36 research outputs found

    Establishing cordgrass plants cluster their shoots to avoid ecosystem engineering

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    Vegetated coastal ecosystems such as salt marshes, dunes and seagrass meadows occur at the land–sea interface—a dynamic environment typified by harsh growing conditions. These ecosystems are known as biogeomorphic landscapes because their functioning depends on biophysical interactions by which organisms engineer landforms to their own benefit. The strength of such biogeomorphic feedbacks depends on plant traits, such as stem flexibility and shoot density. Recent work demonstrated that dune grasses with similar morphological traits can build contrasting landscapes due to differences in their spatial shoot organization. However, in contrast to dune grasses that trap and stabilize sand particles in aeolian landscapes, flow attenuation in aquatic environments can generate scouring around plant stems and cause uprooting, leading to establishment thresholds for young plants. Yet, it remains unknown how findings from aeolian landscapes translate to aquatic systems and how young clonally expanding plants in hydrodynamically exposed conditions overcome these establishment thresholds by optimizing shoot placement. Here, we measured shoot patterns of 90 establishing cordgrass patches Spartina anglica at 18 European field sites that cover a broad range of hydrodynamic conditions. Next, we carried out a field experiment to investigate how observed spatial shoot patterns affect plant–sediment feedbacks. Surprisingly, field survey analyses reveal highly consistent clustered shoot patterns, regardless of environmental conditions. Experimental results demonstrate that this clustered pattern minimizes scouring compared to densely clumped organizations typically observed in established patches. Synthesis. In contrast to earlier findings highlighting that establishing dune grasses optimize their landscape engineering capacity via a flexible shoot placement strategy, we find that cordgrass instead follows a fixed strategy that minimizes engineering effects in its early life stages. We suggest that marsh grasses avoid physical stress and associated establishment thresholds in their early life stage, and switch to an ecosystem engineering strategy once established. These findings shed new light on how plant traits interact with their environment to shape the landscape and pave the way for improved restoration designs by mimicking the natural shoot organization of establishing vegetation. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.</p

    Mutual facilitation between foundation species Mytilus edulis and Lanice conchilega promotes habitat heterogeneity on tidal flats

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    Foundation species that modify their habitat can facilitate other species, including other foundation species. Most studies focus solely on a single foundation species, overlooking such facilitation cascades. In this study, we investigated the interactions between the two coastal foundation species Mytilus edulis (blue mussel) and Lanice conchilega (sand mason worm). We investigated whether these species engage in facilitative interactions or if their association simply reflects a shared ecological niche on the soft-sediment intertidal flats of the Dutch Wadden Sea. To do so, we performed species distribution modeling, manipulative field experiments, and field surveys. We found a positive association between both foundation species, with a 2.45 times higher occurrence of both species compared to a random distribution. In addition, these species partially occupied the same ecological niche. We demonstrated that L. conchilega provided settlement substrate for M. edulis spat, increasing densities by 400 times compared to bare plots. Furthermore, M. edulis reefs facilitated L. conchilega occurrence in the wake of the reef. Biogenic reef development revealed that this interspecific facilitation resulted in spatial habitat heterogeneity. Therefore, we conclude that interspecific facilitation can significantly enhance the occurrence of these two important intertidal foundation species. Acknowledgment of such complex facilitation interactions has an untapped potential for improving the success of restoration and conservation programs.</p

    Initiating and upscaling mussel reef establishment with life cycle informed restoration:Successes and future challenges

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    Worldwide, coastal ecosystems are rapidly degrading in quality and extent. While novel restoration designs include facilitation to enhance restoration success in stressful environments, they typically focus on a single life-stage, even though many organisms go through multiple life-stages accompanied by different bottlenecks. A new approach – life cycle informed restoration – was designed to ameliorate multiple bottlenecks throughout an organism's life cycle. It has successfully been tested on a small scale to facilitate intertidal bivalve reef formation in the Netherlands and Florida. Yet, it remains unknown whether this approach can be scaled to ecosystem-relevant scales. To test whether life cycle informed restoration is upscalable, we conducted a large-scale restoration experiment using blue mussel reefs as a model system. In our experiment, we used biodegradable structures to temporarily facilitate mussel reef formation by providing early-life settlement substrates, and subsequently, reduce post-settlement predation on an intertidal flat in the Wadden Sea, the Netherlands. The structures were placed in 10 × 20 m plots, mimicking bands found in natural mussel beds, spread out across 650 m, and were followed for two years. Our results show that the structures enhance mussel biomass (0.7 ± 0.2 kg DW m−2), as mussels were absent in bare plots. However, biomass varied within plots; in intact structures it was 60 times higher (1.2 ± 0.2 kg DW m−2) than in those that became buried (0.02 ± 0.009 kg DW m−2). Next to burial, 18–46% of the structures were lost due to technical failure, especially during winters at this exposed site. We show that the life cycle informed restoration principle works, but we encountered technical challenges due to larger scale processes (e.g. sedimentation). Furthermore, environmental information is essential for site selection, and for restoration, the functioning of such structures should be tested under extreme conditions before upscaling

