5 research outputs found

    Relaci贸n entre quimerismo xx/xy y el fenotipo pseudohermafrodita masculino en porcinos.

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    La causa gen茅tica del pseudohermafroditismo no est谩 bien dilucidada, sin embargo se han reportado distintos casos de pseudohermafroditas masculinos los cuales en la mayor铆a de los casos se han tratado de explicar por efectos hormonales sobre las g贸nadas en formaci贸n durante el desarrollo embrionario. Adem谩s se ha explorado poco la relaci贸n de este fenotipo con la constituci贸n gen贸mica de los organismos que presentan la disfunci贸n sexual. En el presente trabajo se encontr贸 una fuerte relaci贸n entre el quimerismo cromos贸mico XX/XY y el fenotipo pseudohermafrodita masculino exhibido por dos ejemplares de porcinos Landrace X Largewhite similar a lo encontrado en freemartinismo de bovinos

    Relaci贸n entre quimerismo xx/xy y el fenotipo pseudohermafrodita masculino en porcinos.

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    La causa gen茅tica del pseudohermafroditismo no est谩 bien dilucidada, sin embargo se han reportado distintos casos de pseudohermafroditas masculinos los cuales en la mayor铆a de los casos se han tratado de explicar por efectos hormonales sobre las g贸nadas en formaci贸n durante el desarrollo embrionario. Adem谩s se ha explorado poco la relaci贸n de este fenotipo con la constituci贸n gen贸mica de los organismos que presentan la disfunci贸n sexual. En el presente trabajo se encontr贸 una fuerte relaci贸n entre el quimerismo cromos贸mico XX/XY y el fenotipo pseudohermafrodita masculino exhibido por dos ejemplares de porcinos Landrace X Largewhite similar a lo encontrado en freemartinismo de bovinos

    Dietary effects on pH, temperature and ruminal methane emission by Holstein cows. Case study

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    The objective of this research was to estimate the production of ruminal methane in different prandial聽periods in fistulated Holstein adult cows and to evaluate the effect on methane production due to different diets commonly used in dairy cattle in an east region of Antioquia (Colombia). For this聽porpoise two different diets were evaluated on each cow; one of them was fed with forage Cenchrus clandestinus, the second one was fed with the same diet with an addition of 4 kg of commercial聽balanced feed/day. During seven days in periods of six hours, pH and temperature were measured in samples of ruminal fluid as well as methane emissions using a MQ4 gas sensor. As results must聽be said that forage based diet resulted in a major methane production, presenting the maximum concentration two hours after feeding and the minimum at six hours. Ruminal pH was directly affected聽by the diet; the lower value was found in the mixed based diet. There was no evidence of any effect聽of the diet on the ruminal mean temperature. Can be concluded that forage based diet resulted on聽a major production of methane compared to the mixed diet, this was also associated to pH changes聽but not to ruminal temperature. Although it is not possible to associate the production of methane to聽specific diet components. The food or supplements associated to changing pH values during the day聽may play a key role in the reduction of methane emissions and bovine energetic efficiency

    Dietary effects on pH, temperature and ruminal methane emission by Holstein cows. Case study

