131 research outputs found

    Integrating all-optical switching with spintronics

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    All-optical switching (AOS) of magnetic materials describes the reversal of the magnetization using short (femtosecond) laser pulses, and has been observed in a variety of materials. In the past decade it received extensive attention due to its high potential for fast and energy-efficient data writing in future spintronic memory applications. Unfortunately, the AOS mechanism in the ferromagnetic multilayers commonly used in spintronics needs multiple pulses for the magnetization reversal, losing its speed and energy efficiency. Here, we experimentally demonstrate `on-the-fly' single-pulse AOS in combination with spin Hall effect (SHE) driven motion of magnetic domains in Pt/Co/Gd synthetic-ferrimagnetic racetracks. Moreover, using field-driven-SHE-assisted domain wall (DW) motion measurements, both the SHE efficiency in the racetrack is determined and the chirality of the optically written DW's is verified. Our experiments demonstrate that Pt/Co/Gd racetracks facilitate both single-pulse AOS as well as efficient SHE induced domain wall motion, which might ultimately pave the way towards integrated photonic memory devices

    All-optical switching of magnetic domains in Co/Gd heterostructures with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction

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    Given the development of hybrid spintronic-photonic devices and chiral magnetic structures, a combined interest in all-optical switching (AOS) of magnetization and current-induced domain wall motion in synthetic ferrimagnetic structures with strong Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction (DMI) is emerging. In this study, we report a study on single-pulse all-optical toggle switching and asymmetric bubble expansion in specially engineered Co/Gd-based multilayer structures. In the absence of any external magnetic fields, we look into the AOS properties and the potential role of the DMI on the AOS process as well as the stability of optically written micro-magnetic domains. Particularly, interesting dynamics are observed in moon-shaped structures written by two successive laser pulses. The stability of domains resulting from an interplay of the dipolar interaction and domain-wall energy are compared to simple analytical models and micromagnetic simulations

    Towards high all-optical data writing rates in synthetic ferrimagnets

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    Although all-optical magnetization switching with fs laser pulses has garnered much technological interest, the ultimate data rates achievable have scarcely been investigated. Recently it has been shown that after a switching event in a GdCo alloy, a second laser pulse arriving 7 ps later can consistently switch the magnetization. However, it is as of yet unknown whether the same holds in layered ferrimagnetic systems, which hold much promise for applications. In this work we investigate the minimum time delay required between two subsequent switching events in synthetic ferrimagnetic Co/Gd bilayers using two fs laser pulses. We experimentally demonstrate that the minimum time delay needed for consistent switching can be as low as 10 ps. Moreover, we demonstrate the importance of engineering heat diffusion away from the magnetic material, as well as control over the laser pulse power. This behavior is reproduced using modelling, where we find that the second switch can occur even when the magnetization is not fully recovered. We further confirm that heat diffusion is a critical factor in reducing the time delay for the second switch, while also confirming a critical dependence on laser power

    Integrated Magneto-photonic Non-Volatile Multi-Bit Memory

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    We present an integrated magneto-photonic device for all-optical switching of non-volatile multi-bit spintronic memory. The bits are based on stand-alone magneto-tunnel junctions which are perpendicularly magnetized with all-optically switchable free layers, coupled onto photonic crystal nanobeam cavities on an indium phosphide based platform. This device enables switching of the magnetization state of the bits by locally increasing the power absorption of light at resonance with the cavity. We design an add/drop network of cavities to grant random access to multiple bits via a wavelength-division multiplexing scheme. Based on a three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain method, we numerically illustrate a compact device capable of switching and accessing 8 bits in different cavities with a 5 nm wavelength spacing in the conventional (C) telecommunication band. Our multi-bit device holds promise as a new paradigm for developing an ultrafast photonically-addressable spintronic memory and may also empower novel opportunities for photonically-driven spintronic-based neuromorphic computing.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Magnetostatics of Room Temperature Compensated Co/Gd/Co/Gd-based Synthetic Ferrimagnets

