633 research outputs found

    Fluctuation characteristics of the TCV snowflake divertor measured with high speed visible imaging

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    Tangentially viewing fast camera footage of the low-field side snowflake minus divertor in TCV is analysed across a four point scan in which the proximity of the two X-points is varied systematically. The motion of structures observed in the post- processed movie shows two distinct regions of the camera frame exhibiting differing patterns. One type of motion in the outer scrape-off layer remains present throughout the scan whilst the other, apparent in the inner scrape-off layer between the two nulls, becomes increasingly significant as the X-points contract towards one another. The spatial structure of the fluctuations in both regions is shown to conform to the equilibrium magnetic field. When the X-point gap is wide the fluctuations measured in the region between the X-points show a similar structure to the fluctuations observed above the null region, remaining coherent for multiple toroidal turns of the magnetic field and indicating a physical connectivity of the fluctuations between the upstream and downstream regions. When the X-point gap is small the fluctuations in the inner scrape-off layer between the nulls are decorrelated from fluctuations upstream, indicating local production of filamentary structures. The motion of filaments in the inter-null region differs, with filaments showing a dominantly poloidal motion along magnetic flux surfaces when the X-point gap is large, compared to a dominantly radial motion across flux-surfaces when the gap is small. This demonstrates an enhancement to cross-field tranport between the nulls of the TCV low-field-side snowflake minus when the gap between the nulls is small.Comment: Accepted for publication in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusio

    The EU strategy for solving the DEMO exhaust problem

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    Exhaust of power and particles is crucial for the DEMO device and the EU has developed a strategy to address the challenges. This strategy consists of a conventional approach based on extrapolation of the ITER solution (detached lower single null divertor) as well as the development of alternatives as risk mitigation. These comprise alternative magnetic divertor geometry, liquid metal targets and intrinsically ELM-free operational scenarios. On the experimental side, the EUROfusion programme has initiated both upgrades to existing linear and toroidal devices as well as plans to engage in new devices presently under construction in the EU. In parallel, the theory and modelling efforts are ramped up in a targeted effort to obtain the necessary understanding for safe extrapolation to DEMO. This is especially important for the alternatives, which cannot be tested in ITER.</p

    Theory-based scaling laws of near and far scrape-off layer widths in single-null L-mode discharges

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    Theory-based scaling laws of the near and far scrape-off layer (SOL) widths are analytically derived for L-mode diverted tokamak discharges by using a two-fluid model. The near SOL pressure and density decay lengths are obtained by leveraging a balance among the power source, perpendicular turbulent transport across the separatrix, and parallel losses at the vessel wall, while the far SOL pressure and density decay lengths are derived by using a model of intermittent transport mediated by filaments. The analytical estimates of the pressure decay length in the near SOL is then compared to the results of three-dimensional, flux-driven, global, two-fluid turbulence simulations of L-mode diverted tokamak plasmas, and validated against experimental measurements taken from an experimental multi-machine database of divertor heat flux profiles, showing in both cases a very good agreement. Analogously, the theoretical scaling law for the pressure decay length in the far SOL is compared to simulation results and to experimental measurements in TCV L-mode discharges, pointing out the need of a large multi-machine database for the far SOL decay lengths

    Multi-machine benchmark of the self-consistent 1D scrape-off layer model DIV1D from stagnation point to target with SOLPS-ITER

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    This paper extends a 1D dynamic physics-based model of the scrape-off layer (SOL) plasma, DIV1D, to include the core SOL and possibly a second target. The extended model is benchmarked on 1D mapped SOLPS-ITER simulations to find input settings for DIV1D that allow it to describe SOL plasmas from upstream to target—calibrating it on a scenario and device basis. The benchmark shows a quantitative match between DIV1D and 1D mapped SOLPS-ITER profiles for the heat flux, electron temperature, and electron density within roughly 50% on: (1) the Tokamak Configuration Variable (TCV) for a gas puff scan; (2) a single SOLPS-ITER simulation of the Upgraded Mega Ampere Spherical Tokamak; and (3) the Upgraded Axially Symmetric Divertor EXperiment in Garching Tokamak (AUG) for a simultaneous scan in heating power and gas puff. Once calibrated, DIV1D self-consistently describes dependencies of the SOL solution on core fluxes and external neutral gas densities for a density scan on TCV whereas a varying SOL width is used in DIV1D for AUG to match a simultaneous change in power and density. The ability to calibrate DIV1D on a scenario and device basis is enabled by accounting for cross field transport with an effective flux expansion factor and by allowing neutrals to be exchanged between SOL and adjacent domains.</p

