1,037 research outputs found

    Parent-of-origin effects cause genetic variation in pig performance traits

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    In order to assess the relative importance of genomic imprinting for the genetic variation of traits economically relevant for pork production, a data set containing 21 209 records from Large White pigs was analysed. A total of 33 traits for growth, carcass composition and meat quality were investigated. All traits were recorded between 1997 and 2006 at a test station in Switzerland and the pedigree included 15 747 ancestors. A model with two genetic effects for each animal was applied: the first corresponds to a paternal and the second to a maternal expression pattern of imprinted genes. The imprinting variance was estimated as the sum of both corresponding genetic variances per animal minus twice the covariance. The null hypothesis of no imprinting was tested by a restricted maximum likelihood ratio test with two degrees of freedom. Genomic imprinting significantly contributed to the genetic variance of 19 traits. The proportion of the total additive genetic variance that could be attributed to genomic imprinting was of the order between 5% and 19

    Multicommunication During a Pandemic: Concepts for Research and Teaching

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    This study explores factors that influence individual decisions to conduct multiple, simultaneous interactions, that is, to multicommunicate. We present data indicating that: (a) the Covid-19 pandemic increased the frequency of multicommunication; (b) university students multicommunicate in order to achieve instrumental, interpersonal, and identity goals; and (c) while some university students recognize that multicommunication increases the risks of communication failures, others do not. We offer some suggestions for educators who wish to include multicommunication concepts in their courses. We also suggest that business practitioners (and their managers) should consider instrumental, interpersonal, and identity objectives when they choose between face-to-face and electronically mediated interaction

    Herkunftsvergleiche von Legehennen in Station und Feld unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ökologischer Haltungsverfahren

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    Der Beitrag beschreibt die Bedingungen von Legeleistungsprüfungen in Deutschland mit Bezug auf Genotyp Umwelt-Interaktionen. Außerdem werden die Besonderheiten der Eierproduktion auf ökologischer Basis herausgestellt. Daraus werden Anregungen für ein Konzept einer zukünftigen Feldprüfung von Legehennen erarbeitet. In Deutschland werden keine offiziellen Legeleistungsprüfungen der Länder mehr durchgeführt. Unabhängige Leistungsinformationen aus Herkunftsvergleichen stehen daher nur aus einzelnen Prüfungen (LfL Bayern, 2006) zur Verfügung. Interaktionen zwischen Legehennenherkünften und unterschiedlichen Haltungssystemen sind nach Literaturangaben gut belegt. Für die Ökoproduktion von Eiern ist aufgrund der produktionstechnischen Unterschiede zur konventionellen Produktion ebenfalls mit solchen Wechselwirkungen zu rechnen. Deshalb braucht die ökologische Eierproduktion eine Leistungsprüfung, die auf die speziellen Produktionsbedingungen abgestimmt ist. Die Entwicklung eines Feldtests für Legehennen in ökologischer Haltung kann daher ein Weg sein, das gegenwärtige Informationsdefizit der Landwirte über die Leistung und das Verhalten erhältlicher Zuchtprodukte unter Öko-Bedingungen zu verringern. Das Konzept muss eine praktikable Datenerfassung gewährleisten. Ein geeignetes und kostengünstig durchführbares Versuchsdesign zur Ermittlung der durchschnittlichen Eignung von Legehennenherkünften für die ökologische Haltung muss dazu entwickelt werden

    A new clue to the transition mechanism between optical high and low states of the supersoft X-ray source RX J0513.9-6951, implied from the recurrent nova CI Aquilae 2000 outburst model

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    We have found a new clue to the transition mechanism between optical high/X-ray off and optical low/X-ray on states of the LMC supersoft X-ray source RX J0513.9-6951. A sharp ~1 mag drop is common to the CI Aql 2000 outburst. These drops are naturally attributed to cessation of optically thick winds on white dwarfs. A detailed light-curve analysis of CI Aql indicates that the size of a disk drastically shrinks when the wind stops. This causes ~1-2 mag drop in the optical light curve. In RX J0513.9-6951, the same mechanism reproduces sharp ~1 mag drop from optical high to low states. We predict this mechanism also works on the transition from low to high states. Interaction between the wind and the companion star attenuates the mass transfer and drives full cycles of low and high states.Comment: 9 pages including 5 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Mapping the porcine RN gene to chromosome 15

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    A Flare of AE Aquarii Observed with XMM-Newton

