123 research outputs found

    Teleophthalmology: A Model for Eye Care Delivery in Rural and Underserved Areas of India

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    Objectives. To describe the application of teleophthalmology in rural and underserved areas of India. Study Design. This paper describes the major teleophthalmology projects in India and its benefits. Results. Teleophthalmology is the use of telecommunication for electronic transfer of health-related data from rural and underserved areas of India to specialities in urban cities. The MDRF/WDF Rural Diabetes Project has proved to be very beneficial for improvement of quality health care in Tamilnadu and can be replicated at the national level. This community outreach programme using telemedicine facilities has increased awareness of eye diseases, improved access to specialized health care, helped in local community empowerment, and provided employment opportunities. Early detection of sight threatening disorders by teleophthalmology and prompt treatment can help decrease visual impairment. Conclusion. Teleophthalmology can be a very effective model for improving eye care delivery system in rural and underserved areas of India

    Diabetic Retinopathy - the Indian Scene

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    1960 General Election: Representatives to Legislature

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    Increased glutathionylated hemoglobin (HbSSG) in type 2 diabetes subjects with microangiopathy

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    Objective: Protein glutathionylation is considered an important post-translational modification in the pathogenesis of complex diseases. The aim of this study was to examine whether hemoglobin (Hb) is modified by reduced glutathione (GSH) via oxidation of the thiol groups present in diabetes and its associated microangiopathy and to determine whether oxidative imbalance has any correlation with glutathionylated Hb (HbSSG) levels. Methods: The study group consisted of a total of 130 subjects which included non-diabetic healthy control subjects (n = 30) and type 2 diabetic patients with (n = 53) and without (n = 47) microangiopathy. All subjects were assessed for glycemic and lipidemic status, while diabetic subjects were also assessed for the diagnosis of retinopathy and nephropathy. RBC lysates from all the subjects were analyzed by liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS) for HbSSG ÎČ-globin chains. Levels of GSH and thiobarbituric acid substances (TBARS) levels were measured by spectrophotometric and fluorimetric methods, respectively. Results: The positivity for HbSSG in diabetic subjects with microangiopathy was significantly higher (69%) compared to diabetics without microangiopathy (22%) and control subjects (14%). In univariate regression analysis, HbSSG levels were significantly associated with the duration of diabetes, HbA1c, and TBARS levels. GSH levels were negatively correlated (r = -0.57, P < 0.001) with HbSSG in diabetic subjects. A significant inverse correlation (r = -0.42, P < 0.001) between the GSH levels and HbA1c levels was also seen in diabetic subjects. Conclusions: This is perhaps the largest LC-MS-based study to demonstrate that HbSSG levels are markedly increased in diabetic subjects with microangiopathy. Since diabetic subjects also exhibited increased lipid peroxidation and decreased GSH levels, it appears that enhanced oxidative stress may account for the increased HbSSG concentrations and altered reduction-oxidation (redox) signaling

    Association of depression with complications of type 2 diabetes - the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study (CURES - 102)

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    Objective: The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between depression and diabetic complications among urban south Indian type 2 diabetic subjects [T2DM]. Methods: T2DM subjects [n= 847] were recruited from the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study [CURES], a population based study in Chennai (formerly Madras) in South India. A previously validated depression questionnaire [PHQ-12 item] was administered. Four field stereo retinal colour photography was done and diabetic retinopathy [DR] was classified according to the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study grading system. Neuropathy was diagnosed if the vibratory perception threshold of the right great toe, measured by biothesiometry, was ≥20. Nephropathy was diagnosed if urinary albumin excretion was ≥300 μg/mg creatinine. Peripheral vascular disease [PVD] was diagnosed if an ankle-brachial index was <0.9. Coronary artery disease [CAD] was diagnosed based on a past history of documented myocardial infarction and/or electrocardiographic evidence of Q wave and/or ST segment changes. Results: Of the 847 T2DM studied, 198 (23.4%) were found have depression. The prevalence of depression was significantly higher among diabetic subjects with DR (35.0% vs 21.1%,p<0.001), neuropathy (28.4% vs15.9%,p=0.023), nephropathy (35.6% vs 24.5%,p=0.04) and PVD (48.0% vs 27.4%,p<0.001) as compared to subjects without these complications. DR, neuropathy, nephropathy, and PVD were associated with depression even after adjusting for age, gender, duration of diabetes and glycated haemoglobin. DR (Odds ratio [OR] =2.19, Confidence interval [CI]:1.45-3.51,p<0.001) was associated with depression even after adjusting for neuropathy and nephropathy. There was also a significant association between depression and neuropathy, after adjusting for retinopathy and nephropathy (OR=2.07,CI:1.41-3.04,p<0.001). There was a significant association of depression with nephropathy but this was lost (OR=1.71, CI: 0.87-3.35,p=0.119) after adjustment for retinopathy. PVD (OR=3.52,CI:1.94- 6.40,p<0.001) remained significantly associated with depression even after adjusting for CAD. However, there was no significant association of depression with CAD (OR=0.73, CI:0.42 -1.27, p=0.264). Conclusion: Among Asian Indians, the prevalence of depression is higher in T2DM subjects with retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy and PVD compared to those without the respective complications

    The Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study (CURES) - study design and methodology (Urban Component) (CURES - 1)

