9 research outputs found

    Childhood depression: a systematic review

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    Nádia Nara Rolim Lima,1 Vânia Barbosa do Nascimento,1 Sionara Melo Figueiredo de Carvalho,1 Luiz Carlos de Abreu,1,3 Modesto Leite Rolim Neto,2 Aline Quental Brasil,2 Francisco Telésforo Celestino Junior,2 Gislene Farias de Oliveira,2 Alberto Olavo Advíncula Reis3 1Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Saúde, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil; 2Departamento de Medicina. Universidade Federal do Ceará, UFC, Barbalha, Ceará, Brazil; 3Departamento de Saúde Materno Infantil, Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Abstract: As an important public health issue, childhood depression deserves special attention, considering the serious and lasting consequences of the disease to child development. Taking this into consideration, the present study was based on the following question: what practical contributions to clinicians and researchers does the current literature on childhood depression have to offer? The objective of the present study was to conduct a systematic review of articles regarding childhood depression. To accomplish this purpose, a systematic review of articles on childhood depression, published from January 1, 2010 to November 24, 2012, on MEDLINE and SciELO databases was carried out. Search terms were “depression” (medical subject headings [MeSH]), “child” (MeSH), and "childhood depression" (keyword). Of the 180 retrieved studies, 25 met the eligibility criteria. Retrieved studies covered a wide range of aspects regarding childhood depression, such as diagnosis, treatment, prevention and prognosis. Recent scientific literature regarding childhood depression converge to, directly or indirectly, highlight the negative impacts of depressive disorders to the children's quality of life. Unfortunately, the retrieved studies show that childhood depression commonly grows in a background of vulnerability and poverty, where individual and familiar needs concerning childhood depression are not always taken into consideration. In this context, this review demonstrated that childhood-onset depression commonly leads to other psychiatric disorders and co-morbidities. Many of the retrieved studies also confirmed the hypothesis that human resources (eg, health care team in general) are not yet adequately trained to address childhood depression. Thus, further research on the development of programs to prepare health care professionals to deal with childhood depression is needed, as well as complementary studies, with larger and more homogeneous samples, centered on prevention and treatment of childhood depression. Keywords: child, depression, depressive disorder, mental health, mental disorder

    Parto prematuro de adolescentes: influência de fatores sociodemográficos e reprodutivos, Espírito Santo, 2007 Parto prematuro en adolescentes: la influencia de variables sociodemográficas y reproductivas, espírito santo, 2007 Premature childbirth in adolescents: influences of sociodemographic and reproductive factors, espírito santo, 2007

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    A gravidez na adolescência é um problema de saúde pública, podendo trazer consequências negativas para a adolescente, sua família e para o concepto/recém-nascido. Objetivos: Identificar diferenças entre as características sociodemográficas e reprodutivas das mães adolescentes com parto a termo e com parto pré-termo, no Espírito Santo em 2007. Metodologia: Estudo retrospectivo quantitativo. Os dados foram coletados no Sistema de Informação de Nascidos Vivos, sendo realizada análise descritiva de 9.841 Declarações de Nascidos Vivos. A relação entre a variável dependente (termo) e fatores foi testada pelo teste exato de Fisher, com á=0,05. Os resultados evidenciaram que as diferenças nas características das mães adolescentes com parto a termo e pré-termo ocorreram nas seguintes variáveis: idade entre 10 a 14 anos (p=0,016), estado civil casada (p=0,014), número de consultas pré-natais quando insuficientes (p=0,000) e gestação dupla (p=0,000). Houve maior incidência de partos prematuros no Sistema Único de Saúde (p=0,000).<br>El embarazo en la adolescência es un problema de salud pública, que puede traer consecuencias negativas para la adolescente, su familia y para el concepto/recién-nacido. Objetivos: Identificar las diferencias entre las características sociodemográficas y reproductivas de las madres adolescentes con parto a término y con parto pre-término, en Espírito Santo en 2007. Metodología: Estudio retrospectivo cuantitativo. Los datos fueron recolectados en el Sistema de Información de Nascidos Vivos, siendo realizado un análisis descriptivo de 9.841 declaraciones de nacidos vivos. La relación entre la variable dependiente (término) y factores fue probada mediante la prueba de probabilidad exacta de Fisher, con á=0,05. Los resultados evidenciaron que las diferencias en las características de las madres adolescentes con parto a término y parto pre-término se dieron bajo las siguientes variables: edad entre 10 a 14 años (p=0,016), estado civil casada (p=0.014), número insuficiente de visitas prenatales (p = 0.000) y el embarazo doble (p=0.000). Con una mayor incidencia de partos prematuros en el Sistema Nacional de Salud (p=0.000).<br>The pregnancy in the adolescence is a problem of public health, being able to bring negative consequences for the adolescent, her family and for concepto/newborn. Objectives: To identify differences between the sociodemographic and reproductive characteristics of the adolescent mothers with childbirth the term and childbirth preterm, in Espírito Santo on 2007. Methodology: Quantitative retrospective study. The data had been collected in the Information System of living births, being carried through descriptive analysis of 9.841 Declarations of living births. The relation between the dependent variable (term) and factors was tested by Fisher's exact test, with á=0,05. The results had evidenced that the differences in the characteristics of adolescent mothers with childbirth the term and preterm had occurred in the following variables: age between 10 to 14 years (p=0,016), married marital status (p=0,014), number of prenatal consultations when insufficient (p=0,000) and double gestation (p=0,000). There was a higher incidence of premature childbirths in the National System of Health (p=0,000)

    Motivação de gestantes para o aleitamento materno Motivating breastfeeding among expectant mothers

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    OBJETIVO: Conhecer os motivos de gestantes para o aleitamento materno. MÉTODOS: É um estudo qualitativo realizado com 164 gestantes assistidas no pré-natal em dois Centros de Saúde na região central da cidade de São Paulo. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas sobre motivação para amamentar. As narrativas foram organizadas em planilha eletrônica em busca de categorias. RESULTADOS: As principais categorias identificadas estavam relacionadas à saúde da criança, da mulher e aos benefícios da prática de amamentar e do leite materno. A maioria das mulheres (98,8%) foi favorável à amamentação. Benefícios à saúde da criança foi o motivo mais freqüente (73,8%). CONCLUSÃO: A motivação ao aleitamento materno foi centrada nos benefícios à saúde da criança. A amamentação é valorizada independentemente da vontade materna.<br>OBJECTIVE: The present study sought to discover the reasons for expectant mothers to breastfeed. METHODS: This was a qualitative study involving 164 expectant mothers attending prenatal care in two health centers of the city of São Paulo. Semi-structured interviews were done to collect data on the reasons to breastfeed. The information was organized in a spreadsheet to search for categories. RESULTS: The main identified categories regarded the child's and woman's health and the benefits of breastfeeding and breast milk. The majority of the women (98.8%) regarded breastfeeding favorably. Benefit to the child's health was the reason mentioned most often (73.8%). CONCLUSION: Motivation to breastfeed was based on benefits to the child's health. Breastfeeding is valued regardless of the mother's will