects mentioned, and the usefulness of neurohumoral modulation, i.e. by converting enzyme inhibition in the treatment of myocardial ischemia indicated

    The consistency of the treatment effect of an ACE-inhibitor based treatment regimen in patients with vascular disease or high risk of vascular disease: A combined analysis of individual data of ADVANCE, EUROPA, and PROGRESS trials

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    AimsAngiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors have been shown to reduce cardiovascular risk in different groups of patients. Whether these effects can be generalized to the broad group of patients with vascular disease is unknown. Therefore, we undertook a combined analysis using individual data from ADVANCE, EUROPA, and PROGRESS to determine the consistency of the treatment effect of perindopril-based regimen in patients with vascular disease or at high risk of vascular disease.Methods and resultsWe studied all-cause mortality and major cardiovascular outcomes during a follow-up of about 4 years in the 29 463 patients randomly assigned a perindopril-based treatment regimen or placebo. The perindopril-based regimens were associated with a significant reduction in all-cause mortality [hazard ratio (HR) 0.89; 95 confidence interval (CI) 0.82-0.96; P = 0.006], cardiovascular mortality (HR 0.85; 95 CI 0.76-0.95; P = 0.004), non-fatal myocardial infarction (HR 0.80; 95 CI 0.71-0.90; P < 0.001), stroke (HR 0.82; 95 CI 0.74-0.92; P = 0.002), and heart failure (HR 0.84; 95 CI 0.72-0.96; P = 0.015). Results were consistent in subgroups with different clinical characteristics, concomitant medication use, and across all strata of baseline blood pressure.ConclusionThis study provides strong evidence for a consistent cardiovascular protection with an ACE-inhibitor treatment regimen (perindopril-indapamide) by improving survival and reducing the risk of major cardiovascular events across a broad spectrum of patients with vascular disease

    Suradnja geodeta sa sudskim vještacima građevinske struke u postupku legalizacije objekata izgrađenih prije 15. veljače 1968. godine

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    U radu je opisana važnost prilaganja uporabne dozvole prilikom upisa objekata u zemljišne knjige. Iz novog zakona o državnoj izmjeri i katastru nekretnina (»Narodne novine«, broj 16/07) moguće je zaključiti kako će i katastarskim uredima građevna dokumentacija predstavljati važnu ulogu prilikom ovjere geodetskih elaborata upisa građevina. Detaljno je opisan postupak interakcije građevinskih vještaka sa geodetima prilikom evidentiranja građevina koje su izgrađene prije 15.veljače 1968., a nisu evidentirane u službenoj dokumentaciji Državne geodetske uprave. U radu su navedeni i sastavni dijelovi geodestkih elaborata kao i sastavni dijelovi elaborata o utvrđivanju starosti građevina

    Individualized angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitor therapy in stable coronary artery disease based on clinical and pharmacogenetic determinants: The PERindopril GENEtic (PERGENE) risk model

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    Background-Patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) constitute a heterogeneous group in which the treatment benefits by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitor therapy vary between individuals. Our objective was to integrate clinical and pharmacogenetic determinants in an ultimate combined risk prediction model. Methods and Results-Clinical, genetic, and outcomes data were used from 8726 stable CAD patients participating in the EUROPA/PERGENE trial of perindopril versus placebo. Multivariable analysis of phenotype data resulted in a clinical risk score (range, 0-21 points). Three single-nucleotide polymorphisms (rs275651 and rs5182 in the angiotensin-II type I-receptor gene and rs12050217 in the bradykinin type I-receptor gene) were used to construct a pharmacogenetic risk score (PGXscore; range, 0-6 points). Seven hundred eighty-five patients (9.0%) experienced the primary endpoint of cardiovascular mortality, nonfatal myocardial infarction or resuscitated cardiac arrest, during 4.2 years of follow-up. Absolute risk reductions ranged from 1.2% to 7.5% in the 73.5% of patients with PGXscore of 0 t

    Differential anti-ischaemic effects of muscarinic receptor blockade in patients with obstructive coronary artery disease; impaired vs normal left ventricular function.

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    AIMS: In patients with coronary artery disease acetylcholine (a muscarinic agonist) causes vasoconstriction. The effect of atropine (a muscarinic antagonist) on coronary vasotone in patients with normal or impaired left ventricular function is unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: Twenty-four patients who required atropine infusion (to supplement heart rate response) during atrial pacing (pacing was conducted to assess ischaemia as part of an experimental protocol) were studied; 17 patients had normal and seven impaired left ventricular function (ejection fraction < or =0.40). Two control groups were selected from a large database (from patients in whom atrial pacing was carried out but to whom atropine was not administered) to match the normal (n=20) and dysfunction (n=10) groups. In the normal left ventricular function group atropine increased rate pressure product by 12 +/- 4%, as compared to those without atropine (P < 0.05). Left ventricular end diastolic pressure increased less in the atropine group (+40 +/- 8% vs +78 +/- 6%;P < 0.05). Arterial norepinephrine increased similarly in both groups, but coronary flow (as assessed by using a thermodiluting method in the coronary sinus) increased 23 +/ -4% more in the atropine group (P < 0.05). Further, there were lower levels of myocardial lactate production and ST-segment depression in the atropine group [lactate extraction +13 +/- 6% (atropine) vs -19 +/- 4% (controls), ST-segment depression 1. 3 +/- 0.6 (atropine) vs 1.8 +/- 0.2 mm (control), both P < 0.05 between groups]. In contrast, in the dysfunction group the overall effect of atropine was less pronounced. CONCLUSION: In patients with normal left ventricular function atropine improves coronary flow and reduces myocardial lactate production and ST-segment depression during atrial pacing, suggesting a reduction in myocardial ischaemia