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    We present the results of analyzing the XMM-Newton data obtained in 2001 November 7 - 8. A flare is observed simultaneously in X-ray and UV together with a quiescence. We find that during the flare event X-ray flux varies with UV with no significant time lag, indicating a close correlation of flux variation for X-ray and UV flares. An upper limit of the lag is estimated to be \~1 min. From a timing analysis for X-ray data, we find that both pulsed and unpulsed flux increase clearly as the flare advances in the entire energy band 0.15 - 10 keV. The net increase of pulsed flux to the quiescence is, however, small and corresponds to about 3 - 4% of the increase in unpulsed flux, confirming that a flux variation of flare in AE Aqr is dominated by unpulsed X-rays. A spectral analysis reveals that the energy spectrum is similar to that of the quiescence at the beginning of the flare, but the spectrum becomes harder as the flare advances. Based on these results, we discuss the current issues that need to be clarified, e.g., the possible flaring site and the mass accretion problem of the white dwarf. We also discuss the flare properties obtained in this study.Comment: 15 pages, 3 tables, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Thermal Timescale Mass Transfer and the Evolution of White Dwarf Binaries

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    The evolution of binaries consisting of evolved main sequence stars (1 < M_d/Msun < 3.5) with white dwarf companions (0.7 < M_wd/Msun < 1.2) is investigated through the thermal mass transfer phase. Taking into account the stabilizing effect of a strong, optically thick wind from the accreting white dwarf surface, we have explored the formation of several evolutionary groups of systems for progenitors with initial orbital periods of 1 and 2 days. The numerical results show that CO white dwarfs can accrete sufficient mass to evolve to a Type Ia supernova and ONeMg white dwarfs can be built up to undergo accretion induced collapse for donors more massive than about 2 Msun. For donors less massive than ~2 Msun the system can evolve to form a He and CO or ONeMg white dwarf pair. In addition, sufficient helium can be accumulated (~0.1 Msun) in systems characterized by 1.6 < M_d/Msun < 1.9 and 0.8 < M_wd/Msun < 1 such that sub Chandrasekhar mass models for Type Ia supernovae, involving off center helium ignition, are possible for progenitor systems evolving via the Case A mass transfer phase. For systems characterized by mass ratios > 3 the system likely merges as a result of the occurrence of a delayed dynamical mass transfer instability. A semi-analytical model is developed to delineate these phases which can be easily incorporated in population synthesis studies of these systems.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, Latex, emulateapj style, ApJ accepte

    VLT observations of GRB 990510 and its environment

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    We present BVRI photometry and spectrophotometry of GRB990510 obtained with the ESO VLT/Antu telescope during the late decline phase. Between days 8 and 29 after the burst, the afterglow faded from R=24.2 to ~26.4. The spectral flux distribution and the light curve support the interpretation of the afterglow as synchrotron emission from a jet. The light curve is consistent with the optical transient alone but an underlying SN with maximum brightness R>27.4 or a galaxy with R>27.6 (3-sigma upper limits) cannot be ruled out. To a 5-sigma detection threshold of R=26.1, no galaxy is found within 6'' of the transient. A very blue V~24.5 extended object which may qualify as a starburst galaxy is located 12'' SE, but at unknown redshift.Comment: 5 pages A&A Latex, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Reliability Of A Novel Intracardiac Electrogram Method For AV And VV Delay Optimization And Comparability To Echocardiography Procedure For Determining Optimal Conduction Delays In CRT Patients

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    Background: Echocardiography is widely used to optimize CRT programming. A novel intracardiac electrogram method (IEGM) was recently developed as an automated programmer-based method, designed to calculate optimal atrioventricular (AV) and interventricular (VV) delays and provide optimized delay values as an alternative to standard echocardiographic assessment.Objective: This study was aimed at determining the reliability of this new method. Furthermore the comparability of IEGM to existing echocardiographic parameters for determining optimal conduction delays was verified.Methods: Eleven patients (age 62.9± 8.7; 81% male; 73% ischemic), previously implanted with a cardiac resynchronisation therapy defibrillator (CRT-D) underwent both echocardiographic and IEGM-based delay optimization.Results: Applying the IEGM method, concordance of three consecutively performed measurements was found in 3 (27%) patients for AV delay and in 5 (45%) patients for VV delay. Intra-individual variation between three measurements as assessed by the IEGM technique was up to 20 ms (AV: n=6; VV: n=4). E-wave, diastolic filling time and septal-to-lateral wall motion delay emerged as significantly different between the echo and IEGM optimization techniques (p < 0.05). The final AV delay setting was significantly different between both methods (echo: 126.4 ± 29.4 ms, IEGM: 183.6 ± 16.3 ms; p < 0.001; correlation: R = 0.573, p = 0.066). VV delay showed significant differences for optimized delays (echo: 46.4 ± 23.8 ms, IEGM: 10.9 ± 7.0 ms; p <0.01; correlation: R = -0.278, p = 0.407).Conclusion: The automated programmer-based IEGM-based method provides a simple and safe method to perform CRT optimization. However, the reliability of this method appears to be limited. Thus, it remains difficult for the examiner to determine the optimal hemodynamic settings. Additionally, as there was no correlation between the optimal AV- and VV-delays calculated by the IEGM method and the echo optimization, the use of the IEGM method and the comparability to the echo has not been definitely clarified