62 research outputs found

    Entropy production and the geometry of dissipative evolution equations

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    Purely dissipative evolution equations are often cast as gradient flow structures, zË™=K(z)DS(z)\dot{\mathbf{z}}=K(\mathbf{z})DS(\mathbf{z}), where the variable z\mathbf{z} of interest evolves towards the maximum of a functional SS according to a metric defined by an operator KK. While the functional often follows immediately from physical considerations (e.g., the thermodynamic entropy), the operator KK and the associated geometry does not necessarily so (e.g., Wasserstein geometry for diffusion). In this paper, we present a variational statement in the sense of maximum entropy production that directly delivers a relationship between the operator KK and the constraints of the system. In particular, the Wasserstein metric naturally arises here from the conservation of mass or energy, and depends on the Onsager resistivity tensor, which, itself, may be understood as another metric, as in the Steepest Entropy Ascent formalism. This new variational principle is exemplified here for the simultaneous evolution of conserved and non-conserved quantities in open systems. It thus extends the classical Onsager flux-force relationships and the associated variational statement to variables that do not have a flux associated to them. We further show that the metric structure KK is intimately linked to the celebrated Freidlin-Wentzell theory of stochastically perturbed gradient flows, and that the proposed variational principle encloses an infinite-dimensional fluctuation-dissipation statement

    Formation of Nanotwin Networks during High-Temperature Crystallization of Amorphous Germanium

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    Germanium is an extremely important material used for numerous functional applications in many fields of nanotechnology. In this paper, we study the crystallization of amorphous Ge using atomistic simulations of critical nano-metric nuclei at high temperatures. We find that crystallization occurs by the recurrent transfer of atoms via a diffusive process from the amorphous phase into suitably-oriented crystalline layers. We accompany our simulations with a comprehensive thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of the growth process, which explains the energy balance and the interfacial growth velocities governing grain growth. For the ⟨111⟩\langle111\rangle crystallographic orientation, we find a degenerate atomic rearrangement process, with two zero-energy modes corresponding to a perfect crystalline structure and the formation of a Σ3\Sigma3 twin boundary. Continued growth in this direction results in the development a twin network, in contrast with all other growth orientations, where the crystal grows defect-free. This particular mechanism of crystallization from amorphous phases is also observed during solid-phase epitaxial growth of ⟨111⟩\langle111\rangle semiconductor crystals, where growth is restrained to one dimension. We calculate the equivalent X-ray diffraction pattern of the obtained nanotwin networks, providing grounds for experimental validation

    A statistical mechanics framework for constructing non-equilibrium thermodynamic models

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    Far-from-equilibrium phenomena are critical to all natural and engineered systems, and essential to biological processes responsible for life. For over a century and a half, since Carnot, Clausius, Maxwell, Boltzmann, and Gibbs, among many others, laid the foundation for our understanding of equilibrium processes, scientists and engineers have dreamed of an analogous treatment of non-equilibrium systems. But despite tremendous efforts, a universal theory of non-equilibrium behavior akin to equilibrium statistical mechanics and thermodynamics has evaded description. Several methodologies have proved their ability to accurately describe complex non-equilibrium systems at the macroscopic scale, but their accuracy and predictive capacity is predicated on either phenomenological kinetic equations fit to microscopic data, or on running concurrent simulations at the particle level. Instead, we provide a framework for deriving stand-alone macroscopic thermodynamics models directly from microscopic physics without fitting in overdamped Langevin systems. The only necessary ingredient is a functional form for a parameterized, approximate density of states, in analogy to the assumption of a uniform density of states in the equilibrium microcanonical ensemble. We highlight this framework's effectiveness by deriving analytical approximations for evolving mechanical and thermodynamic quantities in a model of coiled-coil proteins and double stranded DNA, thus producing, to the authors' knowledge, the first derivation of the governing equations for a phase propagating system under general loading conditions without appeal to phenomenology. The generality of our treatment allows for application to any system described by Langevin dynamics with arbitrary interaction energies and external driving, including colloidal macromolecules, hydrogels, and biopolymers

    Second-order fast-slow dynamics of non-ergodic Hamiltonian systems:Thermodynamic interpretation and simulation

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    A class of fast-slow Hamiltonian systems with potential UεU_\varepsilon describing the interaction of non-ergodic fast and slow degrees of freedom is studied. The parameter ε\varepsilon indicates the typical timescale ratio of the fast and slow degrees of freedom. It is known that the Hamiltonian system converges for ε→0\varepsilon\to0 to a homogenised Hamiltonian system. We study the situation where ε\varepsilon is small but positive. First, we rigorously derive the second-order corrections to the homogenised (slow) degrees of freedom. They can be decomposed into explicitly given terms that oscillate rapidly around zero and terms that trace the average motion of the corrections, which are given as the solution to an inhomogeneous linear system of differential equations. Then, we analyse the energy of the fast degrees of freedom expanded to second-order from a thermodynamic point of view. In particular, we define and expand to second-order a temperature, an entropy and external forces and show that they satisfy to leading-order, as well as on average to second-order, thermodynamic energy relations akin to the first and second law of thermodynamics. Finally, we analyse for a specific fast-slow Hamiltonian system the second-order asymptotic expansion of the slow degrees of freedom from a numerical point of view. Their approximation quality for short and long time frames and their total computation time are compared with those of the solution to the original fast-slow Hamiltonian system of similar accuracy

    Harnessing fluctuations to discover dissipative evolution equations

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    This dataset contains the source codes for for the paper "Harnessing fluctuations to discover dissipative evolution equations". The code computes the macroscopic evolution operator associated with many-particle systems (hydrodynamic limit) from particle simulations. The method is based on fluctuation-dissipation theory and is described in the paper. A test case considered is the zero-range process.The zip file contains the code and a README fil
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