91 research outputs found

    Shaped pupil design for the Gemini Planet Imager

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    The Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) is an instrument designed for the Gemini South telescope to image young Jupiter-mass planets in the infrared. To achieve the high contrast needed for this, it employs an apodized pupil Lyot coronagraph (APLC) to remove most of the starlight. Current designs use a partially-transmitting apodizer in the pupil; we examine the use of binary apodizations in the form of starshaped shaped pupils, and present a design that could achieve comparable performance, along with a series of design guidelines for creating shaped pupil versions of APLCs in other systems.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Fast computation of Lyot-style coronagraph propagation

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    We present a new method for numerical propagation through Lyot-style coronagraphs using finite occulting masks. Standard methods for coronagraphic simulations involve Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) of very large arrays, and computing power is an issue for the design and tolerancing of coronagraphs on segmented Extremely Large Telescopes (ELT) in order to handle both the speed and memory requirements. Our method combines a semi-analytical approach with non-FFT based Fourier transform algorithms. It enables both fast and memory-efficient computations without introducing any additional approximations. Typical speed improvements based on computation costs are of about ten to fifty for propagations from pupil to Lyot plane, with thirty to sixty times less memory needed. Our method makes it possible to perform numerical coronagraphic studies even in the case of ELTs using a contemporary commercial laptop computer, or any standard commercial workstation computer.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Optics Expres

    The Solar-System-Scale Disk Around AB Aurigae

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    The young star AB Aurigae is surrounded by a complex combination of gas-rich and dust dominated structures. The inner disk which has not been studied previously at sufficient resolution and imaging dynamic range seems to contain very little gas inside a radius of least 130 astronomical units (AU) from the star. Using adaptive-optics coronagraphy and polarimetry we have imaged the dust in an annulus between 43 and 302 AU from the star, a region never seen before. An azimuthal gap in an annulus of dust at a radius of 102 AU, along with a clearing at closer radii inside this annulus, suggests the formation of at least one small body at an orbital distance of about 100 AU. This structure seems consistent with crude models of mean motion resonances, or accumulation of material at two of the Lagrange points relative to the putative object and the star. We also report a low significance detection of a point source in this outer annulus of dust. This source may be an overdensity in the disk due to dust accreting onto an unseen companion. An alternate interpretation suggests that the object's mass is between 5 and 37 times the mass of Jupiter. The results have implications for circumstellar disk dynamics and planet formation.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal, V. 680, June 10, 200

    Speckle noise and dynamic range in coronagraphic images

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    This paper is concerned with the theoretical properties of high contrast coronagraphic images in the context of exoplanet searches. We derive and analyze the statistical properties of the residual starlight in coronagraphic images, and describe the effect of a coronagraph on the speckle and photon noise. Current observations with coronagraphic instruments have shown that the main limitations to high contrast imaging are due to residual quasi-static speckles. We tackle this problem in this paper, and propose a generalization of our statistical model to include the description of static, quasi-static and fast residual atmospheric speckles. The results provide insight into the effects on the dynamic range of wavefront control, coronagraphy, active speckle reduction, and differential speckle calibration. The study is focused on ground-based imaging with extreme adaptive optics, but the approach is general enough to be applicable to space, with different parameters.Comment: 31 pages, 18 figure

    Constraining mass ratio and extinction in the FU Orionis binary system with infrared integral field spectroscopy

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    We report low resolution near infrared spectroscopic observations of the eruptive star FU Orionis using the Integral Field Spectrograph Project 1640 installed at the Palomar Hale telescope. This work focuses on elucidating the nature of the faint source, located 0.5" south of FU Ori, and identified in 2003 as FU Ori S. We first use our observations in conjunction with published data to demonstrate that the two stars are indeed physically associated and form a true binary pair. We then proceed to extract J and H band spectro-photometry using the damped LOCI algorithm, a reduction method tailored for high contrast science with IFS. This is the first communication reporting the high accuracy of this technique, pioneered by the Project 1640 team, on a faint astronomical source. We use our low resolution near infrared spectrum in conjunction with 10.2 micron interferometric data to constrain the infrared excess of FU Ori S. We then focus on estimating the bulk physical properties of FU Ori S. Our models lead to estimates of an object heavily reddened, A_V =8-12, with an effective temperature of ~ 4000-6500 K . Finally we put these results in the context of the FU Ori N-S system and argue that our analysis provides evidence that FU Ori S might be the more massive component of this binary syste