    Griend:A moving island

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    Griend:A moving island

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    Griend:A moving island

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    Vanaf de boot naar Terschelling is het als een stip aan de horizon te zien: het kleine Waddeneiland Griend. Slechts 70 hectares groot en onbewoond door mensen speelt dit eilandje een grote rol in het Waddengebied en ver daarbuiten. Maar zonder menselijk ingrijpen zal het eilandje waarschijnlijk voorgoed in de Waddenzee verdwijnen.Dit boek vertelt het verhaal van het natuureiland Griend als schakel in de Waddenzee. Over een wandelend eiland, grote sterns, drieteenstrandlopers en mosselbanken. Centraal in dit boek staan de verbindingen tussen eiland en wad, tussen Griend en de internationale trekroutes van vogels, tussen biologie en morfologie én tussen onderzoek en natuurbeheer.Laura Govers is universitair docent en onderzoeker in de mariene ecologie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) en bij het Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee (NIOZ). Zij probeert toegepast onderzoek aan kustecosystemen te linken aan actuele natuurbeheersvraagstukken.Valérie Reijers is universitair docent kustecologie aan de Universiteit Utrecht, voormalig onderzoeker aan het NIOZ. Zij onderzoekt hoe planten in staat zijn hun landschap te vormen, van de invloed van een individueel plantje tot het effect op hele eilanden

    Griend:A moving island

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    Habitat modification by marram grass negatively affects recruitment of conspecifics

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    Ecosystem engineers alter their environment often benefiting their own survival and growth yielding self-reinforcing feedbacks. Moreover, these habitat modifications have been found to facilitate recruitment of conspecifics for some species, while for others engineering inhibits recruitment. Whether dune grasses facilitate or inhibit recruitment of conspecifics is yet unknown. Here, we investigated how habitat modification by European marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) through embryonic dune development affects recruitment from seeds and marine dispersed rhizome fragments. Specifically, we tested at three locations with different dune morphologies how habitat modification affected natural seed and rhizome presence and shoot emergence from plots in which seeds or rhizome fragments were added. In addition, we investigated how sediment burial (i.e., the main effect of habitat modification by dune grasses) affected germination and emergence in a controlled experiment. Results show that regardless of habitat modification or beach width, seeds and rhizomes were absent in natural conditions. Habitat modification negatively affected shoot emergence from seeds (8 × less) and rhizomes (4 × less) and was negatively related to sediment dynamics. Furthermore, fewer seedlings were found with higher elevations. In controlled laboratory conditions, the highest seedling emergence was found with slight burial (0.5-3 cm); both germination and seedling emergence decreased as seeds were buried deeper or shallower. Overall, habitat modification by marram grass negatively affects recruitment of conspecifics through increased sediment dynamics and elevation. Consequently, storm events or eradication programs that include removal of adult vegetation—which leads to an unmodified system—might benefit new recruitment from seeds or clonal fragments.</p

    Are ecosystem engineering traits fixed or flexible:A study on clonal expansion strategies in co-occurring dune grasses

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    Many vegetated coastal ecosystems are formed through ecosystem engineering by clonal vegetation. Recent work highlights that the spatial shoot organization of the vegetation determines local sediment accretion and subsequently emerging landscape morphology. While this key engineering trait has been found to differ between species and prevailing environmental conditions, it remains unknown how the interplay of both factors drive shoot organization and therefore landscape morphology. Here, we compared the spatial shoot organization of young, clonally expanding plants of the two dominant European dune grass species: sand couch (Elytrigia juncea) and marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) across a range of coastal dune environments (from Denmark to France). Our results reveal that, on average, sand couch deployed a more dispersed shoot organization than marram grass, which has a patchy (LĂ©vy-like) organization. Whereas sand couch exhibited the same expansion strategy independent of environmental conditions, marram grass demonstrated a large intraspecific variation which correlated to soil organic matter, temperature and grain size. Shoot patterns ranged from a clumped organization correlating to relatively high soil organic matter contents, temperature and small grain sizes, to a patchy configuration with intermediate conditions, and a dispersed organization with low soil organic matter, temperature and large grain size. We conclude that marram grass is flexible in adjusting its engineering capacity in response to environmental conditions, while sand couch instead follows a fixed expansion strategy, illustrating that shoot organization results from the interaction of both species-specific and environmental-specific trait expression.</p

    A global analysis of how human infrastructure squeezes sandy coasts

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    Coastal ecosystems provide vital services, but human disturbance causes massive losses. Remaining ecosystems are squeezed between rising seas and human infrastructure development. While shoreline retreat is intensively studied, coastal congestion through infrastructure remains unquantified. Here we analyse 235,469 transects worldwide to show that infrastructure occurs at a median distance of 392 meter from sandy shorelines. Moreover, we find that 33% of sandy shores harbour less than 100 m of infrastructure-free space, and that 23–30% of this space may be lost by 2100 due to rising sea levels. Further analyses show that population density and gross domestic product explain 35–39% of observed squeeze variation, emphasizing the intensifying pressure imposed as countries develop and populations grow. Encouragingly, we find that nature reserves relieve squeezing by 4–7 times. Yet, at present only 16% of world’s sandy shores have a protected status. We therefore advocate the incorporation of nature protection into spatial planning policies