31 research outputs found

    Emergence and re-emergence of two major diseases in France (bluetongue) and in Mauritius (foot-and-mouth)

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    L’émergence en France continentale de la fièvre catarrhale ovine (FCO) causée en 2006 par le virus de sérotype 8 (BTV-8) puis en 2007, par le virus de sérotype 1 (BTV-1) a constitué une surprise totale. Fin 2012, six ans après l’introduction de la FCO, la France a été déclarée indemne de cette maladie. Pourtant, fin août 2015, le BTV-8 a fait sa réapparition dans le centre de la France. En 2016 notre laboratoire a isolé à nouveau ce virus. En Corse, un virus de sérotype 4 (BTV-4) fut identifié le 1er décembre 2016 à partir de prélèvements de moutons. D’autre part, en 2016, nous avons identifié un virus de la fièvre aphteuse de sérotype O à Maurice. Cette présentation décrira les conditions de détection de ces virus ainsi que les résultats des analyses phylogénétiques.The emergence of Bluetongue (BT) in continental France (caused by virus of serotype 8 (BTV-8) in 2006 and virus of serotype 1 (BTV-1) in 2007) was a total surprise. End of 2012, six years after the introduction of BT, France was declared free from this disease. However, at the end of August 2015, the BTV-8 made its reappearance in the center of France. In 2016, our laboratory re-isolated this virus. In Corsica, a virus of serotype 4 was identified on 1st December 2016 from sheep samples. On another hand, in 2016, we identified a virus of Foot-and-Mouth disease serotype O in Mauritius. This presentation will describe the conditions of the detection of these viruses as well as the results of phylogenetic analyzes

    Development of a primary cell model derived from porcine dorsal soft palate for foot-and-mouth disease virus research and diagnosis

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    Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious viral disease of cloven-hoofed animals that has a significant socio-economic impact. One concern associated with this disease is the ability of its etiological agent, the FMD virus (FMDV), to persist in its hosts through underlying mechanisms that remain to be elucidated. While persistence has been described in cattle and small ruminants, it is unlikely to occur in pigs. One of the factors limiting the progress in understanding FMDV persistence and, in particular, differential persistence is the lack of suitable in vitro models. A primary bovine cell model derived from the dorsal soft palate, which is the primary site of replication and persistence of FMDV in cattle, has been developed, and it seemed relevant to develop a similar porcine model. Cells from two sites of FMDV replication in pigs, namely, the dorsal soft palate and the oropharyngeal tonsils, were isolated and cultured. The epithelial character of the cells from the dorsal soft palate was then assessed by immunofluorescence. The FMDV-sensitivity of these cells was assessed after monolayer infection with FMDV O/FRA/1/2001 Clone 2.2. These cells were also grown in multilayers at the air-liquid interface to mimic a stratified epithelium susceptible to FMDV infection. Consistent with what has been shown in vivo in pigs, our study showed no evidence of persistence of FMDV in either the monolayer or multilayer model, with no infectious virus detected 28 days after infection. The development of such a model opens up new possibilities for the study and diagnosis of FMDV in porcine cells