13 research outputs found

    Free expansion of lowest Landau level states of trapped atoms: a wavefunction microscope

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    We show that for any lowest-Landau-level state of a trapped, rotating, interacting Bose gas, the particle distribution in coordinate space in a free expansion (time of flight) experiment is related to that in the trap at the time it is turned off by a simple rescaling and rotation. When the lowest-Landau-level approximation is valid, interactions can be neglected during the expansion, even when they play an essential role in the ground state when the trap is present. The correlations in the density in a single snapshot can be used to obtain information about the fluid, such as whether a transition to a quantum Hall state has occurred.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. v2: discussion of neglect of interactions during expansion improved, refs adde

    Rotating spin-1 bosons in the lowest Landau level

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    We present results for the ground states of a system of spin-1 bosons in a rotating trap. We focus on the dilute, weakly interacting regime, and restrict the bosons to the quantum states in the lowest Landau level (LLL) in the plane (disc), sphere or torus geometries. We map out parts of the zero temperature phase diagram, using both exact quantum ground states and LLL mean field configurations. For the case of a spin-independent interaction we present exact quantum ground states at angular momentum LNL\leq N. For general values of the interaction parameters, we present mean field studies of general ground states at slow rotation and of lattices of vortices and skyrmions at higher rotation rates. Finally, we discuss quantum Hall liquid states at ultra-high rotation.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures, RevTe

    Autoantibodies against type I IFNs in patients with life-threatening COVID-19

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    Interindividual clinical variability in the course of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection is vast. We report that at least 101 of 987 patients with life-threatening coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia had neutralizing immunoglobulin G (IgG) autoantibodies (auto-Abs) against interferon-w (IFN-w) (13 patients), against the 13 types of IFN-a (36), or against both (52) at the onset of critical disease; a few also had auto-Abs against the other three type I IFNs. The auto-Abs neutralize the ability of the corresponding type I IFNs to block SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro. These auto-Abs were not found in 663 individuals with asymptomatic or mild SARS-CoV-2 infection and were present in only 4 of 1227 healthy individuals. Patients with auto-Abs were aged 25 to 87 years and 95 of the 101 were men. A B cell autoimmune phenocopy of inborn errors of type I IFN immunity accounts for life-threatening COVID-19 pneumonia in at least 2.6% of women and 12.5% of men

    Development of a full-thickness human gingiva equivalent constructed from immortalized keratinocytes and fibroblasts

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    Organotypic models make it possible to investigate the unique properties of oral mucosa in vitro. For gingiva, the use of human primary keratinocytes (KC) and fibroblasts (Fib) is limited due to the availability and size of donor biopsies. The use of physiologically relevant immortalized cell lines would solve these problems. The aim of this study was to develop fully differentiated human gingiva equivalents (GE) constructed entirely from cell lines, to compare them with the primary cell counterpart (Prim), and to test relevance in an in vitro wound healing assay. Reconstructed gingiva epithelium on a gingiva fibroblast-populated collagen hydrogel was constructed from cell lines (keratinocytes: TERT or HPV immortalized; fibroblasts: TERT immortalized) and compared to GE-Prim and native gingiva. GE were characterized by immunohistochemical staining for proliferation (Ki67), epithelial differentiation (K10, K13), and basement membrane (collagen type IV and laminin 5). To test functionality of GE-TERT, full-thickness wounds were introduced. Reepithelialization, fibroblast repopulation of hydrogel, metabolic activity (MTT assay), and (pro-)inflammatory cytokine release (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) were assessed during wound closure over 7 days. Significant differences in basal KC cytokine secretion (IL-1α, IL-18, and CXCL8) were only observed between KC-Prim and KC-HPV. When Fib-Prim and Fib-TERT were stimulated with TNF-α, no differences were observed regarding cytokine secretion (IL-6, CXCL8, and CCL2). GE-TERT histology, keratin, and basement membrane protein expression very closely represented native gingiva and GE-Prim. In contrast, the epithelium of GE made with HPV-immortalized KC was disorganized, showing suprabasal proliferating cells, limited keratinocyte differentiation, and the absence of basement membrane proteins. When a wound was introduced into the more physiologically relevant GE-TERT model, an immediate inflammatory response (IL-6, CCL2, and CXCL8) was observed followed by complete reepithelialization. Seven days after wounding, tissue integrity, metabolic activity, and cytokine levels had returned to the prewounded state. In conclusion, immortalized human gingiva KC and fibroblasts can be used to make physiologically relevant GE, which resemble either the healthy gingiva or a neoplastic disease model. These organotypic models will provide valuable tools to investigate oral mucosa biology and can also be used as an animal alternative for drug targeting, vaccination studies, microbial biofilm studies, and testing new therapeutics

    Harbour seals are regaining top-down control in a coastal ecosystem

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    Historic hunting has led to severe reductions of many marine mammal species across the globe. After hunting ceased, some populations have recovered to pre-exploitation levels, and may again act as a top-down regulatory force on marine ecosystems. Also the harbour seal population in the international Wadden Sea grew at an exponential rate following a ban on seal hunting in 1960's, and the current number ~38,000 is close to the historic population size. Here we estimate the impact of the harbour seal predation on the fish community in the Wadden Sea and nearby coastal waters. Fish remains in faecal samples and published estimates on the seal's daily energy requirement were used to estimate prey selection and the magnitude of seal consumption. Estimates on prey abundance were derived from demersal fish surveys, and fish growth was estimated using a Dynamic Energy Budget model. GPS tracking provided information on where seals most likely caught their prey. Harbour seals from the Dutch Wadden Sea fed predominantly on demersal fish, e.g. flatfish species (flounder, sole, plaice, dab), but also sandeel, cod and whiting. Total fish biomass in the Wadden Sea was insufficient to sustain the estimated prey consumption of the entire seal population year-round. This probably explains why seals also acquire prey further offshore in the adjacent North Sea, only spending 13% of their diving time in the Wadden Sea. Still, seal predation was estimated to cause an average annual mortality of 43% and 60% on fish in the Wadden Sea and adjacent coastal zone, respectively. There were however large sources of uncertainty in the estimate, including the migration of fish between the North Sea and Wadden Sea, and catchability estimates of the fish survey sampling gear, particularly for sandeel and other pelagic fish species. Our estimate suggested a considerable top-down control by harbour seals on demersal fish. However predation by seals may also alleviate density-dependent competition between the remaining fish, increasing fish growth, and partly compensating for the reduction in fish numbers. This study shows that recovering coastal marine mammal populations could potentially become an important component in the functioning of shallow coastal systems

    Onderzoek naar mediabestedingen in Nederland

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    Het aanbod van media versnippert. Daardoor zijn steeds meer verschillende mediumtypen nodig voor adverteerders om de consument te bereiken. De Tijdelijke Commissie Innovatie en Toekomst Pers (commissie Brinkman) heeft een aantal aanbevelingen gepresenteerd rond de toekomst van de pers. De Ministeries van OCW en EZ hebben naar aanleiding daarvan besloten onderzoek te laten doen naar hoe de reclamemarkt zich de komende jaren zal ontwikkelen. TNS Nipo en Nielsen presenteren hier de resultaten van dit onderzoek