    Sustained benefit at 10-14 years follow-up after thrombolytic therapy in myocardial infarction

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    AIMS: To investigate whether the benefit of thrombolytic therapy was sustained beyond the first decade. We report the 10-14 year outcome of 533 patients who were randomized to treatment with intracoronary streptokinase or to conventional therapy during the years 1980-1985. METHODS AND RESULTS: Details of survival and cardiac events were obtained from the civil registry, from medi

    Long term improvement in global left ventricular function after early thrombolytic treatment in acute myocardial infarction

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    The effect of reperfusion achieved by early intracoronary streptokinase in acute myocardial infarction on left ventricular function was studied in 533 patients enrolled in a prospective randomised multicentre study. Two hundred and sixty four patients were allocated to conventional treatment and 269 patients to thrombolysis. At the end of the procedure patency of the infarct related vessel was achieved in 198 (85%) of 234 patients in whom coronary angiography was performed. The median interval from onset of symptoms till the angiographic documentation of patency was 200 minutes. Data were analysed according to the original treatment allocation. Global left ventricular ejection fraction was determined by radionuclide angiography in 418 patients within two days of admission, in 361 patients after two weeks, and in 307 patients after three months. Global left ventricular function remained unchanged throughout the observation period in the control group, whereas it improved during the first two weeks in patients allocated to thrombolytic treatment. Improved function in these patients persisted up to three months after the infarction. Global left ventricular ejection fraction was significantly better in the thrombolysis group than in the control group at two days, two weeks, and at three months. In patients with anterior myocardial infarction the left ventricular ejection fraction was 9% better than in the control group at two weeks and at three months. In the patients with inferior myocardial infarction differences between the two treatment groups were smaller because of photon attenuation within the body. Angiographic evidence suggested that the improvement in function seen after thrombolysis is indeed associated with the patency of the infarct related artery

    Verbeterde prognose voor patienten met een acuut hartinfarct door vroege thrombolyse

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    Twee behandelingen werden vergeleken in een gerandomiseerd onderzoek waaraan 533 patiënten met een acuut infarct deelnamen, 264 patiënten werden conventioneel behandeld (groep 1) en 269 kregen een behandeling die gericht was op snelle rekanalisatie van de veelal afgesloten coronairarterie (groep 2). Bij de eerste 152 patiënten in groep 2 werd uitsluitend intracoronair streptokinase gegeven (250.000 eenheden), onmiddellijk na coronariografie. Bij de volgende 117 patiënten werd deze intracoronaire behandeling voorafgegaan door intraveneuze toediening van streptokinase (500.000 eenheden). Bij 198 van de 234 patiënten bij wie angiografie werd verricht in de acute fase van het infarct, was de met het infarct samenhangende coronairarterie doorgankelijk aan het eind van de ingreep (85). De sterfte was lager bij patiënten uit groep 2 gedurende de gehele follow-up-periode. De éénjaarsoverleving was 91 bij patiënten in groep 2 en 84 in groep 1. Het voorkomen van ventrikelfibrilleren, pericarditis en card

    Early thrombolysis in acute myocardial infarction: limitation of infarct size and improved survival

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    The effect of thrombolysis in acute myocardial infarction on infarct size, left ventricular function, clinical course and patient survival was studied in a randomized trial comparing thrombolysis (269 patients) with conventional treatment (264 control patients). All 533 patients were admitted to the coronary care unit within 4 hours after the onset of symptoms related to the infarction. Baseline characteristics were similar in both groups. Informed consent was requested only of patients allocated to thrombolysis; no angiography was performed in 35. The infarct-related artery was patent in 65 patients and occluded in 169. Recanalization was achieved in 133 patients

    Intracoronary thrombolysis in patients with acute myocardial infarction: The Netherlands randomized trial and current status

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    To answer the question of whether thrombolysis is a clinically useful approach in acute myocardial infarction, we initiated in May 1981 a randomized trial to compare a strategy aimed at early recanalization by intracoronary administration of streptokinase with conventional treatment in the coronary care unit. The primary objective was to study the effect of the intervention on mortality and morbidity after myocardial infarction. In addition, we analyzed the effect of attempted thrombolysis on infarct size and left ventricular function measured by various methods. The intake was completed in March 1985 after entry of 533 patients. The data presented in this report demonstrate that improved survival after early thrombolysis in acute myocardial infarction is indeed associated with a reduction of infarct size and with preservation of global left ventricular function. Furthermore, regional wall motion after thrombolysis appeared to be better than in the control group. The difference between the present study and the other randomized trials published thus far can be explained by differences in study design, by the shorter delay between the onset of symptoms and treatment, and by its larger size