242 research outputs found

    Microplastic pollution of the oceans

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    Formation of content of educational program on the basis of the analysis of results of training

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    This article focused on the problem of formation of contents of curricula on the basis of state standards, professional standards, requirements of labor market and resource opportunities of department. I considered the process of formation of the curriculum, identify problem and constructed the Use Case diagram

    Temporal Variations among Invasive Pneumococcal Disease Serotypes in Children and Adults in Germany (1992–2008)

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    Nationwide surveillance of invasive pneumococcal disease has been conducted in Germany since 1992. From 1992 to 2008, a total of 12,137 isolates from invasive pneumococcal disease were collected. Data on serotypes were available for 9,394 invasive isolates. The leading serotypes were serotypes 14 (16.5%), 3 (8.0%), 7F (7.6%), 1 (7.3%), and 23F (6.0%). Variations in serotype distribution over the years are particularly extensive, especially concerning serotype 14 (min 7.4%, max 33.5%) with the highest percentages among the isolates serotyped from around 1997 to 2006. Serotypes 1 and 7F increased over the last decade. No increase was observed concerning serotype 19A. Higher pneumococcal conjugate vaccine coverages were observed among children (7v, 57.3%; 10v, 72.8%; 13v, 83.5%) than among adults (7v, 39.9%; 10v, 55.5%; 13v, 73.5%). The temporal variations in serotype distribution have to be kept in mind when interpreting vaccine coverages reported in epidemiological studies

    Создание синтетического аналога интерлейкина-4

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    Целью исследовательской работы является описание методики создания синтетическогоаналога человеческого интерлейкина- 4, который будет использован для нанесения на поверхность биоматериалов на основе биодеградируемых полимеров с целью придания иммуномодулирующих свойств и увеличения биосовместимости

    Investignation of applicability of solid state phantom SP34 for orthovoltage X-Ray

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    It is now widely used two types of tissue-equivalent phantoms: Solid and water. Water is the "gold standard" in accordance with the recommendations of the IAEA as a medium for measurements of absorbed dose for both photon and electron beams for, as the water has the most similar to human tissue characteristics. However, from a practical standpoint, water phantom is not always convenient to use, because it requires much time for preparation work. The output in such a situation would be to use a solid-state phantom with coefficients that take into account the difference between the electronic and physical material density against distilled water

    Endophthalmitis Due to Microbacterium Species: Case Report and Review of Microbacterium Infections

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    Microbacterium species (formerly CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] coryneform group A-4 and A-5 bacteria) are widely distributed in the environment and rarely cause infections in humans. We present a case of endophthalmitis due to Microbacterium species that occurred after accidental trauma and review the literature on microbacterium infections. If the infected tissue or medical device is removed and antimicrobial therapy (preferably with β-lactams or glycopeptides) is instituted, the prognosis is usually favorable for patients with microbacterium infection

    Macrolide susceptibility and serotype specific macrolide resistance of invasive isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae in Germany from 1992 to 2008

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Macrolide resistant <it>Streptococcus pneumoniae </it>has been on a gradual increase in Germany for over a decade. The current study was undertaken against the background of the recent observation of declining macrolide resistance rates especially among German children. Nationwide surveillance of invasive pneumococcal disease has been conducted in Germany since 1992. A population- and laboratory-based approach was used to collect data on invasive pneumococcal disease, and isolates sent to the National Reference Center for Streptococci by diagnostic microbiological laboratories from 1992 to 2008 were included in this study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From 1992 to 2008, data on macrolide susceptibility were available for 11,807 invasive isolates. 8,834 isolates (74.8%) were from adults (≥ 16 years), and 2,973 isolates (25.2%) from children (< 16 years). The overall nonsusceptibility rate of all isolates was 16.2% (intermediate, 0.2%; resistant, 16.0%). Higher resistance rates were observed among children (intermediate, 0.2%; resistant, 23.8%) than among adults (intermediate, 0.3%; resistant 13.4%). Maximum nonsusceptibility rates during the period under study were observed in 2005 (children: intermediate, 0.3%; resistant, 32.3%; adults: intermediate, 0.0%; resistant, 18.6%), while nonsusceptibility rates in 2008 were considerably lower, especially for children (children: intermediate, 0.0%; resistant, 15.2%; adults: intermediate, 0.1%; resistant, 12.9%). The rate of resistance was higher among the vaccine serotypes (7-valent, 36.6%; 10-valent, 28.2%; 13-valent, 24.3%) than among the non vaccine serotypes (non 7-valent, 6.5%; non 10-valent, 7.4%; non 13-valent, 6.3%). Serotype 14 (69.6% nonsusceptibility) proved to be the most resistant serotype.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>There has been a considerable and statistically significant decrease in macrolide nonsusceptibility in Germany since 2005, especially among children.</p

    Molecular Characterization of Pneumococcal Isolates from Pets and Laboratory Animals

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    was isolated from nose, lung and respiratory tract, eye, ear and other sites. over a period of up to 22 weeks was shown for four mastomys. Forty-one animals showed disease symptoms. Pneumococcal isolates were characterized by optochin sensitivity, bile solubility, DNA hybridization, pneumolysin PCR, serotyping and multilocus sequence typing. Eighteen of the 32 mastomys isolates (56%) were optochin resistant, all other isolates were optochin susceptible. All mastomys isolates were serotype 14, all guinea pig isolates serotype 19F, all horse isolates serotype 3. Rats had serotypes 14 or 19A, mice 33A or 33F. Dolphins had serotype 23F, the gorilla serotype 14. Cats and dogs had many different serotypes. Four isolates were resistant to macrolides, three isolates also to clindamycin and tetracyclin. Mastomys isolates were sequence type (ST) 15 (serotype 14), an ST/serotype combination commonly found in human isolates. Cats, dogs, pet rats, gorilla and dolphins showed various human ST/serotype combinations. Lab rats and lab mice showed single locus variants (SLV) of human STs, in human ST/serotype combinations. All guinea pig isolates showed the same completely new combination of known alleles. The horse isolates showed an unknown allele combination and three new alleles.The isolates found in mastomys, mice, rats, cats, dogs, gorilla and dolphins are most likely identical to human pneumococcal isolates. Isolates from guinea pigs and horses appear to be specialized clones for these animals. Our data redraw attention to the fact that pneumococci are not strictly human pathogens. Pet animals that live in close contact to humans, especially children, can be infected by human isolates and also carriage of even resistant isolates is a realistic possibility

    Разработка технологии и проектирование участка сборки-сварки удлинителя крана КС-55722

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    В процессе выполнения работ проводились изучение составных деталей изделия, определение марки стали, выбор метода сварки, определение режимов сварки и сварочных материалов, нормирование операций, составление технологического процесса, расчет необходимого количество оборудования и численности рабочих.In the process of performing the work, the study of the component parts of the product, determination of the steel grade, selection of the welding method, determination of welding modes and welding materials, standardization of operations, preparation of the technological process, calculation of the required number of equipment and the number of workers were carried out