34 research outputs found

    Diagonalization- and Numerical Renormalization-Group-Based Methods for Interacting Quantum Systems

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    In these lecture notes, we present a pedagogical review of a number of related {\it numerically exact} approaches to quantum many-body problems. In particular, we focus on methods based on the exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian matrix and on methods extending exact diagonalization using renormalization group ideas, i.e., Wilson's Numerical Renormalization Group (NRG) and White's Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG). These methods are standard tools for the investigation of a variety of interacting quantum systems, especially low-dimensional quantum lattice models. We also survey extensions to the methods to calculate properties such as dynamical quantities and behavior at finite temperature, and discuss generalizations of the DMRG method to a wider variety of systems, such as classical models and quantum chemical problems. Finally, we briefly review some recent developments for obtaining a more general formulation of the DMRG in the context of matrix product states as well as recent progress in calculating the time evolution of quantum systems using the DMRG and the relationship of the foundations of the method with quantum information theory.Comment: 51 pages; lecture notes on numerically exact methods. Pedagogical review appearing in the proceedings of the "IX. Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors", Vietri sul Mare (Salerno, Italy, October 2004

    Spatial noise correlations of a chain of ultracold fermions - A numerical study

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    We present a numerical study of noise correlations, i.e., density-density correlations in momentum space, in the extended fermionic Hubbard model in one dimension. In experiments with ultracold atoms, these noise correlations can be extracted from time-of-flight images of the expanding cloud. Using the density-matrix renormalization group method to investigate the Hubbard model at various fillings and interactions, we confirm that the shot noise contains full information on the correlations present in the system. We point out the importance of the sum rules fulfilled by the noise correlations and show that they yield nonsingular structures beyond the predictions of bosonization approaches. Noise correlations can thus serve as a universal probe of order and can be used to characterize the many-body states of cold atoms in optical lattices.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Time evolution of one-dimensional Quantum Many Body Systems

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    The level of current understanding of the physics of time-dependent strongly correlated quantum systems is far from complete, principally due to the lack of effective controlled approaches. Recently, there has been progress in the development of approaches for one-dimensional systems. We describe recent developments in the construction of numerical schemes for general (one-dimensional) Hamiltonians: in particular, schemes based on exact diagonalization techniques and on the density matrix renormalization group method (DMRG). We present preliminary results for spinless fermions with nearest-neighbor-interaction and investigate their accuracy by comparing with exact results.Comment: Contribution for the conference proceedings of the "IX. Training Course in the Physics of Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors" held in Vietri sul Mare (Salerno, Italy) in October 200

    Simulating Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems with Tree Tensor Networks

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    We present a tree-tensor-network-based method to study strongly correlated systems with nonlocal interactions in higher dimensions. Although the momentum-space and quantum-chemistry versions of the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method have long been applied to such systems, the spatial topology of DMRG-based methods allows efficient optimizations to be carried out with respect to one spatial dimension only. Extending the matrix-product-state picture, we formulate a more general approach by allowing the local sites to be coupled to more than two neighboring auxiliary subspaces. Following Shi. et. al. [Phys. Rev. A, 74, 022320 (2006)], we treat a tree-like network ansatz with arbitrary coordination number z, where the z=2 case corresponds to the one-dimensional scheme. For this ansatz, the long-range correlation deviates from the mean-field value polynomially with distance, in contrast to the matrix-product ansatz, which deviates exponentially. The computational cost of the tree-tensor-network method is significantly smaller than that of previous DMRG-based attempts, which renormalize several blocks into a single block. In addition, we investigate the effect of unitary transformations on the local basis states and present a method for optimizing such transformations. For the 1-d interacting spinless fermion model, the optimized transformation interpolates smoothly between real space and momentum space. Calculations carried out on small quantum chemical systems support our approach

    Finite Projected Entangled Pair States for the Hubbard model

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    We adapt and optimize the projected-pair-entangled-state (PEPS) algorithm on finite lattices (fPEPS) for two-dimensional Hubbard models and apply the algorithm to the Hubbard model with nearest-neighbor hopping on a square lattice. In particular, we formulate the PEPS algorithm using projected entangled pair operators, incorporate SU(2) symmetry in all tensor indices, and optimize the PEPS using both iterative-diagonalization-based local bond optimization and gradient-based optimization of the PEPS. We discuss the performance and convergence of the algorithm for the Hubbard model on lattice sizes of up to 8x8 for PEPS states with U(1) symmetric bond dimensions of up to D = 8 and SU(2) symmetric bond dimensions of up to D = 6. Finally, we comment on the relative and overall efficiency of schemes for optimizing fPEPS

