246 research outputs found


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    Relationship transitions: Proceedings of the Australian Psychology Society’s Psychology of Relationships Interest Group 4th Annual Conference, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne Australia, 13th–14th November 2004

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    CONTENTS: The Effect of Advocacy and Adaptive Functioning on Student Self-esteem, Self-efficacy, School Life, Academic Performance and Attendance / Terry Bowles & Ailsa Brown 7 The Effect of Selection, Training, and Participation on Student Counsellor Self-description and Coping / Terry Bowles & Carly McKinnis 14 Client Satisfaction with Relationship Counselling / Adele Carmady, Ann Knowles & Andrew Bickerdike 20 Selves in contact: Multiple perspectives on the role of relationships in the life of the individual with Dissociative Identity / Kymbra Clayton 24 The Influence of Interpersonal Relationship on Conflict Resolution Style / John A. Davidson 31 Do Adolescent and Parental Perceptions of Interparental Conflict Differ? Melanie T. Davern, Petra K. Staiger & Ernest S.L. Luk 35 Theoretical Frameworks for Relationship Transitions and the Predictors of Successful Transitions Amanda E. Ferguson ([email protected]) 40 The relationship between love styles and relationship dependent and independent outcome variables: A within couple analysis Barry J. Fallon & Terry Bowles 46 Is The Extent Of My Lying And Deception With The One I Love Related To My Attachment Style? Barry J Fallon & Christopher Holt 52 Adoption, Attachment, and Relationship Experiences Judith A. Feeney, Nola L. Passmore & Candida C. Peterson 58 Favouritism and Rejection in Families: Black sheep and Golden-haired Children Julie Fitness 63 Excessive Internet Use as a Behavioural Addiction Carina J. Henry & Cecelia Winkelman 68 Bullying Relationships in High Schools Dorothy Lenthall 73 The healthy balance among work, family, and personal relationships: fact or fiction? Kathleen A. Moore 79 Melancholic Mothers and their Mourning Infants Clare O’Bree, Lisa N. Eisen, Zita Marks, Jeannette Milgrom & Kate Neilson 85 The disparate olfactory determination of sex and age in humans, reflecting the reproductive and relationship characteristics of the species. Robert N. Paddle & Jacqui Robert 91 Parental Decision-Making surrounding Complicated Births: The Impact on Parent-Infant and Infant-Marital Relationships Sarah J. Phillips & Gregory A. Tooley 96 Attachment Security and Intimate Relationship Satisfaction: The Mediational Role of Maladaptive Attributions Zoë J. Pearce & W.K. Halford 102 The Utility of Work and Family Stressors and Perceived Social Support in the Prediction of Counselling Utilisation Andrea Quah & Terry Bowles 109 Improving family and peer relationships with children who engage in problem sexual behaviour Dr. Petra Staiger, Dr Nicolas Kambouropoulos, Jari Evertsz, Joe Tucci & Janise Mitchell 117 The Role of Interactions Between Parents and Children in Social Skills Development of Prep Children Gill Terrett & Michelle Puttick 124 Attraction for Out-Group Members: Is There a Role for Attitude Importance and Attitude Similarity ? Gill Terrett, Cecelia Winkelman & Barry Fallon 132 Lying in relationships: Protecting ourselves or protecting our partners? Alexandra E.West & Barry J.Fallon 137 Factors Affecting the Acquisition of Skills in PET (Parent Effectiveness Training): Language, Gender and Education Christine D. Wood & John A. Davidson 141 Social Disconnection and Depression Neil Welch 145 Adolescent Psychological Health and School Attitudes: The Impact of Attachment Relationships Ross B. Wilkinson & Monika Kraljevic 15

    Promoting Aboriginal economic interests in natural resource management in NSW: Perspectives from Trp[ical North Queensland and some prospects

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    This paper sets out to do a number of things. First, it reviews and comments on some research on sustainable development on Aboriginalowned land in north Australia, specifi cally in the Northern Territory in the tropical savanna. This review is not undertaken to suggest that the wholesale transportability of institutions and practices is possible, or even desirable, it is merely provided to highlight some overarching economic possibilities. Second, it makes an argument for stronger advocacy of Indigenous economic development issues in NSW—economics has been under-represented in discussions to date. This is partly due to an absence in policy discourse of the actual and/or potential signifi cance of the Indigenous customary (some use the term cultural) economy and its intersections with commercial sectors of the economy. It is also possible that existing levers, in the form of customary property rights, have been under-utilised—although as already noted such opportunities have only arisen recently in the native title era. Third, the paper argues that evidence-based research will be essential to demonstrate to all stakeholders—the public, government, parks authorities and Indigenous people themselves—that existing levers can deliver practical outcomes. The paper ends with an optimistic envisioning of a new economic deal in NRM and use for Indigenous people in NSW

