7,403 research outputs found

    A New System of Parallel Isolated Nonthermal Filaments Near the Galactic Center: Evidence for a Local Magnetic Field Gradient

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    We report the discovery of a system of isolated nonthermal filaments approximately 0.5 deg. northwest (75 pc in projection) of Sgr A. Unlike other isolated nonthermal filaments which show subfilamentation, braiding of subfilaments, and flaring at their ends, these filaments are simple linear structures and more closely resemble the parallel bundled filaments in the Galactic center radio arc. However, the most unusual feature of these filaments is that the 20/90 cm spectral index uniformly decreases as a function of length, in contrast to all other nonthermal filaments in the Galactic center. This spectral gradient may not be due to simple particle aging but could be explained by a curved electron energy spectrum embedded in a diverging magnetic field. If so, the scale of the magnetic gradient is not consistent with a large scale magnetic field centered on Sgr A* suggesting that this filament system is tracing a local magnetic field.Comment: 10 pages, AASTeX 5.01 LaTeX2e; 7 figures in 9 PostScript files; scheduled for publication in the 2001 December 10, v. 563 issue of Ap

    HI ``Tails'' from Cometary Globules in IC1396

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    IC 1396 is a relatively nearby (750 pc), large (>2 deg), HII region ionized by a single O6.5V star and containing bright-rimmed cometary globules. We have made the first arcmin resolution images of atomic hydrogen toward IC 1396, and have found remarkable ``tail''-like structures associated with some of the globules and extending up to 6.5 pc radially away from the central ionizing star. These HI ``tails'' may be material which has been ablated from the globule through ionization and/or photodissociation and then accelerated away from the globule by the stellar wind, but which has since drifted into the ``shadow'' of the globules. This report presents the first results of the Galactic Plane Survey Project recently begun by the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory.Comment: 11 pages, 5 postscript figures, uses aaspp4.sty macros, submitted in uuencoded gzipped tar format, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters, colour figures available at http://www.drao.nrc.ca/~schieven/news_sep95/ic1396.htm

    DA495 - an aging pulsar wind nebula

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    We present a radio continuum study of the pulsar wind nebula (PWN) DA 495 (G65.7+1.2), including images of total intensity and linear polarization from 408 to 10550 MHz based on the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey and observations with the Effelsberg 100-m Radio Telescope. Removal of flux density contributions from a superimposed \ion{H}{2} region and from compact extragalactic sources reveals a break in the spectrum of DA 495 at 1.3 GHz, with a spectral index α=0.45±0.20{\alpha}={-0.45 \pm 0.20} below the break and α=0.87±0.10{\alpha}={-0.87 \pm 0.10} above it (Sννα{S}_\nu \propto{\nu^{\alpha}}). The spectral break is more than three times lower in frequency than the lowest break detected in any other PWN. The break in the spectrum is likely the result of synchrotron cooling, and DA 495, at an age of \sim20,000 yr, may have evolved from an object similar to the Vela X nebula, with a similarly energetic pulsar. We find a magnetic field of \sim1.3 mG inside the nebula. After correcting for the resulting high internal rotation measure, the magnetic field structure is quite simple, resembling the inner part of a dipole field projected onto the plane of the sky, although a toroidal component is likely also present. The dipole field axis, which should be parallel to the spin axis of the putative pulsar, lies at an angle of {\sim}50\degr east of the North Celestial Pole and is pointing away from us towards the south-west. The upper limit for the radio surface brightness of any shell-type supernova remnant emission around DA 495 is Σ1GHz5.4×1023\Sigma_{1 GHz} \sim 5.4 \times 10^{-23} OAWatt m2^{-2} Hz1^{-1} sr1^{-1} (assuming a radio spectral index of α=0.5\alpha = -0.5), lower than the faintest shell-type remnant known to date.Comment: 25 pages, accepted by Ap

