27 research outputs found

    On the Theory of the Negative Judgment

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    Distinguishes two senses of 'judgment' on the one hand as meaning a state of 'conviction' or 'belief', and on the other hand as meaning an act of 'affirmation' or 'assertion'. Certainly conviction and assertion stand in close relation to each other, but they delineate two heterogeneous logical spheres, and thereby divide the total field of the theory of judgment into two neighbouring but separate sub-fields. Once this is done it is shown to have implications for our understanding especially of the phenomenon of negation, and of the distinction between negation as affirmation of a negative state of affairs, and negation as act of contradicting the judgment someone else has made

    Os Atos Sociais

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      O texto a seguir corresponde ao §3, pp. 705–718, do livro “Die apriorischen Grundlagen des bürgerlichen Rechts” (“Os Fundamentos a priori do Direito Civil”), originalmente publicado em 1913 no Jahrbuch für Philosophie und phänomenologische Forschung, pp. 685–847. A numeração inserida entre colchetes no corpo do texto, destacada em negrito, refere-se à paginação desta edição. As palavras destacadas em negrito pelos tradutores remetem a um glossário que acompanha a presente tradução. Os itálicos, porém, são do próprio Reinach. A marca de intercalação “<...>” foi usada para introduzir expressões que estão apenas implícitas no texto original. Existem ainda as seguintes reedições desse livro: 1921 Gesammelte Schriften. Halle, Niemeyer, pp. 166–350. 1953 Zur Phänomenologie des Rechts. Munich: Kose t, 215 pp. 1989 Sämtliche Werke, vol. 1: Die Werke. Munique: Philosophia, 1989, pp. 141–278.  The following text corresponds to §3, pp. 705–718, from the book “Die apriorischen Grundlagen des bürgerlichen Rechts” (“The A Priori Foundations of Civil Law”), originally published in 1913 in Jahrbuch für Philosophie und phänomenologische Forschung, pp. 685–847. The numbering inserted between square brackets in the body of the text, highlighted in bold, refers to the pagination of this edition. The words highlighted in bold by the translators refer to a glossary that accompanies this translation. The italics, however, are Reinach's own. The insertion mark “<...>” was used to introduce expressions that are only implied in the original text. As for the German text, there are also the following reprints of this book: 1921 Gesammelte Schriften. Halle, Niemeyer, pp. 166–350. 1953 Zur Phänomenologie des Rechts. Munich: Koset, 215 pp. 1989 Sämtliche Werke, vol. 1: Die Werke. Munich: Philosophia, 1989, pp. 141–278.

    On Phenomenology (French transl.)

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    peer reviewedTraduction française annotée de la célèbre conférence d'Adolf Reinach, "Über Phänomenologie" (Université de Marbourg, 1914)

    La plurivocité du concept d'essence

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    peer reviewedFrench translation of A. Reinach, "Die Vieldeutigkeit des Wesensbegriffes" (1912/13

    Gesammelte Schriften [Scan des Eintrags]

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    Eintrag: "Dr. Hans Tuch" - Projekt NS-Raubgu

    The A Priori Foundations of the Civil Law

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    Eintrag: Dr. Hans Tuch - Projekt NS-Raubgu

    Gesammelte Schriften [Scan des Eintrags]

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    Eintrag: Dr. Hans Tuch - Projekt NS-Raubgu