12,239 research outputs found

    Chirality distribution and transition energies of carbon nanotubes

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    From resonant Raman scattering on isolated nanotubes we obtained the optical transition energies, the radial breathing mode frequency and Raman intensity of both metallic and semiconducting tubes. We unambiguously assigned the chiral index (n_1,n_2) of approximately 50 nanotubes based solely on a third-neighbor tight-binding Kataura plot and find omega_RBM=214.4cm^-1nm/d+18.7cm^-1. In contrast to luminescence experiments we observe all chiralities including zig-zag tubes. The Raman intensities have a systematic chiral-angle dependence confirming recent ab-initio calculations.Comment: 4 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Structure and formation energy of carbon nanotube caps

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    We present a detailed study of the geometry, structure and energetics of carbon nanotube caps. We show that the structure of a cap uniquely determines the chirality of the nanotube that can be attached to it. The structure of the cap is specified in a geometrical way by defining the position of six pentagons on a hexagonal lattice. Moving one (or more) pentagons systematically creates caps for other nanotube chiralities. For the example of the (10,0) tube we study the formation energy of different nanotube caps using ab-initio calculations. The caps with isolated pentagons have an average formation energy 0.29+/-0.01eV/atom. A pair of adjacent pentagons requires a much larger formation energy of 1.5eV. We show that the formation energy of adjacent pentagon pairs explains the diameter distribution in small-diameter nanotube samples grown by chemical vapor deposition.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures (gray scale only due to space); submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Observation of magnetism in Au thin films

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    Direct magnetization measurements of thin gold films are presented. These measurements integrate the signal from the thin film under study and the magnetic contribution of the film's interface with the substrate. The diamagnetic contribution to the signal from the bulk substrate is of the same order as the noise level. we find that thin gold films can exhibit positive magnetization. The character of their magnetic behavior is strongly substrate dependent.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Exciton binding energies in carbon nanotubes from two-photon photoluminescence

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    One- and two-photon luminescence excitation spectroscopy showed a series of distinct excitonic states in single-walled carbon nanotubes. The energy splitting between one- and two-photon-active exciton states of different wavefunction symmetry is the fingerprint of excitonic interactions in carbon nanotubes. We determine exciton binding energies of 0.3-0.4 eV for different nanotubes with diameters between 0.7 and 0.9 nm. Our results, which are supported by ab-initio calculations of the linear and non-linear optical spectra, prove that the elementary optical excitations of carbon nanotubes are strongly Coulomb-correlated, quasi-one dimensionally confined electron-hole pairs, stable even at room temperature. This alters our microscopic understanding of both the electronic structure and the Coulomb interactions in carbon nanotubes, and has direct impact on the optical and transport properties of novel nanotube devices.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The existence of a 2Po excited state for the e+Ca system

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    The Configuration Interaction method is used to demonstrate that there is an electronically stable state of positronic calcium with an orbital angular momentum of L=1. This prediction relies on the use of an asymptotic series to estimate the variational limit of the energy. The best estimate of the binding energy is 37 meV. A discussion of the structure of the system is also presented.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, in press PR

    The strength of the radial-breathing mode in single-walled carbon nanotubes

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    We show by ab initio calculations that the electron-phonon coupling matrix element M of the radial breathing mode in single-walled carbon nanotubes depends strongly on tube chirality. For nanotubes of the same diameter the coupling strength |M|^2 is up to one order of magnitude stronger for zig-zag than for armchair tubes. For (n,m) tubes M depends on the value of (n-m) mod 3, which allows to discriminate semiconducting nano tubes with similar diameter by their Raman scattering intensity. We show measured resonance Raman profiles of the radial breathing mode which support our theoretical predictions

    Convergence of generic infinite products of affine operators

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    We establish several results concerning the asymptotic behavior of random infinite products of generic sequences of affine uniformly continuous operators on bounded closed convex subsets of a Banach space. In addition to weak ergodic theorems we also obtain convergence to a unique common fixed point and more generally, to an affine retraction

    G55.0+0.3: A Highly Evolved Supernova Remnant

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    Multi-frequency analysis has revealed the presence of a new supernova remnant, G55.0+0.3, in the Galactic plane. A kinematic distance of 14 kpc has been measured from HI spectral line data. The faint, clumpy half-shell is non-thermal and has a physical radius of 70 pc. Using an evolutionary model, the age of the remnant is estimated to be on the order of one million years, which exceeds conventional limits by a factor of five. The remnant may be associated with the nearby pulsar J1932+2020, which has a spin-down age of 1.1 million years. This work implies that the radiative lifetimes of remnants could be much longer than previously suggested.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures in 9 files (figures 1 and 2 require 2 files each), Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (Jan. 20, 1998 volume
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