    TRIS III: the diffuse galactic radio emission at δ=+42\delta=+42^{\circ}

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    We present values of temperature and spectral index of the galactic diffuse radiation measured at 600 and 820 MHz along a 24 hours right ascension circle at declination δ=+42\delta = +42^{\circ}. They have been obtained from a subset of absolute measurements of the sky temperature made with TRIS, an experiment devoted to the measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background temperature at decimetric-wavelengths with an angular resolution of about 2020^{\circ}. Our analysis confirms the preexisting picture of the galactic diffuse emission at decimetric wavelength and improves the accuracy of the measurable quantities. In particular, the signal coming from the halo has a spectral index in the range above 600 MHz, depending on the sky position. In the disk, at TRIS angular resolution, the free-free emission accounts for the 11% of the overall signal at 600 MHz and 21% at 1420 MHz. The polarized component of the galactic emission, evaluated from the survey by Brouw and Spoelstra, affects the observations at TRIS angular resolution by less than 3% at 820 MHz and less than 2% at 600 MHz. Within the uncertainties, our determination of the galactic spectral index is practically unaffected by the correction for polarization. Since the overall error budget of the sky temperatures measured by TRIS at 600 MHz, that is 66 mK(systematic)++18 mK (statistical), is definitely smaller than those reported in previous measurements at the same frequency, our data have been used to discuss the zero levels of the sky maps at 150, 408, 820 and 1420 MHz in literature. Concerning the 408 MHz survey, limiting our attention to the patch of sky corresponding to the region observed by TRIS, we suggest a correction of the base-level of (+3.9±0.6)(+3.9\pm 0.6)K.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Precise half-life measurement of the 10 h isomer in 154Tb

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    The precise knowledge of the half-life of the reaction product is of crucial importance for a nuclear reaction cross section measurement carried out with the activation technique. The cross section of the 151Eu(alpha,n)154Tb reaction has been measured recently using the activation method, however, the half-life of the 10 h isomer in 154Tb has a relatively high uncertainty and ambiguous values can be found in the literature. Therefore, the precise half-life of the isomeric state has been measured and found to be 9.994 h +- 0.039 h. With careful analysis of the systematic errors, the uncertainty of this half-life value has been significantly reduced.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics

    G55.0+0.3: A Highly Evolved Supernova Remnant

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    Multi-frequency analysis has revealed the presence of a new supernova remnant, G55.0+0.3, in the Galactic plane. A kinematic distance of 14 kpc has been measured from HI spectral line data. The faint, clumpy half-shell is non-thermal and has a physical radius of 70 pc. Using an evolutionary model, the age of the remnant is estimated to be on the order of one million years, which exceeds conventional limits by a factor of five. The remnant may be associated with the nearby pulsar J1932+2020, which has a spin-down age of 1.1 million years. This work implies that the radiative lifetimes of remnants could be much longer than previously suggested.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures in 9 files (figures 1 and 2 require 2 files each), Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (Jan. 20, 1998 volume

    The Effect of 45{\deg} Grain Boundaries and associated Fe particles on Jc and resistivity in Ba(Fe0.9Co0.1)2As2 Thin Films

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    The anisotropy of the critical current density Jc depends in general on both the properties of the flux lines (such as line tension, coherence length and penetration depth) and the properties of the defects (such as density, shape, orientation etc.). Whereas the Jc anisotropy in microstructurally clean films can be scaled to an effective magnetic field containing the Ginzburg-Landau anisotropy term, it is in general not possible (or only in a limited field range) for samples containing extended defects. Here, the Jc anisotropy of a Co-doped BaFe2As2 sample with 45{\deg} [001] tilt grain boundaries (GBs), i.e. grain boundaries created by 45{\deg} in-plane rotated grains, as well as extended Fe particles is investigated. This microstructure leads to c-axis correlated pinning, both due to the GBs and the Fe particles and manifests in a c-axis peak in the Jc anisotropy at low magnetic fields and a deviation from the anisotropic Ginzburg-Landau scaling at higher fields. Strong pinning at ellipsoidal extended defects, i.e. the Fe particles, is discussed, and the full Jc anisotropy is fitted successfully with the vortex path model. The results are compared to a sample without GBs and Fe particles. 45{\deg} GBs seem to be good pinning centers rather than detrimental to current flow.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, CEC-ICMC 2013 proceeding, accepted for publication in Advances in Cryogenic Engineering (Materials

    The phonon dispersion of graphite by inelastic x-ray scattering

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    We present the full in-plane phonon dispersion of graphite obtained from inelastic x-ray scattering, including the optical and acoustic branches, as well as the mid-frequency range between the KK and MM points in the Brillouin zone, where experimental data have been unavailable so far. The existence of a Kohn anomaly at the KK point is further supported. We fit a fifth-nearest neighbour force-constants model to the experimental data, making improved force-constants calculations of the phonon dispersion in both graphite and carbon nanotubes available.Comment: 7 pages; submitted to Phys. Rev.