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    Flexibility for interface engineering, and access to all-optical switching of the magnetization, make synthetic ferrimagnets an interesting candidate for advanced opto-spintronic devices. Moreover, due to their layered structure and disordered interfaces they also bear promise for the emerging field of graded magnetic materials. The fastest and most efficient spin-orbit torque driven manipulation of the magnetic order in this material system generally takes place at compensation. Here, we present a systematic experimental and modeling study of the conditions for magnetization compensation and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in the synthetic ferrimagnetic Co/Gd/Co/Gd system. A model based on partial intermixing at the Co/Gd interfaces of this system has been developed which explains the experiments well, and provides a new tool to understand its magnetic characteristics. More specifically, this work provides new insight in the decay of the Co proximity-induced magnetization in the Gd, and the role the capping layer plays in the Gd magnetization

    Optimizing propagating spin wave spectroscopy

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    The frequency difference between two oppositely propagating spin waves can be used to probe several interesting magnetic properties, such as the Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya interaction (DMI). Propagating spin wave spectroscopy is a technique that is very sensitive to this frequency difference. Here we show several elements that are important to optimize devices for such a measurement. We demonstrate that for wide magnetic strips there is a need for de-embedding. Additionally, for these wide strips there is a large parasitic antenna-antenna coupling that obfuscates any spin wave transmission signal, which is remedied by moving to smaller strips. The conventional antenna design excites spin waves with two different wave vectors. As the magnetic layers become thinner, the resulting resonances move closer together and become very difficult to disentangle. In the last part we therefore propose and verify a new antenna design that excites spin waves with only one wave vector. We suggest to use this antenna design to measure the DMI in thin magnetic layers.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Anomalous direction for skyrmion bubble motion

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    Magnetic skyrmions are localized topological excitations that behave as particles and can be mobile, with great potential for novel data storage devices. In this work, the current-induced dynamics of large skyrmion bubbles is studied. When skyrmion motion in the direction opposite to the electron flow is observed, this is usually interpreted as a perpendicular spin current generated by the spin Hall effect exerting a torque on the chiral N\'{e}el skyrmion. By designing samples in which the direction of the net generated spin current can be carefully controlled, we surprisingly show that skyrmion motion is always against the electron flow, irrespective of the net vertical spin-current direction. We find that a negative bulk spin-transfer torque is the most plausible explanation for the observed results, which is qualitatively justified by a simple model that captures the essential behaviour. These findings demonstrate that claims about the skyrmion chirality based on their current-induced motion should be taken with great caution

    Asymmetric magnetic bubble expansion under in-plane field in Pt/Co/Pt: effect of interface engineering

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    We analyse the impact of growth conditions on asymmetric magnetic bubble expansion under in-plane field in ultrathin Pt / Co / Pt films. Specifically, using sputter deposition we vary the Ar pressure during the growth of the top Pt layer. This induces a large change in the interfacial structure as evidenced by a factor three change in the effective perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Strikingly, a discrepancy between the current theory for domain-wall propagation based on a simple domain-wall energy density and our experimental results is found. This calls for further theoretical development of domain-wall creep under in-plane fields and varying structural asymmetry.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Thickness dependence of unidirectional spin-Hall magnetoresistance in metallic bilayers

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    A nonlinear magnetoresistance - called unidirectional spin-Hall magnetoresistance - is recently experimentally discovered in metallic bilayers consisting of a heavy metal and a ferromagnetic metal. To study the fundamental mechanism of the USMR, both ferromagnetic and heavy metallic layer thickness dependence of the USMR are presented in a Pt/Co/AlOx trilayer at room temperature. To avoid ambiguities, second harmonic Hall measurements are used for separating spin-Hall and thermal contributions to the non-linear magnetoresistance. The experimental results are fitted by using a drift-diffusion theory, with parameters extracted from an analysis of longitudinal resistivity of the Co layer within the framework of the Fuchs-Sondheimer model. A good agreement with the theory is found, demonstrating that the USMR is governed by both the spin-Hall effect in the heavy metallic layer and the metallic diffusion process in the ferromagnetic layer
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