    Performance assessment of a tightly baffled, long-legged divertor configuration in TCV with SOLPS-ITER

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    Numerical simulations explore the possibility to test the tightly baffled, long-legged divertor (TBLLD) concept in a future upgrade of the Tokamak \`a configuration variable (TCV). The SOLPS-ITER code package is used to compare the exhaust performance of several TBLLD configurations with existing unbaffled and baffled TCV configurations. The TBLLDs feature a range of radial gaps between the separatrix and the outer leg side walls. All considered TBLLDs are predicted to lead to a denser and colder plasma in front of the targets and improve the power handling by factors of 2-3 compared to the present, baffled divertor and by up to a factor of 12 compared to the original, unbaffled configuration. The improved TBLLD performance is mainly due to a better neutral confinement with improved plasma-neutral interactions in the divertor region. Both power handling capability and neutral confinement increases when reducing the radial gap. The core compatibility of TBLLDs with nitrogen seeding is also evaluated and the detachment window with acceptable core pollution for the proposed TBLLDs is explored, showing a reduction of required upstream impurity concentration up to 18% to achieve the detachment with thinner radial gap

    The operational space for divertor power exhaust in DEMO with a super-X divertor

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    SOLPS-ITER simulations of the European DEMO reactor with a Super-X divertor, which has larger major radius at the outer target and increased connection length, show an increased operational space for divertor power exhaust compared to the conventional single-null configuration. Using a multi-fluid approach with fluid neutrals and charge-state bundling of impurities, we assessed the existence and boundaries of the operational space in the single-null and Super-X configurations by carrying out fuelling, seeding and power scans. Compared to the conventional single-null divertor, the Super-X divertor offers lower impurity concentration (factor ∌2 lower) at the same main plasma density, and consistent with this, it has lower main plasma density at the same impurity concentration level. This observed difference is in line with the simple analytical Lengyel model predictions resulting from the increased connection length in the super-X configuration. DEMO with a Super-X divertor demonstrates remarkable robustness against increases in input power, and in this study is able to exhaust the maximum expected steady-state separatrix-crossing power of 300 MW while maintaining acceptable impurity concentration along the separatrix This is something that was not possible in the single-null configuration in this study. This robustness of the Super-X divertor lies mostly in its capability to sufficiently dissipate power in its divertor via argon (Ar) radiation at acceptable Ar concentration, which is related to two factors: long (with respect to single-null) parallel connection length from the upstream to the outer target and higher but tolerable extrinsic impurity concentration at higher input powers. Finally, consistent with neon-seeded simulations of ITER, it is observed in all our simulations that the plasma density drops with increasing Ar concentration given fixed power input. We find that as the Ar content increases, the accompanying enhancement of Ar radiation reduces the power available for deuterium (D) to be ionized, thus limiting the D ionization particle source, and consequently reducing the plasma density

    Validation of SOLPS-ITER Simulations against the TCV-X21 Reference Case

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    This paper presents a quantitative validation of SOLPS-ITER simulations against the TCV-X21 reference case and provides insights into the neutral dynamics and ionization source distribution in this scenario. TCV-X21 is a well-diagnosed diverted L-mode sheath-limited plasma scenario in both toroidal field directions, designed specifically for the validation of turbulence codes [D.S. Oliveira, T. Body, et al 2022 Nucl. Fusion 62 096001]. Despite the optimization to reduce the impact of the neutral dynamics, the absence of neutrals in previous turbulence simulations of TCV-X21 was identified as a possible explanation for the disagreements with the experimental data in the divertor region. This motivates the present study with SOLPS-ITER that includes kinetic neutral dynamics via EIRENE. Five new observables are added to the extensive, publicly available TCV-X21 dataset. These are three deuterium Balmer lines in the divertor and neutral pressure in the common and private flux regions. The quantitative agreement metric is combined with the conjugate gradient method to approach the SOLPS-ITER input parameters that return the best overall agreement with the experiment. A proof-of-principle of this method results in a modest improvement in the level-of-agreement; shortcomings of the method and how to improve it are discussed. Alternatively, a scan of the particle and heat diffusion coefficients shows an improvement of 10.4% beyond the agreement level achieved by the gradient method. The result is found for an increased transport coefficient compared to what is usually used for TCV L-mode plasmas, suggesting the need for accurate self-consistent turbulence models for predictive boundary simulations. The simulations indicate that ~65% of the total ionization occurs in the SOL, motivating the inclusion of neutrals in future turbulence simulations towards improved agreement with the experiment