    夫婦間の契約 : 婚姻・事実婚

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    ステップファミリーでの生活経験のある青年期女性2名との面接結果を提示し,ステップファミリーにおける親子関係のあり方について,子どもの視点からの検討を行った。提示された2事例では,再婚により新しい関係が始まった時点から,継親との関係は対照的に展開していった。1例目は継父との関係を築くことには消極的で,継父を“ 単なる同居人” としか見ていないこと,2例目では継父との関係は初めから肯定的であり,自分の親として認知していることが明らかとなった。いずれの事例においても別れた実親への思いが整理されないままであり,子どもの心の成長という点から,別れた実親をめぐる体験についても家族間で整理される必要性が検討された。親の再婚後に生ずる同居する親との関係の変化に注目することの重要性が指摘された。Two stepdaughters were interviewed about their perception of relationships between their parents and them. The results showed that there was a strong contrast in the way their relationships had developed. The one subject was negative about building a relationship with her stepfather and thought of him only as her mother’s spouse and nothing more. The other subject had a positive relationship with her stepfather from the start of their new life and accepted him as her father. In both cases their feelings about their natural father had not been worked through. It implied that it was necessary that the emotional experience with their natural father should be worked through among their family members. It was found to be important to examine carefully the changes in the relationship with the resident natural parent.資

    Good social skills despite poor theory of mind: Exploring compensation in autism spectrum disorder

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    Background It is proposed that some individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can ‘compensate’ for their underlying difficulties (e.g. in theory of mind; ToM), thus demonstrating relatively few behavioural symptoms, despite continued core cognitive deficits. The mechanisms underpinning compensation are largely unexplored, as is its potential impact on mental health. This study aimed to estimate compensation patterns in ASD, by contrasting overt social behaviour with ToM task performance, in order to compare the characteristics of ‘Low’ and ‘High’ Compensators. Methods A total of 136 autistic adolescents, from the ongoing Social Relationships Study, completed a range of cognitive tasks, the Autistic Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and a self‐report anxiety questionnaire. Participants were assigned compensation group status; High Compensators demonstrated good ADOS scores despite poor ToM performance, while Low Compensators demonstrated similarly poor ToM, accompanied by poor ADOS scores. Results High Compensators demonstrated better IQ and executive function (EF), but greater self‐reported anxiety, compared with Low Compensators. Such differences were not found when comparing individuals who had good versus poor ADOS scores, when ToM performance was good. Other core autistic characteristics (weak central coherence, nonsocial symptoms) did not differentiate the High and Low Compensators. Conclusions IQ, EF and anxiety appear to be implicated in the processes by which certain autistic young people can compensate for their underlying ToM difficulties. This tendency to compensate does not appear to reflect the severity of ‘hit’ for ASD per se, suggesting that well‐compensated individuals are not experiencing a milder form of ASD. The construct of compensation in ASD has implications for research and clinical practice

    Does Arbitration Blossom When State Courts are Bad?

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    It is often conjectured that non-state dispute resolution blossoms when state courts are not independent or are perceived as low-quality courts. This conjecture implies a substitutive relationship between state and non-state dispute resolution. An alternative hypothesis argues that both the quality and the frequency of use of these two alternative mechanisms are complementary: societies with high-quality state courts would also be able to provide high-quality non-state dispute resolution. This is the first study that puts these hypotheses to an empirical test. It turns out that the lower the perceived quality of state courts, the less frequently conflicting firms resort to them. Second, firms in common-law countries turn away from state courts significantly more often than firms in civil-law countries. This result sheds doubt on the robustness of results generated within the legal traditions literature. Finally, in states that have created the preconditions for arbitration, businesspeople resort significantly more often to state courts. We interpret this as evidence in favor of the complementarity hypothesis


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    本研究の目的は,描画法を用いることにより母親の心理を表出し,母子関係のアセスメントを試みている国内の先行研究をレビューし育児支援に活用できる方法について検討することである。 医学中央雑誌Web(ver.5),CiNii を用い「家族」「癒し」「ストレス」「愛着」「母子」「母性」「親子」のいずれかと「描画」をキーワードとして1977 年から2011 年までに発表された原著論文を検索した。該当した170 件の文献からテーマに関連した11 文献を分析対象とした。描画法には,目的に応じた種類があり質問紙や面接など心理的な尺度を併用しているものが多かった。心理的変化と描画の変化に関連性が見られ,描画法は母子関係のアセスメントや母親の心理の表出において有用であると考えられた。母親の心理状態を踏まえて描画法を活用する必要があることも分かった。 今後,母親の心理状態の把握だけでなく,母子関係の促進の一助となる描画法の臨床への導入を検討したいと考える。In the present study, a review of the Japanese literature was conducted to evaluate the effi cacy of using the drawing method as a tool for assessing mother-child relationships or the mother’s mental status and determine which forms of support incorporate the drawing method for improving mother-child relationships. Using "family", "therapy", "stress", "attachment", "mother-child", "motherhood", "parent-child" and "drawing method" as search terms, the Japan Medical Abstracts Society and CiNii databases were searched for articles published between 1977 and 2011. From 170 articles identifi ed, 12 original papers with suitable research themes were subjected to analysis. The analysis revealed a diverse range of forms of support that incorporate the drawing method depending on the aim of the support. Many forms of support use the drawing method with questionnaires or interviews as a psychological assessment tool. The drawing method is useful for assessing the motherchild relationship and the mother’s mental status. The present results clarifi ed that the use of the drawing method must be adjusted in consideration of the mother’s mental status, such as feelings of resistance to drawing or her degree of parenting stress. These fi ndings support the introduction of the drawing method into forms of support that aim to improve mother-child relationships.資

    児童期までの食事経験がその後の家族関係に及ぼす影響について : 家族イメージ法を用いて

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