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    The report of World Health Organization (WHO) shows that India tops the world with the largest number of diabetic subjects. This increase is attributed to the rapid epidemiological transition accompanied by urbanization, which is occurring in India. There is very little data regarding the influence of affluence on the prevalence of diabetes and its complications particularly retinopathy in the Indian population. Furthermore, there are very few studies comparing the urban / rural prevalence of diabetes and its complications. The Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study (CURES) is designed to answer the above questions. CURES is initially planned as a cross-sectional study to evolve later into a longitudinal study. Subjects for the urban component of the CURES have been recruited from within the corporation limits of Chennai City. Chennai (formerly Madras), the largest city in Southern India and the fourth largest in India has been divided into 10 zones and 155 wards. 46 wards were selected by a systematic random sampling method to represent the whole of Chennai. Twenty thousand and one individuals were recruited for the study, this number being derived based on a sample size calculation. The study has three phases. Phase one is a door to door survey which includes a questionnaire, anthropometric, fasting capillary blood glucose and blood pressure measurements. Phase two focussed on the prevalence of diabetic complications particularly retinopathy using standardized techniques like retinal photography etc. Diabetic subjects identified in phase one and age and sex matched non-diabetic subjects will participate in these studies. Phase three will include more detailed studies like clinical, biochemical and vascular studies on a sub-sample of the study subjects selected on a stratified basis from phase one. CURES is perhaps one of the largest systematic population based studies to be done in India in the field of diabetes and its complications like retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy

    Increased Awareness about Diabetes and Its Complications in a Whole City: Effectiveness of the “Prevention, Awareness, Counselling and Evaluation” [PACE] Diabetes Project [PACE-6]

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    Abstract Aims and Objectives : To determine the effectiveness of a large scale multipronged diabetes awareness program provided through community involvement in Chennai. Material and Methods: Mass awareness and free screening camps were conducted between 2004-2007 at various locations of Chennai as part of the Prevention, Awareness, Counselling and Evaluation [PACE] Diabetes Project. During a 3-year period, 774 diabetes awareness camps were conducted to reach the public directly. After the PACE project was completed, 3,000 individuals, representative of Chennai, were surveyed in 2007 using a systematic stratified random sampling technique. The results were compared to a similar survey carried out, as part of the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study [CURES] in 2001 - 2002, which served as a measure of baseline diabetes awareness. Results: Awareness of a condition called “diabetes” increased significantly from 75.5% in 2001-2002 (CURES) to 81% (p < 0.001) in 2007 (PACE). 74.1% of the citizens of Chennai are now aware that the prevalence of diabetes is increasing as compared to 60.2% earlier [p<0.001]. Significantly more people felt that diabetes could be prevented (p<0.001), and that a combination of diet and exercise were needed to do so (p<0.001). Respondents reporting obesity, family history of diabetes, hypertension and mental stress as risk factors increased significantly after PACE (p<0.001). More people were able to correctly identify the eyes (PACE 38.1% compared to CURES -16.1%, p < 0.001), kidney (PACE 42.3% compared to CURES 16.1%, p < 0.001), heart (PACE 4.6% compared to CURES 5.8%, p < 0.001) and feet (PACE 35.0% vs CURES 21.9%, p < 0.001) as the main organs affected by diabetes. Conclusion: Through direct public education and mass media campaigns, awareness about diabetes and its complications can be improved even in a whole city. If similar efforts are implemented state-wise and nationally, prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, specifically diabetes and cardiovascular disease, is an achievable goal in India.

    Prevention Awareness Counselling and Evaluation (PACE) Diabetes Project: A Mega Multi-pronged Program for Diabetes Awareness and Prevention in South India (PACE - 5)

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    Objective: The Prevention Awareness Counselling Evaluation (PACE) Diabetes Project is a large scale community based project carried out to increase awareness of diabetes and its complications in Chennai city (population : 4.7 million) through 1) public education 2) media campaigns 3) general practitioner training 4) blood sugar screening and 5) community based “real life” prevention program Methods: Education took place in multiple forms and venues over the three-year period of the PACE project between 2004 - 2007. With the help of the community, awareness programs were conducted at residential sites, worksites, places of worship, public places and educational institutions through lectures, skits and street plays. Messages were also conveyed through popular local television and radio channels and print media. The General Practitioners (GPs) program included training in diabetes prevention, treatment and the advantages of early detection of complications. Free random capillary blood glucose testing was done for individuals who attended the awareness programs using glucose meter. Results: Over a three-year period, we conducted 774 education sessions, 675 of which were coupled with opportunistic blood glucose screening. A total of 76,645 individuals underwent blood glucose screening. We also set up 176 “PACE Diabetes Education Counters” across Chennai, which were regularly replenished with educational materials. In addition, we trained 232 general practitioners in diabetology prevention, treatment and screening for complications. Multiple television and radio shows were given and messages about diabetes sent as Short Message Service (SMS) through mobile phones. Overall, we estimate that we reached diabetes prevention messages to nearly two million people in Chennai through the PACE Diabetes Project, making it one of the largest diabetes awareness and prevention programs ever conducted in India. Conclusion: Mass awareness and screening programs are feasible and, through community empowerment, can help in prevention and control of non-commuincable diseases such as diabetes and its complications on a large scale