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    The objective of this research was to estimate the production of ruminal methane in different prandial聽periods in fistulated Holstein adult cows and to evaluate the effect on methane production due todifferent diets commonly used in dairy cattle in an east region of Antioquia (Colombia). For this聽porpoise two different diets were evaluated on each cow; one of them was fed with forage Cenchrusclandestinus, the second one was fed with the same diet with an addition of 4 kg of commercial聽balanced feed/day. During seven days in periods of six hours, pH and temperature were measuredin samples of ruminal fluid as well as methane emissions using a MQ4 gas sensor. As results must聽be said that forage based diet resulted in a major methane production, presenting the maximumconcentration two hours after feeding and the minimum at six hours. Ruminal pH was directly affected聽by the diet; the lower value was found in the mixed based diet. There was no evidence of any effect聽of the diet on the ruminal mean temperature. Can be concluded that forage based diet resulted on聽a major production of methane compared to the mixed diet, this was also associated to pH changes聽but not to ruminal temperature. Although it is not possible to associate the production of methane to聽specific diet components. The food or supplements associated to changing pH values during the day聽may play a key role in the reduction of methane emissions and bovine energetic efficiency.El objetivo de esta investigaci贸n fue estimar la producci贸n de metano ruminal en diferentes per铆odos聽prandiales con dos dietas caracter铆sticas de la lecher铆a del oriente de Antioquia (Colombia) en vacas聽Holstein adultas fistuladas sobre la producci贸n de dicho gas. Para tal efecto se evaluaron dos dietas聽diferentes para cada vaca; una fue alimentada con forraje Cenchrus clandestinus, y la otra con forraje聽m谩s 4 kg de alimento balanceado comercial por d铆a. Durante siete d铆as en per铆odos de seis horas聽se midi贸 el pH y la temperatura del l铆quido ruminal; igualmente sus emisiones de metano usando unsensor MQ4. En cuanto a los resultados principales se puede informar que la dieta basada en forraje聽gener贸 mayor producci贸n de metano, presentando la m谩xima concentraci贸n dos horas despu茅s de聽la alimentaci贸n y la m铆nima concentraci贸n a las seis horas. El pH ruminal fue afectado directamente聽por la dieta; el menor valor se hall贸 en la dieta mixta. No hubo evidencia de efecto alguno de la dieta聽sobre la temperatura media ruminal. Se concluye que la dieta basada en forraje produjo m谩s metano聽comparada con la dieta mixta, lo cual se asoci贸 tambi茅n con cambios de pH, m谩s no de temperatura.聽Sin embargo, no es posible asociar la producci贸n de metano con componentes espec铆ficos de la聽dieta. Los alimentos o suplementos nutricionales asociados a valores de pH cambiantes durante聽el d铆a pueden jugar un rol importante en la emisi贸n de metano y en la eficiencia energ茅tica bovina

    Efectos de la dieta sobre el pH, la temperatura y la emisi贸n de metano ruminales en vacas Holstein

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    The objective of this research was to estimate the production of ruminal methane in different prandial periods in fistulated Holstein adult cows and to evaluate the effect on methane production due to different diets commonly used in dairy cattle in an east region of Antioquia (Colombia). For this porpoise two different diets were evaluated on each cow; one of them was fed with forage Cenchrus clandestinus, the second one was fed with the same diet with an addition of 4 kg of commercial balanced feed/day. During seven days in periods of six hours, pH and temperature were measured in samples of ruminal fluid as well as methane emissions sing a MQ4 gas sensor. As results must be said that forage based diet resulted in a major methane production, presenting the maximum concentration two hours after feeding and the minimum at six hours. Ruminal pH was directly affected by the diet; the lower value was found in the mixed based diet. There was no evidence of any effect of the diet on the ruminal mean temperature. Can be concluded that forage based diet resulted on a major production of methane compared to the mixed diet, this was also associated to pH changes but not to ruminal temperature. Although it is not possible to associate the production of methane to specific diet components. The food or supplements associated to changing pH values during the day聽may play a key role in the reduction of methane emissions and bovine energetic efficiency.El objetivo de esta investigaci贸n fue estimar la producci贸n de metano ruminal en diferentes per铆odos prandiales con dos dietas caracter铆sticas de la lecher铆a del oriente de Antioquia (Colombia) en vacas Holstein adultas fistuladas sobre la producci贸n de dicho gas. Para tal efecto se evaluaron dos dietas diferentes para cada vaca; una fue alimentada con forraje Cenchrus clandestinus, y la otra con forraje m谩s 4 kg de alimento balanceado comercial por d铆a. Durante siete d铆as en per铆odos de seis horas se midi贸 el pH y la temperatura del l铆quido ruminal; igualmente sus emisiones de metano usando un sensor MQ4. En cuanto a los resultados principales se puede informar que la dieta basada en forraje gener贸 mayor producci贸n de metano, presentando la m谩xima concentraci贸n dos horas despu茅s de la alimentaci贸n y la m铆nima concentraci贸n a las seis horas. El pH ruminal fue afectado directamente por la dieta; el menor valor se hall贸 en la dieta mixta. No hubo evidencia de efecto alguno de la dieta sobre la temperatura media ruminal. Se concluye que la dieta basada en forraje produjo m谩s metano comparada con la dieta mixta, lo cual se asoci贸 tambi茅n con cambios de pH, m谩s no de temperatura. Sin embargo, no es posible asociar la producci贸n de metano con componentes espec铆ficos de la dieta. Los alimentos o suplementos nutricionales asociados a valores de pH cambiantes durante el d铆a pueden jugar un rol importante en la emisi贸n de metano y en la eficiencia energ茅tica bovina