    Time evolution of correlations in strongly interacting fermions after a quantum quench

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    Using the adaptive time-dependent density matrix renormalization group, we study the time evolution of density correlations of interacting spinless fermions on a one-dimensional lattice after a sudden change in the interaction strength. Over a broad range of model parameters, the correlation function exhibits a characteristic light-cone-like time evolution representative of a ballistic transport of information. Such behavior is observed both when quenching an insulator into the metallic region and also when quenching within the insulating region. However, when a metallic state beyond the quantum critical point is quenched deep into the insulating regime, no indication for ballistic transport is observed. Instead, stable domain walls in the density correlations emerge during the time evolution, consistent with the predictions of the Kibble-Zurek mechanism.Comment: Published version; minor changes, references adde

    Fourth-Order Perturbation Theory for the Half-Filled Hubbard Model in Infinite Dimensions

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    We calculate the zero-temperature self-energy to fourth-order perturbation theory in the Hubbard interaction UU for the half-filled Hubbard model in infinite dimensions. For the Bethe lattice with bare bandwidth WW, we compare our perturbative results for the self-energy, the single-particle density of states, and the momentum distribution to those from approximate analytical and numerical studies of the model. Results for the density of states from perturbation theory at U/W=0.4U/W=0.4 agree very well with those from the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory treated with the Fixed-Energy Exact Diagonalization and with the Dynamical Density-Matrix Renormalization Group. In contrast, our results reveal the limited resolution of the Numerical Renormalization Group approach in treating the Hubbard bands. The momentum distributions from all approximate studies of the model are very similar in the regime where perturbation theory is applicable, U/W≤0.6U/W \le 0.6. Iterated Perturbation Theory overestimates the quasiparticle weight above such moderate interaction strengths.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, submitted to EPJ

    Analytical and Numerical Treatment of the Mott--Hubbard Insulator in Infinite Dimensions

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    We calculate the density of states in the half-filled Hubbard model on a Bethe lattice with infinite connectivity. Based on our analytical results to second order in t/Ut/U, we propose a new `Fixed-Energy Exact Diagonalization' scheme for the numerical study of the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory. Corroborated by results from the Random Dispersion Approximation, we find that the gap opens at Uc=4.43±0.05U_{\rm c}=4.43 \pm 0.05. Moreover, the density of states near the gap increases algebraically as a function of frequency with an exponent α=1/2\alpha=1/2 in the insulating phase. We critically examine other analytical and numerical approaches and specify their merits and limitations when applied to the Mott--Hubbard insulator.Comment: 22 pages, 16 figures; minor changes (one reference added, included comparison with Falicov-Kimball model

    Spectral Density of the Two-Impurity Anderson Model

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    We investigate static and dynamical ground-state properties of the two-impurity Anderson model at half filling in the limit of vanishing impurity separation using the dynamical density-matrix renormalization group method. In the weak-coupling regime, we find a quantum phase transition as function of inter-impurity hopping driven by the charge degrees of freedom. For large values of the local Coulomb repulsion, the transition is driven instead by a competition between local and non-local magnetic correlations. We find evidence that, in contrast to the usual phenomenological picture, it seems to be the bare effective exchange interactions which trigger the observed transition.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, submitted to J. Phys.:Condens. Matte

    Quantum criticality of dipolar spin chains

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    We show that a chain of Heisenberg spins interacting with long-range dipolar forces in a magnetic field h perpendicular to the chain exhibits a quantum critical point belonging to the two-dimensional Ising universality class. Within linear spin-wave theory the magnon dispersion for small momenta k is [Delta^2 + v_k^2 k^2]^{1/2}, where Delta^2 \propto |h - h_c| and v_k^2 \propto |ln k|. For fields close to h_c linear spin-wave theory breaks down and we investigate the system using density-matrix and functional renormalization group methods. The Ginzburg regime where non-Gaussian fluctuations are important is found to be rather narrow on the ordered side of the transition, and very broad on the disordered side.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure